"Kamen Rider Yajito's power doesn't seem to be as powerful as the previous Kamen Riders..."

Tanjiro said as if he was talking to himself.

Chapter 334 Storm Form! Storm Halberd! Kamen Rider Yagita one versus two!

"Is it my imagination..."

"However, Yajituo's final blow was so handsome."


"I want to work hard too!"

Tanjiro encouraged himself.

"finally reached."

He has arrived at the foot of Tengxi Mountain.

Tanjiro looked up.

"Pilot for the final selection!"

"What a wonderful wisteria flower..."

Tanjiro looked at the wisteria flowers around him. Wisteria flowers are purple, not showy at all, but rather elegant. Dense wisteria flowers grow on both sides of the mountain path stairs, which is extremely beautiful.

"Obviously, it shouldn't be open at this time of year..."

He reached out to touch the wisteria flowers and muttered to himself.

Follow the stairs and go up.

Then we came to a platform halfway up the mountain. There are many huge cylindrical pillars standing on the platform. Ropes are connected between the pillars, and white guises are hung on the ropes. The white cover floats in the breeze.

The bright moon is in the sky.

Many swordsmen who came to participate in the "final selection" had gathered halfway up the mountain. They have different clothes, faces and postures. Two girls stood at the front. They are young and wearing kimonos. One is black and the other is white, with shoulder-length hair. He was holding a lantern in his hand. His face was expressionless, like a doll. The hair on the side is decorated with wisteria flowers.

"From above, there are no wisterias, just ghosts."

"As long as I can survive here for seven days."

"You can pass the final selection."

"The final selection begins!"

After the two girls finished speaking, countless swordsmen walked up the mountain. Their test has officially begun!

Tanjiro also carried his sword and walked into the mountain...


The world of Kamen Rider Kabuto-oh.

Chief Tiandao sat aside and rested.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel.

In my mind, I recalled the scene in the video light screen just now.

"When Kamen Rider Yajito used Knight Kick, the horns on his head expanded and turned into six horns, and there was a golden projection like a mark under his feet..."

When he uses Knight Kick, he only needs to turn on the switch on the insect meter to use Knight Kick. He is not like Kamen Rider Yajito, who can charge up his own power to use Knight Kick.

"What a strange world of knights."

"The knight named Yajituo doesn't seem to be a product of technology."

"The system of Kamen Rider G3 is obviously very crude, and the technology is not developed. The power of Kamen Rider G3 is far inferior to that of Lord Jaguar, but Yajituo can easily kill Lord Jaguar. The strength of the two of them, In comparison, there is a huge difference.”

"Light of the Ancients...Promethean Warrior...Yajituo...A warrior with similar power to the aliens from the Armored World?"

Souji Tiandao held his chin and thought about it.

He showed curiosity about this new warrior.


[Check out the shocking scenes: Storm Form! Storm Halberd! Kamen Rider Yagita one versus two! 】


The video light curtain lights up again, and a new video title appears inside the light curtain.


Be cautious and brave in the world.

Ryuguin Seiya glanced at the video light screen that lit up in front of him, and then set his sights on Kaios Makina, one of the four kings of the Demon King's Army.

Now, this is not the time to watch Youya watching videos!

Kaios Makina has shoulder-length black hair, two horns on her head, an obscene figure, two sharp claws, and a tail full of thorns behind her. Dragging a heavy magic sword in his hand, this heavy magic sword plowed a ravine into the ground.

Lista peeked into her personal data.


HP: 3877.


Attack power: 887.

Defense: 845.


"How could this happen...Holy..."


Listede helplessly tried to test Ryuguin Seiya next to her, but she missed.

People are gone.


She stumbled and fell to the ground.

Look behind you.

Ryuguin Seiya had already run a long distance.

"Are you kidding..."

"You actually left the goddess aside and escaped first!"

Listede ran wildly in the direction of Ryuguin Seiya.

Makina burst out laughing.

"He is obviously a brave man, but he actually ran away like this. However, it was a clear decision."

"Ordinary people cannot take action in such a short period of time."



"What an interesting warrior."

Listede, who was chasing Ryuguin Seiya, shouted loudly, "Wait! One! Wait! I...ahhhhhh!!!"

Ryuguin Seiya looked back and pulled Lista Dai suddenly.

"What are you doing..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a roar from behind. Lista turned around and saw the magic sword passing over her head.

Three smoke bombs appeared between Ryuguin Seiya's fingers, and he threw them at Makina. Countless smoke billowed out. Blocking Makina's sight.

"Hurry up and open the door to the Unified God Realm!"

Ryuguin Seiya said while running with Lista.


Only then did Listede react.

There was a noise behind her. Makina raised her magic sword, jumped up, jumped out of the smoke, and rushed towards Ryuguin Seiya and Lista.

"I won't let you escape."

She swung her sword and slashed at the two of them.

At the critical moment, Ryuguin Seiya used his ultimate move to resist Makina, and they took the opportunity to escape back to the Unified God Realm.

"I will continue training next!"

"If you don't do this, you can't win against that guy."

Ryuguin Seiya turned around and returned to the room.

After entering the room, he looked at the video light screen in front of him.

"Sure enough, with my current strength, it's not enough."

"too weak."

He continued to do fitness exercises.

Inside Gea Brandy.

Makina stood there holding the magic sword in her hand.

"Huh huh huh... No matter how you try to escape, it's useless."

"The mission of the brave is to save the people in this world. If the town encounters a crisis, then the brave will naturally come out to save people..."

She looked in the direction of the town.


In Alia's room.

Listadette informed Alya of the situation.

"That's it...it's really hard work..."

Aaliyah had a worried look on her face.

The world of Gea Brandy is an S-level difficulty world. She expected that conquering this world would not be easy, but she did not expect that the cadres of the Demon King's army would appear at the beginning.

"Aliya...please lend me the crystal that can see the ground. I always feel a little uneasy..."

Listedel used the crystal to check out the town.

Makina's face accidentally appeared inside the crystal.

The two were startled.

"Want to watch again?"

"Sir Female Voice and Your Excellency the Hero..."

"If you don't show up again, then I will destroy this town..."

"Now every ten minutes, I chop off someone's head."

Beneath Makina, there were several humans sitting.

She waved the huge magic knife in her hand.

Screams rang out.

Blood splattered.

There was blood on her face and body.

However, she showed a fanatical attitude.

"Human blood is like a bright red fountain, it is really beautiful——".

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