Chapter 335 Two Jaguar Lords appear! Siege! Kamen Rider G3 is in danger!

A broken world.

"Is it a new video?"

"What kind of battle will it be this time? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Xiao Yan looked closely at the video screen.

Look at the title.

He looked confused.

"Storm form?"

"Storm Halberd?"

"Yajituo one vs. two?"

“Although I don’t know how powerful it is, I feel very powerful!”

Xiao Yan's face was filled with enthusiasm.

Yao Lao looked at his enthusiastic appearance and couldn't help but shook his head.

I remember how powerful he was back then.

The power that Kamen Rider Yajito has shown so far cannot catch his eye at all.


The scene continues!

The title fades away.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord strangled Toru Hojo's neck tightly, making it difficult for Toru Toru to break free.

Mighty, mighty...

A rapid siren sounded, accompanied by the roar of a moving locomotive.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord looked in the direction of the sound and saw two strong beams of light coming from the darkness. The two beams of light shone on his body. Only then could he clearly see the dark purple scarf around his neck. .

Kamen Rider G3 rode his motorcycle and crashed directly into the lead-white Jaguar Lord.


The lead-white Jaguar Venerable was knocked away.

Kamen Rider G3 stopped the car and looked back. Toru Hojo rolled his eyes and passed out. Koji Kono, a veteran detective from the Search Section 1 and Toru Hojo's boss, quickly ran over and caught the fallen Toru Hojo.

【Hojo! 】

【Hojo! 】

【Hello! Hold on! ! 】

Kamen Rider G3 saw the appearance of Kono Koji and handed over Tohru Hojo to him with confidence. Kamen Rider G3 started the car and chased after the lead-white Jaguar Lord.

The sirens sounded again.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord heard the siren, looked back, and then ran quickly. Kamen Rider G3 accelerated the car and passed the lead white Jaguar Lord, trying to stop him, however.

However, the lead-white Jaguar Lord struck first and knocked Kamen Rider G3 out of the car with one arm.

As soon as Kamen Rider G3 got up from the ground, the lead-white Jaguar Master grabbed Kamen Rider G3's chest with his claws. He fell back and hit the motorcycle.

He glanced at the lead-white Jaguar Venerable, and then pressed a silver-white button on the front of the car. The equipment compartment on the car opened, and he took out a chainsaw from the compartment.

At this time, the lead-white Jaguar Lord rushed forward, hugged him, and tried to snatch the weapon in his hand. He struggled and shook off the lead-white Jaguar Lord. Then he punched the lead-white Jaguar Venerable.

The lead-white Jaguar Master grabbed his little arm, threw it away, and then punched him in the side. Kamen Rider G3 endured the pain and kicked the lead-white Jaguar Lord in the side. The lead-white Jaguar Venerable was kicked back repeatedly.

At this time, Kamen Rider G3 can be loaded with weapons. He put his arm into the grip of the chainsaw.

Monitoring room.

【GS-03Active! 】

Ozawa Sumiko detected that Kamen Rider G3 was equipped with weapons and gave Kamen Rider G3 permission to use weapons.

【learn! 】

Takahiro Omuro opened the permission to use weapons.

The weapon on the equipment, the chainsaw, began to rotate at high speed, making a hissing sound. Kamen Rider G3 wielded the high-speed chainsaw in his hand and slashed at the lead-white Jaguar Lord.

The lead-white Jaguar Venerable dwarfed and dodged the attack.

Kamen Rider G3 kicked towards the Lead White Jaguar Lord. Although the Lead White Jaguar Lord blocked it with his hands, the huge force made him take a few steps back.

Then, Kamen Rider G3 once again swung the chainsaw in his hand and slashed at the Lead White Jaguar Lord, and the Lead White Jaguar Lord leaped up and jumped behind Kamen Rider G3, dodging the attack.

The attack landed on the steel pillar behind him, and there was a burst of sparks.

The pillar was severed and fell down.

Kamen Rider G3 turned around, and the lead-white Jaguar Lord was already approaching.

He grabbed Kamen Rider G3's neck. Just as he was about to punch Kamen Rider G3 on the head, Kamen Rider G3 blocked the attack with his hand, and then swung the chainsaw to chop off the lead-white Jaguar Lord's head.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord held down Kamen Rider G3's small arm to prevent the chainsaw from falling. At the same time, he tried hard to break Kamen Rider G3's arm.

Kamen Rider G3's knees bent in pain, and then he punched the lead-white Jaguar Lord in the abdomen. The lead-white Jaguar Lord felt the pain and let go of Kamen Rider G3's hand, while Kamen Rider G3 kept waving. The chainsaw rotating at high speed was slashing towards him.

The lead-white Jaguar Master hurriedly grabbed his arm with both hands to prevent the high-speed rotating chainsaw from falling on his head, but the chainsaw kept getting closer. The piercing sound of high-speed rotation is still in my ears.

He exerted force on his hand, and Kamen Rider G3 was almost thrown away.

But Kamen Rider G3 used this power to kick towards the lead-white Jaguar Lord.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord retreated.

Kamen Rider G3 wields a chainsaw.

The lead-white Jaguar Venerable was afraid of the high-speed rotating chainsaw and kept retreating.


The barrage appears on the video light screen.

"This Kamen Rider G3 has good fighting qualities."

"Being able to respond flexibly, react quickly, and not be afraid of danger. It is indeed much better than ordinary people. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been scared to the point of peeing."

"Kamen Rider G3 performed much better than last time."

"Of course, the weapon this time is obviously more powerful than the last time. Although it is a cold weapon for close combat."

"This Jaguar Lord is really similar to the last one, except for the skin color and scarf. By the way, these Jaguar Lords are obviously monsters, why do they wear scarves?"

"Although Kamen Rider G3's performance is much better than last time, it is still far inferior to Agita."


Everyone in the barrage objectively judged Kamen Rider G3.

But mostly good reviews.

Kamen Rider G3's performance this time is undoubtedly much better than last time.


The scene continues!

At this moment.

The sudden change.

A jet-black Jaguar Lord wearing an orange scarf appeared. He swooped forward and hugged Kamen Rider G3. Then he grabbed Kamen Rider G3's shoulders, threw him to the side, and hit a pile of scrap metal nearby.

【glacier! Watch out for the back! 】

【There are two Unknowns! 】

Ozawa Sumiko's voice came from the armor's headphones.

But apparently her prompts were a step too late. Two unidentified life forms have appeared in front of him. Undaunted, he waved the chainsaw in his hand and slashed at the nearest jet-black jaguar.

The jet-black Jaguar Master clawed hard at Kamen Rider G3's chest armor, then bent down, bypassed the chainsaw wielded by Kamen Rider G3, and dodged Kamen Rider G3's attack. The jet-black Jaguar Lord was unscathed, but Kamen Rider G3's armor was scratched by sharp claws, causing sparks to fly! .

Chapter 336 Arriving at the temple, the execution is about to begin!

Two Jaguar Lords surrounded Kamen Rider G3 from front to back.

Kamen Rider G3 was in pain due to the attack from the jet-black Jaguar Lord just now.

He couldn't straighten up because of the pain.

The lead-white Jaguar Venerable in front of him saw this and attacked him.

The lead white Jaguar Lord showed his sharp claws, and the sharp claws scratched the armor on the chest of Kamen Rider G3.

A burst of blinding white light and sparks.

Kamen Rider G3 groaned in pain.

He stumbled back a few steps.

The legs went weak.

I just want to fall to the ground.

He reluctantly knelt down on one knee and supported the ground with one hand, so as not to fall to the ground.

After being continuously attacked by these two leopard masters, he was obviously too tired to deal with them and had too much time to take care of himself.

The Jet Black Jaguar Lord behind him stepped forward and grabbed Kamen Rider G3's neck. Kamen Rider G3 struggled to stand up, resisting the Jet Black Panther Lord. The jet-black Jaguar Lord directly grabbed his hand, while the lead-white Jaguar Lord stepped forward, waved his fist, and hit Kamen Rider G3d hard on the chest.

Two punches down.

Kamen Rider G3 was beaten to the point where he knelt on one knee.

He struggled to his feet.

The sharp claws of the lead-white Jaguar Lord kept falling on the armor on the chest and shoulders of Kamen Rider G3, and a burst of white light accompanied by sparks.

Monitoring room.

Monitoring equipment erupted into alarms.

[The left shoulder unit is damaged! 】

Omuro Takahiro informed Ozawa Sumiko and Kamen Rider G3 of the situation. Ozawa Sumiko couldn't help but look at the surveillance system in front of Omuro Takahiro. Her expression couldn't help but become solemn.


The jet-black Jaguar Lord let go of Kamen Rider G3. Kamen Rider G3 staggered back, and you could clearly see a clear paw print on his left shoulder.

Kamen Rider G3 leaned against the pillar, then knelt down on one knee. His breathing became rapid. It was obvious that the attack by two unconfirmed life forms had caused great harm to him.


Monitoring room.

In Kamen Rider G3's real-time monitoring system, the main battery erupted into an alarm.

[Main battery voltage drops to 30%! 】

Omuro Takahiro looked at Sumiko Ozawa next to him and told him the current situation of Kamen Rider G3. The situation of Kamen Rider G3 is already very bad now. I'm afraid I have to retreat, otherwise, it will be too late!


Kamen Rider G3 is now surrounded by two Jaguar Lords.

He raised the chainsaw in his right hand and held it in front of him.

Be wary of them.

He had no retreat.


The world of the execution girl's way of survival.

"The station in front of the train is the terminal station of this train."

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