"However, judging from your condition, it is not impossible for you to win..."

"My healing magic can help you."

"So, come back to town with me, okay?"

She tried to persuade.

Ryuguin Seiya stared back with an idiot look.

He continued to exercise.

Listeda became angry after persuading her.

"Hey!! Even looking at this, you can't feel anything!"

Lista placed the crystal in front of her, and Nina's crying appearance appeared in the crystal.

"This child once gave you petal specimens and was worried about your health..."

Ryuguin Seiya took out the flower petal specimen and said, "I was wrong in my prediction. This may not be a cursed object, but it is very likely that the Demon King Army cadres will rely on this to find us..."

Lista was trembling with rage.

"...I was wrong...I shouldn't have summoned you! Although you are powerful, you are the worst hero!"

"I will find a hero to replace you!"

"Find the hero who defeats Kaios Makina!"

"I'll take as much as I want to replace this spineless person like you!"

Ryuguin Seiya retorted, "I'm not spineless."

"I just can't die."

"After death, the town and the world will be destroyed."

"So, I can't die..."

Listede was stunned by Ryuguin Seiya's words. She was thinking about the authenticity of his words, and at this time, Ryuguin Seiya began to put on his armor.

She couldn't help but ask.

"What are you doing?"

"No need to ask. I'm already well prepared."

Ryuguin Seiya walked outside.


The scene continues!

The sound of a locomotive was heard.

In the dark night.

A figure was driving a motorcycle, driving quickly in the direction of Kamen Rider G3's motorcycle.

Tsugami Shoichi stopped the motorcycle when he saw Kamen Rider G3 and two Jaguar Lords.

He took off his helmet.

Get out of the car.

At this time, Lord Jaguar was approaching Kamen Rider G3 who was leaning against the pillar.

Tsugami Shoichi no longer hesitated.

He crossed his arms in front of him and then spread them apart, a lemon-colored swirl appeared around his waist, and a belt emerged around his waist. He casually reached out and pressed on both sides of the belt, and the middle of the belt lit up.

Lord Jaguar noticed him.

They all looked in the direction of Tsugami Shoichi.

In the darkness, the light of the belt was as bright as day. The appearance of Tsugami Shoichi is hidden in the darkness.

Tsugami Shoichi opened the door.

Went in.

Lord Jaguar stepped forward and besieged Tsugami Shoichi.

The jet-black Jaguar Lord swung his fist at Tsugami Shoichi, but Tsugami Shoichi grabbed his arm. Tsugami Sho exerted his strength, and the black jaguar master was thrown behind him. The lead-white Jaguar Lord then attacked. Tsugami Shoichi reached out, grabbed his fist, and punched him in the face. The lead-white Jaguar Master staggered back. The jet-black Jaguar Lord who was behind Tsugami Shoichi wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack Tsugami Shoichi. Tsugami Shoichi kicked back and hit the jet-black Jaguar Lord who wanted to sneak attack. The jet-black Jaguar Venerable staggered back.

Monitoring room.

The surveillance camera of Kamen Rider G3 captured the battle between Tsugami Shoichi and two Jaguar Lords. However, because it was too dark, only the strong light from the transformation belt and the blur of the Jaguar Lords could be seen. figure.

Omuro Takahiro couldn't help but get closer to the surveillance video, trying to see clearly the person fighting the Jaguar Lord.

[Miss Ozawa, I don’t know who it is. 】

【Fighting with Unknown. 】

The sound of Kamen Rider G3's rapid breathing reached their ears, and Ozawa Sumiko was also staring at the surveillance video at this time.

Omuro Takahiro looked back at Ozawa Sumiko.

Ozawa Sumiko shook her head slightly, saying that she didn't know who this person was.


The lead-white Jaguar Lord raised his fist and punched Tsugami Shoichi. Tsugami Shoichi grabbed his fist and punched him in the cheek. Then he turned around and kicked the jet-black Jaguar Lord directly. .

Tsugami Shoichi has completely transformed at this time.

Kamen Rider Agita is here!

【Who are you...】

Kamen Rider G3 recognized this figure at a glance. He was the one who saved him last time.

【Yajituo! 】

Lord Black Jaguar looked at Kamen Rider Yajituo and said.

The lead white Jaguar Lord raised his fist and hit Kamen Rider Yajituo on the head. Kamen Rider Yajituo stretched out his hand to block his hand, but the other hand of the lead white Jaguar caught it. Kamen Rider Agita's shoulders.

Kamen Rider Yajito blocked the lead-white Jaguar's hand on his shoulder with his hand. Then Kamen Rider Yaji-Tuo wanted to attack the lead-white Jaguar, but the lead-white Jaguar clamped the Kamen Rider Yajituo's hand pulled him aside.

Chapter 338: Storm Halberd! Storm form! Bow of Arrogance!

A halo of light appeared on the head of the jet-black jaguar on the side, and he stretched out his hand toward the halo above.

Nimbus range expanded.

A weapon emerged from the nimbus.

He took hold of the weapon and pulled it out of the nimbus.

The true appearance of this weapon is revealed.

It's a long gun.

It's called "The Gun of Greed"!

The lead-white Jaguar Lord was fighting with Kamen Rider Yajituo, and Kamen Rider Yajituo beat him back repeatedly. The Kamen Rider raised his foot and kicked him in the chest. He was kicked to the ground and rolled on the ground, unable to get up for a while.


The noise came from the side!

He looked up.

Then he saw the jet-black Jaguar Lord jumping down, carrying the "Greed Spear" and attacking him.

The two became entangled.

The jet-black Jaguar Lord brandished the "Spear of Greed" towards Kamen Rider Yajituo, and the "Spear of Greed" was waved with great force.

Seeing that the "Spear of Greed" was about to sweep towards Kamen Rider Yajitus, Kamen Rider Yajitus bent down, then bypassed the "Spear of Greed" and came to the side of the black Panther Lord. Fang, before he could attack, Lord Black Jaguar turned back and stabbed Kamen Rider Yajituo!

Kamen Rider Yajitus calmly dodged his "Spear of Greed" by sideways, and at the same time grabbed the barrel of the "Spear of Greed", making it impossible for the Black Jaguar Lord to draw the "Spear of Greed".

At this time, his other hand was pressed on one side of the transformation belt.

A blue light burst out from the center of the belt, as if the light wheel was connected to another invisible space. Weapons emerge from the nimbus in the center of the belt.

He reached out and grabbed the weapon.

Pull the weapon out of the nimbus.

"Storm Halberd" appears!

The "Storm Halberd" looks like a naginata.

All blue.

The blade appears bright golden.

Kamen Rider Yajituo held the "Storm Halberd" and grabbed the "Greed Spear", turned his body, and stabbed the "Storm Halberd" towards the Black Jaguar Venerable.

The black jaguar Venerable was in pain and couldn't help but bow his back. Kamen Rider Yajituo used the "Storm Halberd" to swipe hard at the legs of the jet-black Jaguar Lord.


The jet-black Jaguar Lord's legs were swept up, and then he knelt down in front of Kamen Rider Yajituo.

At this time, Kamen Rider Yajituo raised his leg and stepped on the shoulder of the black Panther Lord. The jet-black Jaguar Venerable was severely pressed to the ground.

There were puddles on the ground, and the face of the jet-black Jaguar Venerable was pressed into the puddles.

He slammed into the puddle, unwilling to give up, put his hands on the ground, and struggled to get up.

Kamen Rider Yajituo exerted a little more force on his feet.

The black Jaguar Venerable was trampled and fell back into the puddle.

Kamen Rider Yajituo saw a "Storm Halberd" held in front of him, and lines like water waves appeared around his body, and white light burst out, which was extremely dazzling.

When the light disappeared, the color of his armor changed from gold to aqua blue.

"Storm Form" is here!

The "Storm Halberd" in his hand had sharp blades protruding from both ends.

"Appearance has changed!?"

Kamen Rider G3 looked at this scene with confusion.

He didn't expect that Kamen Rider Yajitus could change the color of his armor.

The "Spear of Greed" stabbed Kamen Rider Yajito.

The jet-black Jaguar Venerable had already gotten up from the ground.

Kamen Rider Yajitus uses the "Storm Halberd" to throw away the "Greed Spear".

The two used weapons and fought.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord wanted to step forward to help the jet-black Jaguar Lord, but Kamen Rider G3 waved the chainsaw in his hand and stepped forward to stop him. The lead-white Jaguar Lord bent down to avoid the blow. Kamen Rider G3 grabbed his shoulder, and the lead-white Jaguar Lord kept retreating, and then threw Kamen Rider G3 forcefully away.

Kamen Rider G3 fell heavily to the ground, and the armor on his chest rubbed violently against the ground, bursting out with bursts of sparks. And the voice of Omuro Takahiro came to his ears.

[The chest unit is damaged again! 】

A halo of light appears above the head of the lead-white Jaguar Lord. He held out his hand. The range of the nimbus began to expand, and the "Bow of Pride" fell into his hands.

【The next attack is coming! 】

[Glacier, stand up quickly! ! 】

Through the camera of Kamen Rider G3, Ozawa Sumiko saw the lead-white weapon in the hands of Lord Jaguar. She quickly shouted to Kamen Rider G3.

At this time, the lead-white Jaguar Venerable had already begun to string his bow and prepare to shoot arrows.

Kamen Rider G3 struggled and got up from the ground. However, as soon as he stood up, the lead-white Jaguar Lord had already loosened the string, and the arrow shot towards Kamen Rider G3 quickly. Kamen Rider G3 can only passively cross his hands in front of his head.

The arrow hit Kamen Rider G3's arm, causing a burst of flashes and sparks. Kamen Rider G3, who barely stood up, was driven back by the huge momentum brought by the arrow.

The next arrow has arrived.

Kamen Rider G3 barely reacted. He stretched out his chainsaw, trying to block the arrow, but his movement was a step too slow, and the arrow grazed his chainsaw and hit his armor.

Sparks flickered.

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