The power of the arrow exploded.

Kamen Rider G3 falls.

It hit the ruins full of steel.

Because it hit a pillar, the iron shed above fell down.

Covering up Kamen Rider G3, it stirred up bursts of dust.

the other side.

Kamen Rider Yajituo, who was fighting the Lord Jet Black Panther, used his "Storm Halberd" to block Lord Jet Black Panther's "Spear of Greed". The huge power came from the "Spear of Greed". "The message reached the arm of the black jaguar, causing its hands to go numb and it retreated repeatedly.

Kamen Rider Yajituo distanced himself from the Black Panther Lord, and he spun the "Storm Halberd" in his hand, making a strong wind.

Waves of dust swept up from the ground.

The flying dust enveloped the two of them.

It's like a light mist.

The jet-black Jaguar Lord looked at Kamen Rider Yajituo warily, and he pointed the "Greed Gun" at Kamen Rider Yajituo.


Kamen Rider G3 took out two weapons from inside the motorcycle. Ozawa Sumiko's voice appeared in Kamen Rider G3's ears through the armor.

【GM-01, GM-02Active! 】

Kamen Rider G3 combines these two weapons.

The monitoring screen in the monitoring room displayed the pattern of the weapon, while English and data marked in red flashed in the upper right corner.



The jet-black Jaguar Lord waved the "Greed Gun" in his hand and charged towards Kamen Rider Yajito.

Exciting background music played.

[The wheel of the future is rolling forward and cannot be stopped. 】

[The possibility ahead. 】

【Only belongs to us....】.

Chapter 339: Kamen Rider G3’s new weapon!

【Not for others. 】

[Challenge without fear. 】

【Boiling body and mind】


【believeyourself! 】

【Towards tomorrow...】


Accompanied by exciting background music. The "Spear of Greed" stabbed at Kamen Rider Yajitus, and Kamen Rider Yajitus blocked it with his "Storm Halberd".

The sonorous sound is endless. Where the weapons met, sparks of light erupted.

Kamen Rider Yajituo's "Storm Halberd" struck heavily on the body of the jet-black Jaguar Lord. Then, Lord Black Jaguar and Kamen Rider Yajituo crossed paths. Kamen Rider Yajituo did not look at the black Jaguar Lord behind him.

Kamen Rider G3 holding a weapon appeared in front of Kamen Rider Yajituo. At this time, the lead-white Jaguar Lord who was aiming at Kamen Rider Yajituo with the "Bow of Arrogance" saw that it was him. , without hesitation, he immediately released the bow string, and the arrow flew out.

Kamen Rider G3 pulled the trigger, white smoke emitted from the muzzle, and bullets flew out of the muzzle.

【ah! ! 】

Two screams sounded.

The bullet hit the lead white Jaguar Lord, and a burst of sparks burst out. Kamen Rider G3 was not much better. He was hit by an arrow in the armor on the chest, and the armor burst out with strong sparks. This severe pain made Kamen Rider G3's legs weaken and he fell to his knees.


The battlefield on the other side has reached its end.

Kamen Rider Yajituo turned his back to Lord Black Panther and put down the weapon in his hand.

The moonlight illuminated his aqua blue armor, and his face was submerged in darkness.

In the dark world behind him, one could see the jet-black Jaguar Venerable in pain and about to collapse.

【ah! ! ! 】

Lord Jaguar burst into painful wails.

A light wheel appeared above his head, and the light wheel flashed from time to time.

Then, the jet-black Jaguar Venerable exploded.

Boom! ! !

Raging fire enveloped Kamen Rider Yajituo's back, and a huge flame mushroom rose up!

The armor on his body was illuminated by this dazzling light!


Kamen Rider G3 held the gun in his hand and looked in the direction of Kamen Rider Agita.

Huge explosions and fire.

There was no way he wouldn't notice.

He was shocked that Kamen Rider Yajito could kill an unidentified life form in such a short time.

Without the blessing of weapons, he is no match for the unconfirmed life form.

Kamen Rider Yajita also noticed him.

He wanted to move towards the other party.

However, a figure jumped towards him.

He bent down and patted the back of the lead-white Jaguar Lord's claws. The lead-white Jaguar Lord's claws missed. Then the lead-white Jaguar Lord turned his head, waved his claws, and grabbed Kamen Rider Yajituo again. Come.

Kamen Rider Yajitus used his "Storm Halberd" to block his sharp claws, and at the same time punched him in the abdomen. The lead-white jaguar was sent flying, and its back hit the ground heavily. It made a dull hum, and the dust all around was blown up.

Kamen Rider G3 saw Kamen Rider Yajituo knocking away the lead-white Jaguar Lord so easily.

he exclaimed.

【Amazing! 】

He glanced down at the gun in his hand.

The gun he just used could only cause a little damage to the lead-white Jaguar Venerable.

The lead white jaguar rose up from the ground.

Kamen Rider Yajituo, on the other hand, withdrew his weapon and transformed from "storm form" to earth form. The overlapping horns on his head spread out and turned into six horns. He opened his legs, and the golden marks of six horns appeared under his feet.

Kamen Rider Akita begins to gather strength.

【ah! ! ! 】

The lead-white Jaguar Lord roared and rushed towards Kamen Rider Yajituo.

【drink! 】

Kamen Rider Yajituo jumped up and kicked the lead-white Jaguar Lord hard in the chest. The lead-white Jaguar Lord was kicked away, while Kamen Rider Yajituo landed firmly.

After the lead-white Jaguar Lord was kicked to the ground, the huge force exerted on his body had not been eliminated. His body rubbed against the ground and kept retreating.

After finally stopping retreating, he struggled to get up from the ground. But just as he sat up, a halo of light appeared above his head. At the same time, he let out a painful groan and covered the chest where he had just been kicked.

【ah! ! ! ah! ! ! 】

Amid the painful howls, a loud bang sounded.

The lead-white Jaguar Lord exploded.

Mushroom clouds of flames rose.

The intense light seemed to drive away the entire night.


In the video light curtain, the word "End" appeared, and the light curtain slowly dimmed.


People from all over the world couldn't help but talk about it.

"Kamen Rider G3 is here to make fun of you, right?"

"I think he's here to be beaten, dog head.JPG."

"I thought he could stand up, but who would have thought that he would still be beaten."

"However, his weapons are obviously much more advanced. In the last video, the weapon couldn't hit Lord Jaguar at all. This time, it can at least give Lord Jaguar a severe blow."

"This weapon is not very powerful. It is not as powerful as Kamen Rider Yajito's knight kick."

"The technology in this world is obviously not very developed. Being able to invent such a weapon is already pretty good."

"The most important thing to improve is the power of the armor, right? Kamen Rider G3's armor is too weak."

"The 'Storm Halberd' looks very powerful."

"Yajita seems to be able to change forms at will just like Kuuga, which is great. I also want to be able to change forms at will."

"From the current point of view, there is no difference between the storm form and the earth form..."


in the forum.

A group of people were talking about it.


In the world of dry things girls.

Wearing orange hamster pajamas, Xiao Mi transformed into a hamster shape. She held a 500cc Kuole in her hand and opened potato chips on the table. She looked at the video screen with endless interest.

I always feel like it’s not enough.

Xiaomi picked up Kuole.

Drinking heavily.


She let out a big mouthful of gas.

There was a look of enjoyment on his face.

Don't be too comfortable on days like this.

Xiaomi started to post comments on the forum.

[The most important thing to improve is the power of armor, right? Kamen Rider G3's armor is too weak. ——Tsuchian Buried]


She keeps writing on the forum.

Posted a line of messages.

While typing, I was eating potato chips.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, Xiaomi also thinks Kamen Rider G3 is very good. It can be said to be the most badass knight in history..."


"Almost forgot."

"Brother will come back early today."

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