She looked up at herself in the mirror.

A thirty-five-year-old magical "girl"...


She couldn't help it.

He ran to the toilet, closed the door, and vomited wantonly.

"This is not good."

"I just know that something is not good right now..."

"Why is this happening?"

"Is that the video light curtain?"

She looked up at the video light screen in front of her. The video light screen was still there, and it happened to show Yajituo standing on top of the "Mechanical Tornado" in glider mode, brilliantly solving the Crab Lord.

Chapter 344: Taking stock of Saiki Kusuo’s top ten superpowers!

"It's not this video light curtain..."

"It was that voice just now."

"I seemed to respond to it, and it became..."

"Magical girl..."


"This must be a dream..."

"I will never accept any possibility other than this, never accept it."

The conservative Yoko began to let go of himself.

"You thought wrong."

"This is not a dream."

said Fairy Bunny standing outside the toilet.

“To deny it so quickly!!”

Conservative Yoko recognized the voice.

This voice was the culprit that caused her to transform in the train!

Through the gap under the toilet door, a pair of legs and a shadow can be seen.

"I finally caught up with you, Bunny."

"It's right in front of me, so scary!"

"What should I do...I have seen this kind of plot in morning anime..."

The conservative Yoko kept sweating heavily on his face.

There was no trace of light in the dark pupils.

"I'm afraid the true identity of this voice is that..."

"A goblin or something, maybe a rabbit."

she guessed.

"I've been looking for you, Tutu."

Fairy Rabbit was still talking outside.

“Every sentence ends with a shameless Bunny line.”

"Then, if I see that thing, I will never be able to return to reality!!"

"Come to think of it, I don't want others to see me like this!!"

The conservative Yoko struggled internally.

The posture of a 35-year-old magical girl...

"Come on, with Bunny!"

Above the door, a doll-like hand stretched out. It was obvious that the fairy rabbit was climbing through the door.

"Come on, come on!"

It is not good to keep Yoko secretly talking.

At the same time loudly stopped it.

"Wait, wait a minute!!!"


At this time, one of the ears of the fairy rabbit popped out from behind the door.

Conservative Yoko is more certain of its identity.

It was indeed a rabbit.

"That, that..."

"Please don't look inside."

"You will definitely regret it!!"

she shouted loudly.

"No way Tutu!!!"

Fairy Rabbit retorted loudly.

"Tutu will never regret it, Tutu!! After all, it's me, Tutu!!"

"You've been waiting for this moment, Bunny!!"

"I finally found you, the star of hope, Bunny!!!"

Conservative Yoko was speechless.

It’s even more enthusiastic! !

At this time, the Fairy Rabbit has two ears popping out.

"No problem, Tutu! I know you are a 'girl' and may be scared."

"But Tutu will definitely guide you step by step."


What did it just say...

The conservative Yoko couldn't understand its words.

"Come on!!"

The Fairy Rabbit suddenly popped out from behind the door with its huge rabbit head, its face flushed with excitement and fascination, and its eyes sparkling.

"Come and sign a contract with Usagi and become a magical girl, Usagi!!"

The conservative Yoko's thirty-five-year-old appearance, with an expressionless face and dull eyes, caught its eye.

The light in Fairy Rabbit's eyes disappeared.

It opened its mouth wide.

Couldn't close it for a long time.

One person and one goblin.

Looking at each other.

Fairy Rabbit's body began to tremble.

"I, I don't regret it at all..."

"But you've already put on an expression as if the rabbit's heart is dead..." Conservative Yoko complained in his heart.

"By the way, what is your age?" Fairy Rabbit asked.


Conservative Yoko suddenly panicked.


I don't want to say it!

She turned her eyes to the side, not daring to look at Fairy Rabbit.

"35 years old."

"That's right..."

Fairy Rabbit lowered his head.

"Even the ears are drooped!"

Conservative Yoko complained in his heart.


At this time, conservative Yoko especially wanted to become the Crab Lord in the video screen just now.

He might as well be chopped up by Kamen Rider Yajito.

At least you don't have to be so ashamed.

"Hey, there's a new video?"

The video screen that had become still in front of him lit up again.


[Inventory of world-famous scenes: "Saiki Kusuo's Disaster" world. 】

[Introduction: Saiki Kusuo is a high school student with omnipotent superpowers, but he has unknown troubles. His superpowers are too strong and out of control. All kinds of friends started to appear around me one after another... The funny and absurd daily life of a high school student with super powers began...]

[Check out Saiki Kusuo’s super powers! 】

[Top 10: Super power - hypnosis! 】


Naruto world.


"Huh? This is it?"

Kakashi Hatake, who was holding a copy of "Intimate Heaven" in his hand, moved his eyes away from the book and placed his eyes on the video light screen.

He pinched his chin.

"What is a super power..."


"Master Konohamaru!"

"Please go back and continue studying!!"


"I do not want it!!"

Konohamaru made a face behind him and ran past Kakashi Hatake. The ninja chasing behind him caught up.

"I have learned the Three Body Technique a long time ago!"

"I want to find someone stronger to guide me in learning ninjutsu!"

Konohamaru thought as he ran.


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