He saw the video light screen in front of him.


"Ninjutsu you haven't heard of?"

Konohamaru stopped.

The ninja behind him was overjoyed!

"good chance!!"

He was about to step forward and grab Konohamaru.


With a "bang" sound, a burst of smoke erupted from Konohamaru's body.

"Cough cough cough..."

The ninja fanned away the smoke with his hand.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Her graceful body was revealed, and the woman winked at him.

The art of seduction!


Ninja nosebleeds!

fell to the ground.

Kakashi Hatake, who was in a bookstore not far away, had his eyes wide open and his nose was bleeding...


Another burst of smoke came out.

Konohamaru returned to his original appearance. He pulled his lower eyelids, stuck out his tongue, made a face at the ninja who fell on the ground, and said, "I don't want you to teach me, I want someone stronger to teach me!"

He fled away.


"This kid seems to be the grandson of the third generation."

"That unorthodox ninjutsu is somewhat similar to that guy Naruto."

Kakashi Hatake mused.


Inside the izakaya.


"Look, it's a new world inventory!"

Naruto pointed at the video light screen with excitement on his face.

Sasuke looked cold.

He glanced at the video screen from the corner of his eye.

"Saiki Kusuo's disaster?"


"Top 10: Hypnosis?"

He frowned slightly.

He seems to be a guy with strange abilities like Kamen Rider.


A world that is 100% psychic.

Inside the "Psychic Counseling Center".

Ling Huan Xinlong was holding a jar of edible salt and was fooling the victim in front of him.

"This is salt that I have given the power to drive away ghosts. As long as you sprinkle the salt in the house, you can drive away ghosts!"

"Does it really work?"

The woman with a big belly in front of her, her hands covered with various gold and diamond rings, and a mink coat, looked hesitantly at the jar of salt in Ling Huan Xinlong's hand.

Chapter 345 Hypnosis!

Look left, look right, look up and down.

No matter how you look at it, it's just ordinary salt.

"Master, are you trying to fool me?" the lady said suspiciously.

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Huan Xinlong's forehead.

He forced a smile.

"This beautiful lady, you really know how to joke..."

The lady's eyes were even more suspicious.

The secret is about to be revealed! !

Linghuan Xinlong felt that this business was about to go to waste.

"Master, I'm here."

Some dull, lifeless voices came from the door, and Shigeo Kageyama (a passerby) wearing a junior high school student uniform walked in.

“Just in time!!”

Ling Huan Xinlong secretly thought in his heart.

He quickly came to Passerby's side and said, "This is my disciple, Passerby."

"Passers-by, use your abilities quickly!"

"Master, didn't you say that you can't use super powers casually? And, Master, why don't you use super powers yourself?"

"This... this, passers-by, now is a special time..." Linghuan Xinlong leaned close to his ear, fooling passers-by.

The passerby hesitated.

Still agreed.

His hair is windless and automatic.

The sofa next to the lady floated out of thin air.


The lady was so frightened that she covered her mouth.

Eyes wide open.


The lady left, and Linghuan Xinlong counted the money in his hand with satisfaction.

"One, two..."

Really rich.

I'm actually willing to spend so much money to buy a can of edible salt...

Linghuan Xinlong thought silently in his heart.

"Master, that, master..."

passers-by shouted.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Ling Huan Xinlong raised his head and asked.

"This man named Saiki Kusuo seems to have superpowers just like us." A passerby pointed at the video light screen in front of him and said.

"What nonsense? How is it possible..."

Linghuan Xinlong looked towards the video light screen pointed by the passerby. When he saw the video light screen, he was stunned.

What is this?

Is it a passerby’s superpower?

Several questions popped up in his head.

However, he could not panic.

He wants to pretend to be calm.

Otherwise, passers-by will definitely see that something is wrong with him.


A passerby shouted.

Linghuan Xinlong's face became serious, "Passenger, you have to know that there are many people of all kinds in this world, so it is normal for there to be people with superpowers like us."

"But, these are people from other worlds." a passerby said.

Ling Huan Xinlong's heart suddenly trembled.

Change your tune immediately.

"The same goes for other worlds."

"It's normal for people with superpowers like us to exist."

"I see."

The passerby nodded.

No more entanglement.

Continue to watch the video light curtain.

Linghuan Xinlong secretly wiped the sweat from his head.

The deception passed.


The scene continues! !

Reita Toriyama walks on the beach.

On one side of him was the water, and he could see the reflection of the night sky.

Bird has medium-length blue hair and a white headband.

He looks a little handsome.

Wearing a white T-shirt.

[Ah, I found it. 】

A girl's voice came from behind.

Birdstalk turned back.

He saw the girls, led by Yumehara Chiyu and Meara Chisato, running towards him.

[Where are you going? Seriously. 】

Meng Yuan Zhiyu complained coquettishly.

[Lights out, we are all worried about you. 】

Meira Chisato also said.

The girls all looked happy.

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