The cheeks are still red.

【Eh? Are you worried about me? 】

Birdsong looked shocked.

Yumehara Chiyu: [Great. 】

Meliang Qianli responded: [Yes. 】

The bird beams were filled with excitement.

Could it be said that I finally got lucky?

He is having fun.

Meng Yuan Zhiyu complained, "Don't make us worry so much next time." 】

【Be careful with beauty. 】

【Eh? 】

Birdsong finally realized something was wrong.

[Teruhashi-san, what on earth were you doing before? 】Female classmates asked.

[Tau, Teruhashi-san? What about me...] Cold sweat broke out on Niao Shu's forehead.

【What's wrong? 】

【Did you sleep? 】

The female classmates looked at his reaction strangely.

The cold sweat broke out on Niao Shu's forehead even more.

He was very speechless inside.

This must be Master Qimu’s fault again...

[Smartness is hypnotism! 】

Saiki Kusuo informed Torisuke of the details, [I will make you look like Teruhashi in their eyes. 】

Sorry, this ability cannot be used on myself.

After explaining, he said silently.

At this time, Toriyama looked exactly like Arami Teruhashi in the eyes of the female classmates.

The word [End] appeared on the video light screen, and the video light screen gradually turned dark.


The world of Kusuo Saiki.

Inside the classroom.

Saiki Kusuo is wearing a green high school uniform, with pink hair and strange decorations on both sides of his head that look like lollipop hairpins. Wearing green glasses.

He clasped his hands and placed them on the table.

He seemed to be expressionless and calm, but his heart was in turmoil.

"How is this going?"

"This video light curtain completely exposed my superpowers."

"However, it looks like this is something that will happen in the future..."

"Fortunately, only I can see this video light curtain..."

Saiki Kusuo's happiness came to an abrupt end.

He raised his head and saw that in front of Teruhashi Komimi, Hairo Kitashi, Yumehara Chiyu, Meira Chisato, Endo Riki, Kaito Shun, Toribe Reita and others, they all had the same video light screen as him. .

"Isn't this all exposed?"

Also, this guy Tosu is not in our class, right? Why did he come to our class? Didn't the teacher find anything unusual?

Tosu also waved to Saiki Kusuo and put on a smile.

"You guy, go back to your class!"

Saiki Kusuo complained silently in his heart.

However, now is not the time to control the birds, but it is about exposing one's own super powers. Now everyone knows that they have super powers.

This is not good.

I don't know who else knows...

If this matter ferments out, what happened in childhood will happen again.

When he was a child, an organization discovered that he had super powers, so they wanted to kidnap him and conduct experiments on him.

Then he blew up the entire organization.

He didn't want to repeat this kind of thing.


Erase the memory of all humans in the world?


A world that is 100% psychic.

"It seems that his superpowers are different from mine."

said the passerby.

He cannot use "hypnosis".

Ling Huan Xinlong touched his chin.

There was something else on my mind.

This "hypnosis" is somewhat powerful.

People who are "hypnotized" will regard one person as another person.

If he could learn "hypnosis", wouldn't he be able to become rich instantly?

Dangerous thoughts popped into Ling Huan Xinlong's head.


It seems that this "hypnosis" cannot be used on oneself.

Ling Huan Xinlong spotted passers-by out of the corner of his eye.

He put his hands on the passersby's shoulders with a solemn expression.

"Passers-by are also superpowers."

"You must learn hypnosis!".

Chapter 346: Octopus Pi’s Original Sin!


Passersby sweated on their foreheads.


It's a bit overwhelming.

The pressure suddenly increased.

"Then Master, do you know hypnosis?"

a passerby asked.

The pressure instantly came to Linghuan Xinlong.

Linghuan Xinlong's eyes squinted, his palms broke out in cold sweat as he felt guilty, and he did not dare to look at passers-by anymore.

He let go of his hands on the passerby's shoulders.

Make a fist and put it to your lips.


"Ah, um... I'm thirsty, passerby, go get a drink."

"Pick the expensive ones."



The vending machine seems to have no accounting function.


The world of Natsume's Book of Friends.

"Natsume, Natsume."

There was a cry from the window. Teacher Cat squirmed with his slightly fat body, climbed up the window, jumped down from the window, and jumped into the room.

Teacher Cat looks like a lucky cat with a chubby figure. The eyes are curved into a crescent shape.

It belched wine and staggered closer to Natsume.

"Cat teacher?"

Natsume looked at it in confusion. Teacher Neko smelled of alcohol, and it seemed that he had gone to some little monster to drink.

"Teacher Cat, do you think there are superpowers in the world?"

Natsume suddenly asked.

"What's wrong, why do you ask this suddenly?"


Teacher Cat burps from wine.

He said casually.

"There is a world shown in the video light curtain, and there is a superpower in it. He can hypnotize others and make someone look like someone else in the eyes of others."

"I'm a little curious about people with super powers."


"Well, the world is full of wonders, and it's not surprising to have people with super powers. Just like you, Natsume, and Reiko. You two can see monsters. In the eyes of others, you are also super powers."

Natsume was awakened by the words of Mr. Cat. Natsume looked suddenly enlightened. He held his chin with his hand and muttered, "So, am I also a person with super powers..."


The world of "Octopus Pi's Original Sin".

"I am a Happy Star person."

"Travel to spread happiness throughout the universe."

"I bid farewell to my hometown, Happy Planet."

"Come to this planet full of blue and green—"

"However, he was almost caught by the terrifying "creature" (people from the health center)."

"No food, it's just terrible."

Octopus Pi hid inside the huge steel pipe.

My stomach made a "gurgling" sound.

"It was at this moment that Shizuka-ko extended a helping hand to me!"

"Then you really are an alien..."

Shizuka Kuze, a fourth-year student. A head of medium-long black hair that is slightly messy. She is a very cute little girl. She stared at the octopus with a hint of curiosity. However, it was just a little curious.

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