Tanjiro's knife slashed hard on his neck, making a "clang" sound like the collision of steel.

"so hard!!"

Tanjiro felt that the force of the rebound made his arms numb. However, if he could not cut off the Senju Demon's head, then he would be attacked by the Senju Demon crazily. will die! He will definitely be killed! Therefore, he must chop off the Thousand-Handed Ghost's head!

Adjust your breathing! !

It's like cutting through a boulder.

Smell it!

The line of void! ! !

The same line that cut the boulder before!

Tanjiro slashed with all his strength.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost's neck was cut off and his head was thrown high.

"How is it possible...my neck is so hard...even the kid from before couldn't cut it..."


Inside Samagiri Mountain.

Qiang Rabbit sat on a boulder that was split in two.

"Tanjiro succeeded!"

Surprise appeared on his face.

Tomioka Tsutako also had a look of surprise on her face.

In this way, when the vines attack the mountain in the future, those who participate in the "final selection" will not be killed by the Thousand-Handed Ghost, and their survival rate will be greatly improved.

"That's great."

As Tomioka Tsutako's words fell, mist rose around the two of them, and the mist enveloped them. When the mist dissipated, the two figures disappeared, leaving only the boulder split in half by Tanjiro.


Vine attacks the mountain.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!!"

Tanjiro fell to the ground, gasping for air.

He did it!

However, using all his strength to execute that slash left him exhausted. At this time, Kusuo Saiki appeared in the video light curtain using his "recovery ability".

"Ha!" He said to himself while panting heavily, "Qi Mu is so awesome, I can't compare with him at all."

He was so tired just from killing a ghost.

When the opponent uses his superpower, he can easily make a two-story villa fly up. While sleeping, the power leaked out can even blow up the entire house. But now, it is actually possible to turn back the time of an object.

Tanjiro's eyelids were very heavy.


He knew that he couldn't sleep yet!

The "final selection" has not ended yet!

He patted his face with calloused hands, feeling strong. Then he picked up the knife and got up from the ground.

"Although I'm not as powerful as Saiki, I won't lose in terms of perseverance!"


A world that is 100% psychic.

"Master, I'm here."

The lifeless voice of a passerby entered the "Spiritual Fantasy Talking Center", and immediately after, the passerby walked in from outside. He was dressed as a junior high school student as always, with a pot-shaped haircut and dead eyes. He didn't have the vitality of a young man.

"Yo! Here comes the passerby!"

As soon as Linghuan Xinlong saw him, he immediately approached him enthusiastically.

"Passers-by, how was your last practice of 'hypnosis'?"

He looked at passers-by expectantly.

The passers-by showed embarrassment on their faces.

"As expected, I can't use that kind of ability. However, I can use something like 'thought control ability', like this..."

The clothes and hair of passers-by automatically become windless.

The sofa next to it flew up, and passers-by also flew up.

"Although it is impossible to tamper with all human beings like the person in the video, it can still be done easily..."

Ling Huan Xinlong couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"Then Saiki Kusuo's fourth-ranked ability, 'recovery ability', can you do it?"

The passerby hesitated.

"You can try it."

He waved his hand.

The couch slammed against the wall.


A huge hole was knocked out of the wall.

Ling Huan Xinlong opened his mouth wide.

Trembling all over.

This guy!

doing what! !

He grabbed the passerby by the collar.

"You know what you're doing?"

"You have to pay for this!"

"Are you here to compensate!!"

The passerby couldn't help scratching the side of his face with his hand, "I'm sorry, I'll try to recover now."

He reached out towards the wall.

The huge stones that fell to the ground kept returning to the original location of the wall, and the damaged parts of the wall were quickly restored.

Chapter 358 Top 3 super powers! Mind control!

Ling Huan Xinlong's mouth opened wider.

Damn it!

It really works.

The wall suddenly returned to its original state.

Linghuan Xinlong let go of the passerby and ran to the wall and touched here and there, "I'm really fully recovered."

The passers-by frowned.


"I just forcibly used my superpower to condense these broken stones together and make them look intact, but Saiki Kusuo's superpower is to repair the wall through time reversal."

He felt deeply frustrated.

Compared with Saiki Kusuo, there is a huge difference.

Ling Huan Xinlong suddenly put his hand on the shoulder of the troubled passerby, "Passenger, you know, if the super power is not used properly, it will disappear. So, make good use of this super power. "


Passers-by felt the pressure coming from Linghuan Xinlong, and the pressure increased sharply, 22%!

About to explode.


[Check out Saiki Kusuo’s super powers! 】

[top3: Super power—mental control! 】


The world of spy x play house.

In an apartment at 128 Burlington Park Road in the capital of the East People's Republic of China.

Aniya hugged the pillow and looked at the video screen.

She is petite and has pink shoulder-length hair. There is also a black hair ornament like a horn on the top of her head. Like pupils of a pool of green spring water. Wearing a black dress decorated with bows.

Her eyes were fixed on the video light screen.

"Super powers, so powerful."

She thought in her mind.

Although Aniya also has super powers, her super power is only to read minds. Other than that, she is just like an ordinary child.


Lloyd, who was sitting opposite Ania, suddenly spoke.

He is tall and tall. A head of flaxen hair. His eyes are extremely sharp. Wearing a white shirt. Holding a cup of coffee in hand. His eyes fell on the video light screen.

Aniya's whole body tensed up immediately.

"Is it going to be revealed that Aniya is a superpower?"

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she looked particularly guilty.

"People with super powers are really incredible."

Lloyd took a sip of coffee and spoke calmly.

Aniya breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out he wasn't talking about her.

"However, are there really people with superpowers in this world?" Lloyd thought, "If there are people with superpowers, it will make our work inconvenient... If we encounter a guy with superpowers, we must first To attack with force, you must not give the opponent a chance to activate super powers..."

All kinds of bloody pictures popped up in Lloyd's mind, which made Ania tremble all over. "Ania is very good, Ania will be a good child."

"What's wrong, Anya?"

Joel noticed something was wrong with Aniya and couldn't help but ask.

She has a beautiful figure. She has dark satin-like black hair and wears a headband. Wear a homely dark sweater and trousers. Looks very intellectual and beautiful. She is now Lloyd's nominal wife and Aniya's mother.

"People with superpowers seem to be very dangerous... If you find such a person, should you kill him? Or kill him? Sure enough, it is better to kill him..."

Joel's inner thoughts were read by Aniya, who was even more frightened and trembling.

No matter who it is, it's scary...

Aniya’s superpowers must not be exposed!

Aniya made a decision silently in her heart.


The world of a super-powered daughter.

"Superpower...isn't it similar to this guy's ability? However, it still looks different. The ability this guy is currently using is a bit like telekinesis, such as other hypnosis, petrification and other abilities. It looks like this The guy didn’t…”

Nitta Yoshishi sat on the sofa.

He glanced at Hina who was playing a game and thought to himself.

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