Arata had blond hair, combed into a large quilt, and was wearing a white shirt with several buttons on the collar open. It looks a bit random and exudes a bad vibe.


At this moment, Nitta was full of helplessness.

How long will this guy who threatens his collection of pots when he disagrees with him, how long will he stay at his house?

Hina was sitting opposite him, holding a game console in her hand and playing a game. She has dark blue shoulder-length hair, and wears a white long-sleeved dress on her upper body and dark blue pants that reach her knees on her lower body. Expressive. Outsiders could never guess what she was thinking. She also had a lollipop in her mouth.

Xintian supports the forehead.

We must find a way to get this guy to leave his home.

At this moment.

A phone call came in.

It's the boss's phone number.

Then, when he went to the team, he was given a task by his boss.

Out of the group.

He returned to the car.

A gun was taken out from a hidden compartment in the car.

"Going to the enemy's base camp to assassinate the enemy's boss is simply asking for death..."

However, he had no choice.

Arata took a deep breath.

Drive towards the enemy base camp.

Arriving at the foot of a tall building, Nitta took a deep breath and was about to get out of the car when a voice suddenly appeared.

"Don't you order me?"

This sudden voice startled Nitta. He looked back and saw Hina arriving at the back seat of the car without knowing it. He frowned slightly, "This is not a place where children should come."

"Don't you order me?"

Hina asked again.

When Nitta was a little confused, Hina pushed the door open and got out of the car, entering the enemy's base camp.

"Hey! This is no place for a kid!"

"Get out of here!"


"What's going on, little brat!"


The glass of the building was broken layer by layer.

Nitta was stunned when he saw several big men flying out of it, and then Hina returned to the car intact.


He didn't expect Hina's superpower to be so terrifying!

"I'm afraid this ability is not weaker than Saiki Kusuo in the video light screen, right?" Nitta couldn't help but think to himself.


Video continues! !

The title in the video light curtain gradually faded away and the picture appeared.

Inside the classroom.

Saiki Kusuo sat in his seat while Rendou Riki complained.

[These people simply don’t understand the charm of my hairstyle. 】

[It’s such a headache, isn’t it, brother? 】

Ren Tangli moved closer to Saiki Kusuo and gestured, as if he wanted to show off his handsomeness. However, his face was too rough, making it impossible to get a sense of his handsomeness.

Saiki Kusuo turned a deaf ear to Rendoli's words at this time and was thinking about other things.

[I can slightly change other people's minds. 】

[Having said that, I cannot freely manipulate others. 】

[But I can change other people’s minds. 】

[Make people feel that things that are originally unnatural are natural. 】

For example.

People ignore the two superpower suppression devices on his head.

He recalled when he first put on the ability-suppressing device...


The sun sets.

Kusuo Saiki wears an ability-suppressing device on his head and walks on the street.

Passers-by looked at him one after another.

Chapter 359: The ability to tamper with even human genes!

【antenna? 】

[What happened to that man? 】

[Is it a hairpin? 】

Passers-by thought that the power-suppressing device on Saiki Kusuo's head was strange. However, under the influence of Saiki Kusuo's "psychological control technique", they unconsciously changed their minds.

[Just an ordinary hairpin. 】

Passers-by thought so.

Then he was no longer curious about the two devices above Kusuo's head.

Turn around and leave.

Saiki Kusuo's memories end.

[But this ability cannot be abused. 】

[If you change a person's common sense and values. 】

【It will affect other people. 】

[Look carefully. 】

The perspective of the picture shifts to the classmates. Their hair colors are blonde, yellow, brown, cyan, etc.

[There are almost no people with black hair in this world. 】

[It’s all because of my superpowers. 】


Saiki Kusuo couldn't help but recall the scene of playing in the park when he was a child. He has pink hair and sits alone on the swing. The other children have black hair.

His voice comes on in the background.

[For some reason, my hair was born pink. 】

[But everyone around me has black hair. 】

[At most, it’s brown hair. 】

[Because I hate being conspicuous. 】

[I used psychological control. 】

[Exerting psychological control on the whole world that "pink hair is natural". 】

[As a result, pink became a very natural hair color. 】

[There are many different hair colors in this world. Such as red hair, purple hair, green hair, mackerel-shaped hair, etc. 】

【And they are all born. 】

[Even human ecology—genes have changed. 】

The video ends, and the word "End" appears on the light screen. Then the light curtain slowly dimmed.


The world of Dragon Ball.

"Lord Beerus, this human's superpower is really terrifying. He can actually rely on his superpower to tamper with other people's thoughts, and even change the genes of all human beings."

Weiss swallowed her contempt.

There was solemnity on his face.

Beerus, who was lying on the bed, squeezed the grapes between his two fingers, and the green juice splashed everywhere. He shook off the grape in his hand and took another grape from the table. But he didn't eat it, but played with it. Staring at the grapes in his hands.

He is very powerful and can destroy several planets with a snap of his fingers. However, even though he is so powerful, he cannot modify the thoughts and genes of creatures on other planets.

Kaiōshin, who is interdependent with him and can create all things, may not be able to do this either.

As for the king...

to be honest.

He has never seen Quan Wang's true power, and he doesn't know if Quan Wang can do this.

"Could this guy be a god in disguise?"

Beerus questioned.

Weiss shrugged.

He also didn't know whether Saiki Kusuo was a human or a god.


The world of "Octopus Pi's Original Sin".

The octopus huddled inside the steel pipe.

It looked at the video light screen and said to itself, "The human named Kusuo Saiki is so powerful. If it is him, he must know how to make Shizuka happy, right?"

"How on earth can I make Shizuka happy?"

"Shizuoka doesn't seem to like the props I brought out, and Shizuka seems to be very busy every time..."

Octopus muttered to himself.

"If I could have powerful superpowers like Kusuo Saiki, I might be able to help Shizuka."

"But, I cannot become as powerful as Kusuo Saiki."

The octopus was so sad that he was about to shed tears.

Obviously Shizuka helped it, but as a happy star, it couldn't bring happiness to Shizuka.


Day six.

"Today's props are awesome!"

"It's a pen that can make the sound of Saturn's star!"

Octopus Pi took out a rabbit-shaped pen with a happy face.

When it was trying to persuade Shizuka to use the pen, Shizuka said apologetically, "I have to go home immediately today, see you tomorrow."

"Pip? What's wrong? Pip?"

"Because I'm going to feed Chappy."

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