"so hard!"

Kirito frowned slightly.

It may be difficult to kill this monster.

"Kirito! Be careful!!"

The monster slapped him with a palm as big as a mountain. Asuna rushed forward, hugged Kirito and rolled to the side. The monster's huge palm missed and hit the floor. There was a deep pit with a slap mark on the floor. .

"When fighting, don't be distracted."

Asuna said seriously.

"I will attract the monster's attention, Kirito, you will be responsible for the beheading."


She rushed forward.

The monster caught Asuna's attention, and Kirito took the opportunity to get behind the monster. He used all his strength to thrust his sword into the monster's heart.


The monster turned into a blue translucent block data flow and disappeared.

Strategy success!


The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at each other and smiled. Kirito looked at Asuna's delicate face and couldn't help but secretly swear that he would never let Asuna be like Mayuri Shiina. He will protect Asuna well and won't let her get hurt at all!

The distraction mistake just now must not happen again.

Chapter 372 top7, the death of Asuka!

Asuna withdrew her sword.

She thought back to the video of Mayuri she saw earlier and thought silently.

Although my strength is not as good as Kirito's, I can still assist Kirito from the side. Fight alongside him and prevent him from getting hurt.

We will definitely be able to get out alive!


[Counting the anime characters who died the most tragically! 】

[top7: Asuka’s death! Release the seal and inject all the blood of the apostle! Apostolic! 】


The world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

After Tanjiro killed the Senju Demon, he survived the seven-day test of survival in Fujirai Mountain, passed the "final selection" and became an official member of the Demon Slayer Team.

The "Final Selection" was over and he returned to Saagiri Mountain.

There is no stopping.

Returning to Saagiri Mountain, after seeing Nezuko and Nintaki Saru for the past few times, fatigue hit them. He finally couldn't help it and fell asleep. When he woke up, the first thing he saw was the title on the video light screen.

"Huh? Did you get to seventh place? Did I miss some?"


"Is this a name? It's just a name I've never heard of before. It seems to be a girl's name. Is it a girl..."

"Remove the seal?"

"Blood of the Apostles?"


These words made him look confused.

"It should be a new world..."


The world of Doraemon.

"Um, is it another new video?"

"Let me see."

Doraemon sat cross-legged on the tatami in Nobita's room, holding his chin with his round hand, "Well, it seems like all these words are technical. It's really a headache."

He scratched his bare head.


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Nobita took off his backpack, threw himself at Doraemon, hugged him, and looked at the video screen.

"Doraemon, which character have you counted now?"

"It seems to be a child named Asuka."

Doraemon replied.

"Girl?" Nobita was stunned when he heard the name.

Doraemon shook his head, "I don't know either."

"The video hasn't started yet, you can watch it yourself."

Doraemon motioned him to look at the video light screen in front of him.

Nobita followed his instructions and looked over.

Then my head felt a little dizzy.

"I don't recognize a lot of vocabulary in this title, including Doraemon, what does apostleship mean, and these."

"I don't know either." Doraemon shook his head.

"What, even Doraemon doesn't know."

Nobita's tone immediately angered him, "I'm not omnipotent! What's more, this is knowledge from other worlds!"

Doraemon's cheeks bulged with anger.

He crossed his arms, turned his back, and ignored Nobita.

Nobita touched the back of his head and stuck out his tongue.

It seems that what he just said was a bit excessive.


The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Akube Detective Agency.

"Is there a new victim? Let me see who the new victim is... hmm? It seems to be a woman? Asuka? A guy with such a name must not be a woman."

Azazel held his chin in his hand and analyzed it seriously.

"However, it is a pity that it is not an inventory of our world. In our demon world, countless demons die every day. They can definitely be on the list."

Besib held the tea in both hands, and there was steam rising from the top of the tea.

"What people are counting is the characters who died the most tragically, rather than counting the devils who deserved their crimes."

Reiko Sakuma glanced at the two of them.

The people on the list now are all dead characters worthy of sympathy. However, if they died, no one would think they deserved sympathy.

"Zakuma, are you thinking of something rude?"

Besib stared at Reiko Sakuma with sharp eyes.

Reiko Sakuma turned her head away, feeling too guilty to look at Besib.


The world of One Piece, a certain naval base.

"It's really scary."

Kizaru spoke in a frivolous tone, making it impossible to feel his fear at all.

"It wouldn't be a good thing if I were selected by the video light curtain this time."

"Even Mayuri Shiina, who is in eighth place, is so miserable, so the higher the ranking players are, the worse it will be."

"dont you agree?"

Kizaru casually asked the navy team member following him.

The team member was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect General Kizaru to talk to him. He was flattered for a moment, but he didn't know what Kizaru meant. He hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "...Yes?"

The navy member was a little unsure and looked at Kizaru solicitously. However, when he looked up, he found that Kizaru was already some distance away from him, and now he could only see Kizaru's leaving figure.

He couldn't help but scratch his head.

Regret that he missed the opportunity to get close to General Kizaru.


Onboard the Golden Melly.

Chopper and Usopp huddled in the corner of the ship, watching the video screen.

"What a scary video light curtain. I hope I won't be included in the inventory, and I also hope that everyone on the ship will not be included in the inventory."

Chopper said with fear on his face.

Previously, they were scrambling to make a video inventory, but now, this inventory is too scary. They don't want to go there at all.

"God bless, he will definitely protect us."

Usopp clasped his hands together and prayed to God.

"It's useless for you to improvise."

Zoro appears.

He leaned against the door with a cold look on his face.

"Zoro, aren't you scared? If you get caught in the video inventory, you will die." Chopper was so scared that he was trembling with fear at the thought of being caught on the video screen. It was really scary.

Zoro glanced at them.

He is a swordsman.

Death in combat is normal.

So he was mentally prepared for this.


Even if there is a video screen inventory, it will be normal.

He wasn't as scared as these two.

But he didn't say anything.

Turn around and leave.


Suddenly there was a huge sound of gunfire, and the ship's hull shook violently.

"What, what's wrong?"

Usopp's expression changed.

"Those naval warships and pirate ships are chasing us and are ready to meet the enemy!"

Nami said loudly as she ran down from the deck.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of shells exploding continued to sound.

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