The hull began to rock more violently.

On the ship deck.

"Rubber net!!"

Luffy's hands lengthened, then crossed into a net, intercepting most of the cannonballs, and then returned all the cannonballs in the "net" to the navy and pirates.

"Cannon...the shells are flying back!!!"

"Hide quickly!!!"

The navy and pirate ships suddenly became chaotic.

Boom boom boom.

Shells kept exploding.

A while of people fell on their backs.

Compared to them, Luffy and the others were much more calm. Luffy intercepted most of the cannonballs, while Usopp, Sanji, Chopper and others intercepted those that slipped through the net.

"Look at me, I will kill Gunpowder Star Flurry!"

Countless gunpowder stars flew out, hit those cannonballs, and the cannonballs exploded directly in the air!

There was a roar of explosion, and clouds of red flames and gray smoke rose into the air.

Chapter 373: All the blood of the apostles is injected, and the No. 2 machine transforms into a beast!

Sanji held a cigarette in his mouth, put his hands in his pockets, jumped up, jumped to a burning bomb, and used a kick. The shell was kicked away and hit other shells.

The shell suddenly exploded into pieces.

Boom boom boom! !

The sound of shells exploding was endless.

Some shells flew in the direction of Robin and others. Robin, who was half lying on the beach chair, took off his sunglasses and slowly uttered a few words.

"Thirty rounds of flowers."

Arms emerged from the deck of the ship one after another. These arms could not be elongated like Luffy's arms, but these arms were connected one after another, forming a large net like Luffy's rubber net. Then bounce all these shells away.

At this point, their battle has just begun.


Video continues.

The title fades away.

The picture appears!

Asuka's figure appears. She was wearing a white pilot combat uniform and sitting in the new No. 2 unit. She has long brown hair, which is tied into twin tails. The left eye is wearing a dark eyepatch.

[It’s time to use the last resort. Sorry, new unit 2. 】

Asuka gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and struggled to say.

Now if you want to break the AT position, you can only use the last move.

【I must let you go all out! 】

【Remove all restrictions! 】

Her eyes became extremely determined.

[Backdoor program code three nines! 】

The cockpit took her to the back door.

Asuka pulled off the black eyepatch on her left eye. Then, the anti-L sealing pillar inserted in the pupil of her left eye burst out with dazzling light. The sealing pillar broke through her eyeball and emerged from the eyeball.

The severe pain made her groan. She endured the pain and grabbed the sealing pillar with both hands.

【Ah ah ah! ! ! ! 】

She yelled and pulled out the sealing pillar with all her strength.


The seal pillar was pulled out with bright red blood.

Asuka threw away the seal pillar.


The world where the tutor was reborn, the Sawada family.


"It looks so painful!"

"It's so painful to force the pillar out of the eyeball."

Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn't help but cover his left eye.

He seemed to feel the same way.

My left eye also became painful.

Seeing this scene, Reborn couldn't help but admire, "This woman is very strong. If she were an ordinary person, facing such pain, she would have passed out long ago. But she was able to endure the pain and pull out the pillar from her brain. .”

"In the brain!? It's... so scary! Stop talking. It sounds so scary." Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn't help but cover his ears, not daring to continue listening to Reborn's speech.

Reborn glanced at Sawada Tsunayoshi.

"It seems that he still needs to be trained and trained for a period of time. He is so weak that he cannot become the tenth generation of Vongola."

Reborn was thinking of various training plans in his mind.


Inside the Yamamoto family's dojo.

Takeshi Yamamoto wears a white haori and holds a katana. His eyes were extremely serious, and then he swung his sword. The rolled-up straw mat in front of him was cut into pieces.


He let out a breath.

Take back the knife.

Wiped the sweat from his head.

Then he sat cross-legged on the ground.

Plan to take a break for now.

"Today's battle in the Ring of Sunny was won by our side. Tomorrow night's battle has not been told which guardian it will be. I need to adjust to the best condition at any time to face the ensuing competition!"

"You must not lose!"

This is not just about him, it is about the entire team!

The video light screen just played the scene of Asuka pulling out the sealing pillar, and he couldn't help but express shock and admiration.

"This girl seems to be about the same age as us, but she has such strong willpower and endurance, which is so admirable."

Faced with such severe pain, even he was not sure whether he could bear it clearly.


The world of Kusuo Saiki.

"It's really admirable willpower and endurance. Even I am far inferior to it."

Hui Lu's eyes were full of admiration.


"I can't lose either!!"

"One, two..."

Hui Lu started doing squats in the classroom.

There seemed to be a blazing fire burning in his eyes and behind him.

"So hot..."

Everyone around him was infected by his heat.

They all stayed away.

Kusuo Saiki had no expression on his face and complained in his mind, "Why do you have to sit up and squat down in the classroom? Squatting up and down seems to have nothing to do with your admiration. What do you want to compete with Asuka? I really don't understand."

He was a little confused about Hui Lu's brain circuit.

At this moment.

"Has the temperature around you increased significantly?"

Saiki Kusuo felt something was wrong and turned to look at the source of the heat. Hairo was squatting up and down while getting closer to him.

"Saiki-san, let's burn together! Phew! Phew!"

Hui Lu said breathlessly.

"No, no. I don't want to do such a thing in the classroom in the middle of summer. And Hailu-san, everyone else in the class is looking at you. Please don't do such a thing in the classroom."

There was no obvious resistance on Saiki Kusuo's face, and his voice could not be conveyed to Hairo.

The class bell happened to ring at this time.

"It's such a pity, we have to go to class. Then Saiki-san, after class, let's do squats together, right?" Gray Lu showed regret on his face.

"No, please allow me to refuse!"

Saiki Kusuo glanced at Gray Lu, and then glanced at Asuka in the video, "Also, please don't compete with others in this way of squatting up and down. It will be very strange."


Video continues!

The seal pillar fell aside, and the ground was stained with bright red blood.

After the sealing pillar that sealed her right eye was pulled, the battle uniform around Asuka's neck lit up with red lines.

A red alarm lit up on the monitoring screen in the monitoring room.

Blood type: blue blood!

【Blue attribute! 】

[NERVZ headquarters, readings from the Ninth Apostle appear! 】

At the same time, Makiha in Unit 8 noticed something was wrong with Unit 2.

【your Highness! 】

[Are you planning to use the power of the apostles? 】

Faced with Makiha's inquiry, Asuka did not answer. Asuka gritted her teeth at this time and growled lowly.

【Blood of the Apostle! 】

【Inject all! 】

Her left eye lit up with a bright blue light.

The apostle's blood began to corrode her body at this time.

Her voice fell.

The apostle's blood began to be injected into Unit 2, and most of the torso of Unit 2 turned blue. Unit 2 twisted in pain, and its eyes began to flash. And Asuka in Unit 2 was also in pain. Her face became distorted. Infected by the apostle's blood, his left eye began to emit orange juice-like mucus.

Unit 2 is transforming into a beast.

Asuka made a hoarse sound like an animal in pain.

Arms grew out of Unit 2, breaking free from the shackles of the mecha shell, and all its eyes and teeth grew out. It looked up to the sky and roared. Terrifying power impacts and domain impacts spread out in circles. At the same time, Unit 2 sprouted red wings that looked like blazing flames. Its body becomes bigger little by little! .

Chapter 374: Stealing the "key" to the Crown of Sin, Asuka dies!

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