Genos mused.

Saitama looked at King steadily, "Could it be that...Actually, you are scared?"

He exposed the king directly.

Genos:! ?

King is afraid?

King nodded, and he didn't hide it either. Tell everything about yourself as an ordinary person.

"Then, 'Emperor Engine'?" Genos couldn't believe it.

I didn’t expect that King was just an ordinary person.

King smiled bitterly, "Whenever I'm scared, my heartbeat sounds very loud. Other heroes take my heartbeat sound as my ability... Actually, they misunderstood it."


King's heroic image was destroyed in front of him. He didn't expect that King was just a timid ordinary person. If King hadn't been afraid of the giant whale within the light curtain, he might still have been kept in the dark.


Life in another world starting from scratch.

Roswaal's mansion.

"Rem...why did Rem want to save Barus..."

Rem looked at the light screen in confusion.

To her now, Natsuki Subaru was nothing more than an ordinary person and less than a friend. There was no reason for her to risk her life to save Natsuki Subaru. However, he himself in the light curtain risked his life to save Natsuki Subaru...

Count Roswaal mused, "It seems that things are getting more and more interesting."

The witch cultist who suddenly appeared, the boy named Natsuki Subaru, has the ability to return after death...


On the light curtain.

The scene changes.

A line of dragon carriages was driving.

Boom! !

A huge roar suddenly erupted from the front of the dragon chariot. The dragon chariot exploded, and in the flash of the explosion, complete wheels and broken pieces of wood could be vaguely seen, and the human body was split into two...

Kurxiu, who was sitting behind him, reacted immediately.

She stood up suddenly from the dragon station and shouted loudly.

【Enemy attack! Enemy attack! ! 】

In other dragon chariots, knights wearing shiny silver armor stood up one after another, placing their hands on the hilts of their swords at their waists.

Rem also stood up from her seat and picked up the meteor hammer.

There was a person standing at the front of the dragon chariot.

He has white hair and wears a white robe.

Standing in front of the dragon chariot with bare hands.

The dragon chariot rushed towards him quickly. However, he did not hide or dodge.

【Run him to death! 】

Kuerxiu, who was standing in the carriage of the dragon carriage, waved his hand and ordered.

Faced with the sudden appearance of an enemy whose strength was unknown, Curio showed no mercy.

Chapter 381 Rem’s heroes will definitely come to punish you!

The earth dragon dragged the carriage and ran quickly, crushing the people in front of him who were blocking him.

【Lord Kurxiu! 】

Just when the earth dragon was about to hit the lust priest, Rem noticed something was wrong. She hugged Crusch and jumped up.

"call out!"

"call out!"


A flash of attack came in the next moment.

A dazzling light burst out, and the dragon carriages at the front were thrown high into the sky in the next moment. The carriages were destroyed and everyone was killed, and they were turned into pieces.

Sawdust from the dragon carriage and human body parts were falling all over the sky.

In the dragon carriage behind, the surviving people watched this scene with lingering fear.

Archbishop Lust shrugged and waved his hand.

【Can it be done like this? 】

[I haven’t done anything yet, and they want to run me over. 】

[To be fair, is this something humans do? 】

Crusch looked at him with hostility.

[How dare you kill my retainer so cruelly. 】

【Who are you? 】

[That’s it, that’s it. 】

【Not knowing me. But I know you. After all, you are a candidate for king. 】

The lust priest put one hand behind his back and said with a relaxed expression.

[There’s so much nonsense, answer my questions! 】

[You don’t have a chance to answer next time! 】

Curxiu drew out his long sword and pointed it directly at the lustful priest.

【What an excessive person. 】

The strong desire priest waved his hand helplessly.

[However, as a king, if you don’t have this arrogance, you really won’t be able to do the job. 】

【Although I can understand...】

[I said, you don’t have a next chance! 】

Crusch interrupted him, moved his sword back, gathered strength, and then swung it out violently.

The cyan sword blade flew out quickly. And a black force stood in front of the Master of Lust, resisting the attack.

Under the impact of the two.

Attack offset.

Visible to the naked eye.

The lustful priest's face darkened, and the pleasure on his face disappeared.

He exhaled a breath of mist.

[That, I say. When people are having fun, cut them down. Are you educated? 】

[I think you are violating my right to free speech, do you understand? 】


One of Kurxiu's arms suddenly broke and flew into the sky under some huge force. Blood spilled from the broken arm. And Curio fell.

【Lord Kurxiu! 】

Rem quickly hugged Crusch to prevent her from colliding with the ground.

Rem used magic to repair Kur's broken arm and stop the bleeding. And Curio called Felice's name. Such a serious injury may require treatment from Phyllis!


【No matter how much you eat, it’s never enough! ! 】

A pleasant voice came.

Rem looked up sharply.

They saw the Gluttony Priest with disheveled hair that was so long that it dragged on the ground. The corners of his mouth were full of blood. He was staggering towards Rem's direction.

A joyful, crazy sound sounded.

【Eat, chew, swallow, bite, gnaw, gnaw...】

[Bite it off and chew it! 】

【Gluttony, gluttony! 】

【Ah~Thank you for the treat! ! 】

In the past there was the priest of lust, and in the latter there was the priest of gluttony. Attack from both sides. Rem broke into a cold sweat. Curxiu in his arms was covering his broken arm, which was still bleeding. At this time, the blood had gathered into a small pool of blood. Curio's condition is very bad and he needs to be treated to stop the bleeding immediately!

【You are...】

Rem spoke.

She vaguely guessed their identities.

[The Archbishop of Sin of the Witch Cult. 】

["Gluttony" Ley Badenkaitos. 】

[The Archbishop of Sin of the Witch Cult. 】

【"Desire" Regulus Corneas】

【Our pet was killed. So I came over to take a look. It was really a bumper harvest! 】

[No matter what, I still killed the guy who had been doing whatever he wanted for four hundred years. 】

[I expected that you must be well cooked and very delicious. 】

The Gluttonous Archbishop staggered while wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth. It can be seen that the dagger tied behind his wrist is stained with blood, which is the blood of Curio's retainers.

【But it’s delicious beyond expectation! ! 】

【good very good! very nice! That's great! Well, of course! 】

【Our hunger has not been satisfied for a long time! 】

The crazy voice of the Gluttony Archbishop could be heard from time to time.

The Master of Lust placed one hand on his hip and spread out the other hand, saying, "Don't worry, he and I are completely different." 】

【I hate war. 】

[What hunger, desire. 】

[I have nothing to do with such despicable selfish desires. 】

Rem put Crusch on the ground and stood up. The magic power in her body surged, and sharp ice edges appeared around Rem. She tightened her grip on the bolas in her hand.

【Na! Didn't you listen to me? 】

The corners of the lustful Archbishop's mouth twitched slightly, his eyebrows raised, and a look of displeasure appeared on his face.

[I said I hate fighting, understand! ? 】

[Have you finished what you want to say? 】

【Witch Cultist! 】

Rem's blue eyes showed strong hatred.

The lustful priest was stunned for a moment.

But the Gluttony Archbishop was still wandering around, slowly walking towards her.

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