[One day, a hero will appear to destroy you. 】

【The only hero Rem loves! 】

Rem held the meteor hammer, stood straight and said firmly.

【Eh? hero? It’s really exciting! 】

The Gluttony Priest stared at her closely, the corners of his mouth still curved, revealing sharp, beast-like teeth.

[But who are you? 】

[Roswaal L. Mezas Border Lord’s number one servant...no...]

Rem shook her head.

[Now I am just my only lover, the one who will eventually become a hero, Natsuki Subaru’s maid, Rem. 】

A sharp horn grew out of the middle of Rem's head, and dazzling lightning power flashed around the horn. Her eyes and voice were extremely determined.

[Be mentally prepared, Archbishop of Sin! 】

[Rem’s heroes will definitely come to punish you! ! 】

The words just fell.

The sharp ice edge surrounding Rem quickly shot towards the Priest of Lust and Priest of Gluttony. However, after the ice edge got close to the Priest of Lust, it was torn into powder by an invisible force. Gluttony Priest quickly rushed towards Rem. He quickly dodged the ice edge, which fell into the air, hit the ground, and shattered into pieces.

The Gluttony Priest quickly approached Rem, and Rem swung the chain, swung the meteor hammer, and attacked the Gluttony Priest. The Gluttony Priest used the dagger tied to his wrist to resist the meteor hammer.


The dagger and the meteor hammer collided, causing sparks to strike.

The Gluttony Priest used his strength to knock the meteor hammer away.

He laughed wildly.

【Have some backbone! ! 】

[Then, I won’t be polite! ! 】

The Gluttony Priest opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Rem.

Rem waved the bolas with all her strength, trying to stop it.

There is nothing you can do.

The lustful priest not far away narrowed his eyes slightly. An invisible wind blade hit Rem, and Rem paused in her swing of the meteor hammer. The Gluttony Priest opened his bloody mouth and rushed toward her.

【end. 】


Life in another world starting from scratch.


Natsuki Subaru's pupils shrank!

He threw himself towards the light curtain, missed it, and fell to the ground. Only then did he react. This is just a light curtain.

Chapter 382 Top 5, Death of Bakuer!

"Subaru, you..."

Emilia looked at Natsuki Subaru and couldn't help but open her mouth...

"What's wrong with me?"

Natsuki Subaru noticed that his face was hot and something was wrong.

He touched his face.

Unexpectedly, he burst into tears.


Roswaal's mansion.

Roswaal's face became extremely solemn, "First it's the Witch Cult, and now it's the two major priests of the Witch Cult. This is really a great visit..."

Just from their battle with Rem, we know that they are powerful. If they both go out at the same time. He and the people of his mansion and his lands would be killed.

In addition, the "pet" they call...

Could it be referring to the giant whale that was chasing Natsuki Subaru and Rem in the mist earlier...


The world of full-time hunters.

NGL autonomous country.

"This girl died a tragic death."

"But I won't be like this girl!"

Bakuo looked confident.

He had just passed the assessment and became a fantasy beast hunter not long ago.

But he is confident that he will become a powerful hunter!

His girlfriend Peng Si looked at him dependently.

She believed in Bakura.


[Counting the anime characters who died the most tragically! 】

[top5: The death of full-time hunter Bokuer! Open the skull and make it into meatballs! 】


A title appeared on the light screen.

Everyone in the world saw the light curtain.


The world of Demon Slayer: Saagiri Mountain.

Tanjiro, who was wielding his sword outside the wooden house at the foot of the mountain, saw the light screen lighting up. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and face with the towel hanging around his neck. He was panting and stopped swinging his sword.

"It's a new video."

Tanjiro frowned slightly.

When a new video appears, it means someone died in another world.


His face was very serious.

"Full-time hunter... Bakuer?"

"It's too much..."

Tanjiro couldn't help but cover his mouth when he saw the following words.

The skull was cut open and made into meatballs or something.

It's too much.

Too cruel.

Such inhuman treatment...

Tanjiro took a deep breath.

His eyes became extremely determined.

In order not to become the food of ghosts in the future, and also for the ordinary people in this world and himself not to become the food of other people, he must become stronger! At the same time, it is also to protect humans and Nezuko who are helpless in the face of ghosts!

Tanjiro continued to swing his sword.

Let’s take a look and compare ourselves with others.


Letaki Sakonji, who was leaning outside the wooden house, looked at Tanjiro who was working so hard.

He couldn't help but nodded.

in this world.

Only become stronger.

Only then do you have the capital to fight against ghosts.

Only by becoming stronger can we survive the fight against ghosts!


The world of full-time hunters.

NGL autonomous country.

Baku's eyes widened as he looked at the title inside the light screen.

"I...will die?"

His girlfriend Pengsi and his companions Baruna and Aikwa felt something was wrong.

This is their first mission after becoming hunters.


The title revealed that Ku'er would die.

This is very unfriendly to them.

In addition, Baokuer is not simply killed.

Instead, their heads were opened and made into meatballs.

A shadow shrouded the hearts of the four of them.

"Otherwise, we should leave NGL, right?"

The companion flinched.

Baku'er frowned slightly, "No!"

"We finally got here, how can we back down because of a video!"

"Besides, we haven't seen the content of this video light curtain, and we don't know if something happened to me at NGL. Maybe it happened somewhere else, but I don't know for sure!"

"Wait until you see the light curtain before making a decision!"


Seeing how determined he was, his companions had no choice but to agree.


The scene continues!

Bakuer and his team received rumors that NGL had great news, and the four of them rode to NGL.

On the way to NGL.

Bakura introduced the situation of NGL Autonomous Country.

[NGL country is engaged in nature conservation all over the country. It is said that a large number of animals and plants that have not been disclosed in academia survive here. 】

[In such a country surrounded by dense forests, it is not strange for insects to attack people. 】

[Even if it is not a huge insect that attacks people, if it is finally confirmed to be an undiscovered species, it will be considered a gain. 】

[For me, a fledgling fantasy beast hunter, the most important thing is to accumulate achievements. 】

[Now that I’m here, I have to make some achievements. 】

Peng Si, who was sitting in the back, leaned her face against Baku's back.

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