
"Killer Queen" pressed the button on the side of her index finger, which made a clear sound.

Yaminiya Shigekiyo's arm, which was holding the doorknob, swelled, his sleeves exploded, and the veins on his arms jumped. The energy of the explosion traveled down his arms and throughout his body. The fingers were broken, and the body could not withstand the force of the explosion. The force of the explosion overflowed from the face and body, and blood spewed out with the force of the explosion.

【Josuke——! 】


Yaangiya Shigekiyo's whole body exploded, shattered into pieces, and disappeared into ashes.


The world of Dragon Quest: Dai's Adventure.

Pope put his hands in his mouth in shock, with a look of horror on his face, "Wow! It suddenly disappeared into ashes. How terrifying!"

Although there is magic in the world they live in, they can't have the ability of a substitute like Yoshikage Kira, which can make people explode with a bang.

Dai's face showed anger.

"This guy kills people at will..."

"What's the difference between him and the Demon King!"

Abang has curly hair like a foreign lawyer's wig, but his hair is sky blue and he wears rectangular glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looks gentle. Wearing a red uniform.

He looked at the light curtain with a serious face.

"There are such evil people in the world..."

People in this world are generally kind and friendly. But the existence of Kira Yoshikage refreshed his understanding.

There are such evil human beings in the world...


The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Akube Detective Agency.

Azazel, who looked like a pug, was sitting on the sofa with his upper body lying on the table.

"This guy named Kira Yoshikage, I quite like him. This guy does a good job. But this guy's abilities are a bit scary. If I were touched by him, would I be like a balloon and pop with a bang?" explode?"

"But I'm a devil. As long as the opponent is not an angel, I can't die. Hahaha, that is to say, this guy's moves have no effect on me."

Azazel became proud.

Besib held the book in his hand and pretended to be polite.

He ignored Azazel.

To him, no matter how strong Kira Yoshikage is, he is still a human being.

He was afraid of no one except Mustard and Angel.


The world of the exorcist boy.

Black Order Headquarters.

Li Nali is wearing a black cult uniform, with a short skirt and boots on her lower body. Keep twin tails. Dark eyes. The face is pure. She turned her head to the side, unable to bear to watch the explosion.

Allen clenched his fists.

Sure enough, it's exactly as the title says.

Ah Chong could not escape death after all.

Their expressions were extremely complicated at this time.


JOJO's Bizarre Adventure The world of eternal diamonds.

Duwang Town.

Yaminiya Shigekiyo tightly fixed the screen of light on Yoshikage Kira, who had a blond slicked back hair and was wearing a suit, looking like a professional elite.

"It's this guy...it's this guy who will kill me in the future..."

Cold sweat broke out on his face.

Clench your fists.


The stand-ins such as Higashikata Josuke, Nijimura Okuyasu, and Kujo Jotaro all paid attention to Kira Yoshikage inside the light curtain.



Kira Yoshikage, who was walking on the road holding a briefcase, had a gloomy expression.

"It was exposed so quickly. I don't know who can see this light curtain like me..."


The world of Dragon Ball.

Inside the spaceship.

"That brat is really powerful. He can't even withstand such an explosion."

"The power of such an explosion cannot hurt me at all!"

Frieza looked proud.

As soon as the subordinates heard this, they quickly flattered him.

Chapter 407 The substitute messengers gather together

"That's natural. Frieza-sama, you are the strongest in the world... No, you are the strongest in the universe!"

"There is no match for you in the world!"

"That guy inside, we can crush him to death with just one hand if we fight like this without King Frieza taking action!"

Frieza was flattered by the flattery of these men.


The scene continues!

In the classroom, Higashikata Jousuke and Nijimura Okuyasu seemed to notice something, and they looked towards the door. People were coming and going in the corridor, making noisy footsteps and chatter, and at the door of their classroom, smoke was rising, and the last traces left by Yaangiya Shigekiyo were dissipating little by little.

[This is the ability of "Killer Queen". After getting rid of you, no evidence will be left behind. 】

After getting rid of Yaminiya Shigekiyo, Kira Yoshikage walked out of the teaching building. He put his hands in his suit pockets, his face was relaxed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, showing pride.

Inside the classroom.

[Just now, did you hear someone calling my name again? 】Higashiji Jousuke asked Nijimura Okuyasu with some doubts.

[Yes, I heard it. 】

Hongcun Yitai replied.

【ah! 】

[Josuke, look over there! 】

Nijimura Okuyasu suddenly pointed in the direction of the ground at the door. Higashikata Jousuke followed his pointer and saw a "Harvester" staggering towards them holding a button.


There were cracks in various parts of the "Harvester's" head, face, etc., and blood spurted out from them. The cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

【Finally found... found...】

【Yes! 】

"Harvester"'s body exploded and then disappeared into ashes. The button he was holding fell to the ground.

Higashikata Jousuke and the two looked at this scene in shock, with heavy cold sweat breaking out on their faces.

【Ah Chong! 】

The button fell to the ground, rolling and making a soft sound.

Higashikata Jousuke suddenly pushed open the classroom door, and the two of them came to the door and looked out, looking for Yaangiya Shigekiyo. But Yaangiya Shigekiyo was nowhere to be seen.

【Josuke! There is definitely something wrong with that just now! The "Harvester" disappears covered in blood. That is definitely not the way a "substitute" disappears! 】

【I have an unknown premonition...】

Higashikata Jousuke searched for Yaangiya Shigekiyo's figure. Suddenly, he squatted down and picked up a button. This button was held by the "Harvester".

Higashikata Josuke and Nijimura Okuyasu went to the middle school to look for Yaangiya Shigekiyo.

Yoshikage Kira walked out of school and suddenly realized that his suit was missing a button.

[When did the button disappear? I can only go to a suit shop to get a new one, hoping to have exactly the same buttons. 】

the other side.

Sugimoto Suzumi looked up at the sky and found that Yaminiya Shigekiyo's soul slowly rose up, then exploded and disappeared into thin air.

The stand-in messengers in Morio Town were aware of it. They gathered.

Suzumi Sugimoto held a photo of Yaanmiya Shigekiyo and said to Higashikata Josuke and others, [That’s right. The little brother is dead. Chongqing met that guy and was killed by him. I know this order very well. As for why he met that guy and why he was killed, I don't know. 】

[But, it was that guy who did the good thing. I know this was the work of the guy who killed me. 】

Higashikata Jousuke clenched his fists.

[We looked for Ah Chong again, but couldn’t find him at all! 】

[Less than five minutes after Yitai and I separated from Pangzhong, he disappeared. 】

[In his classroom, the stationery and books are still there. 】

[His parents have asked the police to search. 】

【But he's afraid...】

Hirose Yasuichi's face was covered in cold sweat, [That means...]

[The murderer is a "substitute messenger"? 】

[You may not know much about Ah Chong. I don't think anyone can beat Ah Chong's "Harvester". Moreover, the other party killed Ah Chong within five minutes, took his body out of the school and hid it. ] Dongfang Jousuke said.

Wearing a leopard print hat, the elderly Joseph Joestar said, [Now that we know that the other party is a substitute messenger, we have to take action. 】

Jotaro Kujo took a step forward, [Josuke, you seem to have picked up a button. 】

【Um. It was brought by one of the "Harvesters". 】

Higashikata Josuke took out a button from his trouser pocket and handed it to Jotaro Kujo.

Jotaro Kujo took it and looked at the button.

[These are Ah Chong's last words. Maybe the "Harvester" found them from the murderer. Leave this button here for now, I'll go investigate. 】

[From... can you find anything from buttons like this that are everywhere? 】 Dongfang Jousuke was a little surprised.

[It is possible to find out. Maybe you can find out the brand or manufacturer of the clothes. 】

They talked for a while and then left.


Higashikata Jousuke and others happened to pass by Kira Yoshikage.

[I remember his name was Josuke, and Okuyasu was also here...]

Kira Yoshikage thought to himself.

Suddenly, he was attracted by a voice.

Following the sound, I saw two women sitting outside the outdoor cafe. One of the women was elegantly dressed and beautiful. Holding a jewelry box in hand. The other woman was average-looking, wearing a lemon-colored skirt.

Kira Yoshikage stared at that graceful and luxurious woman.

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