[Isn’t it my birthday last Friday? The man I was dating actually gave me such an old-fashioned ring. 】

[Look, who wants this? 】

The graceful woman complained.

[Although I still pretend to be happy. 】

Kira Yoshikage's cold gaze fell on her hands. Her hands were white and slender, and her nails were painted with pink nail polish. Wearing a diamond ring on her ring finger.

[I dated him because he was the son of a big landowner. 】

[He is such a bumpkin. 】

The woman looked helpless.

Her companion opened the ring box, looked at the ring, and laughed, "It's really a childish ring." 】

【How much will that cost? 】

[About 150,000 yuan, right? 】

[But I plan to exchange it for money. This is really not worthy of my beautiful fingers. 】

The graceful woman chuckled.

Kira Yoshikage stood not far away, staring at them with cold pupils.

[Although she is ugly on the inside, that woman’s face and hands are both beautiful. 】

【As long as you come to me, you can interact with me with a clean heart. 】

[It’s time for me to go, see you next time. 】

The woman adjusted her handbag, then stood up and waved to her companion.

【Ok, bye. 】

Her companions waved to her as well.

Kira Yoshikage turned around, and the severed hand inside the bag burned, black smoke came out, and several streaks of black smoke shot up. He looked at the burning severed hand inside the bag and said, "I'm done with you." Let's make a clean break. 】

He took steps to keep up with this graceful woman.


The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Inside the Akube Detective Agency.

Kasabi's face was expressionless, his pupils seemed to have no light, and his whole person looked a little gloomy. He glanced at the screen and saw Kira Yoshikage showing the face of a predatory beast. He thought to himself, "This woman is dead.".

Chapter 408: Discovering the Clues of Kira Yoshikage

Besib was wearing a suit, a suit vest and a white shirt underneath, with a red bow tie around his neck and a gold crown on his head. He looked like a penguin prince. However, his true identity is the Fly Demon.

"This woman is really seeking death. She actually appeared in front of the murderer. She also has a good appearance and beautiful hands. This woman is finished."

Zuokuma frowned slightly, "Kira Yoshikage is a murderer. Even if this woman does not appear in front of him, other women will appear in front of him. The fault is not those beautiful women, but the psychopathic Kira. Jiying."


The world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

"Run away...run away!"

Tanjiro, who was wearing a blue-and-black checkered haori, stared at the bright light curtain with his charcoal-red eyes. He clenched his hands into fists and made a crisp sound of his joints. I couldn't help but make a sound in my throat.

The appearance of the sound woke him up.

Only then did he remember that what he wanted to do was not to let the woman escape. Moreover, he and these people are in different worlds. No matter how hard he screams to let the woman escape, the woman cannot hear him.

Now, he has more important things!

"Sorry, I was distracted."

Tanjiro looked at the man apologetically.

But the man looked dazed and didn't seem to notice Tanjiro's distraction at all. The man took Tanjiro to the place where his fiancée disappeared.

"right here..."


The scene changes.

【Hello, everyone! 】

【Morio Town Radio Station. 】

【I am also here to serve you today, your neighbor Harada Hai. 】

Kira Yoshikage was wearing a sky blue vertical striped shirt. He was holding a kettle and pouring coffee. There was a faint smile on his lips. The sound of the radio rang in my ears.

【At the beginning of this new week. 】

【Did you all have a good time? 】

Kira Yoshikage placed the poured coffee on the opposite side. I saw a woman's severed hand lying opposite. The woman's broken fingernails are painted with pink nail polish, and she wears a diamond ring on her ring finger.

[Come, let’s eat. 】

Kira Yoshikage said.

[Ah, right. I have to go to a lot of places today, so I'll bother you to look after my house. 】

He stroked the severed hand with soft eyes and said, "Dinner will be waiting for me when I come back. Let's eat together." 】


The world of the exorcist boy.

Black Order Headquarters.

Komuyi was wearing a room chief's robe, a white beret, and more elegant glasses on the bridge of his nose. His skin is fair, and a strand of hair sticks out from his beret and hangs down the side of his face. He looks handsome and gentle, just like an intellectual. He stood aside with one hand across his chest and the other holding his chin.

"The previous woman could not escape the murderer's hands after all."

Kira Yoshikage burned the severed hand of the previous woman, and this new severed hand was obviously the hand of the gold worshiper.

Arianne's face showed sadness and anger, and she clenched her hands into fists. He can't do anything. He can only watch others die in front of him.


The Millennium Earl grinned with his mouth occupying almost half of his face, revealing his white teeth. He wore small round glasses on the bridge of his nose, a long white suit and a top hat.

"Hee hee hee..."

"Really ugly, stupid and ugly human beings."

"The same goes for this human."

Rod Camme was sitting on the conference round table, with his feet crossed on the table, playing with the Millennium Earl's pumpkin umbrella in his hand, and blowing gum bubbles from his mouth. She looked at the light curtain with a happy look on her face. Like finding something interesting.


The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Akube Detective Agency.

"Hahaha, this money-worshiping girl was indeed killed. It's exactly as I guessed!"

Azazel smiled without any sympathy.

Besib was unmoved.

The same goes for Zuokuma.


The scene continues!

After school.

Hirose Koichi, wearing a middle school uniform and holding a schoolbag in his hand, met Jotaro Kujo on the road. Jotaro Kujo wears a white hat that looks like a Greek fisherman's hat. There is also a golden square slap logo on the side of the hat. Wearing a white long coat with a stand-up collar, he looked cold.

The two walked together for a few steps, and Jotaro Kujo stopped at the door of a shoe store. The transparent glass door of the shoe store allows you to see what's going on inside. An old piece of pale yellow paper is posted outside the wooden framed glass door.

[The side business of this shoe store is to help people modify the waist width of skirts, length of pants, etc.]

[Just like some home appliance stores also sell flowers. 】

【What's wrong? 】

Hirose Koichi turned to look at Jotaro Kujo strangely, not understanding why he stopped. Is there anything strange about this store?

[I have asked about all the suit shops near Morio Town. 】

[But for a store like this, I missed asking. 】

Jotaro Kujo took out a small bag with buttons from the inside pocket of his coat.

The two went into the store to inquire. The shop owner is a short old man with bangs parted in the middle and hair parted at the back like a swallow's tail. His hair is gray. Even the unibrow on the upper lip is gray. The old man seemed a bit effeminate.

The shopkeeper took the button with the bag in it, looked at it carefully, and then asked, "What happened to this button?" 】

[No, forget it if you haven’t seen it. 】

[I can’t remember which button that is on. 】

Jotaro Kujo said.

He tried to ask if there were any clothes that looked like buttons.

[If you ask what kind of clothes those buttons are from, look, I just repaired one over there. Yesterday, a customer asked me to mend an identical button. 】

The shop owner clasped his fingers together and pointed to a blue suit jacket with his thumb.

[Look, they are the same buttons. 】

【Brother Jotaro! 】

Hirose Yasu looked shocked, with cold sweat on his face. He turned to look at Jotaro Kujo. The exact same buttons, and this suit happened to have one missing button.

Absolutely right!

It's a murderer!

【This is really...】

【We found it, Kang Yi. 】

[Whose coat does this belong to? 】

Kujo Jotaro asked.

【Let me see. 】

[A brand with a person’s name on the inside of the clothes...]

The shop owner opened his suit jacket and took out a sign that read "Kira...", but the other two people behind him didn't see it clearly.

[How do you pronounce this? I remember it was...]

【which one? Please show me. 】

Hirose Yasuichi walked up.

[Let me think about it...] The shopkeeper said.


A blue-white beam of light instantly penetrated the cup held in the shopkeeper's hand. The quilt exploded, the coffee inside splashed everywhere, and it also shot through his hand. Dark red blood fell along with the broken pieces of his finger.

Jotaro Kujo and Koichi Hirose were shocked by the sudden change.

Blood splashed all over the shopkeeper's face. He looked in horror at his hand that was penetrated by the blast and kept bleeding. He looked horrified and couldn't say a word for a long time.

An object that looked like a round blue tank with a white skull logo appeared on the shop owner's shoulder.

Chapter 409 The second bomb, withering and piercing the heart

[Show me here. 】

It makes a sound.

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