Hirose Koichi and Kujo Jotaro looked at this thing in horror.

The shop owner was still shocked as to why most of his hand was pierced.

【Show me here! 】

The skull's eyes lit up with purple light, and it spoke.

[C-Brother Jotaro, that! ! 】

[Kang Yi, be careful and don’t get closer. 】

Kujo Jotaro reminded.

【Hello! I asked you to show me this place. 】

shouted the palm-sized skull armored car.

The shopkeeper gasped in horror, his eyes widened, and when he heard the sound on his shoulder, he turned his head and saw traces like an armored vehicle running over him out of thin air on the clothes on his shoulder.


When the shopkeeper finally couldn't help but scream in fear, the skeleton armored car suddenly jumped up and pressed down on the shopkeeper's face. The shopkeeper fell down with blood splattering on his face.

[Is he that guy’s stand-in? 】

Jotaro Kujo pulled Hirose Koichi behind him, and then looked around.

[Ah, Brother Jotaro! 】

Hirose Koichi, who was covered in sweat, suddenly pointed in the direction of the clothes rack and shouted.

I saw a hand reaching out from the crack in the door and grabbing the blue suit.

【That guy is there! 】

[He wants to take the coat away! 】


The world of One Piece.

Onboard the Golden Melly.

"Is Kira Yoshikage's identity finally exposed?"

"What will happen next? A 'substitute' battle?"

"Is the Bomb Mania more powerful, or is the 'stand-in' of these two people stronger? By the way, I haven't seen the 'stand-in' of these two people yet."

Usopp looked at the light screen nervously, sweat dripping from his forehead and cheeks, and his long nose was particularly conspicuous.

Luffy rarely became serious. He crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other. Just when Chopper next to him thought he was going to say something serious, he said, "I said, is it almost time for lunch?" Time?"

"I'm hungry again."

He touched his stomach, which made a very cooperative "gurgling" sound.

Chopper and Usopp fell directly to the ground.

Usopp spat at Luffy excitedly, "Kira Yoshikage's true identity is about to be revealed, and the 'Stand' war is about to begin. Aren't you nervous or excited at all?"

Luffy scratched his cheek with his index finger, "But hasn't it started yet?"


Chopper: ....

What Luffy said was not unreasonable.


Arale's world.

Then roll home.

"Whoa! Whoa!!"




Arale made an exaggerated explosive gesture with her arms spread wide towards Xiaoji flying in the sky. Xiao Ji covered his small bulging belly, suspended in the air, rolled exaggeratedly, and laughed. And Arale also laughed.

The atmosphere in Zejuan's house was cheerful.

Sitting on the sofa, Dr. Norimaki, who was short in stature and wearing a vest and suspender jeans, held a newspaper in his hand, looked at the hilarious two people, scratched his hair, and showed helplessness.

"The two of them are still as noisy as ever."

"However, the murderer inside who can make bombs at will is really terrifying."

Dr. Noriaki sighed with emotion.


The world of Detective Conan.

"You can actually find the murderer through a button. Mr. Jotaro is really amazing!"

Ayumi's face was full of surprise.

Mitsuhiko has short hair and scattered bangs, with thin cheeks and pimples on his cheeks. He pinched his chin and showed an analytical look, "The reason Jotaro was able to find the murderer so quickly is because Morio Town is not large and there are not many suit shops and shops that repair clothes like this. If Morio Town was much larger, , I’m afraid he won’t find someone so easily.”

"But it's still awesome! Conan, Xiao Ai, don't you think so?"

Gentai turned to look at Conan, who was wearing a suit, blue mid-length trousers, and round-rimmed glasses, who looked very wise, and Haibara Ai, who had short and medium brown hair and looked very aloof.


Conan responded.

He thought this man named Jotaro seemed quite smart.

Just not as smart as him.


He noticed a line of sight.

Look up.

It's Huihara Ai.

"Are you thinking that this person is not as smart as you?"

Hui Yuan Ai put it bluntly.

Conan just rolled his eyes.

I thought to myself, this woman's intuition is still as terrifying as ever.


The scene continues!

Kira Yoshikage behind the door was wearing a blue suit, with his blond hair combed back into a big back as usual, with two strands of slightly curved hair hanging down from both sides of his forehead. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead and his face was tense. Behind him is the "Killer Queen", who is clinging to his back, looking a little gay.

[I thought it just fell off somewhere, but I didn’t expect that someone was checking the buttons of the coat! 】

[Did they see it? 】

[Have you seen my name, Yoshikage Kira? 】

[Why do we always encounter this kind of thing recently? 】

Kira Yoshikage's face showed displeasure.

He felt that he had been very unlucky recently.

[Yeah, yeah, I didn’t expect that guy to come and get the clothes. 】

Jotaro Kujo walked towards the door where Kira Yoshikage was hiding.

Kira Yoshikage's body was filled with fluctuations of power. His brows were furrowed and his pupils showed sharp murderous intent.

[But just disappear! 】

[Disappear under the second bomb of my "Killer Queen"! 】

[Just like that kid named Ah Chong! 】

The shop owner was lying on the ground, his eyes, nose and mouth were bleeding, and there was a pool of blood on the back of his head. And the skeleton armored vehicle he was talking about, called the "second bomb", suddenly began to tremble.

【He is still moving! 】

Hirose Koichi's shocked voice sounded.

At this time, there was a pulling sound from the clothes hanger. When I looked up, I saw Kira Yoshikage's hand reaching out and pulling the clothes on the hanger hard.

[Ah, that coat of evidence...]

Hirose Yasuichi wanted to run forward, but Jotaro Kujo grabbed his back collar and lifted him back, "Don't catch up casually." 】

[The action of pulling on the coat is too fake. 】

Jotaro Kujo's eyes were fixed on the skeleton armored car mentioned by the dead shop owner. The skull was facing Jotaro Kujo and others, trembling constantly. However, after Jotaro Kujo said these words, the trembling skull stopped trembling.

Kira Yoshikage behind the door had cold sweat breaking out on his face. He is waiting for his prey to come to him.

A sound like a clock came from inside the skeleton armored vehicle.

Tick ​​tock tick...

[This "substitute"...]

【It feels a bit...】

【Danger! 】


The skeleton armored vehicle exploded. Blossoming red-orange flames burned, and the impact swept across, setting off waves of violent winds and heat waves.

Chapter 410 Platinum Star World

Jotaro Kujo held Hirose Yasuichi in his arms, and Hirose Yasuichi burst out screaming.

The explosion shook the entire room, shaking the wooden framed glass door and making a sound from the glass.

After the explosion ended, Jotaro Kujo turned to look over, and Koichi Hirose stuck his head out of his arms and looked behind him. I saw that the shop owner had disappeared, and billowing black smoke was rising from the ground, extending its teeth and claws in all directions. Accompanied by the pungent smell of coke.

[It’s a bomb, a “substitute” for the bomb! 】

[Is this how Ah Chong was killed? 】

[That’s why I can’t find him no matter how hard I look. 】

Hirose Yasuichi watched the thick smoke gradually disappear, and the shop owner was wiped out in ashes. Cold sweat broke out on his face. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of the clothes hangers colliding. When Hirose Yasu looked over, he saw that the blue suit jacket had been taken away, but the hanger was still shaking.

【That guy is running away! 】

As soon as Hirose Yasu stood up from the ground, he wanted to chase him.

[There’s no need to chase that one, Kang Yi. ] Jotaro Kujo said.

[No need to chase? What are you talking about. 】

Hirose Yasuichi looked at him in disbelief, and he pointed in the direction of the door, [If you catch up with him, you can see what the murderer of Suzumi and Ah Chong looks like! 】

The brim of the hat cast a shadow on Kujo Jotaro's face. He raised his index finger, [Observe carefully before acting. This is the right way, Kang Yi. 】

[This...what does this mean? ] Hirose Koichi was a little confused.

[That coat, unfortunately we didn’t see the name brand, but we can tell from the size of the coat that he is about 175 centimeters tall, is an office worker, and is not married. If you have a wife, you won’t send your clothes here to have the buttons sewn on. He is about 25 to 35 years old, and he lives a fairly wealthy life. 】

[Judging from the material and style of the jacket, it looks like a pretentious high-end brand-name product. 】

[Even if I don’t rush to catch up now, I can still get a rough idea of ​​the murderer’s appearance. 】

Jotaro Kujo analyzed calmly.

【So...that's it. ] Hirose Koichi was shocked by his analytical ability, and then he reacted.

【wrong! Even so, how could you not pursue it! 】

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