Bang! ! !

There was an explosion.

The thumb and index finger of the hooded gangster was blown off, black smoke was emitting, and bright red blood continued to flow from the fracture.

He opened his eyes in pain, tears overflowing from his eyes.

A painful cry sounded.

【Hello! What’s wrong with you? 】

Another gangster ran up to check on him.

Purple power fluctuations surged through Kira Yoshikage's body, and he whispered expressionlessly.

["Killer Queen", the first type of bomb. 】

[Turning anything you touch into a bomb. 】

He punched the shoelaces tied into a tight knot and broke them.

[Doctor, doctor, call me a doctor quickly! 】

yelled the hooded gangster.

The other gangster was so shocked that he didn't know what to do.

[What an unlucky day. 】

[I, Yoshikage Kira, just want to live a peaceful life. 】

[To be entangled with that kind of low-life scumbag. 】

Kira Yoshikage held his left hand and stood up.


Outside the shoe store.

[Why haven’t Josuke and the others arrived yet? 】

Hirose Koichi said strangely.


A figure appeared.

This figure walked towards Hirose Koichi panting.

Hirose Yasuichi noticed this person.

Blood was constantly flowing from the opponent's left hand.

He looked at each other in shock.

[I heard that a new gym will be opened at Grape Hill High School. 】

[I am seriously considering becoming a member. 】

[I have to make my physical strength better. 】

[But I don’t want to be in that place, with a guy who hasn’t showered in a week, using the same dumbbells that little Jill’s hand held, or swimming in the pool. 】

[It took me 3 minutes to come here. 】

【When I was crossing the road, I felt most that I was not strong enough. 】

[By the way, who else will come here? 】

[You called someone, right? 】

[Josuke and Okuyasu’s home is closest to here. 】

[It takes them 5 minutes to get here, so there are 2 minutes left. 】

[You shouldn’t have asked the girls for help, right? 】

[Like Yukako Yamagishi, or the woman who does beauty treatments in "Cinderella". 】

【This...this guy! ! ] Hirose Koichi recognized Kira Yoshikage.

[I didn’t take the jacket with the buttons sewn on. 】

[Go back and get it later. 】

[Let me deal with you first. 】

Kira Yoshikage pointed at Hirose Koichi, his face expressionless.

[This, this guy is him! 】

[Over the years, countless people have died at his hands, including Sister Lingmei and Ah Chong! 】

【ah! ! ! 】

Hirose Koichi roared, the golden power surging around his body, and he shouted, [Let’s do it! "ACT3"! 】

"ACT3" rushed towards Kira Yoshikage.

The fist turned into countless afterimages.

Swing towards Kira Yoshikage.

Kira Yoshikage took his time.

["Killer Queen". 】

"Killer Queen" appeared in front of him instantly, and he saw a sharp light in the eyes of "Killer Queen". He easily blocked all the punches of "ACT3" with his hands.

Hirose Koichi was shocked.


"Killer Queen"'s slap surged with purple power and hit "ACT3" in the face crazily. "ACT3" flew upside down, and Koichi Hirose, who was "ACT3"'s "stand-in", was also affected. Hirose Yasushi vomited blood, flew out together with "ACT3", and fell to the ground.


JOJO's Bizarre Adventure The world of eternal diamonds.

Hongcun Yitai's face was full of shock!

"What's going on! Why does this guy have a 'substitute'!"

Higashikata Jousuke was confused.

Each "substitute" should have only one "substitute".


The world of Dragon Ball.

Inside the spaceship.

Frieza said contemptuously, "This kid is really weak. He is no match for Kira Yoshikage."


The world of the exorcist boy.

Black Order Headquarters.

"The murderer actually appeared in front of Hirose Koichi. Why?"

"Could it be that..."

Ya Lian's pupils narrowed suddenly.

Kira Yoshikage calculated the time for Higashikata Josuke and others to come to the rescue. This also means that he calculated everything and believed that his strength was superior to Hirose Koichi and could easily solve Hirose Koichi and his "stand-in" "!


The scene continues! !

"ACT3" A carp stood up and assumed a fighting posture.

[Why does this guy have two "stand-ins"? 】

[Shouldn’t everyone have only one “substitute”? 】

Hirose Yasuichi's face broke out in cold sweat.

["Withering Heart Attack" is a pursuit bomb shot by "Killer Queen" with her left hand. So only my left hand was injured. ] Kira Yoshikage explained.

The back of his left hand and the back of "Killer Queen's" left hand were both dented. Apparently Bomb Chariot was attacked by Hirose Koichi's "stand-in" and his left hand was injured.


"???——Hirose Koichi"

"Just the attack ability of a 'substitute'? ——Higashi Jousuke"

"That's outrageous! - Yayanomiya Shigekiyo"

"Kira Yoshikage is too strong! - Hirose Koichi"

"It's just an attack ability that can push two 'stand-ins' to this level. How can we fight? You can't fight, right? - Klin"

"This kid is going to be cold. - Frieza"

A dense barrage floated by.

It's not that they look down on Hirose Koichi, it's because the enemy is too strong.


The scene continues! !

[Lord Kang Yi, let me give you a piece of advice. 】

[You are now out of the 5-meter attack range. 】

[The weight borne by the bomb double will disappear. 】

"ACT3" faced Kira Yoshikage and stretched out his index finger towards Hirose Koichi. As soon as he finished speaking, the bomb chariot surged with purple energy and flew out of the ground.

【oh. 】

Kira Yoshikage waved his left hand, and he felt that his left hand suddenly became much more relaxed.

[S, H, I, T! 】

[You have to use "3FREEZE" to attack again! 】

"ACT3" said.

When Kira Yoshikage heard the explanation of "ACT3", he immediately understood that "ACT3" had an attack range. Purple energy began to surge on his body, and the "Killer Queen" and Bomb Chariot following him also surged with purple energy and approached him.

A terrifying sense of oppression struck Hirose Yasuichi.

【Which one do you want to attack? Is it the murderer himself, or a shit bomb? 】

【3FREEZE cannot make two things heavier at once! 】

"ACT3" clasped his hands, aimed at Kira Yoshikage and the "double", prepared the attack, and waited for Hirose Yasuichi to give the order.

Chapter 417 I will look forward to your arrival in another world!

Hirose Yasuichi gritted his teeth.

As Kira Yoshikage approaches, his pressure increases.

Breaking into a cold sweat.

His whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

He was extremely struggling and hesitant in his heart.

[Even if the murderer himself becomes heavier, the bomb double will not stop attacking because it is automatically controlled! Make the bomb heavier and he himself will attack...]

【Which one to choose! 】

【Please order quickly! 】

"ACT3" urged.

If we don't give the order, I'm afraid it will be too late.

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