Hirose Koichi's breathing became heavier.

Behind him was the unconscious Jotaro Kujo.

【Which one do you want to attack? 】

"ACT3" urged again.

Hirose Yasuichi seemed to have made up his mind and shouted, "Let... let the bomb stop!" 】

【"3FREEZE"! 】

"ACT3" launched an attack on the bomb tank. Countless fists hit the bomb tank. A crater appeared on the ground, and the bomb tank fell deep into it. Kira Yoshikage's left hand suddenly became heavier. He couldn't help but kneel down on one knee, and his left hand fell to the ground. .

As soon as the "ACT3" attack landed, "Killer Queen" stepped on his head and knocked him to the ground.

Hirose Koichi also fell.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Kira Yoshikage sighed, [No matter which one you attack, you are destined to lose. However, I didn't expect that the "Blight Piercer Attack", which I thought had no weaknesses, turned out to be completely useless. 】

He looked expressionlessly at Hirose Koichi, who was lying on the ground, struggling to get up, and began to sing.

[You asked me to compensate someone for their money in a cafe, and I got picked on by scoundrels. 】

[I feel like I was really hurt by you. 】

[This is the first time that I have been forced to this point. 】

[I can even feel a little bit of "frustration". 】

[Really, I respect you. You are such an amazing guy. 】

[By the way, do you have any tissue with you? 】

Kira Yoshikage stood up, [A handkerchief is fine too. 】

Hirose Koichi struggled to get up, but "Killer Queen" stepped on "ACT3" firmly. This force was also exerted on him, and he could only barely support his upper body.

[I have expressed my respect to you, can you just say a few words back to me? ] Kira Yoshikage said.

【No belt. 】

Hirose Koichi said with difficulty.

【Then use mine. 】

Kira Yoshikage threw the tissue in front of Hirose Koichi.

Hirose Yasuichi looked at the handkerchief on the ground, a little stunned.

Bang! !

Kira Yoshikage used an uppercut, and this punch hit the side of Hirose Koichi's face hard. Blood splattered out, and Kira Yoshikage's voice sounded.

[This will cause a lot of nosebleeds. 】

[I borrowed it from you to clean it. 】

[Next, I will torture you to death. 】

[It takes more than a minute for your friend to get here. 】

Kira Yoshikage glanced at the watch on his wrist and continued, "You caused me to be humiliated in front of everyone. Otherwise, how could I have said this?" 】

Hirose Yasuichi supported the ground with one hand and covered his face with the other. Blood continuously overflowed from his fingers and flowed to the ground.

A small pool of blood has formed on the ground.


Looking inside the light curtain, Hirose Koichi was beaten so badly that countless barrages began to appear on the light curtain.

"You bully a child. Previously it was Shigekiyo Ya'amiya, and now it's Koichi Hirose and Yoshikage Kira. This person's character is not good. - Kyoraku Shunsui"

"I'm afraid the previous barrage is not a joke. Where does Yoshikage Kira, a murderer, have such character? -Azazel"

"Kira Yoshikage!! I will never let him go! - Higashikata Josuke"

"This guy!! I will let him go to hell! - Nijimura Okuyasu"

"Kouichi, hold on! - Jotaro Kujo"


The scene continues!

Kira Yoshikage stepped on Hirose Koichi's hand.


Hirose Yasuichi couldn't help but scream.

A leather shoe was thrust into his mouth.

[Hey, hey, stop yelling. 】

[On my way here, I suffered the same pain as you do now. 】

[I didn’t say a word. 】

【Are you a boy? 】

Kira Yoshikage rolled the leather shoes, and then with force, he pulled out the leather shoes with a flick. Hirose Yasuichi screamed, and Kira Yoshikage grabbed his hair and shouted, "Learn from me!" 】

He slammed Hirose Koichi's head toward the ground.

Blood splattered.

Hirose Koichi's head was close to the ground, and blood spread from the ground.

[Look, don’t you need tissue paper? 】

[Let me wipe it for you. 】

Kira Yoshikage turned Hirose Koichi's face, picked up a clean tissue on the ground, and roughly wiped the blood on Hirose Koichi's face. As he wiped it, he said, [I heard that if the nose is blocked, the head will also be blocked. will become dull. 】

[However, I was beaten to the ground just like you are now. 】

Hirose Koichi struggled to raise his hand, but he was unable to stop Kira Yoshikage at all.

the other side.

The bomb tank turned into a golden skull-shaped round card and flew back to the back of "Killer Queen"'s hand.

[In another minute, I will let "Killer Queen" blow you to ashes. Until then, just learn from me and endure the pain. 】

【Learn from me! ! 】

Kira Yoshikage grabbed the hair on the back of Hirose Koichi's head and kept hitting his head on the ground.

Bang bang bang! !

After hitting it more than ten times, he let go, but there was still hair hanging on his fingers.

He shook his hand in disgust and shook the hair off his hand.

【Your name is...】

【Kira Yoshikage...】

Hirose Koichi, who was lying on the ground, clenched his hands into fists and said with difficulty. At the same time, he slowly got up.

Kira Yoshikage's pupils dilated, showing shock.

[Kira Yoshikage, this is your real name! 】

Hirose Koichi barely supported his upper body.

Kira Yoshikage sensed something was wrong, pushed him away, and saw a wallet and a driver's license hidden under him. On the driver's license is Kira Yoshikage's name, photo, address and other information.

【My driver's license! 】

【When did you steal my wallet? 】

【You useless brat! 】

Hirose Yasuichi was lying on the ground on all fours, his forehead, mouth and nose were bleeding continuously, and blood kept sliding down his chin.

He looked at Kira Yoshikage with a stubborn face.

[Didn’t you just say you lost money in the cafe? 】

[At that time, I suddenly thought of it. 】

Yoshikage Kira picked up the driver's license and put it in his pocket, "So what if I know my name." You're going to disappear anyway. 】

[Ah, you will indeed kill me next. 】

【but. 】

[Even people like me know your name. 】

【You are nothing special! 】

[You can escape for a while, but who knows! 】

[You just want a useless brat like me to know your name. 】

[I’ll say it again, you’ve been named by a useless brat. 】

【You are already in a state of embarrassment! 】

【I will look forward to your arrival in another world! ! 】

At the last sentence, Hirose Koichi almost shouted.

Chapter 418: Helping the enemy put on his socks

Kira Yoshikage's face gradually distorted, and with the last two sentences, Kira Yoshikage was completely angry.

【You stinky brat! ! ! 】

Kira Yoshikage controlled "Killer Queen" and punched Hirose Koichi hard.

Bang bang bang! ! !

puff! ! !

"Killer Queen's" fist penetrated Hirose Koichi's chest.

Blood splattered everywhere.

【asshole! 】

[What’s going on with this frustration! ! 】

Kira Yoshikage cursed in a low voice.

The light in Hirose Koichi's pupils dimmed after his chest was pierced by the fist of "Killer Queen".


The world of death.

"At this time, you actually dare to anger Kira Yoshikage."

"This kid is a man."

Kyōraku Shunsui pulled the hat on his head to cover the upper half of his face and said.

There was admiration in his voice.


Xuye Palace.

Aizen tilted his face and looked at the light screen calmly, "What a stupid kid. He clearly had the opportunity to delay time and wait for his friends to come to the rescue. But he actually wasted it."

"I'm afraid Kira Yoshikage will be able to escape after killing him."


JOJO's Bizarre Adventure The world of eternal diamonds.


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