[But, is this the answer? ! 】

Suddenly, if he felt something, he looked in the direction of the window and saw purple translucent air bullets as big as basketballs blowing open the curtains and slowly floating towards Higashikata Josuke and others.

[The air bullet ran in through the window! ! 】

Kawajiri Hayato looked at this scene in shock.

【Get out of the way! 】

Higashikata Jousuke shouted.

Yoshihiro Kira took advantage of the chaos, leaned half of his body out of the photo, stretched out his hand and threw out the rope, trying to escape.

Bomb, we're about to meet Brother Josuke!

Kawajiri Hayato watched in horror as the air bullet hit Higashikata Jousuke.

Higashikata Josuke put the phone to his ear, deliberately lowered his voice, and said, [Josuke... ran three meters away. 】

The air bullet was already face to face with Higashikata Josuke, and the air bullet was still squashed, but after Higashikata Josuke said those words, the air bullet passed through Higashikata Josuke and continued to move forward.

[Put it through! 】

Kawajiri Hayato looked at this scene in shock.

[From there, move three meters up and to the left. 】Higashiji Jousuke continued to speak to the phone in a low voice.

The air bomb flew towards Yoshihiro Kira.

[Because I spoke in a low voice, I didn’t notice that Josuke’s voice was different from the original one! 】Kawajiri Hayato was secretly shocked.

Kira Yoshihiro looked at the air bomb approaching him in horror, and he fled to the left.

[He fled to the left again. 】

【One meter away. 】

Higashikata Jousuke continued.

The air bullets chased him quickly.

【What! ! ? 】

[Son of a bitch, what are you doing! ? 】

Yoshihiro Kira couldn't help shouting because he was extremely frightened and angry.

[That’s it, explode it! 】 Dongfang Jousuke said.


"Killer Queen" pressed the detonation button.

【Jiying! ! ! 】

Bang! ! ! ! !

Kira Yoshihiro's shouts were masked by the sound of the explosion. The huge explosion flames burned blazingly, sawdust flew everywhere, and Higashikata Josuke and Kawajiri Hayato lowered their bodies. The flames of the explosion covered Yoshihiro Kira, and the photo of Yoshihiro Kira hiding was burned, and then covered by black smoke.

outside the house.

Kira Yoshikage looked up at the room.

There was a hole in the roof, and gray smoke slowly rose from the broken windows and holes in the roof.

Not far away, Kujo Jotaro and others heard the huge explosion, and they looked at the rising gray smoke in confusion.

Kira Yoshikage let out a low and maniacal laugh, and asked the other end of the phone, "Did it succeed?" 】

[I’ll blow you up, Josuke. 】


[Yeah, it blew up beautifully. 】

【Following my guidance, you went to hell. 】

[However, he was originally a ghost. 】

[Finally he’s going where he should go. 】

The moment Higashikata Josuke's voice sounded, Kira Yoshikage's pupils dilated, and he gritted his teeth, [Josuke...]

The golden power wrapped around the heart-shaped glass, turned into a shooting star, and shot toward Kira Yoshikage's back shoulder.

Poof! !

Kira Yoshikage let go of his hand, his phone fell to the ground, and he lay on the wall. I saw another bloody hole on his back shoulder. There was blood pouring out of the blood hole.

Blood stained white suit jacket.

Chapter 424: Fate is always on my side, Yoshikage Kira!

[This...this must be something wrong! 】

[How could there be... such a bad situation. 】

[I have always looked forward to living a peaceful life like a plant...]

【My life, Yoshikage Kira...】

【This shouldn't happen! 】

Kira Yoshikage was shaking in pain.

Biting his lower lip reluctantly.

Tick ​​tock.

Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth to the ground.

[But, at this time. 】

[The more you encounter such a bad situation, such a bad situation, the more likely "opportunities" will appear! 】

[This is what I learned from past lessons. 】

【The more desperate you are, the more calm you must be! 】

【And seize that moment of opportunity! 】

[I, Kira Yoshikage, come here like this every time! 】

[I have never encountered any difficulties that I could not overcome. 】

【Absolutely not! 】

Kira Yoshikage walked out of the wall and saw a figure walking out of the house.

Higashikata Jousuke was covered in blood.

Blood kept dripping from his body to the ground, turning the ground red.

He was gasping for air from the pain.

【You are already in mine. 】

[Attack range is over! 】

【Kira Yoshikage! 】

Kira Yoshikage couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Kawajiri Hayato watched this scene nervously.

【Finally arrived at that guy’s side! 】

[In close combat, the winner can be determined in an instant. 】

[But...if it touches that guy, it will turn into a bomb. 】

[And...Moreover...Brother Josuke, his legs and abdomen were injured. 】

[Logically speaking, he shouldn’t be able to stand up! 】

【Touhou...Josuke! ! ] Kira Yoshikage shouted in a low voice through gritted teeth.

[Call it out. 】

[Bring your..."Killer Queen". 】

Higashikata Jousuke stared at him with sharp eyes.

【"Killer Queen"! ! 】

Kira Yoshikage's "Killer Queen" appeared instantly, and "Crazy Diamond" faced "Killer Queen". "Killer Queen's" fist passed by "Crazy Diamond"'s fist, and "Crazy Diamond's" fist hit hard The ground hit "Killer Queen" in the face, causing "Killer Queen"'s face to collapse, with dense cracks appearing on half of her face.


Kira Yoshikage screamed and fell back.

Blood splattered from his face.

"Killer Queen" leaned back with her right body, gathered strength, and then hit "Crazy Diamond" hard. "Crazy Diamond"'s fist hit "Killer Queen" on the wrist.


"Killer Queen" screamed and retracted her hand, continuing to attack "Crazy Diamond". The densely packed fists turned into countless shadows and hit "Crazy Diamond". "Crazy Diamond's" fist struck from both sides and hit "Killer Queen's" arm from the outside. "Killer Queen's" arm was dented.

【So strong! ! 】

Kira Yoshikage's eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted in disbelief.

Higashikata Josuke and "Crazy Diamond" roared. The power in Higashikata Jousuke's body surged. “Crazy Diamond” is building up the power to throw punches.

Feeling the power surging from Higashikata Josuke and "Crazy Diamond", Kira Yoshikage's face was full of horror.

【I will be killed! 】

[I, Kira Yoshikage, was slaughtered by him! 】

Crazy Diamond roared, pumping his fist. The fists turned into countless phantoms, and they hit the "Killer Queen" densely. "Killer Queen"'s body dented an inch every time she was punched.


Higashikata Jousuke showed a look of astonishment.

Kawajiri Hayato's pupils trembled violently, and cold sweat appeared on his face.

【How could this... happen...】

【How could such a thing happen? 】

[Obviously it’s just a little bit closer. 】

[Obviously Josuke is the stronger brother. 】

[Fate, as expected... is on the side of the murderer? 】

Higashikata Jousuke looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but lost his voice, [The fist... didn't hit! 】

A layer of bubbles appeared on the surface of "Killer Queen". The bubbles blocked "Crazy Diamond's" fist. "Crazy Diamond's" fist fell into this layer of bubble film and could not hurt "Killer Queen" at all.

[This is an air bomb, just like a cushion. 】

[But...But, I didn't call it defensive. 】

【I don’t have this extra leisure time...】

【What is this! 】

Kira Yoshikage looked from behind "Killer Queen" to "Killer Queen"'s belly.

The abdomen of "Killer Queen" rises like a rolling door, revealing "cat grass". "Cat Grass" had a ferocious face, and its sharp eyes showed anger. It opened its mouth wide, revealing teeth as sharp as sharks, and roared at "Crazy Diamond" and Higashikata Josuke.

【I understand. 】

["Cat Grass" thought he was being attacked and instinctively resisted. 】

【The opportunity has come! 】

【This is a good opportunity! 】

[Sure enough, in the worst circumstances, "opportunities" will come. 】

【"Killer Queen"! 】

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