[Turn that air bomb into a bomb! 】

Kira Yoshikage shouted hurriedly.

Now or never! !

"Killer Queen" condensed dark purple twisted power in her hand and landed on the air bullet in front of her. The air bullet flew towards Higashikata Josuke in front.

【I won! 】

[Turn it into a "contact bomb"! 】

[If you touch it, you will be killed, and now the distance is so close! 】

[Josuke, your injuries are so severe, you now... don't have the physical strength to dodge this air bomb! 】

When Kira Yoshikage thought this, Higashikata Josuke suddenly let out a muffled groan.

Perhaps because the physical injuries were too severe, Higashikata Josuke's body bent down and trembled. He gritted his teeth and barely stood.

His eyes were full of unyielding look.

【Kira Yoshikage! 】

Kawajiri Hayato's pupils suddenly shrank, and cold sweat poured down his face.

[It turned out to be a "contact bomb"! ! 】

【Brother Josuke! 】

[Use glass shards quickly, or a tree, anything! 】

[Throw it over quickly and block it! 】

"Crazy Diamond" appeared next to Higashikata Josuke, and he stretched out his hand, trying to reach the glass shards on the ground.

Shards of glass were close at hand.


Higashikata Josuke fell to the ground, his right elbow supported the ground and he knelt on the ground.

"Crazy Diamond" disappears.

【Won! 】

[It always happens when I get into the worst situations in my life. 】

[Fate is always on my side, Yoshikage Kira! 】

Kira Yoshikage was so excited that his face was ferocious.

The air bullet was only a few centimeters away from Higashikata Jousuke's cheek. Higashikata Jousuke gritted his teeth and watched the air bullet continue to approach.

【ah! ! ! 】

Kawajiri Hayato screamed in horror.

A ray of blue light, like a half-moon, flashed past.

Kira Yoshikage and Kawajiri Hayato both witnessed this light.

The air bomb was deviated from its original trajectory by this strange force, passed by Higashikata Jousuke's side, and then floated away.

Chapter 425: How could I be forced into a desperate situation?

【This...how could this happen! 】

Kira Yoshikage was greatly shocked.

[The trajectory of the air...air bomb has actually shifted! ] Kawajiri Hayato was shocked and puzzled.

The air bullet floated towards the back of Higashikata Josuke, and a figure stood in front of the air bullet. He was wearing the same black school uniform as Higashikata Josuke.

【You...you kid...】

Kira Yoshikage looked at the person who appeared in silence.

【Who are you! 】Kawajiri Hayato also looked at the person who appeared in shock.

【You guy! 】

Higashikata Jousuke also looked shocked.

【Yitai (big brother Yitai)! ] Higashikata Josuke and Kawajiri Hayato shouted in unison.

The person who appeared was none other than Hongcun Yitai.

He was near death and woke up.

And it looks intact!

His stand-in "Bombing Space" is located next to him. The body of "Bombing Space" resembles that of a muscular man, with a wood-like head and two broken spikes replacing the ears. The face looks like a robot, with golden "¥" and "$" symbols on both sides of the shoulder blades. Totally sky blue.

At this time, Hongcun Yitai's whole body was surging with light blue power.

He looked down at the slowly floating purple translucent air bombs and said, "I find it incredible every time." Where did the things that were cut away by this "bombing space" go? 】

【never mind. 】

[I have a bad brain and I get a headache if I think too much. 】

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand, and "Bombing Space" also stretched out his hand, slowly moving aside with the air bomb.

The air bomb stopped steadily under the palm of "Bombing Space", only less than one centimeter away from the palm of "Bombing Space".

He stopped suddenly.

"Bombing Space" also stopped together.

The closing speed is extremely fast.

Only an afterimage was left.

The air bomb was collected into the palm of the "bombing space" and then disappeared.

【How could such a thing happen! ! 】 Kira Yoshikage shouted with a distorted face.

Kawajiri Hayato looked at Nijimura Okuyasu who looked like a healthy person in shock.

【This... I really can’t believe it. 】

[Yes...it's Brother Yitai. 】

[His heartbeat and breathing had stopped just now! 】

Kira Yoshikage looked at Higashikata Josuke and Nijimura Okuyasu and staggered back a few steps.

[This...how is this possible! 】

[Fate should be on my side, Yoshikage Kira! 】

[The "opportunity" has already arrived! 】

["Cat Grass", reward them with another air bomb! 】

The "Cat Grass" in the abdomen of "Killer Queen" roared and wanted to launch air bombs. "Bombing Space" waved, and a light blue light passed through Killer Queen, and "Cat Grass" was hit by a wave of The powerful suction force flew out from the abdomen of "Killer Queen".

Nijimura Yitai stretched out his hand and caught the flying "cat grass".

【What! ! 】

Kira Yoshikage's pupils trembled violently,

He gritted his teeth as he watched "Cat Grass" fall into the hands of Nijimura Yitai.

The "cat grass" that fell into the hands of Nijimura Yitai struggled and twisted, trying to escape from his hands, but Nijimura Yitai held it tightly and refused to let it go.

Kawajiri Hayato clenched his fists and said.

【So...great! 】

【That guy...】

[Kirara can’t blow people up with air bombs! 】

Kira Yoshikage covered his left arm and swayed.

【No...no me...】

[There is no difficulty that I, Yoshikage Kira, cannot overcome! ! 】

【Absolutely not! ! ! 】

He looked crazy, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked particularly ferocious.

【Brother Jotaro! look! 】

Hirose Koichi's voice came from behind.

Only Hirose Koichi, Kishibe Rohan and Kujo Jotaro were seen standing not far behind Kira Yoshikage.

Hirose Koichi pointed to the house in front of him and said, [The loud noise just now came from that house. 】

[Did you post something? 】

[Is it a gas explosion? 】

Kira Yoshikage was stiff all over.

like a statue.

The whole person fell into shadow.

He recognized Hirose Koichi's voice!

[You...look over there! 】

【That person is injured! 】

Hirose Yasuichi pointed at Kira Yoshikage in surprise.

Kira Yoshikage's forehead was bleeding, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth. What was more serious was his left back shoulder, which had two holes. The bright red blood dyed half of his suit red. Kira Yoshikage's eyes were dull at this time, and he stared at Hirose Koichi and the others. The pupils were trembling violently.

The siren of the fire truck sounded from far to near, and several fire trucks were parked nearby.

Hirose Yasuichi saw Higashikata Josuke and the others, and he couldn't help but said in surprise, "Josuke and the others are here too!" 】

[That child is Kawajiri Hayato. 】

【This man is Kawajiri Kosaku. 】

Kishibe Rohan compared the photos in her hands.

Kujo Jotaro looked at Kira Yoshikage who was confronting Higashikata Josuke and others, and said, [I think I probably know what is going on. 】

Kujo Jotaro, Higashikata Josuke and others surrounded Kira Yoshikage.

Kawajiri Hayato pointed at Kira Yoshikage and shouted loudly.

[The "destiny" that is on your side, and the "opportunity" that you don't know if you can grasp it, those powers are nothing compared to the "spirit of justice" here now! 】

He seemed to be announcing Kira Yoshikage's "failure" and "death."

Most of Kira Yoshikage's face fell into shadow, his eyes widened and his pupils trembled violently.

It was difficult for him to accept that this was true.

【This...is a dream. 】

【This is...dreaming. 】

【How could I be forced into a desperate situation...】

[This must be...a dream. 】

Kira Yoshikage slowly fell to the ground, and with a pop, he lay on the ground, blood pouring from the wounds on his body.

【You have now...】

[There is no way to escape. 】

【It has ended! 】

Higashikata Jousuke and the other three said.

Firefighters are directing the evacuation of people away from the exploding house.

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