At the same time, a female doctor wearing a safety helmet and a white coat walked towards Kira Yoshikage and shouted to other rescue workers, "Someone is injured there." 】

[Please bring an ambulance over here! 】

【How are you? Can you hear me? 】

[The ambulance will be here soon. 】

【It’s okay now. 】

The female doctor took off her safety helmet and ran toward him.

When Kawajiri Hayato saw the female doctor approaching, he quickly shouted, "Don't let that person get close to Kira!" 】

Kujo Jotaro and others were shocked.

The female doctor came to Kira Yoshikage and squatted down.

[We will send you to the hospital for treatment immediately. 】

[Please cheer up. 】

Kira Yoshikage, who was lying on the ground, stretched out his hand towards her tremblingly.

[It's okay, cheer up. 】

The female doctor comforted her and stretched out her hand.


Kira Yoshikage's hand grabbed the female doctor's hand.

Higashikata Jousuke and Nijimura Okuyasu looked shocked.

【Oh no! 】

Kawajiri lost his voice early.

Purple power surged through Yoshikage Kira's body, and the "Killer Queen" appeared, touching the female doctor with her hand.

Chapter 426 "The loser eats the dust" starts!

[That woman has been turned into a bomb by him! 】

Kawajiri Hayato said loudly.

Higashikata Jousuke and others realized that the situation was not good.

[Can you see how many fingers there are here? 】

The female doctor let Kira Yoshikage lie on the ground, covered in blood, holding her hand. She raised three fingers on her other hand and asked him with concern.

Kira Yoshikage gasped rapidly and held the female doctor's hand tightly.

[Mr. Jotaro, you can use your "Platinum Star". ] Kishibe Rohan took a step forward and whispered.

[I know, but we have to get closer! 】

[Even if you pause the time, you can't do anything if you are too far away from him. 】

【At least 5 meters away from him. 】

Jotaro Kujo stared closely at Kira Yoshikage.

Higashikata Josuke's face was filled with anger. He pointed at Kira Yoshikage and yelled.

[He turned others into bombs and used them as hostages! 】

[If you have the ability, try it! 】

【I will cure that woman instantly! 】

【no! ] Kawajiri Hayato grabbed his thigh and stopped him, saying, [It's not as simple as being a hostage! 】

【That guy has a hidden ability! 】

[That is a power that can leap through time, called "the loser eats the dust"! 】

Everyone was extremely shocked.

The ability to leap through time? !

[That ability must only be used on people without "substitute ability", like me and that woman! 】

[It is an ability that can only happen when Kira is forced into desperation. 】

[In other words, just like now! 】

[Only when he is completely desperate can he activate it! 】

[Let the time go back to the bomb one hour ago! 】

Kawajiri Hayato's words made Higashikata Josuke feel troubled, "What is that!" 】

Kira Yoshikage looked at the female doctor's hand and couldn't help but touch it. His breathing became rapid, "Your hands, joints and skin are very soft, and your fingers are white and cute." Can you rub it on your cheek? 】

【Eh? 】

The female doctor looked at him in surprise.

[Rub it on your cheek, it will make people feel very calm. Ah~] Kira Yoshikage rubbed her hand with his cheek and made a strange sound, [That happened when I was a child. Da Vinci has a painting called "Mona Lisa". When I saw that painting in the album. What should I say when I first saw that painting? That... Although it's a bit obscene, I'm boki. 】

Kira Yoshikage showed a look of yearning.

The female doctor swallowed.

She realized that the person in front of her seemed a little abnormal?

[I cut off her "hand" part. It was placed in the room for a while. I want to cut your hand off. 】

Kira Yoshikage began to lick the female doctor's hand, and the female doctor withdrew her hand in horror.

【What are you doing! 】

Kira Yoshikage grabbed her hand again, so hard that she couldn't pull away.

[So far I have killed 48 women with beautiful hands. 】

【Only you...】

【Only you will know my true face. 】

In the eyes of the female doctor, a "Killer Queen" filled with purple power appeared.

【This...this is bad! 】

["Loser Eats Dust" is about to start! 】

[If we don’t get rid of him quickly, everyone here will be killed except that woman! 】

Kawajiri Hayato was the first to notice that Kira Yoshikage had used his ability, and he warned everyone loudly.

There was horror on everyone's faces.

Jotaro Kujo rushed forward first, followed by Rohan Kishibe.

Higashikata Jousuke also wanted to rush forward, but when he moved, the injury on his leg was affected.

He was in pain and knelt on one knee on the ground. Blood spurted out from the wound on his leg where sawdust had been inserted. He gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain that felt like his heart was being torn apart. For a moment, he couldn't rush forward to deal with Kira Yoshikage.

[Jotaro, are you coming over? "The loser eats the dust" is an ability I developed because I really didn't want to meet you. Come closer! Pause time and take a look! Can you stop for a few seconds and continue to push me to the edge? When I am pushed to the limit, I will definitely activate the "Loser Eats Dust"! 】

Kira Yoshikage put the female doctor's hand on his shoulder. "Killer Queen" was full of strength. He stared at Jotaro Kujo with all his attention, and his spirit was tense.

[Mr. Jotaro, pause time! 】

[Don’t let “Killer Queen” flip the switch! 】

Higashikata Josuke shouted.

Jotaro Kujo gritted his teeth.

【wrong! It's reached its limit! 】

【I want to press the switch, now! ! 】

The moment Kira Yoshikage finished speaking, "Killer Queen" grabbed the struggling female doctor with one hand and pressed the button with the other hand.


Boom! ! !

The female doctor exploded instantly.

The fire burned brightly.

Kira Yoshikage's body appears in the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

[It...succeeded! 】

【Activated! ! 】

His body shuttled quickly, passing through the sea of ​​stars in the universe, through layers of white clouds, and through birds spreading their wings.

In the blink of an eye, Kira Yoshikage's figure appeared in an alley.

He looked around.

The sparrows in the alley were frightened and flew away.

He touched his face, opened his white suit jacket, and checked the injury on his shoulder. The injury was completely gone.


The world of the exorcist boy.

Black Order Headquarters.

Science class.

A group of science class members wearing white coats gathered together, including Kaumui, Li Nali, and Yalian.

They looked at the unharmed Kira Yoshikage and couldn't help but become angry.

"This guy was not killed!"

"He actually escaped."

"I'm afraid Higashikata Jousuke and others will not be killed by him this time."

"It seems that the winner will be this murderer in the end."

"Damn it. If it were me, I would never let this murderer go."

Li Nali also frowned slightly.

She crossed her chest with one hand and put her other hand on her chin.

"Kira Yoshikage travels back to an hour ago, so he can take the initiative. Even if Kira Yoshikage doesn't take action, Higashikata Josuke and others will probably be killed by the ability of 'Loser Eats Dust'."

Ya Lian clenched her fists, her face full of anger.

"Can such a wicked person do whatever he wants?"

He was very angry.

Such a great villain.

This was his first time seeing it.

Komuyi was thoughtful.

There is something wrong with the footage just given. When Kira Yoshikage activates "The Loser Eats Dust", the "Killer Queen" will appear in the eyes of the person who is about to explode. However, the footage does not show the explosion scene of Higashikata Josuke and others. He always felt that things were not that simple.


JOJO's Bizarre Adventure The world of eternal diamonds.

Hirose Yasuichi suddenly stood up from his seat.

Others looked at him.

Hirose Koichi also noticed the gazes of others.

The teacher hesitated for a moment and asked, "Hirose-san, is something wrong?"

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