The world of tutor reborn.

At night, the drizzle continued.

The roof of Bingsheng Middle School.

The second battle for the Guardian Ring, the Battle of the Guardian of Thunder, is about to begin!

The one who is going to play is Rambo.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, Gokudera Nagito, Yamamoto Takeshi, Rambo, Sasakawa Ryohei and others put their shoulders on each other's shoulders and formed a circle.

[Blue Wave——FIGHT! ! ! 】

【oh--! ! ! 】

[Hahahahaha, so interesting, let’s do it again! 】

Lambo, the sheep's shaggy-haired man, laughed.

Yamamoto Takeshi and others couldn't help but worry.

"Is this kid really okay..."

"Looks like he doesn't understand the meaning of the game at all..."

"Rambo! Listen to me..."

"If you hate it, you don't have to go."

Sawada Tsunayoshi said seriously.

"Although I don't know what considerations my father based on deciding this kind of thing, it is really strange to let a child like you fight..."

"You probably don't want to die yet, right?"

"Ah, Gang, don't you know? Lan Bo is invincible, so Lan Bo is immortal." Lan Bo said with his nose pressed.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was helpless.

Sure enough, he is still just a child.


Rambo is about to enter the ring.

"You can't launch the 10-year-old rocket launcher! It has been stopped by the grown-up Blue Wave. If you really want to go up, then bring this horn up."

Sawada Tsunayoshi handed the horn to Rambo.

Lan Bo thought it was too dirty and went directly to the stage. He pointed to the pillars on the ring and asked Levitan in front of him, "Hey, how does that thing work?"

"So, Ring of Thunder, Levitan VS Rambo!"

"Game start!!!"

The battle for the Thunder Ring in the reborn world of the tutor is about to begin, and a light curtain also appears in front of everyone.

"A new video appears at this time!?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi was shocked.

But when he saw that the name above was the name of a stranger he didn't recognize, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't Rambo, let alone someone else he knew.


In the light curtain, the title gradually faded away, and a voice appeared in the dark screen.

【Abdel! 】

【It's your turn! 】

[Drive my grandson Jotaro out of this cell. 】

Joseph Joestar's voice rang out.

Mohammed Abdel appears in the picture, wearing a long red coat and white robe-like clothing underneath. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his forehead is wrapped with a white cloth. Wearing a gold coin-like necklace around her neck.

【yessir! 】

Inside the cage.

Abdel's stand-in "Red Magician" has the head of a bird and the body of a human. He controlled the blazing flames, and the blazing flames swept through his body. However, he was not harmed by the flames at all. He was like a god controlling the flames, standing high above.

The "Red Magician" manipulates countless flames, turning them into ropes of flames that wrap around Jotaro Kujo's stand-in "Platinum Star".

[There is such a story in Aesop's fables. 】

[The cold wind only makes travelers wrap up their clothes tightly. 】

[The heat can make him surrender. 】

"Platinum Star" broke free from the cage's bars, grabbed a fence post and stabbed Abdel. However, Abdel suddenly turned his back on "Platinum Star" and Kujo Jotaro. The "Red Magician" slowly integrated into his body, and he walked inside.

[As you can see, I've let him out of the cell. Abdel said.

Jotaro Kujo shouted in confusion, "Why are you suddenly turning your back to me!" 】

[Are these all planned by you? ] Jotaro Kujo said with a slight frown.

The scene turned and Kakyoin Noriaki's face appeared on the light screen. He had short red hair and a long strand of hair hanging from his bangs. The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and there was a bud-like bud in the center of his forehead, which looked like a living octopus.

[This is the granulation that grows from Dio’s cells. ] Abdel's voice sounded.

Chapter 431 Fierce battle with Dio’s men

As he explained, the scene changed to a skull, piercing Kakyoin Noriaki's head and piercing deeply into his nerves.

[Is this why he is loyal to Dior? 】

Cold sweat broke out on Kujo Jotaro's face.

The bud on Kakyoin Noriaki's forehead was beating like a heart. This bud was alive!

【It was a full moon that night. 】

[I am in Cairo, Egypt...]

【Meet Dior! 】

Abdel recalled the scene at that time. He was walking in a deserted alley and was about to go up the stairs when a tall figure appeared on the stairs. Dio had golden hair and a terrifying purple aura all over his body, pressing towards him. Like a flood, it swallowed him up.

[You seem to have a special ability that ordinary people don't have. 】

[If you are willing to let me see it, I will be happy. 】

Dior's hair flew like tentacles, and the ends were like sharp buds with rings of teeth, and they came to capture Abdel.


Abdel smashed through the glass, rolled several times on the ground, dodged these tentacle-like things, and ran frantically toward the dark front.

【I ran as hard as I could. 】

[No idea of ​​confrontation at all! 】

[You will die from your own substitute ability. 】

Polnareff appeared with a dangerous smile.

He had flat hair and was tall and muscular.

The stand-in "Silver Chariot" is behind him. The "Silver Chariot" is like a knight covered in silver armor, holding a sword in his hand.

Abdel spread his legs, stretched out his hands, and roared, blazing flames emerged from behind him, and the "Red Magician" emerged from the flames, as if he was born from the fire. The "Red Magician" raised his arms, revealing his strong muscles, with blazing flames underneath him.

[You actually plan to use prophecies to fight me, a fortune teller. 】

[Just wait another ten years! 】

The blazing flames burned the "Silver Chariot" and Polnareff. They were covered in flames. Polnareff fell to the ground, unable to stand up at all.

[His noble spirit prevailed over Dio's orders. 】

[It would be a pity to kill him. 】

Abdel snapped his fingers.

The flames on Polnareff disappeared instantly.

He came to the unconscious Polnareff, squatted down, held up his head, and brushed the white hair from his forehead, and saw a spider-like granulation implanted in his head. The granulation is still beating like a heart.

【Please give me more advice! 】

Polnareff's index finger and middle finger were pressed together, touching the side of his forehead, and then separated. He greeted Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin Noriaki, Abdel and others with bright faces.

【I have no objection. 】

Abdel said with his arms crossed.

A blue attack headed towards Polnareff!

【Polnareff! ! 】

Abdel lunged at him.

The two fell to the ground.

The blue attack passed above the two people and flew towards the sky.

J. Gale's stand-in "The Hanged Man", with a large area of ​​bandages on his body and muscles all over his body, looked like a stand-in for a weirdo, and grabbed Abdel.


A dagger appeared in the palm of the "Hanged Man's" other hand, and the dagger pierced Abdel's back shoulder blade.

Abdel was in pain, with heavy cold sweat breaking out on his face. He turned his head stiffly to look.

[Can’t you see that the enemy’s purpose is to let you act alone? 】

[I don’t allow you to act alone! Polnareff! 】

Accompanied by background sounds, a bullet pierced the sky and hit Abdel's forehead. He fell down, blood splattered on his back shoulder, blood spurted out from his forehead, and the white cloth on his forehead fell off.

Next to him, Polnareff watched in shock as Abdel fell.

【What! ? 】

Memories appear.

Abdel and Polnareff were arguing face to face, their faces less than five centimeters apart.

[Have you forgotten that you were brainwashed by Dior? 】

[Dior is the culprit, have you forgotten all this! 】

End of the meeting.

Polnareff burst into tears.

A large amount of water kept falling from his chin.

Behind him, Noriaki Kakyoin was kneeling on the ground, watching Abdel's fall in disbelief.

The memory comes back again.

There was a crowd all around.

[Can you understand how it feels when your sister is killed! 】

Polnareff had a bag hanging on his shoulder, and he turned to leave.

Abdel, Jotaro, Joseph and others watched him leave.

The memory ends.

【I killed you. 】

Polnareff's eyes were filled with tears.

The look of Abdel appeared in his pupils.

In the dark night.

Abdel appears!

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