【Mohammed Abdel! ! 】

Everyone shouted in surprise.

Abdel stretched out his index finger and moved it left and right.


He said loudly, [Yes, Iam! 】

His fingers slipped from above.

The posture is upright and handsome.

[The moment the back was pierced, the head also faced upward, that is, tilted backward. 】

[This is called luck among misfortunes. 】

After being stabbed, a bullet was fired at his head, but the bullet did not penetrate his skull.

Abdel pointed his index finger at the other party.

The "Red Magician" flew out from behind him with blazing flames, like the god of fire descending. He kicked hard on the arm of Cameo's substitute "Judgement", causing cracks in "Judgement"'s arm.

Abdel pulled back the white cloth on his forehead, revealing a deep wound.

[It is not a fatal wound that penetrates deep into the brain. ] Abdel had a smile on his lips.

[You are the Cameo of the "Judgment" card, right? 】

【Send you to hell! 】

Along with Abdel's voice, a huge and hot fireball burned in the hands of the "Red Magician", and the fireball smashed towards the opponent.

【Hell2U. 】


【Ah ha ha ha ha...】

Under the moonlight night, Abdel and Polnareff laughed and peed into Cameo's breathing tube.

The scene changes.

on the street.

Abdel and Joseph fell into the trick of Malaya's stand-in "Basidi Goddess", and when they touched the socket-shaped stand, their bodies generated a huge magnetic force.

The two of them leaned against the wooden fence of the street, close to each other.

The posture is very indecent.

A group of people were watching nearby.

The two wanted to separate, but the strong magnetic force made them inseparable.

The picture is a bit eye-catching.


JOJO's Bizarre Adventure The world of eternal diamonds.

Jotaro Kujo couldn't help but glance at Joseph from the corner of his eye.

did not expect.

I really didn't expect it.

Abdel just peed with Polnareff under the moonlight, that was to force Cameo to come out of the ground. And the intimate behavior of Abdel and Joseph was really indecent.

Hirose Yasuichi's cheeks turned red.

He couldn't help but stretched out his five fingers to block it in front of him.

"Isn't this for children?"

Chapter 432: Now that Jotaro has spoken, I believe him

Dongfang Jousuke's expression suddenly became strange.

"I didn't expect dad to have such a hobby..."

Joseph's face turned livid.

His good reputation in his later years was all gone.

However, he soon showed a nostalgic look.

I really miss when they went to hunt down Dio together. At that time, Abdel, Iqi and the others were at least still alive. But now, they can only live in their memories forever.


Oriental home.

Dongfang Tomoko covered her mouth and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the light screen in shock, and then she was extremely happy.


She showed nostalgia.


The world of Dragon Ball.

The island of Turtle Immortal.

Krillin's eyes widened.

What are these two people doing! ? Is this available to watch without paying?

The corners of Kame Immortal's mouth twitched slightly.

"These two people really have a lot of fun. But I'm not interested in this."

Wukong looked at Turtle Sennin with a puzzled look on his face, a huge question mark popping up in his head.


Destroy the divine realm.

Beerus was lying on his side on the huge seat, looking lazy, with his arm supporting the side of his head, looking puzzledly at the intimate interaction between Joseph and Abdel in the light screen.

"what are they doing?"

"You can't resist such suction. These two are really weak."

He was keenly aware that there was a magnetic force on these two people, and this attraction was the culprit that caused them to be in such a mess. However, he was a little confused that they couldn't resist such a weak magnetic force.

Whis held the staff in his hand and coughed, "Lord Beerus, humans in other worlds are strong and weak. You can't decide based on your own strength. Such magnetism is difficult for them to resist, which is normal. After all, they are just ordinary humans."

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the "intimate" interaction between the two people on the screen, and couldn't help but shook his head, thinking to himself, the world is really declining, and such a thing is done in public.


The world of inspired girls.

Lunch break time.


A cat meows from beside the window.

A cute-looking kitten appeared next to the classroom window and immediately set its sights on Amami Hibiki. Tian Haixiang's whole body stiffened. She turned her head and saw this cute little kitten.

"Wow, what a cute kitten."

"Why is the kitten here?"

Some girls who like kittens gathered around the cat.

The sky and sea trembled.

The lewd voice of the cat came to her ears.

"Hey hey hey... What a great view. I didn't expect to be so well developed at such a young age. Hey hey hey... give me a fat shot..."

The cat suddenly fixed its eyes on Tian Haixiang, jumped up towards her, and rushed towards her, "Give me a chance!!!"

The samurai stood up in response.

"If you want to get close to Miss Tianhai, you have to pass this level!"

He drew his samurai sword with murderous intent.

Other ghosts also stood in front of Tianhai Xiang.


The cat screamed and ran away in a hurry.

Tian Haixiang breathed a sigh of relief, and she thanked the samurai and other ghosts. The warrior immediately blushed when he answered, crossed his arms over his chest, turned his head and looked aside and said, "It is my duty to protect the helpless lady."

At this moment.

Joseph and Abdel's "intimate interaction" appeared within the light curtain.

Tian Haixiang suddenly opened his eyes.

Cheeks flushed.

"What...what is this?"

When the warriors and other ghosts saw the scene inside the light curtain, they were all shocked on the spot.

"There is such a shameless person who actually does such a disgraceful thing in public!"

The ghosts all stood in front of Tian Haixiang with indignation, blocking her from the "not suitable for children" light screen video.

At this time, Tian Haixiang's whole face seemed to be on fire, his cheeks were as red as apples, mosquito coils were coming out of his eyes, and white smoke was coming out of his head.


The scene continues!

The magnetism on Abdel and Joseph became stronger and stronger, and some scrap metal crashed towards them. At this time, they also realized that someone was plotting against them!

It's Dior's men!

The two of them designed it.

Carrying countless scrap metal objects, both sides attacked Malaiya. Malaiya was pressed in the middle by Abdel, Joseph and many scrap metals, and she suddenly fell down with broken bones all over her body and lost her fighting ability.

The scene changes.

Come to the scene where Abdel meets Ichi.

It was in an alley, and the others were trying to catch Iggy, a stray dog. The hair on its body is black and white, it has huge peach-like ears, and its body is petite.

It evades the pursuit of Abdel and others' substitutes.

The "Red Magician" used flames, blazing flames, to surround Iqi. Other substitutes went to capture Iqi, but Iqi still narrowly escaped. But in the end, Ichi was caught and put in a cage.

Joseph, who was all dirty and dirty, stood aside with his arms crossed. There was a black car next to him, ready to take away Iqi's people. Abdel, who was also dirty because of the pursuit of Iqi, squatted down in front of the cage, handed a piece of coffee-flavored gum to Iqi in the cage, and said, [Iqi. 】

Ichi in the cage grinned.

The scene changed again.

An iron ring was thrown into the air and then fell into the desert. As Abdel threw the iron rings on his little arms one by one, the five iron rings formed a curved row in the desert.

not far away.

Endor sits in the desert.

He is blind.

Situations can only be discerned with the help of excellent hearing.

The crutch fell to the ground, and he listened carefully to the sound from the ground to the crutch.

[Why did this guy only take five steps? 】

Endor wondered.

【It's now! ! 】

A blazing flame emerged from Abdel's body, and in the flames, the figure of the "Red Magician" appeared. The "Red Magician" rushed forward quickly and waved his fist!

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