Just as it was about to hit the ground between the fourth and fifth iron rings, an object like water sprang out from the ground, bypassed the side of the "Red Magician", and hid to the side!

The scene changes again.

A finger moved the cards on the table, and all the cards that were originally lying on the ground stood up. They formed a circle.

[If you want to get back Polnareff's soul, you can only continue to gamble. 】

Daniel J. Darby bounced a gold coin, a buzzing sound sounded, and the gold coin flew up. He grabbed the gold coin, then held the gold coin between his two fingers and pointed it at the person in front of him.

【I am impulsive. 】

[Not suitable for gambling. 】

Abdel refused, sweating profusely.

Daniel J. Darby shuffled the cards in his hands and spread them out in a circle on the card table.

【If I compete with you, I will probably lose quickly. 】

【but. 】

【I believe in Jotaro! 】

Abdel said.

Chapter 433: The magician’s last performance was to disappear into thin air

Jotaro sat at the gaming table with Abdel standing behind him.

At this time, there were five cards on the gambling table in front of Jotaro.

[Although I don’t know why he didn’t reveal this hand of cards. 】

[But now that Jotaro has spoken, I believe him! 】

[Whether it’s my soul or anything else, I won’t hesitate! 】

Abdel said firmly.

The screen turns again.

In front of Dior's house in Egypt.

Abdel paused.

[Polnareff, I have something to say before going in. 】

[Although this idea is cruel, we embarked on this journey to defeat Dio, and you are the same. If I am killed or separated from you. Please promise not to come to my rescue. Your own safety should be your first consideration. 】

[We must avoid situations in which everyone is sacrificed in order to save others. 】

[Iqi, the same goes for you. 】

He said this to Polnareff and Izzy.

next moment.

The sudden change.

Vanilla Ace's substitute "Arcon Miasma" suddenly appeared in the sky above Polnareff and Pochi. "Arcon Miasma" opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards the two of them, trying to kill them. Swallowed into abdomen.

[Polnareff, Ichi, be careful! ! 】

Abdel knocked Polnareff and Ichi away with one punch, and the next moment, "Arcon Miasma" bit them down.

The screen went black.

When the screen came back on, there were only two arms left on the ground.

That's Abdel's arm.

Polnareff got up from the ground and looked around, sweating profusely.

[Hey, Abdel, where are you? 】

[Just now, what was that? 】


His eyes were fixed on the two smoking severed hands on the ground.

[What's going on, these hands...]

Polnareff broke into a cold sweat.

【Hello! 】

[Abdel, where are you? Abdel? Where are you! ! 】

【Abdel! 】

He searched everywhere for Abdel.

But there was no sign of Abdel.

Iqi was sweating profusely. He was panting heavily and his breathing was very rapid.

The "Arconic Miasma" appeared again, with its mouth wide open in the sky above them, exuding a terrifying aura, like the arrival of death!

[What is this guy...where did he appear from? 】

[Why was it not discovered by Abdel’s detector! 】

Polnareff turned to Ichi next to him and shouted, [Hey! Iggy, doesn't your nose smell this guy? answer me! 】

Izzy gasped for air, obviously in a state of extreme panic.

【Where are you! 】

【Abdel! 】

【where are you? ! 】

Polnareff was still shouting, while searching for signs of Abdel.

"Akong Miasma" appeared next to the two broken hands that were smoking, stretched out his two hands, grabbed the severed hands of Abdel, and said, [Abdel, he has turned into dust and died. 】

Polnareff's pupils narrowed suddenly.

Iqi's breathing also stagnated.

"Yakong Miasma" continued, [Where does my mouth lead to? It is a dark space that even I don't know. He pushed you away, and then it was your turn. 】

Iqi's breathing at this time was like pushing and pulling a bellows, quite hysterical.

[You actually want to defeat Lord DIO. This kind of treasonous idea must be eradicated! 】

The body of "Yakong Miasma" gradually changed from empty to solid, and he exuded a terrifying aura. I saw him stuffing Abdel's two severed hands into his mouth, biting them, and his arms were devoured bit by bit. The light burst out and the arm disappeared.

Polnareff's pupils were shocked as he looked at the mouth of "Arcon Miasma". Its mouth was pitch black, like an invincible abyss. However, a blurry human face appeared in this mouth, [I will pull you one by one, in line, into the dark space of Vanilla Ace! 】

Iqi's breath hitched when he heard this.

Will he die?

Will they all die?

[Liar, you said you killed Abdel...]

【Stop lying! ! 】

Polnareff roared.

【end! 】


The scene gradually turned dark, and everyone in the world couldn't help but be stunned when they saw this scene.


just this?

What will happen to Ichi and Polnareff after Abdel's death? Are they opponents of "Asia Miasma"? Will they be killed like Abdel?

Everyone in the world is extremely confused.


The world of Doraemon.



Nobita, like everyone else in the world, was astonished.

"how come..."

"What will happen to Polnareff and Ichi next? Will they be killed too?"

Nobita couldn't help but look at Doraemon next to him.

Doraemon waved his hands helplessly.

"Even if Nobita looks at me like this, I don't know what will happen next. My props cannot affect the light curtain, let alone obtain information from the light curtain."

Nobita was suddenly a little downcast.

If you can't see the ending, then there is nothing left.

Doraemon looked at his appearance and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Nobita, really, isn't it just a video? If you can't see the ending, you can't see the ending. What's there to worry about? But, what happened to the video in the end?"

"Abdel sacrificed himself, can Ichi and Polnareff survive?"

"No, no."

"I can't think about it anymore."




"We can go to the Forum of All Realms and ask! Maybe someone will know the ending!"

Doraemon said to Nobita.


"Why didn't I think of this!"

Nobita was extremely happy and posted on the Wanjie Forum.

"Title: Does anyone know the ending of this video?"

"Content: How will Polnareff and Izzy end?"

"Can Abdel come back from the dead?"


A series of questions were thrown out.


JOJO's Bizarre Adventure The world of eternal diamonds.

Through the video editing of the light screen, Jotaro Kujo recalled how they teamed up to kill Dio a long time ago. At the same time, he also witnessed with his own eyes how Abdel died.

He was a little sad.

Abdel was the most stable among them. Unexpectedly, he died trying to save Polnareff and Ichi. Unfortunately, in the end, Ichi died trying to save Polnareff during the battle with the "Akon Miasma". During Dio's battle, Kakyoin Noriaki was also killed by Dio.

In the midst of emotion, Jotaro Kujo felt a "ding-dong" sound in his mind.

A translucent interface prompt appears.

"You have been invited to participate in a quiz."

Jotaro Kujo clicked in doubtfully and entered Nobita's post.

At this time, many people have left messages under the post, all hoping to know the follow-up development.

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