The former examiner's eyes widened in shock, cold sweat kept sliding down his cheeks, and his breathing became rapid.

【hateful! ! ! 】

He shouted to the sky.


In the shadow, the knife sank into his body.


The world of full-time hunters.

Youkesin City.

on the street.

Killua watched this scene with fear.

"Kill the person first, kill the heart first, Hisoka, it's really terrifying. If the former examiner hadn't wavered, I'm afraid Hisoka wouldn't be able to kill him so easily."

"When you meet Hisoka in the future, be extra careful with this guy."

Leorio was so horrified that the sweat on his face kept pouring out, and he kept wiping the sweat on his face with a handkerchief.

He was very happy at this moment. Fortunately, Hisoka didn't kill him during the hunter exam, otherwise he wouldn't be alive until now.

"This guy is so scary. Xiaojie actually wants to find this guy."

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Xiaojie who was standing aside. Xiaojie looked at the light screen without changing his expression.


In a certain building.

Kurapika, who was acting as a guard, also watched this scene.

The heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Melody looked up at Kurapika, "What happened? Your heart is beating wildly."

"No, it's nothing."

Kurapika replied pretending to be calm.

He pinched his chin and stared at the light screen, "Hisoka, what a scary guy. If you encounter this guy in the future, you must be careful. However, the most important thing now is to get the 'Fiery Red Eyes' and avenge the people! "

He headed down the corridor.

"Melody has changed." Melody looked at Kurapika's back, "Melody full of anger and murderous intent."


The demon Arthas calls your world.

In the outdoor cafe opposite NMB Julie Jiang's residence.

Zuokuma is keeping an eye on Julie-chan's residence.

Azazel and Besib are very leisurely.

They were discussing Hisoka inside the light curtain.

"It is said that we demons are more evil than humans, but this guy named Hisoka is probably dozens of times more evil than us demons. He actually used such a despicable method to win."

Azazel showed contempt.

Besib held the coffee and drank it slowly. The hot mist lingered on him. "If this person hadn't been overcome by Hisoka, he might have had a chance to survive. I can only blame him for his weak psychological defense." Yes. Human beings are such weak people."

"Has Haas~"

The client's obscene man was currently holding a telescope, peering into Julie-chan's room, letting out obscene gasps.


Zuokuma slammed the table and glared at the two demons.

The wretched man was startled.

He looked at Zuokuma in horror.

"U-um... Julie-chan is my girlfriend. I look at her like this. Doesn't it seem right?"

Zuokuma knew that he had misunderstood.

She had just unleashed her anger on these two devils who looked so laid back.

She was working seriously, but these two guys were leisurely looking at the light screen. She felt very unbalanced, so she took a breath of air to calm herself down, and gave the two demons a cold look, allowing them to sneak into Julie Jiang's room. room to check on the situation, while she prepared to leave, waiting for news from the two demons.


"Got to go?"

The wretched man was shocked.

"If we continue to wait, we may not be able to wait for someone. So, we'd better come back another day." Zuokuma said, secretly signaling Besib and Azazel to go and stay in Julie-chan's room. Ordinary people can't see it anyway. Devil, even if the two of them appear in Julie Jiang's room, Julie Jiang cannot find them.

Zuokuma left.

The wretched man also left.

However, a few minutes later, the obscene man appeared outside Julie Jiang's residence again.


A world that offers blessings to this wonderful world.

Night falls.

The four of Sato and Kazuma, who once again faced the wild monsters, sat in the tavern and began their leisurely dinner time.

They looked at the light curtain together and enjoyed the food together.


Aqua put down the huge wine glass, belched heavily, and said with a flushed face.

"Hey, Aqua, don't drink too much." Sato Kazuma looked at her helplessly and said.

Hisoka in the light screen attacked the former examiner's psychological defense, and finally spun the crescent knife, degrading the skills that the opponent had studied hard for half a year. The opponent's psychological defense was breached, and when the opponent's psychological defense collapsed, Hisoka struck.

"It turns out there is still this way to deal with the enemy."

Sato Kazuma rubbed his chin and nodded.

But then I thought about it.

"What we have to deal with are those low-level monsters with insufficient intelligence, so there is no need for this."

He couldn't help but take a swig of wine in frustration.

"Hahaha... Come on, cheers!!"

"I'm here to perform magic for everyone!"

"Flowers, birds, wind and moon!"

Aqua, who was drunk, waved her fan, which sprayed water.

The adventurers nearby cheered.

Darkness was recalling the shameful play of being hung from a tree during the day... in fact, she was used as bait, her face was red, her legs were clamped and twisted.

Megumin couldn't help but shook her head when she looked at Aqua who was drunk and in high spirits, Kazuma Sato who was drinking with a depressed look on her face, and Darkness who was blushing without knowing what she was thinking.

"It seems that people's joys and sorrows are not the same."


The scene continues!

The stone door moved upward slowly, and Hisoka walked in.

There was a sound in the stone room.

[No. 44 Hisoka, the first person to pass the three-round test! 】

[The time taken was 6 hours and 17 minutes! 】

After this exam, there is one last exam. The content of the last test is to grab the number plate.

Leorio and Kurapika were looking for candidates and wanted to snatch the number plates, but they met someone unexpected.


Hisoka leaned against the tree, playing with the ghost cards in his hand.

【Yo. 】

When I saw them, I couldn't help but say hello.

Leorio and Kurapika suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

【What a coincidence that we can meet here. 】

[Actually, I still lack two number plates. 】

Hisoka walked towards them, [Can you give it to me? 】

【What did you say! ? 】

【Do not joke! Who would...]

Leorio was extremely excited.

Chapter 445: The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman wins

[Leoli. 】

Kurapika stopped him.

[Just now you said you still have two pieces left, which means that neither of us are your prey. 】

[Just answer my questions. ] Hisoka held the ghost card to his chin, as if he was preparing to attack, [Number plate, are you giving it to me? Still not giving it. 】

【Give. ] Kurapika realized something was wrong, and he whispered, [But there are conditions. 】

Leorio looked at Kurapika in surprise.

Kurapika said calmly, [We now have four more number plates. 1 mine, No. 1 is my prey's, and 1 Leorio's. There is also 1 piece with only one point which is dispensable. In other words, only two of them may be your prey numbers. Mine or the dispensable one. 】

[Leoli’s number is 403, which is No. 16 Dongpa’s prey. 】

【And my prey is No. 16. 】

[So your prey cannot be No. 16 and No. 403. 】

Hisoka took a step forward, [As you said, they are not my prey. 】

【Then what. 】

Kurapika took a step back and looked at Hisoka warily.

[The problem is the remaining two. 】

[One of them is dispensable for us. 】

[I can give you this one. 】

[But I can’t give you my number. 】

[Of course, neither can the other two. 】

Kurapika threw away his satchel and took out two wooden swords.

[If you want to grab it head-on, let me be your opponent! 】

Leorio took out a knife, turned it around in a cool way, pointed it at Hisoka, and assumed a fighting stance.

The two sides confronted each other.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes, then pressed his face with his hands, and couldn't help but laugh softly, making his body tremble with laughter. He looked at the two of them through the gap between his fingertips.

[By the way, what is your number? 】

【No. 404. ] Kurapika replied.

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