Hisoka closed his eyes, took a deep breath, turned his fingers, and put the cards into the clothes on his abdomen, [Okay, the negotiation is done. 】

【Just leave one sheet. 】

Gon, who was hiding aside, couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Hisoka would really agree to Kurapika.

Kurapika picked up the bag on the ground, took out a number plate, and placed it in the tree hole next to it.

【I put it here. 】

[Don’t worry, I will stay here for the time being. 】

Hisoka said with his arms crossed.

Kurapika and Leorio stared at Hisoka warily and slowly left.

Xiaojie looked at this scene and was so nervous that he was sweating.

He was afraid that Hisoka would go back on his word and attack Kurapika and Leorio.

Hisoka let out a deep laugh, [It has only been a few days, but it has grown to a point that is impressive. 】

[However, it is still very early]

[Why do green fruits always make people salivate? 】

Hisoka walked over, picked up the number plate in the tree hole, and turned the number plate over, revealing "118".

[What a pity, this is not my prey either. 】

Hisoka put away the number plate.

【call. 】

Xiaojie was relieved at this time.

[Great, but this is the only chance. 】

[The only chance left for Hisoka to find his next prey. 】

A pink butterfly landed on Hisoka's finger. Hisoka squinted and looked at the butterfly flapping its wings.

[Wait a minute, if he finds prey again and doesn't attack like this time...]

[Or the other party gives him the number plate unconditionally. 】

[Then I won’t have the chance to take advantage of the chaos and snatch his number plate! ? 】

[I'm an idiot, I haven't thought about these things at all! 】

Xiaojie covered his head.

However, at this moment, Hisoka stared at the butterfly in his hand, remembering Leorio and Kurapika who had picked up weapons to fight him, and he held the butterfly tightly.

Wait for him to open his hand again.

Countless butterflies flew out of his hands.

Hisoka looked at his hands, a terrifying murderous aura emanating from him. The birds living around were frightened by the murderous aura and flew away in all directions.

Xiaojie was also shocked by this murderous intent.

He popped his head out from behind the tree and looked towards Hisoka, only to see layers of murderous aura emerging from Hisoka's body. This murderous aura spread in all directions, and the small animals around him fled in all directions, while Xiaojie was horrified. His body trembled involuntarily.

【very scary. 】

[No, I don’t want to stay here. 】

[What a terrifying murderous aura! 】

【It’s really annoying. ] Hisoka stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, [It was all because of the two people just now. It aroused my desire, I need to calm down. 】

Hisoka stood still, motionless.

The night passed.

until noon.

Hisoka's fingers moved.

[Okay, it’s time to go. 】

Hisoka was like a walking zombie at this time, with his upper body hunched and his arms hanging limply.

【coming! 】

Xiaojie saw Hisoka moving and followed him.

His target number plate is Hisoka.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Moreover, this is his last chance.

[Although his murderous aura has calmed down, his appearance is completely different from usual. 】

[If someone is discovered this time, even if the other party does not resist, they will definitely take action. 】

[By the way, if I discover them before Hisoka discovers them, I can predict where they will fight! 】

Xiaojie ran all the way and came to the top of a tree, looking down and searching.


He found a candidate.

[If this continues, Hisoka will find the other party in tens of seconds. 】

[Aim at the spot where the two people met. 】

【Right there! ! 】

[Be sure to hurry up. Once Hisoka finds the opponent, he will attack him immediately. 】

[This time, we must seize the opportunity to get the badge! 】

【This is the last chance! 】

Xiaojie ran quickly.

Soon, he arrived at the predicted battle location.

Hisoka, who was stooped and walking forward, had dark blue eyes at this time. Soon, he came to the battle location predicted by Gonjie. Hisoka was the first to find the opponent and rushed towards him.

The candidate looked at Hisoka in astonishment. Hisoka's eyes were bloodshot, like a wild beast.

【Hisoka! 】

He drew his weapon and pointed it at Hisoka.

[Come here on horseback! 】

Hisoka's slender fingers took out a card from the clothes on his abdomen. The murderous aura emerged, making the examinee's face look horrified. Seeing that he was about to approach the candidate, Hisoka was so excited that he let out a beast-like cry. However, Xiaojie next to him was ready to go, then swung his fishing rod and threw the line out!

The examinee's sword stabbed Hisoka's head. Hisoka turned his head and avoided the attack, while Gon's fishhook caught Hisoka's sign.

Hisoka saw this scene from the corner of his eye, with surprise on his face.

The candidates also looked shocked.

There is a third person.

The fishhook caught the sign and Xiaojie pulled it back.

The line went back with the sign.

Hisoka took a step forward and stopped.

The cards in his hand glowed like a half-moon of blood.

Chapter 446 I will always let you live

Blood splattered from the examinee's body and he fell to the ground dead.

Hisoka stood there and looked at the flying number plate.

The number plate fell into one hand.

He looked towards the man.

It's Xiaojie.

Xiaojie had already stood up from the bushes, breathing heavily.

Noticing the sight, he looked up.

Hisoka stared at him blankly, his pupils trembling.

He took a step in Xiaojie's direction, but this alarmed Xiaojie, who hurriedly hid back in the bushes.

Hisoka took a step in his direction, and when Xiaojie saw this, he quickly hid back in the grass and fled the scene.

Hisoka stared blankly at Gon as he fled.

It seemed like he didn't react for a while.


The world of full-time hunters.

Ilmi on a mission.

A nail flew out at high speed and pierced the target's head.

He looked at the light screen expressionlessly and tilted his head, "I didn't expect that Hisoka would be plotted one day, and he would be succeeded by the other party. It's really rare."

"Go to hell!"

The target's bodyguards shouted and came towards him.

Ilmi threw several nails without looking back.

Poof! ! !

After a few sounds.

All these bodyguards fell to the ground.

Yi Mi glanced at the body lying on the ground and said, "The assassination is completed, let's go and deliver the mission."


Youkesin City.

Killua and Gon are shopping at the market.

Killua walked beside Gon with his hands behind his head.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Hisoka to have such a day. Xiaojie, I didn't expect you to do such a thing during the hunter exam."

Xiaojie was silent.

What happened next was not good.

He touched the side of his face.

It seemed like there was still pain left.

Killua noticed Gon's expression from the corner of his eye and thought of what Gon had said before.

He couldn't help but shut his mouth.


The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Zuokuma took a taxi and returned to Akube Detective Agency.

Bored, she looked at the light curtain.

"This kid is quite powerful. He was able to steal the number plate from such a monster-like hand..."

The phone rings.

"Zakuma, if something happens, go back to Julie-chan's residence."

Besib's voice came from the phone.

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