"Driver, go back to where you were!"

Zuokuma hung up the phone and said quickly.

The driver turned the car around.

A few minutes later.

Zuokuma arrived outside Julie-chan's residence.

"What happened?"

"There is indeed something wrong with that wretched guy. I said that guy was not a good guy, but now, he finally showed his flaws."

Azazel said with his hands on his hips.

Besib handed her the telescope, "See for yourself."

Zuokuma picked up the binoculars and looked towards Julie-chan's residence. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he saw the figure of a wretched man. He took off his clothes and his face was red, looking like a pervert. And there is a demon beside him.

Julie Jiang was lying on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone, completely unaware of the existence of the obscene man.

"The devil finally came out! It seems that everything this guy said before was a lie. It's time for us to take action." Zuokuma threw the telescope to Besib, pressed his index finger, and made an explosion.

She had long disliked this guy.


The world of Doraemon.

The second floor of Nobi's house.

"Xiaojie is so awesome! He was able to steal the number plate from such a terrifying person!"

Nobita looked at the light curtain with a glowing face.

"He is basically a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. It was pure luck that Xisuo let him go last time. This time, if he misses, or if he is caught up by Xisuo later, he might be killed by Xisuo like other candidates. Ask to be killed."

Doraemon was sitting cross-legged on the tatami, with his arms folded across his chest, looking extremely serious.

Nobita was so shocked that he put his hand in his mouth, "Then, what should we do?! Will something happen to Xiaojie?"

"Doraemon, let's go help him?"

Doraemon was helpless, "Nobita, my props can't interfere with the world inside the light curtain at all."


In the light curtain.

After Xiaojie got Hisoka's number plate, he ran away quickly, but he was ambushed and stabbed in the neck with a hidden weapon smeared with poison. He fell to the ground unable to move.

The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind.


A few seconds later.

The candidate who sneaked up on him was thrown in front of him.

The examinee still had fear on his face, but there was no sound.

Xiaojie was shocked. He raised his eyes and saw Hisoka standing in front of him, squinting.

【What a surprise. 】

[Have you been hiding your aura and waiting for the opportunity? Waiting for the moment when I attack others. 】

[Is the method of concealing the aura created by yourself? 】

[It's really outstanding, just like a wild animal. 】

[The timing was also perfect. 】

[He mixed his own murderous intent into the murderous intent when I attacked, so he did a good job. 】

Hisoka threw his number plate No. 44 and No. 405 next to Gon.

[The poison smeared on the blow dart should be related to the muscles. 】

[Usually recovery takes about ten days. 】

【Three days left. If it's you, it should be restored. 】

After Hisoka finished speaking, he turned and left.

[Wait a minute, aren’t you here to take back the number plate? 】

Xiaojie resisted the poison in his body and his body trembled.

[No, I’m just here to praise you. 】

Hisoka turned around and said with a smile.

Then he pointed to the body of the fallen sneak attack candidate and clicked the number plate on his chest, "Of course, it's also because he is my target." 】

[So, my number plate is no longer needed. 】

【I don't need it either. 】Xiaojie clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

[Don’t say that, just treat it as a favor. 】

【Just pay me back later. 】

[That’s it, goodbye. 】

Hisoka walked forward.

After taking a few steps, he settled down.

He opened his eyes.

He turned and looked behind him.

I saw Xiaojie standing up again.

Xiaojie was poisoned and could hardly stand up. His face was covered with sweat and his body was trembling. "I don't need favors or anything like that." 】

【Now... return it to you. 】

He held up Hisoka's 44 number plate.

Hisoka let out a deep laugh.


【I reject. 】

He walked towards Xiaojie, [I will let you live as you are now. 】

[Until you grow into a person worthy of me defeating you. 】

【I will always let you live. 】

Hisoka came to Xiaojie. His tall body was like a mountain, which brought a great sense of oppression to Xiaojie. Xiaojie could not help but clench his teeth to resist this invisible oppression. However, his pupils were trembling. .

next moment.

Hisoka's fist hit the side of Gon's face hard, causing it to collapse. Gon flew backwards, hit the ground, bounced like a ball, and then fell to the ground, sliding back a few meters before stopping. .

【Just like before. 】

[If you could just punch me in the face, I'd take it. 】

[Until then, the number plate will be kept by you. 】

Hisoka turned around and left, letting out a deep laugh.

Chapter 447: Sky Arena, Hisoka VS Huashi Douro!

The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Zuokuma, Azazel, and Besib stood in Julie-chan's room.

The wretched man and the devil were tied with ropes and fell to the ground with bruises and swollen faces.

Julie Jiang curled up on the sofa, looking at them and the lewd man who suddenly appeared in horror.


"Miss Julie, this guy is the perverted man who has been harassing you." Zuo Kuma stepped on the wretched man's face and looked at him with contempt, "Please call the police yourself."

"Yes Yes!?"

Julie Jiang was stunned.

Zuokuma leaves with the demon.

"The mission is finally completed."

Azazel stretched, then patted Zuokuma's leg, "Zakuma, we have helped you so much, how can you thank us? You have to know that without us, you wouldn't be able to do it so easily to complete this task.”

"I will make an offering to you."

Zuokuma said.

After returning to the office, Zuokuma reported what happened to Akube and threw the evil devil to Akube, who dealt with it. Then, Zuokuma came to Azazel with the "offering" and said, "Eat."

Azazel looked at the pig's trotters on the white plate in front of him and became angry.

"Hey! Zuokuma, what do you think I am, huh?! I'm a devil! A devil!! Just give me this, you're so insincere, you biaoz!"

"Kneel down and apologize!"


Azazel's true nature was exposed.

Besib silently watched Azazel seek death.

A few seconds later, veins popped out on Zuokuma's forehead, and she took out the contract.

Blood splattered and screams could be heard endlessly.

The calm Zuokuma came out of the study and sat opposite Besib.

The two of them looked at the light curtain silently, and the atmosphere was quite silent.

"This man is so lucky to survive from the pervert Hisoka." Besib said.


Zuokuma responded.

Then there was silence.

At this time, a bloody hand stretched out from behind the study door, and the sound sounded like a resentful spirit calling for life.


Zuokuma stood up and closed the door.


The hand was pinched off.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Zuokuma returned to the sofa and sat down expressionlessly.

Besib looked at the cold-blooded Zuokuma and shuddered suddenly, thinking, "Zakuma and the devil Akube look more and more alike..."


The world of Kamen Rider Den-O.

Inside the time train DenLiner.

"Is Hisoka treated differently? He killed other people without blinking an eye, but he spared Xiaojie and his friends before Xiaojie got the number plate back. Tsk tsk. Something is wrong."

Momotaros sat on the train seat and said while holding her chin.

"Well, didn't Hisoka say that he hopes Gonjie can grow more powerful and defeat him? Maybe he saw how extraordinary Gonjie and the others are."

Ryotaro Nogami, who was sitting inside and squeezed by Momotaros, said weakly.

"No, I think Hisoka loves Xiaojie and the others too much. He didn't kill them the first time, but helped them, and even helped him get back his number plate the second time. Although the attacker was Hisoka's target, he was completely He could have taken the number plate and left directly, but he kindly gave the number plate to Xiaojie, which was a bit too pampering."

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