It is rare for Purtalus to stand on a united front with Taotaros.

After Putaros's analysis, Ryotaro Nogami also felt that Hisoka was unusual for Gon.


The world of full-time hunters.

"It must be very painful..."

Killua saw the scene of Hisoka punching Gon, and couldn't help but glance at Gon next to him.

Even through the light curtain, he could feel the pain.

He finally understood why Gon was so obsessed with Hisoka after the hunter exam.

Xiaojie clenched his fists.


He must punch back!


The scene continues!

The hunter exam is over.

Hisoka, Xiaojie and others successfully passed the exam and became hunters.

Killua becomes the person who fails the final exam.

They came to the Sky Arena, ready to make money and improve their strength. During this period, they met Hisoka again!

The lights converge on the ring.

The arena was full of spectators.

The scene was noisy.

[Viewers, it’s finally about to begin! 】

[Hisoka's player vs. Kaishi Douro's player! 】

The host's passionate voice sounded.

Hua Shi Doulang was wearing a yellow robe and a white robe, with a slim and straight figure. Her long white hair fell vertically behind her back, and she looked as gentle as jade.

[I have to thank you, Hisoka. 】

[If it weren’t for your baptism, I might not be as strong as I am now. 】

The corners of Hisoka's mouth curved slightly, [Who did you just say became stronger? 】

[Let me tell you first, in the nine battles after being defeated by you, I never showed my true ability. 】

【All preparation activities to defeat you! 】

Hua Shi Dou Lang's eyes became sharp.

【start! 】

The referee waved his hand.

The game officially begins!

【Go! ! 】

Hua Shi Douluang rushed towards Hisoka, then jumped up, condensing telekinesis in his hand, and slashed towards Hisoka's head like a sharp blade. Hisoka's body was wrapped in telekinesis, and he lowered his head to avoid the blow. However, the corners of Huashi Doulang's mouth curved slightly.


Hua Shi Douluang's figure suddenly appeared in another direction, his hand wrapped with telekinesis abilities slapped Hisoka on the face.

Hisoka groaned and was slapped away. He rotated his body in the air, then bent his legs slightly and put his hands on the ground, but the strong force made him unable to stop sliding backwards.

It slid for a meter or two before stopping.

If it weren't for his telekinesis ability, I'm afraid Hua Shi Dou Lang's slap would have blown his head off!


This was the first time that everyone in the world saw Xisuo suffer a loss, and they couldn't help but get excited about it.

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen Hisoka defeated. It's so satisfying! If it weren't for his lack of strength, I would have wanted to beat this guy up! - Leorio"

"Oh? Are you brave? Do you want to fight with me? I'll be with you anytime. - Hisoka"

"I didn't expect that Hua Shi Dou Lang was so strong. -Xiaojie"

"There's no point in being strong, this guy dies in the end. - Killua"

"The power these people use in fighting is somewhat similar to the 'qi' we use. - Wukong"

"Although Hisoka's 'magic' is interesting, it is just a deception and can be easily cracked. In essence, Hisoka is weak, nothing more than that. - Beerus"


A dense barrage appeared on the light screen.


The scene continues!

【Effective strike! 】

The orange-haired girl with twin ponytails who acted as the commentator announced into the microphone.

The scene was in a state of excitement.

Killua was stunned.

I didn't expect this man to be able to hit Hisoka.


[What was that just now! 】

[This person moved to one side instantly! ].

Chapter 448: Falling into a tough fight

Hisoka squatted on the ground, supporting the ground with one hand.

Round red blood dripped from his cheek to the ground.

[Show your true skills, Hisoka. ] Hua Shi Doulang frowned.

[As soon as the Huashi Doulang player comes up, he strikes first! 】

[Unable to avoid the fast hand knife, Hisoka's player lost a point first! 】

The excited voice of the commentator sounded.

Hua Shi Doulang shook his robe and said, "I am no longer the person I was two years ago, and I will never show mercy." 】

Hisoka stood up and curled his lips, "It's up to me to decide whether I want to fight you with all my strength. 】

【Is this so? It would be better for you to make a decision as soon as possible. 】

After Hua Shi Douluang finished speaking, he opened his eyes suddenly and launched an attack on Chao Xisuo at the same time.

His body was wrapped in a faint layer of telekinesis. His hands turned into claws, covered with attacking telekinesis, and he moved from right to left, grabbing Hisoka. Hisoka jumped back and leaned his upper body back to avoid the attack. There was a hint of teasing in the corner of his mouth, but the next moment, Hua Shi Douluang's claws grabbed his left side and hit him hard. On the face of Hisoka, who was covered in defensive abilities, Hisoka was knocked upside down and flew out.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Killua also looked at this scene in shock.

【here we go again! 】

[This kind of attack should have been dodgeable. 】

When Hisoka landed on the ground with one hand, Hua Shi Dou Lang flew straight towards Hisoka like an eagle spreading its wings. Hisoka used a little force on his hand and turned his body back. Hua Shi Dou Lang's attack landed hard on the ring. There was a bang, and dust rose from the arena.

After the first attack failed, Hanashi Douro attacked Hisoka again, but Hisoka dodged back.


The world of full-time hunters.

on the street.

Gon and Killua, who were trying to figure out how to make money to buy the billion-dollar Greed Island game, were sitting on the edge of the flower bed next to the street.

"Is there any way to make a lot of money in a short period of time?"

Xiaojie thought hard.

Killua shrugged.

How could it be possible to make so much money in a short period of time.


Xiaojie was attracted by the light screen.

He did not watch this battle at the beginning. I didn't expect that in this battle, Hisoka, who was so strong, would fall into such a hard fight.

This man named Hua Shi Doulang is so strong! !

"Let's go look for it again..."

Killua stood up and said to Gon, but saw Gon's eyes attracted by the light screen. He followed Gon's line of sight and saw Hisoka who was struggling. He went to the scene in person to watch the competition between the two, so now this battle has no appeal to him. However, since Xiaojie wanted to watch it now, he was not in a hurry.

Killua sat down again, holding his hands on the edge of the flower bed where he was sitting, swinging his legs in a leisurely manner.


A certain building.

"Hisoka, you are indeed very powerful."

Kurapika looked serious.

This was the first time he saw Hisoka fighting seriously.

Now, he is no longer the rookie who didn't know anything. He could clearly see the telekinesis abilities covered by Hisoka and Hanashi Douro, and could clearly feel how powerful the telekinesis attacks they used were.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The chains on his fingers made a sound.

His telekinesis ability can only be instantly improved when facing people from the Phantom Troupe. If he attacks other people, his strength is probably about the same as Gon, Leorio and others. Compared with Hisoka and others, his strength is still far behind.


As long as he can deal with the people of the Phantom Troupe, that's enough!

He was so excited that his red eyes turned red, but because he was wearing contact lenses, he couldn't tell anything strange unless he looked carefully. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

Melody noticed something strange about Kurapika, and couldn't help but glance at him from the corner of her eye, thinking, "...The heartbeat speed has also accelerated... Melody has also changed."


The demon Azazel is summoning your world.

Akube Detective Agency.

Azazel lay lazily on the sofa, supporting the side of his head with his hand, looking at the light curtain with some disdain.

"This guy is really weak. If it were me..."

"If it were you, you would be beaten to a pulp in the first blow."

Besib suddenly interrupted.

"What? Do you want to fight?"

Azazel moved closer like a cat with explosive fur.

Besib held the tea as elegantly as ever, "I don't mind giving you an 'exposure' so that everyone can see your ugly appearance!"

As he spoke, Besib's beak revealed its sharp teeth, and his face became ferocious.

The two demons faced each other tit for tat.


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