Hisoka looked at the group of people, seemingly lost in reminiscence.

After a while, he stood up and said to the referee: "I want to continue the challenge, can I?"

The referee nodded: "Okay."

Hisoka walked onto the ring, glanced around, and then said: "Then let's have one."

A man in black stood up.

Hisoka looked at him with doubt in his eyes.

This man in black looks very ordinary, with nothing special about him.

"Hey, what's your name?" Hisoka asked.

The man in black didn't answer, he just stood there quietly, waiting for the referee's whistle to sound, and then attacked Hisoka.

Hisoka's figure flashed and he dodged the attack of the man in black.

Hisoka's movements were quick and sharp, and the man in black had difficulty catching his movements for a while, so he had to go on the defensive, forcing Hisoka to fight him at close range with one move after another.

This man is indeed quite powerful. He has forced Hisoka into embarrassment time and time again, but Hisoka has always stood firm.

Their figures intertwined, Hisoka kept panting, sweat slid from his forehead and dripped on the floor.

Suddenly, Hisoka's toes touched the wall, he flew up using the force, and kicked out in the air.

The man in black seemed to notice that Hisoka was tired.

He accelerated suddenly, and his palms turned into sharp claws, grabbing Hisoka's neck.

Hisoka tilted his head back to avoid the man in black's attack. At the same time, he kicked hard on the man in black's stomach with his feet.

The man in black took two steps back. He looked at his belly that was bleeding with blood, his eyes revealed a bloodthirsty light, and he rushed towards Hisoka again.

Hisoka leaned back, hooked his legs around the man in black's neck, threw him hard, hit the edge of the ring, and then fell down.

Hisoka looked at the man in black and said slowly: "Don't worry, we're not over yet."

Immediately, he rushed up, rode on the man in black, and punched the man in black in the abdomen.

The man in black opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. His breath suddenly became weak and he lay motionless on the ground.

"I said, don't be in a hurry to die." Hisoka said coldly.

"You..." The man in black's eyes revealed deep hatred. He glared at Hisoka, and suddenly, he pounced on Hisoka.


He hugged Hisoka tightly and pressed Hisoka underneath him.

The man in black smiled ferociously and grabbed Hisoka's neck with his right hand.

Hisoka's pupils shrank suddenly, and he resisted desperately, trying to break free from the grasp of the man in black.

Hisoka's body trembled suddenly, and an electric current instantly flowed through his body.

"Ah——!" Hisoka screamed, collapsed and lost mobility.

The man in black raised his hand and slapped Hisoka on the cheek, sending Hisoka flying.

"Pfft -" Hisoka spat out a few teeth, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and the burning pain on his face made him frown.

The man in black moved quickly. He pounced on him like a cheetah, stretched out his arms and strangled Hisoka's neck.

"Do you think I really couldn't beat you just now?" The man in black smiled ferociously, "I just don't want to reveal my strength, but since you don't know what to do, don't blame me for being rude!"

After saying that, he was ready to break Hisoka's cervical vertebrae.

Hisoka was controlled by him, unable to move, and could only let the other party's fingers slowly tighten.

There was a burst of exclamations from all around, and some students even covered their eyes.

However, Hisoka didn't have the slightest fear.

The corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a strange smile.

The man in black felt a chill in his heart.

Hisoka's smile made him panic.

Hisoka suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the man in black's left arm, and gave it a sudden forceful squeeze!

"Crack——!" The man in black's left arm broke instantly.

"Uh...ah!" The man in black wailed miserably.

A sinister smile appeared on Hisoka's lips. He let go of the man in black's left arm, suddenly raised his leg, and kicked the man in black on the chest.

The man in black jumped into the air, then fell heavily to the floor, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Cough...cough..." The man in black coughed violently. He lay on the floor, panting heavily.

Hisoka slowly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and turned to look at the referee next to him.

The referee nodded.

"Next one," Hisoka shouted.

Another man in black entered the ring.

"Please choose your weapon." the referee asked formulaically.

This time, the man in black took out a dagger. He cut his wrist with the dagger, squeezed out the bright red liquid, and smeared it on the blade.

"What is this?" Hisoka frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to make a bet with you." The man in black said with a grin.

Hisoka stared at the man in black and suddenly understood what the man in black meant.

Hisoka nodded: "I accept your challenge.".

Chapter 452 The Last Challenger

He clenched his fist and then swung it out.

The man in black dodged Hisoka's attack.

"Although your movements are fast, you are still a little behind." The man in black said.

Hisoka laughed and said, "How do you know my movements haven't changed?"

The man in black was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, Hisoka suddenly disappeared.


With a muffled groan, the man in black covered his waist and fell to the ground.

Hisoka looked at the man in black coldly: "Now, you should understand."

Hisoka's expression was filled with contempt and disdain.

This attitude made the man in black furious.

"How dare you insult me?" the man in black growled through gritted teeth.

Hisoka looked at the man in black indifferently: "You have one last chance. If you refuse to give up, you will never leave here alive."

The man in black clenched his fists, then gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, saying, "I will make you pay the price."

Hisoka sneered: "Then let's see if you have this ability."


Hisoka kicked the man in black in the stomach.

The man in black flew out upside down.

He hit the wall and fell to the ground.

"Bang!" After the man in black landed, he spat out a mouthful of blood. His face was as pale as paper and he looked extremely weak.

"I..." He was about to say something, but found that Hisoka stood still and didn't move.

The man in black opened his eyes in surprise, his body twitched, and then he passed out.

"You..." The referee was extremely shocked. He pointed at the man in black and stammered: "You, you...how did you do that?"

"It doesn't matter how I did it. What matters is that you lost." Hisoka glanced at the referee indifferently and said coldly.

The referee opened his mouth, but ultimately made no sound.

The man in black was indeed defeated by Hisoka.

Hisoka is too powerful.

It is simply unscientific to achieve such strength at such an age.

He is a cultivating lunatic. He never thought that such a monster existed in this world, and that he was such a monster.

"Who else wants to challenge me?" Hisoka looked at the audience and said loudly.

There was total silence.

Everyone looked at Hisoka with wide eyes.

Their eyes were full of horror, and they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

What kind of boy is this?

Could this be the legendary genius?

A picture emerged in their minds.

In a deep mountain forest, Hisoka lay alone on the grass. He looked up at the sky and murmured: "You stupid humans, you are not qualified to be the master of this continent."

Hisoka's tone was very calm.

But it is full of a kind of arrogance that despises all living beings.

Even the gods above would not have such a look in their eyes.

His arrogance is not only directed at those pretentious guys, but also directed at himself.

Hisoka secretly warned himself: "Hisoka, you are Hisoka, the most evil genius in the universe. You cannot be limited by the eyes of a group of ordinary people. You must be the best monk. Only in this way. , you can hope to become a god-level powerhouse and the greatest being in this world. Only in this way can you protect all the women around me who love you."

Hisoka's blood suddenly boiled when he thought of this.

Today, no matter who challenges you, you will have to pay a heavy price!

Hisoka raised his head, looked at the man in black, and said coldly: "Who else wants to challenge me? If you don't dare to challenge me, just admit defeat! I don't mind sending you to hell!"

The referee couldn't help but shudder after hearing Hisoka's words.

He didn't expect this young boy to be so arrogant and domineering.

He has never seen such an unruly young man!

He looked at the others and found that most of them were silent, and no one wanted to challenge Hisoka.

"I challenge you!" A voice sounded, and then a figure appeared on the ring.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes.

He didn't expect that someone actually wanted to challenge him.

"Oh? Really?" Hisoka looked at the young man in green and said, "Then come!"

"You are no match for me. I advise you to admit defeat!" The man in green said coldly.

"Haha..." Hisoka smiled sarcastically and said, "You are not worthy of being my opponent."

"Arrogant!" The man in green shouted, charging towards Xisuo and slapping Xisuo in the face.

Hisoka snorted coldly, swaying and dodging the attack of the man in green.

Chapter 453 Hisoka and the man in Tsing Yi fight

Upon seeing this, the man in green clothes immediately changed direction and whipped his leg towards Xisuo.

Hisoka snorted coldly. He stretched out his hand to grab the whip leg and yanked it forward, dragging the man in green back to the ground.

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