The man in Tsing Yi felt pain and rolled over quickly.

Hisoka came forward again and hit the man in green with an uppercut in the stomach.

The man in Tsing Yi quickly rolled to avoid Hisoka's attack, but Hisoka was faster than the man in Tsing Yi. He kicked the man in Tsing Yi horizontally on the chest, sending the man in Tsing Yi flying away and falling heavily on the ring. .

"Poof!" The man in green spit out a mouthful of blood.

He got up holding his stomach.

"Come again!" Hisoka sneered.

The man in green didn't answer, but took out two balls from his arms.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two explosions sounded, and a black pill flew out of the ball and shot toward Hisoka.

"Huh, what a trick!" Hisoka said disdainfully. He stretched out his hand and a huge shock wave spread. The two pills were blown away by the shock wave and disappeared without a trace.

Hisoka stepped towards the man in Tsing Yi, raised his leg and kicked the man in Tsing Yi fiercely.

The man in Tsing Yi didn't expect Hisoka's reaction to be so quick, and he quickly raised his arms to resist.

Hisoka raised his foot and stepped hard on the Tsing Yi man's hands, and then used force to crush the Tsing Yi man's arm.

"Ah..." The man in green screamed, then fell to the ground and rolled around.

The referee couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

This young man is really powerful. He can beat a strong man like this in an instant!

"Hmph! It's not over yet!"

"I don't believe that you can defeat me with this little trick." Hisoka said: "This little trick of yours can't catch my eye at all. You dare to fight me with just this little trick. It's just... You're just trying to do whatever you want to do, and you're going to die. Just wait and go to hell!"

After saying that, Hisoka kicked out again, preparing to kill the man in Tsing Yi with one move.

"Haha, don't be too proud!"

Suddenly, a sharp cry reached my ears.

Hisoka turned his head and found that the man in Tsing Yi had recovered as before and was rushing towards him.

He sneered: "I don't believe you can survive a few moves in my hands."

After saying that, he exuded a terrifying aura and rushed towards the man in black like a wild beast.

The man in Tsing Yi looked at Hisoka who was rushing towards him. He knew that Hisoka was a difficult guy, but he was still not afraid and just waved his fist and hit Hisoka.

Without any fear, Hisoka directly punched the man in green.

A ring of strong wind spread in all directions, causing the surrounding space to vibrate and tremble.

Hisoka and the man in Tsing Yi retreated at the same time.

Both of them had a look of surprise on their faces.

"I didn't expect that your body could actually withstand my attack. It seems you still have a chance!" said the man in green.

"You're not bad either." Hisoka said coldly: "If you were stronger, maybe I wouldn't be your opponent, but now, I'm not afraid of you, and I want you to understand that your strength is far from mine." No matter how sharp your attack is, you can't hurt me."

When the man in Tsing Yi heard this, his expression suddenly became uncertain.

He looked at Hisoka and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Since you are so arrogant, then I will help you and see how you respond to my three moves!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a surging magical element condensed on the palm of the man in Tsing Yi, and then a huge magic cannon appeared under the control of the man in Tsing Yi.

Hisoka sneered and said, "Just such a little trick? It seems that you are at the end of your rope."

"Although I'm a little weaker than you, I have a lot of trump cards!" The man in Tsing Yi roared, then he held the magic cannon in his right hand and threw it towards Hisoka.

A cannonball pierced the air, flying towards Hisoka with a harsh whistling sound.

"You dare to show off your skills even though you are a trivial person. I don't think this cannonball of yours poses any threat at all."

Hisoka said disdainfully.

As he spoke, he kicked the ground with his right foot, and his whole body shot out like an arrow from the string. Then he grabbed the tail of the magic cannon and grabbed the magic cannon back.

The magic cannon struggled violently in the air.

The man in Tsing Yi was shocked when he saw Hisoka grabbing the tail of the magic cannon so easily. He didn't expect Hisoka to be so powerful.

With a thought in his mind, the magic cannon suddenly expanded and turned into a huge flaming meteor, hitting Hisoka hard.


Hisoka punched the magic cannon hard, making a roar and the magic cannon exploded.


The huge shock wave sent Hisoka flying hundreds of meters, and he hit the edge of the ring hard, almost lifting the entire ring.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath.

At this moment, the strength of the man in green seemed to have improved to another level!

The expressions on the faces of the spectators who originally thought they had a chance to win became a little strange.

"How is that possible? That man in green actually hid his own strength!"

"Yes! The man in Tsing Yi had obviously not used all his strength just now, and his attack was obviously only five or six points powerful, but now he is completely sure to kill this young man!"

"I think this man in Tsing Yi is not that easy to deal with. This guy is also a master. He should be able to defeat this man in Tsing Yi."


"It looks like today's final will be fierce!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and everyone's eyes were focused on Hisoka and the man in green in the ring.

This competition can be said to be about the final championship, so everyone is looking forward to it.

Chapter 454: The first round of battle, Hisoka and the man in Tsing Yi test each other

"Haha, nothing is impossible! I admit that I did underestimate you just now. I am quite convinced that you can take my three moves. I may not be able to defeat you. However, I will not admit defeat. I Keep fighting, no matter how long you can hold on, I will persist!" The man in Tsing Yi looked at Hisoka with a sneer and said.

Hisoka frowned slightly: "I have already said that I will not let you go. So your provocation will only deepen my anger. I advise you to surrender obediently."


The man in green shook his head, as if unwilling to give in to Hisoka, with a look of determination on his face.

"Okay!" Hisoka said, "In that case, let me see what methods you have!"

After Hisoka finished speaking, his figure flashed and appeared next to the man in Tsing Yi, and then he punched the man in Tsing Yi on the chest.

The man in Tsing Yi was knocked away by Hisoka. He sprayed a mouthful of blood in mid-air and fell to the ground with a pale face, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the man in green vomiting blood, Hisoka's face became serious.

The attack he just used on the man in green was definitely very powerful.

But his physical strength was beyond imagination. He was not injured, just a little superficial trauma, which made Hisoka secretly stunned.

"You are indeed a little stronger than me, but I am not a soft persimmon, and you can't even think of defeating me!" The man in Tsing Yi stood up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Hisoka with a ferocious expression.

"Are you sure you can continue fighting?" Hisoka asked.


The man in green snorted and said, "I'm not a coward! Even if I lose to you, I won't admit defeat!"

"Okay, let's continue fighting!" Hisoka shrugged helplessly.


The next moment, the man in green turned into a line of blue smoke and disappeared.


In the blink of an eye, the man in green appeared in front of Hisoka, and then punched him hard towards Hisoka.

The speed of this fist was extremely fast, and it was accompanied by wind-breaking sounds, making it impossible to see its trajectory clearly!

Seeing this, Hisoka hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop the opponent's attack, and held the opponent's fist in his own hand, making it impossible for the opponent to withdraw his fist.

Seeing this scene, the man in Tsing Yi couldn't help but widen his eyes: "How could you dodge my attack so quickly? How can you be so strong at your age?!"

Hisoka glanced at the man in green and said, "Your attack speed is indeed very fast, even much faster than those before. But in front of me, it's like scratching an itch."

"I don't believe in this evil. I'm going to crush your bones inch by inch to see if you can still laugh!" The man in Tsing Yi said through gritted teeth. Then his fist became harder and harder, and the power on his fist became stronger and stronger. Getting more and more terrifying.


The man in Tsing Yi became stronger and stronger, and Hisoka also kept exerting his strength. The two of them had a fierce confrontation in the competition.

The man in Tsing Yi is indeed much more powerful than Hisoka, but Hisoka's defensive power is also amazing. Under his defense, the attacks from the men in green were unable to harm Hisoka at all.

The two attacks continued to collide, erupting into bursts of thunder-like sounds.

There was no trace of panic on Hisoka's face. Instead, he looked relaxed and comfortable, as if he was chatting with his old friend.

"I don't believe that you will never be defeated by my attack!" The man in Tsing Yi shouted violently, turned around, and punched Hisoka's head again, hoping to smash Hisoka's head into dregs.

Hisoka's reaction was not slow either. He ducked and barely dodged the punch. Then Hisoka raised his right leg and kicked the man in Tsing Yi in the abdomen, sending the man in Tsing Yi flying away.

The man in Tsing Yi rolled repeatedly in the air and then fell to the ground, blood pouring from the corner of his mouth.

When Hisoka saw this, a proud look appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that the Tsing Yi man's defense was so weak and he could only use his body to resist his attack.

The man in Tsing Yi got up with difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then glared at Hisoka angrily.

His eyes were filled with resentment, but he did not dare to act rashly. He knew that he had to win this duel! If he cannot win, he will not be eligible to enter the academy and will have no chance to become stronger!

"Do you really think I will lose to you?" The man in Tsing Yi gritted his teeth and said, "I will not lose to you, there is no way I will lose!"

The man in green had a determined look on his face.

Hisoka couldn't help but frowned when he saw the other party's appearance. It seemed that the other party was determined to fight.

Hisoka pondered for a moment, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

The man in green is very fast, but Hisoka is even faster. He can crush the opponent with his speed!

When Hisoka thought of this, his figure instantly turned into a shadow, and then he rushed towards the man in green as fast as lightning.

Chapter 455: Showdown between Speed ​​and Defense


The man in Tsing Yi was startled when he saw Hisoka rushing over. He didn't expect that Hisoka would attack on his own initiative, so he had no time to react. Hisoka's figure had already come to him.

When the man in Tsing Yi saw this, he immediately released the magic energy in his body, and then formed a barrier around him to protect him firmly.

Although the man in Tsing Yi is a warrior, his strength is far beyond that of a warrior.

His defense can easily withstand a full blow from the Demon King's peak level master.

His defensive power is comparable to or even more powerful than the average Martial Saint strongman. He has a powerful body and amazing defense. Even if he faces a Martial Emperor-level master, he still has the power to fight. He will end up as miserable as before!

After the man in Tsing Yi arranged the barrier on his body, his eyes showed a proud look, and then he looked at Hisoka with a sneer and said: "Junior, your strength is indeed good, but you are not my opponent yet. Now you You have lost your offensive advantage, let me see how you win!"

"Really? Let's see who wins next!" Hisoka smiled faintly, "I won't be defeated by you so easily!"

After saying this, Hisoka took action again. His body suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already arrived behind the man in Tsing Yi, then raised his fist and struck hard at the man in Tsing Yi's neck. Smashed it down hard!

The man in Tsing Yi felt the threat on his back, but his reaction was relatively quick. He turned his body to one side and avoided Hisoka's fatal blow.

Hisoka's punch missed, then he turned over, jumped up, and came to the man in Tsing Yi again. He raised his foot and kicked the man in Tsing Yi on the knee, and then the man in Tsing Yi fell to the ground again.


This time he fell, and the man in Tsing Yi couldn't help but scream in pain. Blood continued to overflow from his nostrils. It was obvious that he had been kicked hard by Hisoka just now.

"Do you know the pain now?" Hisoka mocked.

The man in Tsing Yi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white, showing that he was very angry now.

"Boy, I will kill you!" The man in Tsing Yi roared through gritted teeth.

"Haha, I want to see if you have that strength." Hisoka sneered, "You want to kill me with your little effort? What a joke!"

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