When the man in Tsing Yi saw Hisoka looking so arrogant and arrogant, the anger in his heart kept burning.

He took a few deep breaths and let out all the depressed breath in his chest.

His psychological endurance is much better than other warriors, so he will not be easily hit by the opponent.

The man in green took a deep breath, then looked at Hisoka with a sneer and said, "In that case, I will let you know what it means to be powerful!"

The clothes on the man in green suddenly exploded, revealing the skin underneath. His skin was as smooth and translucent as jade, but it exuded a terrifying cold light.

"Hmph! Let me see how strong you are!" The man in green strode towards Hisoka.

"Bang bang bang!"

The figure of the man in green was like a bolt of lightning, and as fast as a ghost, he was in front of Hisoka in the blink of an eye.

Hisoka quickly used his disguise to try to dodge the opponent's attack.

But Hisoka's reaction was still a little slow, and he was eventually caught up by the man in Tsing Yi, who then punched him hard in the stomach.


Hisoka's whole body was knocked out by the man in Tsing Yi, and he hit the wall next to him hard, making a huge noise.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his face turned pale.

Seeing this, the man in green snorted coldly and said, "Your strength is indeed pretty good, but you can't be considered my opponent yet!"

Hisoka didn't say anything. He got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. He raised his head and looked at the man in green standing opposite. Then he sneered: "I see how strong you are, and you dare to say that I can't do it." !”

"Haha, I was just stating the facts." The man in Tsing Yi sneered disdainfully, "Boy, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

When Hisoka heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at the man in Tsing Yi, and then sneered: "Okay, then I will let you try my true strength first!"

As he spoke, Hisoka's figure suddenly accelerated, and he came to the man in Tsing Yi in the blink of an eye, and then he whipped the man in Tsing Yi fiercely with his whip.

When the man in Tsing Yi saw Hisoka attacking him, he quickly dodged and raised his leg to fight back.


The man in Tsing Yi was slapped hard by Hisoka's leg, and his whole body flew backwards. Then he hit the wall behind him hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his face was as pale as paper.

"How about it? Now you still think you can defeat me?!" Hisoka sneered and looked at the man in Tsing Yi, "Don't forget, your current injury will not be able to use your full strength."

Chapter 456 The man in Tsing Yi turned into a monster!

Hearing these words, the man in green had a look of shame on his face.

He knew that he had been careless before.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant! I won't let you succeed again!" The man in Tsing Yi stood up, and then said with a cold snort, "Next, I will let you know what a real strong man is and what is real strength. !”

As he said that, the man in green pounced forward again.

Seeing this, Hisoka sneered, dodged, and once again avoided the attack of the man in green.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

The man in green was getting faster and faster, and he was able to dodge Hisoka's attacks every time.

Hisoka's figure flashed in front of the man in Tsing Yi, but every time, Hisoka couldn't get close to the man in Tsing Yi.

Hisoka's figure moved, and then suddenly appeared behind the man in green.


Hisoka's right leg mercilessly kicked the man in Tsing Yi's waist, and then kicked the man in Tsing Yi away.

Hisoka dodged again, and then appeared in front of the man in Tsing Yi. His fist struck the man in Tsing Yi's face with a terrifying sound of breaking wind.

Seeing Hisoka's move, the man in Tsing Yi couldn't help but secretly thought: "Sure enough, we still can't underestimate this kid."

Thinking of this, the man in green quickly stretched out his left hand to grab Hisoka's fist.


The man in Tsing Yi grabbed Hisoka's fist and held it firmly, but what he didn't expect was that Hisoka's fist was surprisingly powerful and very powerful. He had no way to stop the force of the fist's advance, and was then beaten by Xisuo. Suo punched him in the face, shattering his face.


The man in green covered his cheek that was broken by Hisoka and screamed in pain.

When Hisoka saw this scene, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, it turns out that this is your true strength. Your strength is too weak and you can't stop my attack at all. Hahahahaha, I am so happy!" Hisoka said with a smile, " It seems that this battle is about to end here.”

The man in Tsing Yi covered his cheek, raised his head, stared at Hisoka with a gloomy look, and said: "Boy, don't think that you can be arrogant just because you beat me! I tell you, you are vulnerable in the face of absolute strength. , I will teach you a lesson next!"

The man in green sneered, then suddenly took out a purple pill from his arms and threw it into his mouth.

Immediately, the wounds on the man in green recovered quickly, and his strength seemed to have improved a bit, becoming much stronger than before.

"You actually ate that thing. It is something that can increase your strength. In this way, you can have the ability to challenge others beyond the level." Hisoka frowned, "I really didn't expect you to be so extravagant. You can even deal with one I’m not willing to spend so many resources.”

Although Hisoka didn't know what kind of elixir this purple elixir was, he guessed that it was an elixir that could restore physical strength and improve abilities.

"Hehe, boy, you are right, you are a human being, I shouldn't kill people here. I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise when I take this pill, I will make you regret it!" Qing Yi The man said with a cruel smile.

"Oh? Really? Then I want to see what you are capable of." Hisoka snorted coldly. No matter what pill the other party took, he would not flinch, because he knew that his own strength would not lost.

"Boy, I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

The man in green gave a ferocious sound, and then his body suddenly swelled.


There was a loud noise, and the clothes on the man in green were burst. His body suddenly grew more than three meters long, and his body also turned into a snake. There were two sharp venomous snakes on his tail. Thorns, his tail is covered with sharp scales, and the scales are covered with sharp barbs.

Hisoka looked at the man in Tsing Yi with a shocked expression. He had no idea that the man in Tsing Yi would change so quickly and so shockingly.

Not only Hisoka was shocked, but the audience was also shocked.

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?"

"Is this a green dragon? It doesn't look very much like it. What on earth is this!"

"No, this is a green python. As far as I know, green pythons are very rare animals. I didn't expect there to be green pythons here. Oh my god!"

"Oh my god, I can actually see a green python here! This is amazing!"

"I don't know what kind of damage this green python will cause to Hisoka this time. I think it will definitely be very tragic. I estimate that Hisoka's head will be torn off."

Hearing the comments around him, the man in Tsing Yi's eyes became extremely proud.

At this moment, the man in Tsing Yi seemed to have seen Hisoka's death appearance.

Hisoka glanced at the man in green and said calmly: "The green python is stronger than I thought. It seems that I must go all out in this competition!"

Hisoka didn't know the green python, but he could feel from the aura of the man in green and the strong fishy smell emanating from him that this green python must be very disgusting, and the powerful aura on his body, It also shows that the strength of this green python will never be low.

Hisoka looked at the man in green with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Since you are bent on seeking death, then I will help you!" Qing Python looked at Hisoka with a mocking look.

Chapter 457 The final duel, Hisoka’s full blow

"Boy, you don't even look at my strength. Just you, you are not qualified to be my opponent." The man in Tsing Yi said arrogantly, "But your strength is not bad, but it is a pity that the opponent you met is me. So you are destined to be unable to win, I advise you to surrender obediently, otherwise you will only die!"

Hisoka ignored the man in Tsing Yi and suddenly took a step towards the man in Tsing Yi.

"I don't know whether to live or die, let's see how I deal with you!" After the man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards him. A short knife appeared in his hand. With a flip of his hand, the short knife cut through the air and slashed towards Xisuo.

Hisoka waved his arm, and his sword also slashed away at the same time. The sword and the dagger collided with each other, making a crisp sound, and the field suddenly burst into flames.

There was a loud "boom", and the two bodies collided together. The two terrifying forces collided with each other, sending out violent shock waves. The entire arena was shaking, and countless dust was flying.

Hisoka and the man in Tsing Yi stepped back a few steps at the same time. Hisoka and the man in Tsing Yi were both very powerful. Hisoka only took five or six steps back, while the man in Tsing Yi took a dozen steps back. Fortunately, in the end he He stabilized his figure, even though his face looked a little ugly.

Hisoka stood there with an indifferent expression, his body still not swaying in any way, his hands behind his back, and he said indifferently: "This time, I won the competition!"

Hearing this, the man in Tsing Yi showed an angry expression on his face.

"This is absolutely impossible! How could I lose?"

"Why did you lose? Don't you feel that the aura exuding from your body is no longer like a green snake, but like a dragon? You are much stronger now than before. Unfortunately, this does not mean that You can beat me!" Hisoka said with a smile.

"I don't believe it, this is impossible!" The man in Tsing Yi roared.

Hisoka shrugged and said, "Forget it if you don't believe me."

After saying that, Hisoka's legs kicked off the ground suddenly, and he rushed forward instantly, stabbing the man in green with the sword in his hand.

"Boy, how dare you!"

Seeing Hisoka charging toward him, the man in green shouted, dodged, and at the same time stabbed Hisoka's chest with the short knife in his hand.

This time, Hisoka did not continue to use that move, but directly waved the long sword in his right hand and stabbed towards the man in green.

Seeing this, the man in green quickly drew his knife and dodged away.

The man in Tsing Yi and Hisoka retreated while fighting.


Suddenly, two people were knocked away by a strong impact at the same time.

Hisoka was knocked away and landed on the other side of the ring.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood and his face turned pale.

"Boy, I said, there is absolutely no way you can beat me! Just admit defeat obediently, maybe I can save your life!" The man in Tsing Yi sneered, and his body slowly got up from the ground.

The body of the man in green returned to its original shape, but his skin became dark, his face had blue scales, and his eyes and mouth were blue.

The body of the man in Tsing Yi gradually condensed into a human form after a period of distortion.

"Hiss! How disgusting!"

"Yes, is this still a human being?"

"It's so disgusting!"

The man in Tsing Yi looked at the audience around him, the muscles on his face twitched twice, and his eyes were filled with resentment.

"Boy, just wait, I will make your life worse than death, I will make you unable to live or die!" The man in green said viciously.

"Really? I'm waiting for you!" There was no fear on Hisoka's face.

"Hmph! I will let you know the consequences of offending me!" After the man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared from the ring. The next second, the man in Tsing Yi appeared on Hisoka's back, and the short knife in his hand suddenly struck Xisuo. He wanted to cut Hisoka off at the waist.


Hisoka's body once again burst out with powerful power, and his fist slammed into the man in green.

Seeing this, the man in green hurriedly moved his body out of the way. His purpose was to break Hisoka's hand bones and make Hisoka lose the ability to attack.


Hisoka punched the man in Tsing Yi, and a big hole was made in the man's body.

The man in green was beaten until he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"How is this possible? How could you have such terrifying power? Impossible, how could my body be so weak!" A look of shock appeared on the face of the man in green. He couldn't believe that his body was actually vulnerable.

"This is my strength!"

Hisoka said calmly.

The man in Tsing Yi raised his head and looked at Hisoka. His eyes were no longer as arrogant as before, but only filled with fear and panic.

"I lost! You won, I admit defeat, I am willing to admit defeat!" the man in Tsing Yi said repeatedly.

The man in Tsing Yi is not a fool, Hisoka's strength is beyond his imagination.

With that punch just now, the man in Tsing Yi felt that his body was about to be shattered. If Hisoka added that terrifying power, he would definitely be killed, or even if not killed, he would be seriously injured.

The man in green took a deep breath and shouted respectfully: "Yes, I lost!"

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