"Bang bang bang!"

Hisoka's body kept retreating, but Hisoka did not fall behind. His fists kept colliding with the opponent's fists, making bursts of explosions.

Beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of the three students of Qingyun Academy, which severely damaged their strength. They did not expect that Hisoka had such strong strength, which surprised them all. At the same time, He secretly cursed in his heart: How could Hisoka be so powerful? This created a deep sense of crisis in their hearts.


The fist of a student from Qingyun College finally landed on Hisoka's chest. Immediately, Hisoka flew several meters away and fell on the ring of Qingyun College, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.


Hisoka spit out a mouthful of black blood, and then struggled to get up from the ground. With an expression of disbelief on his face, he looked at the three students from Qingyun College opposite, and his heart was full of surprise.

"How is it possible? How can you be so strong?!" Hisoka asked.

"Hey hey hey, you don't have to worry about it anymore! You're going to lose anyway!"

When the three students from Qingyun Academy saw Hisoka injured, the three of them felt infinite excitement in their hearts, because they knew that their combined strength still had a great advantage over Hisoka, so they would have It is a very happy thing for them to be sure to win this battle and seize the leader this time.

"Hmph, I won't lose! I am a genius among geniuses! There is no way I will lose!" Hisoka said.

Chapter 461: Finding loopholes and cracking attacks

Hisoka rushed towards the three students from Qingyun Academy and started fighting with them again.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fight between the three students of Qingyun Academy and Hisoka was going on in the ring.

The three students of Qingyun Academy all use simple and crude attacks in their fighting methods. Their moves are very messy, but very sharp and hard to guard against, so Hisoka's situation is not optimistic either.

Hisoka and the three students from Qingyun Academy continued to exchange attacks, but they were never able to gain any advantage.

Hisoka's eyes flashed with cold light, and his face looked very gloomy.

Hisoka couldn't help but think secretly in his heart: "Damn! If this continues, I will lose this duel sooner or later. No! I must find a way to crack it, otherwise, my end will definitely be bad."

Hisoka's mind was thinking rapidly, trying to find a way to crack it.

At this time, the other two students from Qingyun College also began to attack Hisoka. This time, Hisoka's pressure increased a lot.

However, Hisoka remained perseverant and kept fighting with the three students from Qingyun Academy without any intention of giving up. There was always a sneer on his face, and he didn't seem to be worried about losing the game.

He was trying to find a way to crack it, and then defeat the three people on the opposite side in one fell swoop!

When the three people from Qingyun Academy saw the sneer on Hisoka's face, their hearts tightened. They knew that Hisoka must be trying to crack their attack, whether Hisoka wanted to crack their attack or counterattack. , neither of them allowed their opponents a chance to come back. Therefore, they also started a crazy counterattack.

While Hisoka was dealing with the three people from Qingyun College, he was secretly thinking, if I can win, I can return to my best condition, and then I can defeat these three people, and the hope of victory will be greater!

Thinking of this, Hisoka suddenly thought that there was another rule for winning this competition.

Whoever can defeat the other three opponents will advance directly to the next round.

"This is a good opportunity!" Hisoka thought secretly, and then he was ready to start looking for loopholes to break the opponent's attack.

When the three students from Qingyun Academy saw Hisoka's eyes dodging the attacks of the three of them, they all had expressions of disdain on their faces, feeling that Hisoka was simply a waste.

Hisoka ignored them, but continued to stare at the three people in front of him and began to search for each other's flaws.

Soon, the three people from Qingyun College also noticed Hisoka's gaze. Their expressions changed, and they secretly thought something was wrong. Could it be that Hisoka had noticed something? The three of them couldn't help but become vigilant, not daring to slack off any more, and began to go all out, trying to knock Hisoka to the ground quickly.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The three students from Qingyun Academy all flew towards Hisoka and rushed in front of Hisoka.

The three students from Qingyun Academy all used their own special moves and attacked Hisoka one after another. All three of them smashed their fists into Hisoka's body.

Hisoka's figure swayed slightly in the air for a few times, then stabilized his figure, kicked his feet fiercely, and then jumped into the air.

Hisoka rushed towards the three people from Qingyun College. He swung his fist and hit one of the students from Qingyun College hard.

This student from Qingyun Academy saw Hisoka's attack and he quickly dodged it, but Hisoka's attack was too fierce, and his dodge just now was just to avoid Hisoka's fist. But now, Hisoka's attack was aimed at his lower body, and he had to resist because he didn't want to lose his life.

"Boom! Boom!"

A student from Qingyun College, his face turned pale, his legs were shaking constantly, and he knew that his legs were broken.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There was a ferocious smile on Hisoka's face. He slapped the opponent on the chest with his palm, and then sent the opponent flying away. Then Hisoka turned around and came to the side of another student, right He raised his arm suddenly, aimed at the neck of another student, and then slapped the other student's neck with his palm.

This student didn't even have a chance to fight back, and his body flew backwards.

And this scene made the other two students of Qingyun College dumbfounded. They didn't know what happened to Hisoka and how he could suddenly burst out with such terrifying strength.

"Impossible! Weren't you repelled by the three of us? Why did you suddenly burst out with such terrifying strength now!?" A student from Qingyun College said in surprise when he saw this scene.

Hearing what the Qingyun Academy student said, Hisoka sneered and said, "This is my secret! Now I'll tell you! Get out of here, all three of you!"

Hisoka's words angered the students of Qingyun College. The two students of Qingyun College were furious and launched crazy attacks on Hisoka. They didn't care whether there was any flaw in Hisoka's attack. , they just want to knock their opponents to the ground as soon as possible so that they can get the top spot.

Chapter 462 Hisoka defeats the students of Qingyun Academy

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two muffled sounds were heard, and the two students from Qingyun College flew out, then flew out of the ring, and fell heavily to the ground. Their faces were as pale as paper, and some bright red blood seeped out of the corners of their mouths. Apparently, He suffered some minor injuries.

"How is this possible! You were clearly knocked away by us! You were clearly unable to defeat us! How could you become so powerful in an instant!"

But at this time, Hisoka's body suddenly shook and then disappeared.

When he appeared, he was already behind the students of Qingyun College. Then there was a fierce punch, hitting the opponent's back, causing him to vomit blood and fly out. He hit the wall of the ring hard and then fainted.

Seeing that the students from Qingyun College were defeated, everyone in Qingyun College widened their eyes with expressions of disbelief.

They couldn't believe that their student union was defeated by Hisoka, who had just been promoted, and that they were defeated so miserably! This was really shocking and made them feel like they were in a dream.

"You! You! How dare you hurt our students! This is a foul. We will tell the teacher and ask the teacher to kick you out of Qingyun College!"

This student from Qingyun Academy, after he got up from the ground, yelled at Hisoka. His expression was extremely angry, and his heart was full of resentment. He was deeply jealous of Hisoka's attack just now. Feelings!

Because his status was at the forefront of Qingyun Academy, and now he was defeated by Hisoka, who had just been promoted, and he was beaten so embarrassingly, this made him extremely angry.

He felt that Hisoka was deliberately targeting him, which made him very angry, so he treated Hisoka like this.

He wanted Hisoka to quit and not participate in the competition again! But Hisoka didn't seem to want to let it go. He wanted to continue participating in the competition, which made the students of Qingyun Academy a little helpless.

Although the students of Qingyun Academy were very angry, they had nothing to do. They could only watch Hisoka continue to participate in the competition, and they could only stare, unable to do anything.

After the student from Qingyun College finished shouting, two students from Qingyun College also shouted.

"If you defeat them, they will not be able to participate in the duel. No matter what method they use, they will not be able to participate!"

"Hmph! They don't need to take action. As long as I take action, I can drive Hisoka off the ring and kick him out of Qingyun College!"

Two students from Qingyun College said together, their words full of dissatisfaction and strong self-confidence.

"Haha, in that case, come on together! I want to see if you have this ability!" Hisoka said with a smile, his body swayed again, and then disappeared again, and the two students from Qingyun College appeared again. in front of students.

The students of Qingyun Academy couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw Hisoka appear again. They looked at Hisoka in disbelief, and then looked at each other. They were also confused in their hearts.

How did Hisoka appear? Why do you disappear and reappear so strangely? How on earth does he move?

They were very shocked. This was a very strange thing.

"Swish, swish, swish."

Three bursts of wind came out, and Hisoka had already appeared in front of a student from Qingyun College. Before the student from Qingyun College could react, he was hit in the abdomen by Hisoka, and another spurt of blood suddenly spurted out, and then the whole His body flew backwards, then fell hard to the ground and passed out.


Another student from Qingyun Academy was hit by Hisoka. Blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and he also passed out.

Seeing Hisoka knock out two more students, everyone in Qingyun College was stunned. All these changes were so fast that they didn't even react.

Hisoka's speed was simply too fast, too fast for them to react.

Seeing the three students from Qingyun College being knocked down, everyone in the audience was stunned. They did not expect the result to be like this. This was simply too unexpected.

"Oh my God!"

"This man is so scary, he is simply a killing machine!"

"How did he practice? Why did his strength increase so horribly? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Oh my God! I still feel incredible!"


The audience in the auditorium were all very surprised. They couldn't understand why a new student who had just been promoted was so scary?

The students of Qingyun College were all shocked, and they all felt incredible.

In their memories, Hisoka was just a student who had just joined Qingyun College, but he was able to continuously knock down the students of Qingyun College. This made them feel extremely shocked!

"None of you are qualified to participate in the competition! You can go down now!"

Hisoka's cold voice reached the ears of the students of Qingyun College, and then he turned and left, leaving the students of Qingyun College with an extremely arrogant back.

Chapter 463: Hisoka is recognized by the teacher

Hearing Hisoka's voice, the students at Qingyun Academy were all furious. They wanted to rush over to argue with Hisoka, but they didn't dare to do so.

Because the strength shown by Hisoka made them feel unable to resist, they could only watch Hisoka leave.

"I will definitely make you pay the price! Don't leave!"

Looking at Hisoka's leaving figure, the students of Qingyun Academy had a gloomy look in their eyes, and then they said something sternly, and then chased Hisoka's footsteps and left.

This was an unfair duel, Hisoka won, and in this game, he won the championship.

There are many students from Qingyun Academy surrounding Hisoka. They are all very envious and admire Hisoka's strength. But they also know that Hisoka is a dangerous character, and if they offend him, he will definitely not let them go easily.

The faces of these students from Qingyun Academy were full of resentment, but they could only curse Hisoka silently in their hearts.

Hisoka ignored these students from Qingyun College, and he was unwilling to pay attention to these students from Qingyun College. He walked directly outside the competition venue.


At this time, the students from Qingyun College finally couldn't help it. They immediately rushed up and intercepted Hisoka. Their faces showed ferocious smiles and looks of resentment.

"Hmph! What do you want to do? Do you want to stop me? I don't know you. If you dare to stop me, I will kill you!"

Hisoka's voice was extremely cold, just like the frost in the cold winter months, which sent chills into their hearts.

Although they were all the best among a group of academies, they did not dare to disobey Hisoka's orders, so they could only curse Hisoka secretly in their hearts, but could not take action against him.

At this time, the other students from Qingyun College present had very wonderful expressions. Looking at the students from Qingyun College, they were also very angry in their hearts. They also cursed the people from Qingyun College in their hearts for being despicable and shameless.

"Hmph! Hisoka! I will definitely make you look good! You'd better not leave Imperial City Academy, otherwise, you will die miserably!"

At this time, a handsome young man in white stared at Hisoka and said through gritted teeth. His eyes were full of hatred, his face was full of anger, and his fists were clenched. His body was shaking a little.

Hisoka turned his head and looked at him, a cold light flashing on his face: "What do you want to do? Do you want to kill me? Do you have the courage? If you dare, just attack me!"


Seeing Hisoka's provocation, the young man was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He took a few deep breaths and then suppressed the anger in his heart.

"You're too cruel, let's go!"

The young man said through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with resentment.

The students of Qingyun College also followed this handsome young man and quickly ran into the distance.

Hisoka watched the people from Qingyun College leave with a smile on his face, and a cold laugh came out of his mouth: "Humph! Are you worthy of fighting me?"

The tone of his words was full of arrogance.

The students of Qingyun College were all irritated, and they were all very angry.

However, they did not dare to really provoke Hisoka, so they could only curse Hisoka in their hearts, but they were unable to do anything because they did not know how to deal with Hisoka.

After the students from Qingyun Academy left, Hisoka did not stay any longer, but turned around and left the competition stage.

"Hisoka, congratulations on winning the competition. From today on, you will be a student of Qingyun College. From now on, we will be brothers in the same discipline!"

"Hisoka, if you have any needs in the future, just tell us. As long as we can do it, we will definitely help you!"

"Hisoka, you are so awesome! You are so awesome! This way, I will have a reason to take revenge!"

The students of Qingyun Academy all gathered around Hisoka. They were very enthusiastic towards Hisoka, with smiles on their faces, but their eyes were full of viciousness.

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