There were sinister smiles on these people's faces. What they were thinking in their hearts was how to get revenge on Hisoka and how to make Hisoka pay a heavy price.

Hisoka didn't know that what he just did made all the students in Qingyun College remember him.

The students of Qingyun Academy all wanted to kill Hisoka now, but they also understood that now was not the time to take revenge on Hisoka. Hisoka was too strong and was simply not something they could deal with.

After waiting here for everyone from Qingyun College to leave, the tutor from Qingyun College walked out of the crowd and came to Hisoka.

His eyes scanned Hisoka's body, and after looking at Hisoka for a long time, he slowly asked: "Hisoka, what you just did shocked me, you are really a freak! You are very powerful, but when faced with a life-or-death situation, your reaction was so calm, which really surprised me. I didn't expect you to have such strength."

"Haha! Thank you for the compliment, teacher!" Hisoka said with a calm smile.

Chapter 464: The sudden appearance of black mist, Hisoka defeats the enemy with one sword

"You are a student of my Qingyun College, and you are also the pride of my Qingyun College! The higher your strength, the more glorious our Qingyun College will be! I will personally teach you and make you a true master! I hope the two of us can cooperate. joy."

"I also believe that if the teacher and I cooperate, we will be able to achieve a very good ending. The two of us will definitely defeat Qingyun College!"

"Haha! Be ambitious! I hope you can achieve your goal. I also look forward to seeing this day. I believe in you and we will definitely cooperate happily. I also hope that our cooperation can be happy! Haha!"

The tutor of Qingyun College, he looked at Hisoka, laughed a few times, and then turned and left.

"Haha! Hisoka, you are very powerful and have good potential. I believe that under my leadership in the future, the overall level of our Qingyun College will definitely improve!"

"Hisoka, you are a very good person. I hope you will go further in the future. But I also hope you can pay attention to your character, words and deeds, and don't always do crazy things. Otherwise, It’s you who regret it!”

Seeing these Qingyun Academy students leaving, they all dispersed in all directions. They did not dare to stay any longer for fear of being humiliated by Hisoka again.

"Hehe!" Hisoka looked at the students of Qingyun Academy with a mocking sneer on his face, "A bunch of rats! Do you really think that I dare not kill you? You guys underestimate me, Hisoka! I didn’t take you into consideration!”

"Since you want to be tortured so much, I will send you on your way! Let you become history and disappear forever in the long river of history."


After saying that, Hisoka snorted coldly, then turned around and walked away.

Soon, he returned to his place of residence.


Hisoka suddenly stopped, then raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"Who is it? You are hiding in the sky and spying on my practice. Are you targeting me? Are you a student from that mysterious force?"

There was a sneer on Hisoka's face, and two cold rays shot out from his eyes, and then he looked towards the sky.

In a certain corner above the sky, a group of black mist was suspended there. He looked at Hisoka and made a low and hoarse voice: "Your observation skills are very good! You can actually feel my presence. !”

Hisoka was stunned when he heard this voice, and he looked at the sky with some doubts.

"Hey! I didn't find any trace of you! Your concealment ability is not weak!" Hisoka was a little surprised, and then he looked at the dark figure in the sky: "Since you are here, get down quickly! Otherwise If so, I, Hisoka, will kill you with one strike of my sword!"

"Haha! Are you threatening me?" The owner of the black mist sneered.

"Yes! That's right! I'm threatening you!"

Hisoka admitted it without hesitation.

"Oh! I do appreciate you, but you are still not qualified to negotiate with me, so I advise you to surrender and surrender to me. Otherwise, you will pay an unimaginable price."

"Haha! I am not a weakling. If you want me to surrender to you, you are simply talking in your sleep! If you want me to kneel down and worship you, don't even think about it!"

Hisoka said: "I can tell you clearly that I can kill you without you taking action. Your death has come, but I will not kill you for the time being."

"I knew you wouldn't give in!"

"Hmph! But I will let you know how powerful I am now!"

After speaking, Hisoka waved his hand, and the long sword flew out from his back, flew towards the sky, and arrived in the dark sky in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the long sword flying into the sky, the face of the owner of the black mist suddenly changed.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the long sword flying into the sky, his heart filled with fear.

He knew that he was in real danger. He felt that the long sword flying into the sky seemed to be a killing demon, and he wanted to take his life.

The long sword was spinning in the air at a very fast speed.

Soon, the long sword came to the dark sky, and then, the long sword pierced into the sky.

"call out!"

This time, a huge hole was pierced through the dark sky with a long sword.

This black hole looks very dazzling in the darkness.

Seeing this scene, the owner of the black mist turned pale, his body was shaking, and his legs were shaking.


Suddenly, an irresistible attraction came from the black hole, and the owner of the long sword was swallowed into the black hole.


Along with a shrill scream, a shrill scream came from the black mist.

At the same time as the screams sounded, the blood in his body was rapidly disappearing. In the blink of an eye, his body shriveled up, leaving only a skeleton.


The bones fell to the ground and were shattered.

Chapter 465: Tracking the master of black mist and encountering the tomb of a strong man?

At this moment, he was sucked into the black hole without even escaping his soul, and perished in this land forever.

His body fell from the sky and hit the ground, creating a deep pit. The sky was filled with dust, and it looked very scary.

Hisoka stood quietly, looking at the deep pit, with a sneer still on his face.

Behind him, those onlookers did not dare to make any sound. Their eyes showed fear, and the eyes looking at Hisoka were filled with fear.

They had never seen such a ferocious young man, and they only used one move to kill him.

"What...what's going on? How did he do it?"

"This... how on earth did he do it?"

The hearts of those who were watching were filled with fear, and some people did not even dare to look up at Hisoka.

Even those young warriors did not dare to look at Hisoka, because the strength shown by Hisoka gave them a strong sense of fear.

In the eyes of those young warriors, Hisoka was like a peerless demon king, making people afraid to approach him.

"Hmph! Since you dare to provoke me, I will take your life. Your death day has finally arrived!"

Hisoka said, and then his figure flashed and disappeared from the sight of those young warriors.

His figure disappeared from the eyes of those young warriors. Those young warriors all stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths. They had incredible looks on their faces. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"It's so scary! I felt like my soul was about to be torn apart just now. It's so scary!"

"This kid is really terrifying! Who is he? Why is he so strong?"

"He is definitely not an ordinary warrior. It is impossible for ordinary warriors to possess such terrifying strength."

"Alas! These people are really overestimating their abilities. They actually tried to challenge Hisoka. They are simply overestimating their abilities!"

"I think they are all looking for death, so we can just wait and watch the show. This matter has nothing to do with us at all."

The young warriors were communicating one after another.


Hisoka ran for a long time and finally arrived at a mountain range far away from Qinglong City.

This mountain range is very desolate, there is no green grass at all, it is all bare, not even a tree.

These are caused by energy absorbed by black holes in the sky.

At this time, Hisoka stopped. He looked around and saw that no one was here, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that there were no strong people moving around here.

He let go of his spiritual sense to investigate, and found that no other people were found nearby.

"Huh? There is no trace of any strong man. It seems to be safe. It seems that this time, the person in the black hole is not coming for me, but for this mountain range. That guy, They are preparing to take me to this mountain range and refine that mountain range!" Hisoka muttered to himself.

"No, I have to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise, once that guy refines the black hole, I will be in trouble."

Hisoka immediately decided to leave.

He immediately activated his flying sword and began searching the mountain range.

Under Hisoka's control, his flying sword flew through the mountains, drawing a silver trajectory in the air.

Under his control, the flying sword moved extremely fast and reached a valley in the mountain range in the blink of an eye.

Hisoka's eyes flashed with a cold look.


He immediately controlled the flying sword and flew towards the top of the mountain.

At this moment, Hisoka's flying sword increased to its highest speed, and in the blink of an eye, he had reached the top of the mountain.

At this time, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from above his flying sword, illuminating the entire mountain peak.


There was a violent shock, and then the top of the mountain suddenly collapsed, revealing a large hole with thick smoke billowing from the entrance.


Then there were several more violent explosions, and the sides of the cave collapsed, revealing the dark cave inside.

"There is indeed a big tomb here!"

When Hisoka saw this cave, his eyes showed excitement. This was a tomb cave. The owner of the black hole wanted to refine the mountain range and then dig out the big tomb.

This large tomb is probably the tomb of a strong man.

Hisoka didn't hesitate at all, he entered the big cave in a flash, and then quickly walked into the cave.

After entering the cave, Hisoka's spiritual consciousness swept through and found that the cave was very huge, and there were many strange symbols carved on the walls inside.

Those symbols contain powerful laws.

"Is this tomb the tomb of a strong man? If it is the tomb of a strong man, I must study it carefully!"

Hisoka thought in his heart.

He did not hesitate and immediately walked towards the cave.

Chapter 466 Entering the cave to find out

There is no light in this cave, only some ink-black ores emit a light yellow light. Some of those ores emit fluorescent light, and some emit purple light, which looks a bit weird.

"Hey! The ore here actually has a mysterious power." At this time, Hisoka suddenly sounded surprised.

These radiant ores had very powerful power fluctuations, but he did not feel the power of any attribute from these ores.

"Maybe the owner of the black hole doesn't understand how to use these ores. Otherwise, the power of these ores would have been exhausted long ago." Hisoka thought to himself.

Hisoka thought as he walked towards the inside of the cave and kept walking forward.

"Huh? The mysterious power in these ores has not been absorbed. This surprises me very much."

Hisoka walked all the way and found that the power contained in those ores was very special. It was not like the ores he had encountered before that would be swallowed up by the black hole.

Although these ores are also shrouded in mysterious power, they are not absorbed by the black hole. Instead, they are hidden in these ores. They should be left by a clone of the black hole.

Whether it's the black hole or this mountain, they may be the same type of creature! In Hisoka's view, even if the black hole is not a super powerful creature, it is not too weak. It is best for him not to have any trouble with this kind of existence now.

"It seems I have to be more careful. After all, that black hole can change the trajectory of a planet at will. Its power cannot be underestimated!"

Hisoka murmured in his heart, with a cautious look in his eyes. However, Hisoka was not too worried.

Before the master of the black hole could truly refine the mountain range, Hisoka could easily escape based on the difference in their strength. But if the owner of the black hole refined this mountain range, that would be a different matter.

Hisoka's biggest problem now is that he can't leave this mountain range now and can only avoid the edge temporarily.


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