Hisoka's flying sword hovered over the mountain range, and he constantly released his spiritual consciousness to investigate the situation here.

"Yes, this is indeed a tomb."

Hisoka looked at the tomb below and thought to himself: "If my guess is correct, the person buried in this tomb is the owner of this tomb!"

With this thought in his mind, his body immediately turned into an afterimage, landed from mid-air, and then stood in front of the tombstone.

This tombstone is engraved with various patterns, some are skeletons, some are devils, some are angels... It seems that this tombstone should be the owner of this tomb!

Seeing these ancient patterns engraved on the tombstone, Hisoka was a little shocked. He had never seen these ancient patterns.

Some of these patterns emit strong energy fluctuations, others emit strange power fluctuations, and some even have various symbols engraved on them.

"What do these patterns represent? How come there are so many runes carved here?"

Hisoka carefully observed the patterns on the tombstone.

Just as Hisoka was looking at these patterns, he suddenly frowned. He felt a dangerous aura attacking him!

He raised his head and looked above his head. Above his head, there were two huge caves. Inside the caves, it was dark.

"The owner of the black hole has discovered me, and he is approaching me!"

A ray of light shot out from Hisoka's eyes. The owner of the black hole is very powerful. He doesn't dare to resist at all now. He can only retreat.


Hisoka's figure flashed, and he immediately turned into a wisp of smoke, rushed out of the cave, and disappeared quickly.

Soon, Hisoka's figure came to a small island and he stopped.


The next moment, two figures flew to Hisoka's side. The two men were both wearing white clothes. One of them held a spear in his hand and had a smile on his face, while the other had a ferocious mask on his face.

"This person's cultivation level is probably even higher than that of the owner of that black hole!"

Hisoka thought silently in his heart, and he also felt a little pressure in his heart. He could feel that his consciousness was locked by these two people. If he didn't escape as soon as possible, he would die in their hands.

He didn't know whether these two people were enemies or friends, and he didn't know who these two people were. He only knew that he could never confront these two people head-on.

Hisoka looked around and saw no one, so he quietly took out the bead.


His flying sword flickered, turning into a stream of light, rushing out of the cave, flying into the clouds, and then quickly escaped.

"Damn little thing! Let's see where you run away!"

Behind Hisoka, two cold voices came. There was endless anger in this voice, as if Hisoka was going to be burned to death.

Chapter 467: Flying swords tear apart the flesh and Hisoka falls into dizziness

At this moment, Hisoka broke out in cold sweat, and a feeling of extreme danger arose in his heart.

This feeling of danger made Hisoka's heart beat violently.


The next moment, his flying sword flew out again, very fast.


There was a loud noise and a huge flame burst from the mountain below.

"It's amazing!" Hisoka secretly screamed in his heart, and quickly turned his body around and flew into the distance.

At this time, a black flame flew up from the location of the explosion on the mountain peak. The black flame exuded bursts of eerie and cold aura.

Hisoka's flying sword also discovered the black flame.

Hisoka's eyes suddenly opened, and a strong killing intent surged in his eyes.

"This killing intent! This killing intent is the kind of killing intent that is born from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. How many bones are there in this world? Are all the people buried in that tomb a human race? In this tomb The owner is also a human race?"

Thinking of this, Hisoka felt an ominous premonition.

Who is the owner of this black hole? What did he do in this world?

All the mysteries filled Hisoka's head, giving him a splitting headache.


Suddenly, Hisoka's flying sword trembled, and his face instantly turned pale.

The runes on the flying sword suddenly lit up, and then waves of dark energy surged out of the flying sword and entered his body.


Seeing this sight, Hisoka's eyes widened in horror.

He could feel that the terrifying killing intent in his body was actually absorbed by the flying sword.

This murderous intent was emitted by the owner of the black hole through his flying sword, but the flying sword actually absorbed the murderous intent, which filled his heart with uncertainty.

He saw the runes on the flying sword flashing, and the flying sword was emitting streams of black mist.

The black mist actually wandered above Feijian, seeming to help Feijian purify it.

The runes on the flying sword became more and more dazzling and brighter, and finally turned into a round rune, flying on the flying sword, emitting bursts of green light.

Hisoka looked a little obsessed. He felt that the flying sword was gradually becoming perfect.

The coercion emanating from the flying sword is getting more and more terrifying!

"call out!"

Suddenly, the flying sword made a scream, and then a huge suction force came, sucking Hisoka onto the flying sword.


The next second, Hisoka's entire body was sucked onto the flying sword.

At this moment, Hisoka could feel that his flying sword was devouring his true energy!

"Ah! What's going on!"

Hisoka felt that the energy in his body was draining away rapidly. He felt that the true energy in his Dantian seemed to be extracted and sucked dry by the flying sword!

His face turned pale and his face was filled with shock.

What on earth is this flying sword? It's so terrifying that it can directly extract the true energy!


At this moment, the suction force on the flying sword suddenly increased, and Hisoka fell hard on the flying sword. Hisoka felt that his chest was about to be broken, and an unbearable pain swept through his body.


Hisoka opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

His body was torn apart by the flying sword!

This flying sword actually has the ability to tear his physical body apart!


Hisoka roared loudly, his eyes revealing deep panic.

At this moment, his flying sword once again let out a piercing scream, followed by a gray energy ripple that spread around.

This wave of energy, like a ripple, spread in all directions instantly.

That gray energy ripple, like a ripple, rippled in the air for a few times before disappearing.


The flying sword turned into a silver ray of light and quickly flew away into the distance.


Hisoka's body flickered, and he turned into a silver light and followed the flying sword.

At this time, the suction force emitted from the flying sword increased again.

Hisoka felt like a piece of jelly beans being eaten bit by bit by Feijian.


Hisoka felt that the skin on his body was being absorbed by the flying sword, and the clothes on his body were turning into ashes bit by bit.

The true energy in Hisoka's body was rapidly weakening, and his body was collapsing inch by inch.

He tried to resist the attraction of the flying sword, but it was useless.

His body continued to collapse.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Hisoka struggled wildly on the flying sword.

But his physical body had no resistance and was absorbed by the flying sword.

Only then did he realize that this flying sword was not an ordinary flying sword at all, but some kind of terrifying magic weapon.


Hisoka felt dizzy for a while, then his vision went dark and he fainted on the flying sword.

After Hisoka fainted, the speed of the flying sword suddenly increased, and it shot out like an arrow off the string.

Above the flying sword, a gray aura slowly emerged.

Chapter 468: Hisoka enters the virgin forest?

The gray air mask slowly rotated on the flying sword. Then, it turned into a piece of armor, protecting Hisoka's body.

Hisoka's body was wrapped tightly.


The flying sword continued to fly, penetrated the restrictions and flew into a wilderness.

The trees and grass in the wilderness all collapsed under the impact of the flying sword.


Feijian stopped.

"Huh? Where is this?"

Hisoka felt his body being pulled by a soft force.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was floating in mid-air.

Below is a desolate primeval forest, and outside the forest is an endless plain.

This is a vast primitive forest. In the primitive forest, some monsters are running in the forest. They are running with powerful power fluctuations exuding from their bodies.

In the forest, there are many human monks hunting monster beasts, or capturing some elixirs and monster beasts.

"What the hell is this place?"

Hisoka frowned and looked around.

This place felt extremely strange to him, as if it was a strange environment.

I don't know how long it took, but a huge tiger suddenly rushed out. When it saw Hisoka, it immediately let out an angry roar, then waved its paws and rushed towards Hisoka.


Hisoka's figure surged and he punched the tiger in the stomach.


The tiger roared in pain and fell to the ground twitching, blood gurgling from his wounds.

Hisoka walked over, squatted down, then reached out and pinched the tiger's neck, breaking its neck.

Hisoka put the tiger's body into the storage ring.

Then, he stood up and continued walking in the primeval forest.

This is an unfamiliar area. It is very dangerous for a person to walk here. If you are not careful, you may encounter danger.

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