As long as he escapes, there may be no danger. At least he can ensure his own safety.

However, this probability is too low! Once these monsters lock him, they will never let him escape.

They wouldn't let him escape, they would eat him, then refine himself and become their food.

Hisoka knew that this kind of thing was very normal. Just like when they were devoured by some demons in the forest, these monsters are very strong, but they are not afraid of death, so it is reasonable to do so.

"What should I do?" Hisoka was filled with worry, and his face became very ugly.



Just when Hisoka was thinking wildly, he suddenly felt an explosion coming from the front, and then he felt a huge pressure coming from the front.

From inside the cave, a woman roared, and her voice sounded very angry.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Then, there were several more huge screams. That sound made Hisoka's heart beat with fear. He quickly raised his head and looked forward.

Ahead, I saw a black shadow moving quickly in the sky. His body became extremely huge, three to four meters long. Moreover, it continued to grow larger, and the aura on its body became more terrifying.

It was a giant bear, a giant bear that was five to six hundred meters long.

Its body was galloping rapidly in mid-air. Every step spanned dozens of meters, and every time he stepped on it, a huge pit would be left on the ground.

Above the giant bear's head, two golden fruits were suspended, emitting a trace of light green light. They looked very beautiful, just like two crystal balls.

Hisoka understood the fruit as soon as he saw it.

This should be what he is looking for.



The giant bear let out a roar, and its figure rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the distance. Only the huge bear paws continued to fall downwards. A strong air current emitted from the bear paws. , making the ground in this place tremble a few times.

"Whoosh whoosh!"


Those trees were overturned by the giant bear's air waves, and then hit the ground, smashing the ground to pieces.



Hisoka heard screams one after another. He looked forward and found a big pit in front of him. It was a monster that was caught by the giant bear's paws and torn into pieces. The monster The beast's blood splattered all over the floor.

This scene shocked Hisoka. He saw those monster beasts, all struggling and wailing. Their legs and limbs were caught by the giant bear's paws, and then their bodies were thrown away by the giant bear's body, and then , was hit hard on the ground.


Several more monsters were beaten to pieces by the giant bear.

Seeing these monsters being killed one by one, Hisoka's body couldn't help but tremble.

He felt that his scalp was numb and a chill ran through his body.

He thought to himself: "If I hadn't run away just now, I would have been killed by the giant bear like those monsters, right?"

Hisoka was very scared, and a trace of despair arose in his heart.

He knew that he could no longer escape from this situation.

Chapter 471 A stone tablet appears in the cracked canyon


At this time, another huge roar sounded. The huge roar made Hisoka's eardrums hurt.

He looked up and saw the huge bird appearing in his sight.

I saw that this bird had long fangs in its mouth, and a red light came out of its eyes. It looked very fierce, like a wild beast.

Seeing this bird, Hisoka's heart tightened. He felt that this bird was much stronger than the bird at the Tribulation Stage just now. This bird is probably even more powerful than the previous bird.

But now he has no way out.

If he didn't fight, his fate would definitely be the same as those birds just now.

You must fight!

Hisoka thought to himself.


This giant monster quickly rushed in front of Hisoka.


After seeing Hisoka, this giant monster immediately opened its big mouth and roared towards Hisoka.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of flame was sprayed out from its mouth, and the flame swept toward Hisoka.


The flames fell on Hisoka's body, and Hisoka suddenly felt a hot feeling coming over his body. This burning heat made him feel uncomfortable all over, as if he had been put into an oven. He felt that His body was about to melt.

"No, the battle must be ended as soon as possible." Hisoka thought to himself, "If I continue to delay and wait until the reinforcements of those birds arrive, the situation may be even worse."


This giant monster attacked Hisoka again, and its body quickly rushed towards Hisoka.

Hisoka immediately turned around and ran away quickly.

Hisoka's speed was very fast and he disappeared almost instantly. The giant monster's attack fell into the air and then landed on the ground.


The trees were knocked down, and a puff of smoke rose from the giant bear's body, making him look miserable.


At this time, the giant bear also reacted, and it roared angrily. Then, its body expanded rapidly, and soon the giant bear turned into a giant peak hundreds of meters high. It suddenly waved its thick and powerful claws and slapped Xisuo hard.

That claw was as hard as steel and contained a powerful aura. Hisoka felt that when the claw struck, his entire chest would be flattened.



Hisoka hurriedly evaded. While dodging, he threw a thunder talisman at the giant bear. The thunder talisman exploded in the sky, forming a thunder and lightning storm, and then enveloped the giant bear. Although the giant bear was powerful, this Planting a thunder and lightning talisman can also hurt him.

After this giant bear was hit by the lightning talisman, its claws were blown off and blood poured out.


The giant bear was in pain and immediately let out a shrill scream. It turned around and rushed deeper into the valley.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the forest and disappeared.

After the giant bear left, Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief. He stood there and took a few deep breaths, then raised his head and looked forward, only to realize that he had arrived at the edge of a cliff.

The cliff was so steep that he couldn't stretch his arms at all.

Hisoka looked ahead, his brows furrowed, and he felt that there seemed to be many dangers hidden on the cliff.

He thought about being kicked on the back by the giant bear just now, and his body almost fell to the bottom of the cliff. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, his body would probably be under the cliff at this moment.

Thinking about it, he felt scared.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He felt that he was really weak now, and he had to hurry up and recover his physical strength. Only when he recovered his physical strength could he have the strength to deal with these terrifying giant bears.

At this moment, Hisoka saw a gap opening in the cliff in front of him.

The gap continued to expand, and soon it split the cliff in half.

From this gap, a stone tablet was exposed.

This stone tablet is very big and very strange. There are various patterns carved on the stone tablet, which look very strange. Those patterns seem to contain some mysterious laws, which makes people feel awe after seeing them.

"What kind of stone tablet is this?"

Hisoka looked at the stone tablet and asked in confusion.

In his eyes, this stone tablet looked ordinary. However, Hisoka felt that there seemed to be some kind of terrifying threat or some kind of law hidden in this stone tablet.

This kind of law can make ordinary monks feel in awe and dare not approach this stone tablet at will.


At this time, the stone tablet suddenly exploded.

Pieces of stones flew out from the stele.

After these stones flew into the air, they immediately became crystal clear and emitted a dazzling brilliance.

These brilliance formed a patch of starlight, emitting a mysterious wave to the surroundings, which was awe-inspiring.

After Hisoka saw these stars, his pupils shrank suddenly. He looked around with a look of horror on his face, and then he whispered: " this a star fragment?".

Chapter 472: To get the treasure in the black cloud, you must first defeat the monster

He felt that this situation was somewhat familiar.

Star fragments! This is a very precious mineral.

It is said that this kind of star fragments can be used to produce all kinds of magic weapons and elixirs, which are extremely expensive.

Moreover, there are not many such star fragments.

One star fragment is only worth 50 million merit points. If you are lucky enough, one star fragment can be exchanged for three star cores with 50,000 merit points; one star fragment can be sold for 80,000 merit points. .

The value of these things is very great.


Hisoka quickly gathered his mind, controlled the elements in his body, and used magic and mental power to activate the magic. He wanted to quickly restore the strength in his body. Only after regaining his strength, could he dare to continue moving forward.

Soon, star fragments flew into the air from the bottom of the cliff, flying towards the top of Xisuo's head. These star fragments all condensed in the air, and then fell towards Xisuo.

Hisoka felt happy when he saw these star fragments falling on top of his head. He waved his hands and immediately put these star fragments into the storage ring.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After these star fragments landed in his storage ring, they immediately flew around.

These star fragments drew beautiful arcs in the sky, and then fell in the distance. I don’t know when they disappeared.

Hisoka collects star fragments very quickly. He can collect hundreds of star fragments in one second, and then collects these star fragments and piles them into a hill.

"What does this stone tablet represent? It actually attracted the attention of that giant monster, and even sent a giant monster to chase me."

Hisoka's eyes narrowed and he looked ahead, where there was a black cloud.

When he saw the black cloud, he couldn't help but be stunned. The black cloud was hundreds of kilometers in size, and from the middle of the black cloud, there was a terrifying pressure.

That coercion had a suffocating aura, as if even an ordinary Saint Realm powerhouse couldn't resist it.

"Is there something hidden in those black clouds?"

Thinking of this, Hisoka couldn't help but feel a little excited, because he had already guessed that there was something in the dark clouds, and there must be a treasure there!

Hisoka's body trembled slightly, and he wanted to go over and take a look. However, as soon as his body left the ground for a certain distance, he stopped moving.

Because, he felt a dangerous atmosphere.

Hisoka looked at the black clouds in front of him, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

There are unknown dangers hidden in the dark clouds. What treasures are there?

At this time, a clear and sweet bird song came. This bird song was very loud, as if it was declaring sovereignty, and it seemed to be warning something.

After these birdsong sounded here, the black mist in the black cloud quickly dispersed in all directions.

Many monsters emerged from the black mist. These monsters all had wings. They had two horns and a tail on their heads. They wore heavy leather armor and held extremely sharp spears.


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