A huge beast climbed out of the black mist. This beast was several meters tall, covered in black, and its body was as majestic as a hill.

Its mouth was full of fangs, its claws had two rows of sharp claws, and its tail also had a spike. When it saw Hisoka, it let out a roar, and then pounced towards Xisuo. So.

Hisoka saw the monster rushing towards him, so his body flashed with dazzling golden flames, and then his body instantly turned into a fire phoenix.

This fire phoenix spread its wings and soared in the air. Its feathers were as sharp as blades. The flames burned around his body, and a flame shrouded his body shield.

Hisoka's wings flapped, and ripples visible to the naked eye spread out. Around him, countless flame barriers emerged. These flame barriers all extended outwards and formed a circle.

The giant bear's mouthparts bit into the flame barrier, and immediately, circles of flame ripples spread out, wrapping it inside.

The giant bear was wrapped in flames. He was still struggling and making angry screams.

However, its strength was too great, and the flame barrier did not break, but instead trapped it.

At this time, another giant bear noticed the state of Hisoka. It let out a hoarse cry, then rushed from a distance and rushed towards Hisoka.

This giant bear has two rows of sharp teeth. Its teeth are covered with sharp spikes. Its teeth are very sharp and can cut through steel.

When Hisoka saw this giant bear, not only was he not afraid, but he showed an excited smile, because this was a holy monster.

Saint-level monsters are definitely a great asset to Hisoka. If he can devour this giant bear, then his cultivation speed will definitely increase a lot.

Chapter 473: Caught by sharp claws, can Hisoka defeat the Storm Bear?


When the giant bear rushed in front of Hisoka, it let out a roar. It opened its mouth, and sharp storms emerged from its mouth.

Storm is a saint-level wind element. Its wind blade is very powerful and can easily cut through everything. Even an ordinary saint-level strongman will be injured if he touches this wind blade.


The storm blew past Hisoka's side, making his clothes rustle, making his hair flutter, making the clothes on his body float, and causing his skin to feel burning pain.

"This giant bear's attack is very powerful, and its speed is even faster. If I fight with it, it will be difficult for me to avoid it. Therefore, I can only strike first. As long as I can kill this giant bear, the rest will The monsters are no problem!" Hisoka thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, he no longer waited. He turned around and dodged to the side, avoiding the attack.

At the same time, a fiery aura suddenly erupted from Hisoka's body.

The fiery breath spread over his body, instantly wrapping him in it, and then, the power in his body instantly became surging.


At this time, a huge fist mark appeared on his right palm. The size of this fist mark was exactly the same as the fist he usually used. His fist hit the huge fist shadow hard, and that The fist shadow was hit by his punch and then exploded.


A ball of hot brilliance bloomed, and the brilliance quickly turned into a ball of light, surrounding Hisoka.

This ball of light kept rotating, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster. Eventually, this ball of light became bigger and bigger, and then, it became bigger and bigger. Gradually, a giant peak rose out of the ball of light.

This giant peak is hundreds of meters high. There are flowers carved on the top of the giant peak. These flowers are emitting a strong fragrance, and these fragrances are emitted from the flowers on the giant peak. .

The flowers on the giant peak are condensed from pure flames. These pure flames can not only warm the human body, but also nourish life.

Even Hisoka didn't expect to encounter this kind of strange flame here. Seeing the flowers on the giant peak, Hisoka was overjoyed. These flowers were all good things.


At this moment, the monster rushed to the giant peak behind Hisoka, then opened its mouth and let out a loud roar.

This huge roar shocked all directions, and for a moment, countless trees collapsed one after another.

The towering trees instantly turned into dust under the roar of the monster.

But those monsters continued to rush forward without stopping. They were all ferocious and bloodthirsty monsters. In the eyes of these monsters, Hisoka's strength was not worth mentioning. Therefore, they did not have the slightest fear, and they only charged fiercely at the giant peak, hoping to crush the giant peak with brute force.

At this time, the giant bear also rushed into these monsters.

The giant bear, inside the monster, felt as if it had entered its own home, shuttling back and forth at will. However, it did not dare to kill wantonly, because there were many monsters inside that it could not afford to offend. .

It just stays there.

However, its goal is not just this. It is constantly searching, and it wants to find out the weakness of this little thing.

Hisoka was unhurried when surrounded by the monster. When the monster rushed over, he also rushed towards the monster. In the process, he was also observing the monster's attack route.

He knew that if he wanted to kill this monster, he needed to understand the monster's attack route.

Within his sight, the giant bear kept running. It was very fast, like a cannonball. However, no matter how fast it was, it could not exceed the speed of space.

As it ran, Hisoka saw that the monster's feet were already stepping on the void. This was a kind of flying technique.


Hisoka saw the monster's body suddenly disappear on the spot. Then, the monster came to Hisoka. Then, it waved its claws and grabbed Hisoka fiercely.

This claw is its sharp claw. When it swung its claw towards Hisoka, its claws also spurted out endless flames. These flames were extremely high-temperature. If Hisoka was killed by this monster, If hit, it will definitely be burned.

"call out!"

The monster's sharp claws had already caught Hisoka's chest, and Hisoka's skin immediately burned.

Wisps of smoke came out from his body, his face turned red, and even his forehead was covered with red blood vessels.

At this time, a giant sword appeared in Hisoka's hand, and his giant sword slashed directly at the monster's claws.

The monster's claws were cut off and it let out a scream.

This scream was very sharp, as if it was wailing.

"Huh, I can't bear this pain. You are really a waste, you are really rubbish. Die!".

Chapter 474: Enjoy the fun of fighting, Hisoka fights five monsters

Seeing that this monster had a section of its claws chopped off, Hisoka snorted, and then, with a wave of the giant sword in his hand, another monster was killed.

At this time, he took out a few more stone tablets from the storage ring. These stone tablets were all contained in a stone box. He threw these stone tablets into the stone tablets.

When the stone tablets were thrown into the stone box, they immediately grew larger. Then, these stone tablets began to rotate. As they rotated, white light emitted from the stone tablets, shining on the monsters around them.

Those monsters, after being illuminated by the light of the stone monument, suddenly went crazy, roared one after another, and then rushed towards the stone monument.


At this moment, the giant peak next to Hisoka suddenly shook violently. Immediately afterwards, the golden flowers on the giant peak withered one after another, and those golden flowers also withered quickly.

This kind of withering is not death and withering, but the death of these flowers after being illuminated by the light on the stone tablet.

"Haha, now, let's see how you crack these golden flowers?"

Hisoka laughed wildly in his heart, and then, his body moved quickly, his body flashed rapidly like a ghost, and the giant sword in his hand was also chopping rapidly.

After a while, his giant sword cut off dozens of golden branches. After these branches fell to the ground, they withered one after another.

In the blink of an eye, all these golden branches were chopped off by his giant sword.


At this moment, the monster's body finally hit the giant peak. The giant peak was shaken violently by the impact, and then it crashed down towards Hisoka.

Hisoka was also surprised when he saw this scene. However, he was not afraid at all, but smiled.

This monster has completely touched the giant peak. It is impossible for it to climb up.

However, Hisoka is not a fool. Since this monster could no longer climb up, he couldn't sit still and wait for death. His feet quickly left the ground.

When Hisoka left the ground, the giant mountain quickly crashed down.

However, Hisoka's body kept moving.

Finally, this giant peak hit the top of the cave hard, and the entire cave wall trembled.

"Crack! Click!"

Huge rocks began to roll down the mountain. After these rocks rolled to the ground, they immediately exploded into powder.

After the gravel fell, it hit the monsters, and those monsters were smashed into meat patties.

Hisoka jumped down from the giant peak and stood on the ground. He patted his clothes. Under the monster's attack just now, his body was stained with a lot of dust.

The dust stuck to his clothes, and some even stuck to his head and clothes. He wiped it gently with his hand, and the dust was blown away by the wind.

At this moment, Hisoka felt a refreshing feeling in his heart. This refreshing feeling made him feel very satisfied. Is this the joy of fighting?

Although these monsters are powerful, they are not invincible.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, bursts of piercing sounds came from the distance.

Hisoka looked up and saw those monsters flying over from all directions.

Each of these monsters is more than two meters tall, with a huge body and a hard body. Some monsters have barbs all over their bodies. Their teeth are extremely sharp. Some monsters also have big mouths. These big mouths There are two rows of sharp, jagged teeth on it. Their sharp teeth can cut steel.

These monsters all rushed toward Hisoka crazily.


When Hisoka saw these monsters, he immediately roared, and his figure instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards one of the monsters.

The speed of that monster is very fast, but after all, it is not the King Kong Giant Ape, and it is only a level three monster, and its speed is not very fast.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

This monster was caught up by Hisoka.

When the monster saw Hisoka rushing over, it immediately waved its fist and tried to hit Hisoka on the head. However, Hisoka's body was extremely flexible and he easily dodged it. At the same time, the giant sword in Hisoka's hand also struck the monster's abdomen hard.


With one cut, a huge gap appeared in the monster's body, and blood flowed out from it. At the same time, a fishy smell also spread from the monster's body.

The monster was injured, and seriously.

Its injury also aroused the anger of this group of monsters, and they let out shrill screams. Then these monsters rushed towards Hisoka. There were five monsters in total, attacking Hisoka from four directions.

Chapter 475 The monster releases corrosive poisonous mist

When Hisoka saw these five monsters, he immediately dodged to the left and right. The speed of these monsters was very fast. Their speed was amazing. Within a few seconds, they came to Hisoka's side. Their sharp claws were fierce. He grabbed Hisoka.

Hisoka quickly raised his sword to resist, but his giant sword had no effect at all under the claws of these monsters.

"Crack! Click!"

The sharp claws scratched Hisoka's arm, and the skin on Hisoka's arm also shattered. At the same time, a deep scar appeared, which extended from his wrist to his shoulder.

This scar was so hideous that the bones could almost be clearly seen, and blood seeped out from the wound.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

When these monsters saw Hisoka's wounds, they immediately let out shrill screams, and their sharp claws suddenly retracted.

These claws are extremely sharp. Once scratched by them, even the steel bones will be scratched to pieces by them, let alone Hisoka's skin. As long as an ordinary person's skin is scratched, a large hole will immediately appear, and the bones inside will be torn to pieces. This is an extremely fatal injury.

However, Hisoka's skin is extremely tough. No matter how sharp these claws are, it is impossible to tear Hisoka's skin into pieces.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The monsters let out shrill howls, and their claws clawed at Hisoka again and again, but to no avail.

However, the wounds on Hisoka's body kept bleeding. The blood flowed out and quickly dripped on the ground, quickly soaking the ground.

These monsters are becoming more and more impatient.


The monsters are very fast, their eyes are glowing green, and the corners of their mouths are salivating. They look extremely excited, like hungry wolves, waiting for their prey to come to their door.

At this moment, Hisoka saw that these monsters had lost their patience, and he suddenly stepped back to avoid the claws of these monsters.

The sharp claws of these monsters grabbed the ground almost at the same time, scratching out two cracks in the ground.


At this time, there was another loud noise. When Hisoka heard this sound, he knew that another monster was coming, and this sound was too familiar to him, it was the sound of the giant ape.

Hisoka's face became extremely gloomy. At this time, the monster had already rushed in front of him. He didn't care so much. He directly waved the giant sword in his hand and slashed towards the monster. His movements were also very... quickly.

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