His movements are very fierce, just like a tiger preying on a rabbit. Every move he makes is very sharp. Every time he swings his sword, he can cut off a monster's wings.

The monster's wings were cut off, and it screamed in pain. At the same time, the blood on its body began to gush out quickly, forming a blood rain in mid-air.

The rain of blood fell to the ground and immediately dyed all the fur on these monsters red.

There was also a foul smell in the blood rain, the smell of rotting corpses.

The wights are a very difficult monster to deal with. They are few in number but very cunning.

They usually like to hide in the dark and sneak up on their enemies. Their attack power is quite terrifying, but their attack method is a bit strange. They like to spray poisonous mist, and the poisonous mist contains strong corrosiveness.

If the body is touched by these poisonous mist, even an ordinary martial saint will be killed by these corrosive poisonous mist.

This kind of corrosive poisonous mist can corrode artifacts, and even corrode artifacts into powder. If it is stained with a little bit of poisonous mist, even a holy-level powerhouse will immediately lose mobility, and then slowly decay. die.

The speed of decay is not fast, and it only decays a little bit. In just a few seconds, the toxins can completely corrode the corpse of a holy-level powerhouse.

However, the decay is only temporary.

After decaying, the corpse of a holy-level powerhouse will continue to grow and will soon be restored to its original appearance.

The degree of decay will become lower and lower, and the rate of decay will become slower and slower.

In this way, even if a holy-level powerhouse dies due to poisonous mist, he will quickly recover again. Therefore, if you encounter rotten rotting substances, be sure not to get contaminated by them.

Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

But Hisoka didn't know this truth, so he dared to fight unscrupulously. Otherwise, he would have run away long ago. He would not be stupid enough to fight against something rotten.

However, Hisoka's luck didn't seem to be very good. These monsters seemed not to be afraid of death. No matter how many times they were chopped or hacked to death, they would pounce on him crazily.

Moreover, they also have a self-healing function, so even if they are severely cut, they can recover instantly.

In this way, Hisoka's pressure suddenly increased many times.

At this time, the claws of those monsters had pierced Hisoka's protective shield. However, Hisoka was still wearing a black robe. These claws could not hurt Hisoka, but Hisoka's giant sword could kill him. Monster.

Every time Hisoka's giant sword strikes, it will take away the life of a monster.

Chapter 476: The defeated monster merges into the soil


Hisoka struck out eighty-seven swords in a row, and then he was panting from exhaustion, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Even if his body is very powerful, it cannot withstand such high-intensity slashing!

Moreover, these monsters are too difficult to deal with, right?


"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Those monsters seemed to know that Hisoka was tired, and they no longer attacked Hisoka. Instead, they surrounded Hisoka and kept roaring, as if they were mocking Hisoka and his ignorance.

"These monsters are really hateful. They dare to laugh at me." Hisoka was extremely angry.

At this moment, there was another burst of footsteps in the distance, followed by another burst of roar, and a huge black shadow rushed out from the distance. The speed of this black shadow was too fast. In the blink of an eye, He came to Hisoka.

After the black figure rushed in front of Hisoka, it did not enter the pile of monsters. Instead, it stood in front of Hisoka, staring directly at Hisoka with a pair of eyes the size of copper bells.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka couldn't help but shudder.

What's happening here?

Why don't you continue to attack yourself? Do they know that they are no match?


Suddenly, the monster roared, and then it attacked Hisoka.

Hisoka immediately raised his giant sword to attack.

As the giant sword was swung out, Hisoka's body also moved quickly, constantly dodging the monster's attacks.

Hisoka, on the other hand, quickly performed Kamikaze Steps to avoid the monster's attack.

Hisoka's movement speed was very fast. Hisoka was already out of the monster's attack range before the monster even rushed in front of Hisoka.

These monsters also knew that they could not catch up with Hisoka, so they changed their positions one after another and flew away in other directions, leaving only a few large monsters in front of Hisoka, howling continuously, trying to use their The sharp fangs bit Hisoka.

However, Hisoka was not idle either.

Hisoka's sword edge drew out quickly and instantly cut through a monster's body. The monster's body quickly turned into minced meat.

However, these pieces of meat are still recovering quickly. In just a few seconds, these pieces of meat are quickly restored to their original appearance. Moreover, the skin of these monsters has become thicker and looks harder than steel.

"These damn monsters are so difficult to deal with!"

Seeing this scene, Hisoka couldn't help but become furious.

However, these monsters are just rotten monsters.

The weakness of these monsters is their fear of fire.

As long as you identify their weaknesses, it is not difficult to deal with these monsters.

Hisoka did not dare to waste time and quickly used the Kamikaze Step to shuttle in front of these monsters.

Hisoka's movements were extremely fast, and in a short time, he rushed a few hundred meters away. However, he also knew very well that escaping all the way like this would not solve the problem at all.

In that case, he might as well stop!

He wanted to test the bottom line of these rotten monsters and see if he could completely eliminate them.

Hisoka stopped and looked at these rot monsters. He was now only about twenty meters away from these rot monsters. Moreover, these rot monsters also noticed that Hisoka had stopped, and their bodies quickly gathered together. By wrapping Hisoka in it, Hisoka's retreat was completely cut off.

However, these rot monsters alone could not stop Hisoka.

"Hahahaha, let's see where you run away now!" There was a sinister expression on Hisoka's face.


Hisoka suddenly rushed towards those rot monsters, and within a short time, Hisoka rushed into the circle surrounded by those rot monsters.

When the rot monsters saw this, they immediately went crazy and launched attacks one after another. However, after their attacks landed on Hisoka, they only left a mark on Hisoka's body.

And Hisoka's attacks kept falling on these monsters.




These rotten monsters quickly dissipated after screaming, but Hisoka was also attacked.

A green light emerged from Hisoka's body, and these green lights quickly formed a set of armor, covering Hisoka's whole body.

These cyan ray armors are the latest armors developed by Hisoka.

This armor not only protected Hisoka's body, but also protected Hisoka's head, preventing Hisoka from being attacked by the monster's head.

When these armors covered Hisoka's body, Hisoka's speed also increased again, and he suddenly came to a rot monster, and his sword blade also fell on the rot monster.

However, this rotten monster quickly turned into a wooden board as it rotted.

When the wooden board turned into a wooden board, the wooden board also turned into a pool of liquid, and then quickly merged into the soil.

Chapter 477: The Difficult Corrosion Monster

These liquids are not aggressive in any way. However, its rotting ability is very strong. Once it rots to a certain extent, it will turn all objects into rotten wood.

Hisoka did not expect that the rotting ability of this rotting monster would be so powerful, but he was not afraid of these rotting monsters either.

Hisoka held the giant sword and danced it quickly, and streams of extremely sharp sword energy continued to spread to the surroundings.

For a moment, those rotten monsters were greatly restricted in terms of speed and reaction.

Hisoka continued to attack, and within a short time, he killed all these rot monsters, and then he left quickly.

In the process of leaving, he did not encounter many monsters to intercept him.

However, it was a good thing for Hisoka.

After all, he didn't want these monsters to catch up.

If these monsters catch up, then he will be in trouble.

Moreover, doing so would also reduce Hisoka's burden.

However, Hisoka's actions also attracted the attention of the rotten monster.

It quickly chased Hisoka, and kept jumping and rolling in this swamp, like a slippery earthworm. This scene made people laugh.

Hisoka also knew that if he let this rotten monster get close, he would definitely suffer.

Now, Hisoka must lure this monster away so that he can fight with peace of mind.

Hisoka moved quickly while being chased by the monster. However, although his speed was very fast, he had not run for long before he heard the roar from the rotten monster. The sound was full of violence and violence. It was so fierce that it scared Hisoka to death.

"Let me go, life is so difficult to deal with?"

Hisoka couldn't help but frown, and then he accelerated his speed and pulsed towards the mountain in the distance, hoping to get rid of this terrifying monster as soon as possible.


Just when Hisoka ran to the edge of the mountain range, a rotten monster suddenly jumped out from beside Hisoka.

Hisoka quickly cut off the monster's body with his sword, but the rotten monster's body was also split into two halves under Hisoka's attack. Then, the blood of these rotten monsters also flowed along the west. Suo's robe dripped to the ground.

Hisoka's clothes were soaked with the blood, but the blood had no effect on his body. Instead, it added many magical effects to Hisoka.

These rotten monsters are all corroded by the corrosive energy contained in this monster. This corrosive energy not only has the characteristics of corrosive energy, but also has the powerful effect of corrosive energy.

Corrosive energy can directly attack a person's internal organs, causing them to lose their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Rotting energy is also the main dangerous area on this island.

"This rot monster is really difficult to deal with!"

Hisoka couldn't help but sigh.

However, at this time, Hisoka didn't think too much and continued running forward quickly.

Behind him, those rotten monsters kept rushing up.

Hisoka kept killing these rot monsters, but his body was also stained with the blood of many rot monsters. Hisoka didn't know how many wounds he had on his body, but he knew that these rot monsters were no longer enough. For concern.

Hisoka quickly ran to a mountain peak.

On this mountain peak, these rotten monsters did not continue to chase him, but kept roaring, seeming to summon other monsters.

"Hoo ho ho!"

At the foot of the mountain, monsters kept rushing out and rushing up the mountain.

Hisoka was also prepared. He held a giant sword and danced it quickly to kill these monsters.

However, there were too many of these monsters. Even if Hisoka killed more monsters, it would be useless. Instead, he would waste a lot of energy and time.

It's just that at this time, Hisoka is already red-eyed, so why should he care so much?


Another rot monster hit Hisoka's giant sword, and then, the rot monster also broke into two halves.

However, between his body and the blood, there was a green ball flashing with a faint green light. This green light was the rotten energy in the rotten monster's body.

Hisoka's body was also contaminated by rotten energy. His skin began to turn black, his bones began to soften, and his muscles began to stiffen. These changes all showed that his body was turning into a rotten monster. appearance.

Hisoka knew that if he continued like this, his body would rot and turn into a corpse.

Moreover, Hisoka also knew that if his body had not become abnormally strong, he would have turned into a pile of bones.

This situation also made him very nervous.

However, despite being nervous, he was also a little excited.

Because at this time, he discovered that although there were a lot of rot monsters here, they were not the huge ones, but a single monster with only one or two heads.

Therefore, he could get rid of the monster in front of him as quickly as possible and then continue his escape.

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