I have to say, this idea is very tempting. Because of this temptation, Hisoka felt excited.

Chapter 478 Hisoka summons the flame dragon to fight

Hisoka no longer hesitated. He kept swinging his giant sword and slashing with the blade, constantly harvesting the lives of these monsters. In the process, Hisoka's injuries became more and more serious.

However, Hisoka ignored this.

In his opinion, these injuries are nothing at all. As long as he continues to kill these monsters like this, he will recover.

After all, the attacks of these rotten monsters would not cause any damage to his body.


Suddenly, a dull sound came from behind Hisoka.

Hisoka turned around and was startled. He did not expect that there would be so many rotten monsters behind him, and these rotten monsters were constantly surging towards him.

"Damn, what's going on? Why are there so many rotten monsters behind me!" Hisoka couldn't help but cursed secretly.

However, these rotten monsters really gave him a headache.


Suddenly, an angry roar came from Hisoka's ears again.

Hisoka's eyes glanced at him, and at this moment, another group of rotten monsters came rushing in from a distance.

These rotten monsters are all huge monsters with a height of more than four meters. Their sizes are even larger than those monsters just now.

The size of these monsters is about ten times larger than the size of the rot monsters just now, and the rot energy in these monsters is much richer than that in the rot monsters just now.

When Hisoka saw this, he didn't dare to be careless. He quickly waved the giant sword in his hand and killed crazily.

However, he did not kill them as easily as he did just now, because the defenses of these monsters were too strong and they were not afraid of being killed by his giant sword. Moreover, even though his sword light was extremely sharp, it could not split these monsters apart.

Therefore, Hisoka is now in trouble.

After Hisoka saw this scene, he also knew that the number of these monsters was too much, too much for him to handle.

He also discovered that these monsters did not seem to be just besieging him, but that there were several monsters whose numbers were rapidly decreasing. They spread out, and there were more than a hundred monsters galloping in this mountain range, and other monsters were also charging towards Hisoka. However, they were blocked by huge mountains and could not rush into the mountains, so they could only wander outside.

However, there are many monsters outside the mountain, so the number of these monsters is still amazing, which makes Hisoka very helpless.

If this continues, Hisoka will be eaten by these monsters sooner or later.

"I must find a way to crack these rotten monsters!"

At this moment, Hisoka couldn't help but grit his teeth. He knew that he couldn't wait so passively and had to take the initiative to find a way to crack it.

Just when Hisoka was about to leave this mountain range and find a way out, a palpitating feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

This throbbing made Hisoka suspicious, because he felt a powerful threat approaching him.

And this sense of crisis is brought about by those rotten monsters.

Hisoka did not dare to hesitate and immediately used his best teleportation to quickly leave the mountain. At the same time, Hisoka did not forget to use a giant flame dragon.

The flame dragon kept wandering in the air. These rotten monsters were frightened when they saw Hisoka using the flame dragon.

Because the temperature of the flame dragon was too high, these rotten monsters did not dare to approach the flame dragon at all, and just wandered near the mountain peak.

Hisoka didn't dare to be careless, he knew that the current situation was very dangerous.

He did not dare to hesitate at all. He immediately activated his divine power and pushed his aircraft vigorously, letting the aircraft fly towards the depths of the mountain range he had encountered before.

He seeks a safe refuge.

Where he is now is quite far away from the depths of the mountain range he was in before. If he speeds up a little bit more, he may be able to escape from this area. However, at this time, the mountain range also became very dangerous.

Because he found that those rotten monsters were approaching quickly. At his current speed, he could not keep up with the speed of these rotten monsters. Therefore, he had to speed up to get rid of these rotten monsters.


Suddenly, at this moment, a deafening roar sounded from behind Hisoka again. After hearing this sound, Hisoka was shocked.

"No, are those rotten monsters chasing us?"

When Hisoka thought of this, his face was suddenly filled with worry. He still didn't know the strength of these rotten monsters. If these rotten monsters were stronger than those monsters just now, he would have no choice but to run away.


Hisoka immediately teleported, and the only thing he could do now was to run for his life.

He couldn't guarantee that if he continued to stay in this place, he would still be overtaken by these rotten monsters.


The next second, Hisoka's figure disappeared from the place.

Chapter 479 Angry Hisoka! Chase down the fleeing monsters

The next second, he had appeared halfway up another mountain range.


Seeing that he finally got rid of those monsters, Hisoka couldn't help but let out a long breath.

However, the moment he finished breathing, he suddenly felt the pressure of danger.


The next moment, Hisoka felt a dangerous air flow coming from the back of his head.

This dangerous airflow directly penetrated his head, instantly shattering his head and causing blood to fly.


Hisoka's body shook violently, and then he fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

"Ah...my head was blown to pieces!"

After Hisoka woke up, he immediately exclaimed. He found that his head was no longer his own, but turned into a ball of flesh!

"What on earth is going on? Why was my head suddenly blown to pieces?" Hisoka exclaimed, but he didn't know what happened to him.

Hisoka's current situation is really bad. His soul has dissipated. It's like a person was stabbed to death.

This feeling of death made Hisoka's whole body feel cold, and his heart was filled with fear.

"My soul has been blown up. I don't know if I can survive now. If I can survive, I don't have to worry about whether I will die, because I no longer know who I am." Hisoka He muttered to himself, his face full of confusion and fear.

"No matter, let me find a place to rest and recover first, and then think about what to do next." Hisoka said to himself, and then prepared to find a place to heal and recover from his injuries.

At this moment, Hisoka suddenly noticed that there was a corpse lying at his feet.

Seeing this corpse, Hisoka's pupils couldn't help but tighten, because he knew what this corpse looked like.

This corpse was clearly the rot monster he had just encountered. These rot monsters were actually not dead. Moreover, they caught him here, causing him to fall into despair and almost destroying his soul.

Hisoka was shocked when he thought of this, because he discovered that those rotten monsters didn't seem to be planning to let him go, but were chasing after him!

"No, we can't let them catch up!"

Hisoka said secretly: "I have only two choices now. One is to find a place to hide and slowly regain my strength. In this way, even if I encounter those rotten monsters, I will not be afraid of them. The other is to fight to the death. As long as I have the strength After recovering, then these rotten monsters are definitely no match for me! But in this case, my injuries will also recover slowly, isn’t it worth the loss?"

"Forget it, I have no other choice."

In the end, Hisoka decided to fight these rotten monsters to the death.

His eyes fell on those rotten monsters.

"I don't believe that I will lose to these rotten monsters."



The next second, these rot monsters roared and they rushed towards Hisoka.


Hisoka then used his killing move. He used his best skill, his boxing technique.

His boxing skills are not very gorgeous, nor are his martial arts superb, but the power of this skill is very powerful.

Although Hisoka's boxing technique is not very powerful, the power of this boxing technique is terrifying and can unleash a very terrifying attack.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Hisoka's fists continued to hit the front. He punched more than 800 times in total. Every time he struck, he would take away thirty or forty rotten monsters.

Under his crazy attack, those rotten monsters dispersed in all directions.


Hisoka's fist hit the chests of those rotten monsters hard. Suddenly, the chests of these rotten monsters were dented, their bones were all broken, and their internal organs were all ruptured. The head and two legs fell directly to the ground, motionless.

Hisoka's attacks are very powerful, and the power of his attacks is also very terrifying.

There were more than a hundred rotting monsters. In the blink of an eye, Hisoka killed fifty or sixty of them. The remaining thirty or so were also in a state of disarray. They kept rolling on the ground, screaming and screaming. An extremely miserable cry.

But Hisoka couldn't understand these sounds. He just saw these rotten monsters wailing in pain.

These rot monsters seemed to know that Hisoka was terrifying. After rolling on the ground, they turned around and ran away.

Hisoka was startled when he saw that these rotten monsters did not dare to fight him.

But the next second, he became furious because these rotten monsters actually wanted to escape! This is simply too much!

Therefore, Hisoka didn't care that he was still injured and quickly chased after them. His speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already caught up with these rotten monsters.

Chapter 480 Hisoka burns himself to attack the monster

These rotten monsters sensed the aura coming from behind them, and they knew that they had no hope of escaping, so they turned around and prepared to resist Hisoka's attack.

Hisoka was also shocked when he saw the actions of these rotten monsters.

He simply didn't understand what these rotten monsters were thinking. They actually wanted to fight him in this way!

"These idiots, do they think they can stop me like this? What a wishful thinking! With my strength, Hisoka is not so easy to resist." Hisoka thought in his mind, and then used his killing move.

At this moment, Hisoka's figure suddenly became illusory.

He actually used a secret technique to hide his figure. His whole body seemed to be transformed into mist. The mist flickered without leaving any traces. Even these rotten monsters could not clearly see the traces of Hisoka. .

However, just before the mist around Hisoka had condensed, these rotten monsters rushed towards Hisoka one after another.

These rot monsters also knew that Hisoka's speed was too fast. Moreover, these rot monsters also knew that if they continued to chase, they would definitely die in Hisoka's hands, so they simply stopped chasing and rushed towards Hisoka. past.

Hisoka's mist was torn into powder by the claws of the rotting monster before it condensed.

These rot monsters rushed directly towards Hisoka, with a pair of blood-red claws that were extremely sharp, and they grabbed Hisoka's body with one claw.


The next moment, the body of this rotten monster was exploded by Hisoka.

Hisoka's body remained motionless, but his heart was extremely shocked. He felt that the claws of these rotten monsters actually penetrated his body and reached into his mind! His brain was actually corrupted!

The attacks of rot monsters are very powerful. These rot monsters can actually corrode Hisoka's mind! After Hisoka felt the change in his mind, he was immediately frightened. How did these rotten monsters do it?

"Hmph! You forced me to do this!" Hisoka said with a sneer. The next moment, black flames appeared on his body, and his body actually started to burn.


As black flames spurted out, Hisoka's whole body burned, and he was just like this, wrapped in black flames.

This flame was extremely terrifying. Hisoka's skin was scorched, his flesh and blood were burnt, his skin was roasted into charcoal, and even Hisoka's internal organs and bones were charred.

Hisoka's face showed pain and struggle.

He knew that this was because his sanity had been eroded, and his sanity was being corroded. He felt that his consciousness was gradually dying. He was unwilling to die like this. His consciousness was still burning.

Hisoka felt this painful feeling deeply, but his mind was still being corroded.

Hisoka's eyes no longer had any light. His pupils also slowly narrowed, and his eyes were filled with a dead gray color, as if his soul had been swallowed up.


Hisoka couldn't bear the pain and screamed in the sky. His body was shaking violently, and bursts of green smoke continued to appear on the surface of his body.

At this time, his body had become as black as carbon, as if it had turned into a ball of black smoke, and there were fine cracks spreading on his body, like a spider web.

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