There are more and more wounds on his body. Even if an ordinary person suffered such horrific injuries, he would have died long ago. However, he is still alive now! Moreover, he was alive and well, and none of the wounds on his body were fatal.

At this time, the black smoke on his body became thicker and thicker, as if a giant meteorite was falling down bit by bit on his body, and his body became darker.


Another scream sounded. It turned out that at this time, the surface of his body began to slowly grow sharp claws. These sharp claws were very sharp, like sharp knives. Once these sharp claws penetrated people's Inside the body, then that person will definitely be cut in two, and he will never die again!

At this moment, these rotten monsters finally felt the threat of death.

At this time, Hisoka no longer hid. He stood up. His eyes were cold and full of deathly coldness. He looked at these rotten monsters and said coldly: "Since you all want to die, then, I’ll make it happen for you! Come on together! Anyway, I’m going to die, so I don’t care anymore, hahahaha, you damn rotten monsters, I will definitely kill you all today!”


As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, his body rushed towards these rotten monsters.

Chapter 481 A new monster has appeared. Is the dragon an enemy or a friend?


When these rot monsters saw Hisoka rushing towards them, they all let out angry roars. Their bodies collided towards Hisoka. The power of these rotten monsters was terrifying, like a mountain, they crashed into Hisoka's chest with a rumble.

Hisoka's fist collided with the claws of these rotten monsters.


Two terrifying forces collided together, and immediately, the two forces exploded.

This explosive force is very powerful. At the moment of the explosion, all the ground and houses within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area were blown away, rubble flew everywhere, and smoke filled the air. The area was instantly turned into ruins.

Hisoka and the rot monsters were all knocked back by this force, and they all spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Hisoka and the rot monsters all stopped fighting. They all stared at Hisoka in horror, with a look of fear on their faces.

"What on earth is this guy? Why is his strength so strong? Why is his body so hard?"

"How could the skin on his body turn into metal? How could his muscles be so powerful?"


"I am not willing to give in. I must let him die, absolutely!"

The faces of these rotten monsters all showed crazy looks.

Hisoka couldn't help but feel a little strange when he saw that these rotten monsters around him didn't dare to attack him.

"Are these rotten monsters afraid of me? They actually know they are afraid of me?"

"How can the power in my body be so powerful? I am just a human being, but I can actually make them afraid like this."

Hisoka's heart was also full of doubts, and the wounds on his body slowly healed. Although he looks a little embarrassed now, he has not lost his mobility.

Hisoka looked around.

At this moment, he found that the surroundings were densely covered with corpses. These corpses have no flesh and blood, and even their bones have been corroded until only a white skeleton is left, which looks particularly ferocious.

These corpses seemed to be evil spirits crawling out of the grave, which made Hisoka a little creepy. Moreover, these corpses seemed to be constantly squirming, trying to get into Hisoka's body.

What's happening here?

Hisoka was filled with confusion.

Where did these corpses come from? Where did these bodies come from? Why are these bodies here?

At this time, all the rot monsters charged towards Hisoka.

These rotten monsters don't seem to care about the life and death of their companions. As long as humans appear, they will try their best to bite them into pieces!

Hisoka kept dodging, and his current speed was several times faster than usual. These rotten monsters could not catch up with him.


These rotten monsters kept roaring, and these howls seemed extremely terrifying to Hisoka's ears.

These howls were filled with an aura of destruction, as if coming from the Nine Nether Abyss, making people feel numb.

Hisoka escaped the attacks of these rotten monsters, but he was also put in danger.

Those rotten monsters didn't seem to give up the idea of ​​attacking him, and they attacked more than once.

Every time, Hisoka was almost eaten by the rot monster. If he were not very powerful, he might actually be eaten by the rot monster.

Hisoka's strength has gradually improved. Although the power of these rotten monsters is terrifying, they have no souls after all.

Therefore, Hisoka's attack has no effect on them.

If someone else is attacked by the rot monster, they will definitely be seriously injured or even die directly.

But Hisoka doesn't. He has no problem either physically or mentally. As long as his body is not attacked, he will not be harmed.


The rot monsters kept attacking Hisoka. These rot monsters kept spraying poisonous mist. The rotten corpses were covered with thick black liquid. The rotten liquid was greenish in color and looked like ink.

These liquids fell to the ground and melted quickly, turning into puddles of ink.

These liquids are very corrosive, and if they are contaminated even a little, they are enough to turn a person into a mummy!

Such a rotten monster is simply the most terrifying existence. If an ordinary person encounters a rotten monster, he will definitely die.


Suddenly, a dragon roar came from the distance.

A giant black dragon flew over from a distance. This giant dragon was a thousand meters long, and its whole body exuded a layer of dark brilliance. This giant dragon exuded an extremely evil smell, which made people feel very... uncomfortable.

It seems that this giant dragon is an evil demon, a demon crawling out of the abyss.

Chapter 482: Encountering a giant python after escaping from an ordinary black snake

Behind the giant dragon, followed a group of rotten monsters.

Seeing this giant dragon, these rotten monsters seemed to be frightened, and they did not dare to get closer to this giant dragon.

This giant dragon is clearly the king of these rotten monsters, a black snake.

The black snake was very fast, and he flew here very quickly. Then, it opened its mouth, and a ball of black poisonous flames swept towards these rotten monsters.


These rotten monsters were burned by the poisonous flames, and they screamed and fled.


The black snake roared again, his body leaped up again, and then he opened his mouth again, and a ball of black flames spurted out.

This black flame is more ferocious and terrifying than the previous black flame.

Black flames continued to burn in the air. They swallowed up these rotten monsters in an instant. In an instant, these rotten monsters turned into ashes.

The black snake's attack power is very powerful. As soon as it appeared, it destroyed these rotten monsters.

The black snake came to Hisoka's side and looked at Hisoka with greed in its eyes.

Its tongue stretched out, wanting to lick Hisoka.

This black venom is a very overbearing toxin. This toxin can corrode human bones, instantly softening and brittle them, and completely destroying them!

However, this black snake does not seem to know how to control poison.

When Hisoka saw this scene, he immediately dodged and avoided the black snake's attack in a flash.

Then, Hisoka swayed and rushed forward. He dodged this move and did not panic at all. On the contrary, he became calmer.

Hisoka's speed was very fast, and he had already covered a distance of more than ten kilometers in a few seconds. He paused on a boulder for a moment, then he flashed and flew out again. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the distance.

Along the way, Hisoka was very fast and he dodged wave after wave of attacks. But these rot monsters seemed to have found no trace of Hisoka, and they were still attacking Hisoka crazily.

However, the rot monster's attacks are getting weaker and weaker.

Obviously, these rot monsters seemed to be affected by the pressure of the dragon and did not dare to attack at will.

Moreover, when the dragon launched its attack just now, all these rot monsters retreated, not daring to compete with the dragon.

Hisoka continued to fly, and unknowingly traveled hundreds of miles.

Finally, he traveled through the mountain forest and came to the foot of a towering mountain peak.

This peak is five to six thousand meters high. Standing on this peak, you can overlook the entire mountain range.

This mountain range was shrouded in dense clouds. At the top of the mountain range, purple-red thunder and lightning continued to strike down, making rumbling explosion sounds.

These clouds seemed to be sealed by something mysterious. And this mountain peak is surrounded by the boundless ocean. In the ocean, a huge ship is floating on the sea. The huge sails are hunting in the wind, and the waves are beating against the sails, stirring up layers of spray.

These waves are all purple-red and look like blood is flowing, very oozing!

"Ho ho ho!"

A behemoth appeared on the sea. This behemoth exuded a layer of black mist and had two pairs of wings on its back. Its body is more than ten meters long. It is very large. It is covered with scales and emits black smoke. It looks very strange. Moreover, the evil aura it exudes is even a little affected by Hisoka. influence.

This behemoth is none other than the giant python.

The giant python is the overlord here and the king of this sea area.

"hold head high!"

The giant python roared angrily, making bursts of roars.

Hearing this sound, these ordinary rotten monsters knelt down one after another, lowered their heads, and trembled.

Seeing all this, Hisoka frowned. He didn't know what to do. Does he really want to fight this giant python here?

But the fighting power of this giant python is too strong. Although Hisoka really wants to test the strength of this giant python, he is also worried that he will suffer a loss because of it! If you suffer a loss, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Hisoka didn't want this situation to happen, so he was still prepared to run away.

Just when Hisoka was about to run away, the black snake stared at him.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka's face became a little ugly, and he shouted angrily: "What do you want to do!"

Hearing Hisoka's words, the giant python taunted him and said to Hisoka: "I said, as long as you promise me one thing, I will let you go!"

Hearing these words, Hisoka's eyes narrowed slightly. This giant python was indeed uneasy and well-intentioned!

"What's going on?" Hisoka said with a sneer.

"Hahaha, feel good! In this case, I will tell you straight away, I want your flesh and blood, feed me!" After saying this, the giant python opened its mouth and bit Xisuo hard.

Chapter 483: Attacked by the giant python, Hisoka awakens the Golden Phoenix bloodline

Seeing this scene, Hisoka also raised his eyebrows. This snake is really too arrogant! It actually wants his flesh and blood? Isn't there just some remaining flesh and blood left on his body, and it actually wants to eat it? This is too ridiculous!

Hisoka did not hesitate, and a ball of golden flames appeared on his body. Then, he waved his right hand downwards, and the golden flames fell on the giant black snake, completely covering the body of the black snake. Burnt.

"Ouch!" The black snake roared in pain.

The black snake was burned by Hisoka's golden flames and hissed in pain, and several of its scales fell off.

Hisoka's golden flame is the sacred fire of the Golden Crow clan. This black snake is a very rare monster. Their scales have very strong defense, but they are still far behind when faced with the flames of the Golden Crow Tribe's holy fire.

"You want to eat my flesh? You deserve it!" Hisoka said coldly.

Hearing Hisoka's words, the black snake's expression became even more gloomy, and his scales were burned to pieces. This was simply a shame and a great humiliation.

He roared angrily, then opened his mouth, and a dark vine spurted out from his mouth.

This black vine is about twenty meters long, and its spikes are very sharp, like sharp daggers.

Seeing the black vine flying towards him, Hisoka quickly backed away.

He didn't expect that this black vine was so powerful that he couldn't resist it.

Not only that, he also felt a strong sense of threat.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Dozens of black vines attacked at the same time and swept towards him. This black vine seemed to be a poisonous snake and was very terrifying.

Faced with the attack of so many black vines, Hisoka quickly used Shunpo and hid in the cave. The attacks of these poisonous snakes landed on the outer wall of the cave, making a roaring sound.

The attacks of these poisonous snakes had no impact on the cave and were even absorbed by the cave.

Hisoka's Shunpo can be said to be invincible, so the attacks of these poisonous snakes cannot do anything to him.

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