But at this time, he was also a little surprised. Because he found that the attacks of these poisonous snakes did not seem to be strong. It was not that the attacks of these poisonous snakes were weak, but that the attacks of these poisonous snakes did not pose much threat to the cave at all.

"Hey, this cave is not afraid of poison and can absorb these toxins?! What is going on? Could it be that the body of the cave is also a poisonous snake?"

Thinking of this, Hisoka's eyes flashed with doubt.

Seeing all this, the giant python was also a little surprised. However, it reacted quickly.

He continued to attack Hisoka with his black poisonous tongue.

However, Hisoka would not give him the chance to attack him.

He quickly used the blinking skill and disappeared in an instant, appearing behind the giant python. Then, he punched the python in the neck.


The scales on the python's neck were smashed through by Hisoka's fist, and then broken by Hisoka's iron fist.

The python's body rolled over like a rubber ball and fell to the ground.

Seeing Hisoka's attack so sharp, the black snake was also shocked. It quickly turned and ran away.

Hisoka quickly followed it and continued to catch up.

Seeing the black snake trying to escape, Hisoka was not polite and immediately used the Fire Dragon Technique!


A huge golden fire dragon suddenly rushed out of the flames and charged at the black snake with its fangs and claws.

When the black snake saw this huge golden dragon, it did not dare to easily resist it. It quickly turned around to avoid the golden dragon's attack. However, this golden dragon was also very fast. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with the black snake. Then, it opened its big mouth and bit the black snake fiercely.

The black snake quickly whipped the golden dragon with its two thick tails.


The golden dragon was knocked away, but it quickly attacked the black snake again.



The golden dragon frantically hit the black snake, forcing it to howl miserably, and was eventually bitten to death by the golden dragon.

After killing the black snake, the golden dragon once again penetrated into Hisoka's body.

Then, Hisoka discovered that golden markings appeared on the surface of his body. These markings seem to be alive, and they are constantly moving, as if they are alive.

"Holy shit!" Hisoka was shocked when he saw these markings on his body. He never thought that his body could have such an effect. He felt that his body was several times stronger than before.

"What's going on? What's the purpose of these markings?" Hisoka asked in confusion.

"Master, your body has transformed into the blood of the Golden Phoenix!" At this time, Mr. Shennong said quickly.

"Golden Phoenix bloodline?" A look of horror appeared on Hisoka's face, "No way! How can I have Golden Phoenix bloodline in my body?!".

Chapter 484 The first encounter between Hisoka and Shennong

"Yes, Master. You do have Golden Phoenix blood in your body! It is the ancient Golden Phoenix blood, and it is the purest Phoenix blood! Master, congratulations!" Mr. Shennong quickly congratulated.

"What?! You said I have the blood of the ancient golden phoenix in my body? How is this possible? I'm just a human." Hisoka asked in surprise.

"It's true, Master. You definitely have the ancient golden phoenix bloodline in your body, and it's the purest phoenix bloodline!" Mr. Shennong said with certainty.

"Are you telling the truth? However, I have obviously never practiced any martial arts. Moreover, with my current strength, which is only at the peak of the Saint level, how can I have this kind of bloodline?" Hisoka couldn't believe it. In his heart , full of questions.

"This is true, Master. I don't know what's going on, but I can feel that the Phoenix bloodline in Master's body is the real ancient Phoenix bloodline, and it cannot be fake!" Mr. Shennong said firmly.

"This..." Hearing what Mr. Shennong said, Hisoka also had doubts in his heart.

However, in his heart, he was still unwilling to accept this fact.

"How is this possible? My bloodline is the ancient golden phoenix bloodline? This is incredible! No wonder my strength has increased so fast! Could it be that these bloodlines are the records of the ancient phoenix bloodline in the inherited memory?" Hisoka murmured Said to himself.

Hisoka still had some doubts in his heart.

However, when he thought about his own strength and the bloodline he had, he felt relieved.

No matter what, these bloodlines are his own, and there is nothing surprising about him having them!

Hisoka thought again, if he has ancient blood, there is no doubt about it. But he still couldn't believe that his bloodline was the bloodline of the ancient phoenix. After all, ancient blood is a very rare and rare blood. "

"Forget it, let me ask the old man about these things after my strength has improved for a while!"

Hisoka shook his head and placed his target on the head of the black snake.


The black snake discovered Hisoka's target. He immediately roared and rushed towards Hisoka.


Without hesitation, Hisoka raised his fist and smashed the head of the black snake. Then, he saw that under his fist, the head of the black snake was shattered. Then, the black snake's head was shattered. The dragon snake also fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Hisoka was also very shocked!

His power is so terrifying! This punch actually shattered the black snake's skull. Such strength shocked even him!

Seeing this scene, he quickly put away the body of the black snake and left here.

Hisoka came outside, found a deserted place, and began to refine the black snake.

Soon after, the stone slab also melted and turned into powder.

Hisoka's strength also increased again.

However, this increase did not bring him any benefit. Instead, it caused him to fall into a deep sleep.

"Boom! Boom!"

Waves of thunder sounded, and Hisoka's body kept shaking, as if he was suffering from great pain. His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

And his whole body also emitted a strong golden light.


At this time, a strong suction force appeared and directly swallowed Hisoka's soul. Hisoka only felt the pain in his soul, as if it was about to be torn apart.


Hisoka couldn't help but scream.

However, under such pain, Hisoka's consciousness gradually regained consciousness.

"Where is this? How could this happen?"

When Hisoka opened his eyes and saw everything in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked.

He found himself lying on a stone bed in a cave. There are still many weeds piled up around the stone bed.

"Am I dreaming? No! This dream is so real!" The voice kept echoing in Hisoka's mind.

"Could it be that the dream just now was real?" Hisoka's face showed a look of shock.

"I should still be in that ruins now, but now that I have entered here, this should be just an ordinary cave." Hisoka thought secretly in his heart.

Hisoka's mind was in chaos. He didn't know what to do now.

Suddenly, a voice appeared.

"Are you awake? How do you feel now?" The owner of this voice was none other than Mr. Shennong.

"I feel very uncomfortable." Hisoka frowned.

"I just said that as long as you can defeat this subordinate of mine, then you will be a member of our Shennong Valley! Your physical condition is indeed not good, but your bloodline is indeed of the ancient Golden Phoenix bloodline!"

"What? Ancient Golden Phoenix bloodline?" Upon hearing this, Hisoka was completely confused, not knowing whether this sentence was true or false.

Chapter 485: Does Hisoka have the bloodline of the ancient golden phoenix?

"It's true, I just sensed that your blood has the power of the ancient golden phoenix!" Mr. Shennong said.

"My bloodline? How could my bloodline be the ancient golden phoenix? I don't recognize it at all! Besides, my strength is not at its peak." Hisoka's eyes widened.

"Haha, Hisoka, you are such an innocent young man, you don't even understand such a simple truth. Let me tell you! The ancient golden phoenix is ​​a legendary existence. It is said that its lifespan is at least Thousands of years! But your physique has the bloodline of the ancient golden phoenix. This is a blessing from God."

"My body has the bloodline of the ancient golden phoenix? How is it possible? How can I be a descendant of the ancient golden phoenix?"

Hisoka couldn't believe it, but the doubts in his heart were getting deeper and deeper.

"I know you have doubts, and I will answer them slowly in the future. Now you can calmly recuperate your body, and then we will go to Shennong Valley to find a place to cultivate the power of your bloodline." Mr. Shennong said.

"Yeah." Hisoka nodded.

Hisoka sat up from the bed, his body gradually returning to normal.

He looked up and saw a desolate land surrounded by nothing but some weeds.

The weeds were still stained with blood, which showed that a great battle had taken place here.

"What happened? Why am I here?" Hisoka's heart was filled with doubts.

His eyes looked around, trying to find some clues.

"Hey, there's blood here!" At this time, Hisoka was suddenly surprised to find a pool of blood on the ground not far away. The blood was still steaming, and it looked like it had just flowed out.

At this moment, he discovered that there was a red mark on his chest.

Seeing this mark, he suddenly felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart: "There is also a red mark on my chest!"

"What is going on?" Hisoka's face was full of doubts and confusion.

"There seems to be something inside my body calling me!"

"Summoning? Could it be..."

Suddenly, Hisoka thought of a possibility.

That is, there may be some powerful power flowing in his blood.

This kind of power can guide his body to this world.

The strong man in this world, after sensing Hisoka's blood, brought Hisoka here.

And his soul is on the other side of this world.

Hisoka carefully recalled what happened before he entered this world. At the last critical moment, he suddenly fainted. When he woke up, he was in this cave.

Hisoka carefully observed the cave. On the ground here, there were corpses one after another. They were all villagers from this village. They all had injuries on their bodies. It seemed that these villagers were all killed by this monster. of.

This scene reminded him of the monster telling him the news when he first entered the cave.

"It seems that I was really in a coma just now, but why did I pass out?" Hisoka muttered to himself.

"I just fainted, I also discovered something very strange." Suddenly, Hisoka's eyes became brighter, with the light of wisdom shining in them.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Mr. Shennong asked curiously.

"It's this mark on my body! It seems to have a slight connection with the ancient golden phoenix. This connection is very weak and can even be ignored. However, I can still feel it clearly."

"Hahaha, that's it! This drop of your blood has the power of the ancient golden phoenix. In other words, as you grow, it will continuously activate the ancient golden phoenix bloodline in your body. By that time, you will have endless The power!" Mr. Shennong laughed.

"There is such a magical thing in this world. The ancient golden phoenix actually exists? Then, can't I find the inheritance of the ancient golden phoenix?" Hisoka's heart suddenly rose with a flame of ecstasy.

"Hisoka, don't get too excited. The activation level of your bloodline is not high, and it is far from reaching the level of the ancient golden phoenix. However, I can be sure that the ancient golden phoenix bloodline in your body is by no means an ordinary ancient golden phoenix. Phoenix bloodline! Its potential is probably greater than that of the ancient golden phoenix, and may even surpass the ancient golden phoenix!" Mr. Shennong's eyes were full of pride, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Xiang Xisuo's gaze was also full of admiration.

"Can I ask a question? What kind of bloodline is this? Can you tell me?" Hisoka's heart was filled with endless desire.

He urgently needs to know the origin of this drop of his blood.

Chapter 486: Shennong helps Xisuo open the acupuncture points in his body

"Hey, I can't tell you this question. You just need to know that this drop of blood in your body is the blood of the ancient golden phoenix. The power of the ancient golden phoenix it contains is enough to destroy everything in the world! It is a born emperor, and Your blood just complements the ancient golden phoenix. It’s just that you can’t control it now. You need to slowly integrate it until you can completely master it. Then you will be the real ancient golden phoenix!”

"What I mean is that there is an ancient golden phoenix power hidden in your body. It's just that you can't control it now. It will burst out when you don't pay attention. This is a disaster you must survive! "

"Misfortune? Where did I get this calamity?" Hisoka smiled bitterly, still confused about his future.

"Hey, Hisoka, let me tell you, there is already a ray of ancient golden phoenix bloodline in your mind. As long as you don't take the initiative to release this ray of ancient golden phoenix bloodline, then you will not encounter anything. It's dangerous, but once you release this ray of blood, your life will be in infinite danger, and you will be backlashed by the blood of the ancient golden phoenix at any time!"

After listening to what Mr. Shennong said, Hisoka's eyes almost dropped.

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