Hisoka was extremely surprised in his heart, but now, even if he tried his best, he could not break free from the seal, as if his body was bound under this seal.

"Who on earth could trap me like this?"

At this time, Hisoka felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart, which made him very depressed.

"The students of this class are really strong! It seems that my strength is still not enough. No, I have to work hard and strive to advance to the Holy Domain students as soon as possible. When the time comes, I will definitely defeat Li Mufeng."

"Only when I advance to become a student of the Holy Domain will I become stronger!"

Hisoka's eyes were filled with determination, and he secretly swore in his heart that he must seize the time to practice and strive to advance to the Holy Realm student as soon as possible.

At this time, a handsome man in white clothes walked up to him and stopped him, with a smile on his face. "Are you here to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"Well. Who are you?" Hisoka asked, staring at the man who stopped him.

"You don't need to know who I am! You just need to tell me, are you here to participate in the martial arts arena? If you are here to participate in the martial arts arena, I advise you to give up! Because you don't have Any chance of winning!”

"Why don't I have any chance of winning? I don't accept it! I want to challenge Li Mucheng!"

When Hisoka heard this man say that he had no chance of winning, he immediately quit.

"You are not convinced? Why are you not convinced? Do you think you are qualified to fight against the Sword Emperor Li Mufeng?" The man in white mocked.

"Of course I am qualified to fight him!" Hisoka raised his head.

"Haha! What an arrogant boy!" The man snorted coldly.

"You're right, I do have the ability to be arrogant! If you have any ability, just use it! As long as you can kill me, then I will admit defeat!" Hisoka glanced at the man and said disdainfully.

"Oh? If that's the case, then go die!" When the man heard this, he immediately became angry.

In his opinion, Hisoka's strength is definitely inferior to Li Mufeng.

In this case, he wanted to find an opportunity to teach Hisoka a lesson.

"You are so rude, how did you talk to me!"

Hisoka frowned and said displeased.

In his eyes, there was already a flame flashing, and he was already angry and ready to teach this guy a lesson.

Because this guy was so arrogant, he didn't take him seriously at all, and he was very unhappy.


When the man heard this, he couldn't help but snorted: "How I talk to you is my business and has nothing to do with you."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Hisoka. In his hand, a sharp blade condensed and he slashed towards Hisoka.

This move is a very powerful spell, and ordinary students will definitely be injured if they are caught off guard.

"Although my strength is not as good as Sword Emperor Li Mufeng, I'm not bad either." The man in white spoke while launching an attack.

These days, he has been practicing continuously with Sword Emperor Li Mufeng, and feels that he has understood this spell.

This spell is a very powerful spell. Once hit, the consequences are extremely serious, including death or serious injury.

"You want to kill me! Then let's see if you have the strength first.".

Chapter 490 Hisoka defeats the man in white

As Hisoka said, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. It was a blood-red long sword. He swung it and directly blocked the attack.

"This is?"

When the man saw this scene, he was immediately shocked. His eyes were wide open and his face was full of disbelief.

Because Hisoka's blood-red sword actually blocked his move!

"You...you actually blocked my sword technique!"

The man's face was full of surprise. He really didn't expect that this guy he met on the roadside could actually block his own swordsmanship. It was really incredible.

"Your strength is good, but it's not enough! The blow you just gave can't do anything to me!" Hisoka's voice was full of confidence. He took one step forward and rushed towards the man again.

"Hmph! How can my strength not be enough? I am a master at the peak of the six-star level of the Holy Domain! How can you, a four-star student of the Holy Domain, be my opponent?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, and he swayed and dodged Hisoka's attack in an instant.

"Hmph, do you even want to fight me? It's just wishful thinking!"

After that, the man's figure moved, disappeared from the place, and then reappeared behind Hisoka.

This man was very fast and appeared beside Hisoka in the blink of an eye. He clenched his fist and punched Hisoka's neck hard. This heavy punch contained all his strength.

He believed that if he hit Hisoka's neck with one punch, Hisoka's head would definitely explode.


Faced with this punch, Hisoka did not panic at all.

His body tilted slightly to the right, and with a slight shake of his left arm, his long sword immediately turned into a silver snake and wrapped around the man's arm.

"This is?"

The man was startled when he saw that his arm was entangled with the silver snake.

"Don't be afraid! My attack only suspends your movements. When my attack is over, you will be able to resume your mobility." Hisoka said indifferently.

"Who are you?" The man's face was full of doubts.

"My name is Hisoka!"

Hisoka said calmly: "This is the second time you have asked me such a question."


When the man saw this scene, his heart trembled.

He knew that he had met a real rival. He didn't expect Hisoka to be such a powerful opponent.

"I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you. Since you are so powerful, I can't continue to take action." The man quickly stopped.

When he saw Hisoka's hand, he was deeply attracted.

This is a very powerful magical power, and he also wants to get it.

However, with his status, there is no way to obtain this magical power, and even if he obtains this magical power, he cannot use it.

Under such circumstances, how could he dare to take action again?

"Hmph! You'd better leave quickly! I don't want to continue to be entangled with you."

Hisoka saw the man retracting his hand, snorted coldly and said.

"I'll leave right now." Upon hearing this, the man turned around and left immediately.

However, he did not leave immediately, he was still looking for the right opportunity to take action.

He knew that Hisoka had been injured just now, and he could take advantage of his injury to launch a fatal blow to him and kill him completely.

"Hmph! You really have no sincerity at all."

When Hisoka saw that the man did not turn around and leave immediately, his tone was filled with disdain and he said, "Don't forget what you just said."

The man felt a little embarrassed when he heard Hisoka's words.

He remembered clearly what he had just said, but he felt that Hisoka had deliberately provoked him to take action.


"I will not break the promise I made just now. I am the six-star peak of the Saint Realm. I will definitely make you lose miserably."

"Then come on!"

After Hisoka said this, he twisted his body suddenly and rushed towards the man.

He clamped his legs together and kicked out towards the opponent.

When the man saw this, he didn't dare to be careless. He quickly raised his palm and slapped it towards Hisoka.

Hisoka did not retreat but advanced, directly facing the palm he slapped and rushed over.


The two palms collided, two terrifying forces collided, and a violent roar immediately erupted.

The man was knocked back by Hisoka's blow, and even spit out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Hisoka with shock on his face, and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that after practicing with Li Mufeng for so long, I would actually be defeated by your boy."

"Haha! You should admit defeat this time, right?"

Hisoka laughed loudly.

The expression on the man's face kept changing, and his eyes also changed at this time.

"Okay! I'm willing to admit defeat!"

After that, the man put away his weapon and said: "Your strength is really great! I am not as good as you, so I am willing to compensate you."

"Didn't I tell you that as long as I want to fight, you will lose?" Hisoka said with a faint smile.

Chapter 491: The man in white no longer entangles, Xisuo meets Li Mufeng

"Don't bully me too much! If my father knew that you injured me, he would definitely send people to hunt you down." The man said angrily.

"Haha! Don't scare me. I'm here to participate in the Tianyuan Sect trial. Do you think your father can track me if he sends people to hunt me down?" Hisoka sneered again and again.

"Hmph! Don't be arrogant. You will definitely not be able to escape after the Tianyuan Sect trial is over."

"No matter where you go, I can track you down!"

The man snorted coldly, then turned and left.

"Hmph!" Hisoka sneered, "Who do you think your father is? How dare you threaten me?"

After that, he took the elixir, closed his eyes and began to heal.

After a while, the injury healed, and he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't leave in a hurry, let's have another competition!" At this moment, the man stopped Hisoka again.

"Why, you still want to challenge me?" Hisoka asked in confusion.

"Hmph! This time we have another fight. If you lose, your storage ring will belong to me. If I lose, you can make any conditions you want, as long as I can do it."

"Let's do this! Let's fight again. If I win, you will give me a treasure and then stop pestering me." Hisoka said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll do as you said." The man agreed.

"So are you ready?"

Hisoka asked.

"Ready! I can attack now!"

"Then you start!"

Hisoka nodded, signaling that he could start attacking.

Seeing this, the man took a deep breath, then activated his cultivation level. In an instant, he improved his cultivation level by a large amount and charged towards Hisoka.

In his opinion, his move would definitely kill Hisoka instantly, so he acted decisively without any hesitation.

However, when he got within one meter of Hisoka, his face suddenly stiffened, and then he stopped.

With a look of shock on his face, he looked at the person in front of him.

Hisoka slapped him and sent him flying away.

He flew thousands of meters away and barely managed to stabilize his body. Then he spit out a mouthful of blood and his face turned pale.

"No...I lost..."

He climbed up with difficulty, clasped his fists at Hisoka and said, "I would like to admit defeat. I will not pester you anymore. I don't have any treasures. I can give you a token to ensure that you can travel unimpeded in the city!"

Hisoka waved his hand and said: "Since I have defeated you, I will not kill you. There will be no need for my things, and no one can stop me where I want to go."

"I see!"

The man nodded and left here.

Hisoka looked at the leaving man and shook his head. He did not pick up the things on the ground, but continued to move towards the city.

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