Hisoka's goal is to defeat the Sword Emperor Li Mufeng in the Tianyuan Sect trial!

Sword King Li Mufeng is a person with the peak strength of the God King. If you can defeat him and obtain his skills or treasures, it will definitely be helpful to your own cultivation!

He believed that he would be able to get a good ranking during the Tianyuan Sect trial, and even be qualified to enter the Tianyuan Palace.

Moreover, as long as he defeats Sword King Li Mufeng, his reputation will be spread back to Qingyun College, and the leaders of the college will have no reason to stop him from continuing to practice outside, let alone not allow him to return to the college.

Hisoka's heart was filled with excitement. He sped up and quickly disappeared from here, running towards Tianyuan City.

In a valley thousands of kilometers away from Tianyuan City, there is a huge lake.

There were many fish swimming in the lake, and on the shore of the lake, many people were watching, but they did not get close to the lake.

Because it is a long distance from the center of Tianyuan City, the water quality here is very clear, there is no pollution at all, the water quality is very clean, and there are no other creatures, making it very suitable for swimming.

On the bow, there was a young man sitting on a chair, holding a glass of wine in his hand, drinking leisurely.

This young man is the most handsome man in Tianyuan City, Li Mufeng!

Opposite Li Mufeng, there were several other people, all of whom were wealthy businessmen in Tianyuan City.

Although these wealthy businessmen look well-dressed, they are actually guys with human faces and animal hearts, and they use their power to bully others.

In fact, the reason why these people are gathered here is entirely because of Li Mufeng!

In Tianyuan City, Li Mufeng has been rated as the number one genius in Tianyuan City.

Li Mufeng is a well-known presence in the entire Tianyuan City.

There is no doubt about his strength.

Not only does he have super cultivation, but he is also the most gifted genius. Looking at this kind of talent in the entire Tianyuan City, there are few people who can match him.

Such a super genius is simply invincible in Tianyuan City!

Next to Li Mufeng were four handsome young men, all of whom were Li Mufeng's companions.

Chapter 492: Hisoka enters Tianyuan Pavilion

The four people all had arrogant looks on their faces. It was obvious that they admired Li Mufeng very much and were extremely respectful to Li Mufeng.

The four of them are also the third super genius in Tianyuan City besides Li Mufeng!

His name is Li Xuanwu, and he is Li Mufeng's second brother.

He is also an extremely arrogant person, so in the entire Tianyuan City, he has never obeyed anyone. Even among the geniuses from big families, few people can make him take him seriously.

When he saw Hisoka walking into Tianyuan City, he immediately showed a look of ridicule and raised the corners of his mouth with a look of disdain.

Hisoka also noticed Li Xuanwu's ridicule, but he didn't take it to heart.

Because he knows that he will defeat them sooner or later!

When he came to the city, he found that Tianyuan City was already bustling with people coming and going, and many shops were open on both sides of the street.

The names of these shops are the most famous in Tianyuan City, for example, Tianyuan Immortal Tower, Tianyuan Immortal Pavilion, Tianyuan Auction House, Tianyuan Auction House, etc.

In Tianyuan City, there is Tianyuan Pavilion, which is the largest auction house in Tianyuan City and is an industry under Tianyuan Sect.

The monks in Tianyuan City all buy the items they need in Tianyuan Pavilion.

In Tianyuan Pavilion, there are also a lot of elixirs, martial arts, talismans, magic weapons and other items for sale. As long as you have money, you can buy anything you want.

Tianyuan Pavilion also provides accommodation, but Tianyuan Pavilion is not an ordinary inn. Only powerful people and famous families can stay and rest.

When Xisuo came to the door of Tianyuan Pavilion, he found that the door of Tianyuan Pavilion was closed tightly. There were guards standing in front of the door. The guards guarding him had all reached the realm of God King!

Moreover, the auras on their bodies are also extremely terrifying. Some people even have the aura of the emperor level, and they are obviously a strong man at the peak of the emperor level.

Emperor-level experts are considered big shots in the entire Qingyun Realm, but in Tianyuan City, they are just gatekeepers.

Hisoka couldn't help but sigh, this Tianyuan City is really extraordinary, there are strong people everywhere!

However, Hisoka was not afraid. He knew that these people did not dare to hurt him because he was followed by five powerful men of the holy order!

"Fellow Taoist, please come in!" A middle-aged man came over, looked at Xisuo with a smile, and said.

"Thank you." Hisoka handed over to the middle-aged man, then strode into Tianyuan Pavilion, walked straight to the second floor, and then came to the seats on the second floor of Tianyuan Pavilion, found a seat and sat down to rest.

On the second floor, there were several tables of guests resting, but they all ignored Hisoka and seemed not to notice Hisoka at all.

"I want a box!" Hisoka said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at Xisuo and said with a smile: "I wonder if my fellow Taoist wants to rest in the box? Or if he wants to live elsewhere?"

After hearing the middle-aged man's question, Hisoka frowned and said, "I want a room to rest in, can you give it to me?"

"It's... it's not that we don't give it, it's really..." The middle-aged man stopped here, as if he had something to hide, with an embarrassed look on his face.

Hisoka asked: "Why, what are the rules in your Tianyuan City? If you don't provide housing, you can't rest?"

The middle-aged man gave a wry smile and said: "That's not true... In fact, our Tianyuan City is a very relaxed city. Here, you can do whatever you want. As long as you don't damage other people's furniture or anything, you won't be allowed to do anything." People will take care of you! However, don’t be too arrogant, otherwise, some people will deal with you, so you’d better keep a low profile!”

Hisoka said calmly: "I don't want to cause trouble. Just tell me which box. I will handle this matter myself."

"This...well, that box was booked by one of the bosses of our Tianyuan Auction House. Normally, it belongs to him alone. He does not allow anyone to invade. Moreover, he is in the Tianyuan Auction House. There are a few brothers, and these brothers are all top-notch strong men, so if you want to live in a private room, you have to pass them first." said the middle-aged man.

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Hisoka knew that he had to go to Tianyuan Pavilion and win over the owner of Tianyuan Auction House. Otherwise, he would definitely not agree to let him live in that box.

Since he was going to Tianyuan Pavilion to figure things out, Hisoka had to behave well.

Otherwise, he will definitely be laughed at, and these people may take the opportunity to deal with him.

After all, there are many people in Tianyuan Auction House who don't like him.

These people are all the more powerful people in Tianyuan Auction House. These powerful people are equivalent to the masters of power in Tianyuan City and are the backbone of Tianyuan Auction House. Such people value their own dignity very much.

"Well, you take me to that box, and I'll find that person myself." Hisoka said.

"Okay, please come with me." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he took Xisuo to a tall building of Tianyuan Auction House.

"That box is on this tall building. I'll go down first. If anything happens, just call me!" The middle-aged man bowed to Hisoka, then turned and left.

Chapter 493: Xisuo fights with the noble son to move into Tianyuan Pavilion

Hisoka stood in front of the window, looked down through the window, and saw a green lawn below, with an open field in the lawn.

Hisoka went down the stairs and came to the center of the lawn. He looked above the lawn.

On the lawn, there were several middle-aged people wearing red robes. All of these middle-aged people were in the realm of god kings.

At the other end of the lawn, there were dozens of maids in blue standing, each wearing a token.

Seeing these dozens of maids in green clothes, Hisoka's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought to himself: "Sure enough, there are quite a few strong men in Tianyuan City. Even the cultivation of these maids is more ordinary than outside. Practitioners are much better!"

Hisoka was not worried that these maids in blue would be harmful to him.

After all, this is Tianyuan City, and the Tianyuan Sect has a big family and a big business, so they won't attack him alone. At this moment, a thin man with silver hair walked towards Hisoka.

Hisoka looked at the man and narrowed his eyes slightly. The aura of this thin man was very strong. Although it was not as good as his own, he was still a strong man in the realm of God King. Such a strong man was considered a relatively powerful existence in Tianyuan City. .

"What are you doing here again?" The man looked at Hisoka and asked coldly.

"What else can I do? I want to live in Tianyuan Pavilion." Hisoka said.

Hearing Hisoka's words, the man's face flashed with anger. He looked at Hisoka and said, "Hahahaha, it's so funny. Do you think you are great? You want to live in Tianyuan Pavilion for someone like you. It's just ridiculous." What a whim! I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Don’t wait until I make a move and get beaten to pieces. How embarrassing!”

"Really? You might as well give it a try and see who suffers!" Hisoka's face showed a look of pride.

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, he swung out his fists, and the two huge divine powers condensed into fist shapes and struck the man hard.

The man was knocked out and hit the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood. His face was as pale as paper and his body was shaking.

Hisoka's strength has far surpassed that of this man. This man is only in the early stage of the God Emperor and is no match for Hisoka!

After the man was knocked away, several other men took action one after another, using attack moves to attack Hisoka.

These men are all God-King-level beings, and among them there is a strong man who is at the peak of the God-King. His strength is slightly worse than this man, and he has also reached the peak of the God-King!

These few people united and launched an attack together, which was so powerful that it was impossible to resist.

However, Hisoka remained calm and blocked their attacks one by one, and then continued to attack them!

At this time, the middle-aged man finally arrived at the scene. When he saw this scene, he was trembling with fear. He quickly ran over and helped the middle-aged man up.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Hurry, catch him, he actually dares to attack the young master, he is just too impatient to live!"

Several men took action together and launched a siege against Hisoka.

These men are all strong men in the realm of God Kings, and each of them cooperates with each other tacitly, and the techniques they perform are all powerful offensive techniques with great power.

However, none of this was scary to Hisoka. With a sway of his body, Hisoka disappeared and teleported to the side of the middle-aged man. He raised his leg and kicked him.

This kick contains terrifying power. This kick is like a giant hammer hitting a mountain!


The middle-aged man didn't even have room to resist. He was directly kicked in the chest and his body flew out.

After he flew out upside down, he spurted out a few more mouthfuls of blood and lay on the ground motionless.

At this time, a burst of footsteps came.

Several guards came in a hurry, and they were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Hisoka kicked the man away, so wouldn't this man be dead?

"How dare you kill my young master? I think you are really tired of living!" Several guards rushed forward and surrounded Hisoka.

"Hmph!" Hisoka snorted, and then said, "I'm here to stay. You want to fight me, and I will defeat you. Is there any problem with that?"

The guards were speechless for a while, and they took two steps back involuntarily.

When Hisoka saw the behavior of these guards, he knew that these guards must be afraid of him. As long as he didn't do anything excessive, nothing would happen to him.

"Hmph!" Hisoka snorted coldly. He was too lazy to talk nonsense. He moved and walked towards a corner, intending to practice here.

Seeing Hisoka intending to walk away, the guards looked at each other and then chased Hisoka together.

Hisoka was too powerful, and he had just killed a powerful man at the peak of the God Emperor. They didn't dare to take action against Hisoka!

They didn't dare to provoke Hisoka. What if this guy really killed them?

"Hey, you guys, stop here!"

Suddenly, a shout came from behind Hisoka.

Chapter 494: Hisoka defeats the young master of Tianyuan Auction House

Hisoka quickly turned around and looked behind him, and saw a young man standing behind him.

"It turns out to be the young master from Tianyuan Auction House, who I thought he was!"

"Who is our young master? You just asked me to meet him. Get out of here quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" The young master sneered.

"Haha, really? How do you want to be rude to me?"

Hisoka looked at the young man and said with a smile: "How can you be so rude?"

At this moment, Hisoka felt very unhappy. He originally planned to practice, but was disturbed by these people. How could he feel happy?

The young man sneered: "Since you don't have to drink wine as a penalty, I have to send you on your way. You'd better pray for better luck. If you are unfortunately killed, you can't blame me!"

Hearing this, Hisoka frowned slightly, this guy actually wanted to kill him?

"Boy, it seems that you didn't have to drink the fine wine for the toast, so I have no choice but to help you and send you back to the west!" After the young man said this, he swayed and came to Xisuo. Then he punched Hisoka with a punch!

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you come to me!" The man shouted at the other three guards.

After hearing this, the guards immediately rushed towards Hisoka.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka shook his head. He really didn't care about the strength of these guards.

He reached out casually and knocked the guards away, then looked at the man and said: "It seems that you people in Tianyuan Auction House are so arrogant and like to bully the weak and shy away from the strong. I will let you see how powerful I am today! "

After Hisoka said this, a faint flame emitted from his body.

This faint flame was very strange, like a huge fireball, pouring out from Hisoka's body and spreading instantly.

The young man couldn't help but change his face when he saw the flame. He quickly backed away and shouted: "This is the sacred flame. Everyone, please leave this room quickly. If this room is blocked, there will be no one except the God-Emperor level powerhouse." People can escape.”

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