Although this young man knew that he was no match for Hisoka, he did not admit defeat. Instead, he prepared to lead his guards to retreat and leave here first.

Everyone else also walked outside, preparing to evacuate the auction house.

"You want to escape? No way!"

When Hisoka saw those people trying to escape, he roared angrily. He shouted, stretched out both palms, and pushed forward.

Two huge palm shadows shot out from his hands and rushed forward, smashing the surrounding tables, chairs and benches into pieces.

The tables, chairs and benches were destroyed, and the guard was immediately hit by a piece of gravel. His body was knocked away, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

"Pfft!" The young man spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his body twitched twice. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

When Hisoka saw the young man's appearance, he also knew that he had been injured by him. He couldn't help but shook his head, looked at the guards, and said in a deep voice: "You guys, it's best to stay here obediently. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

The guards were frightened, and no one dared to get even half a step closer to Hisoka. They were all frightened by Hisoka's aura!

Their son is the boss of Tianyuan Auction House, the young owner of Tianyuan Auction House, and his father is the deputy head of Tianyuan Auction House.

It would be okay if the young master's injury is cured, but if the young master's injury cannot be cured, then their fate will definitely not be much better.

They could only choose to stay and wait for the young master to recover, so that they could at least save their lives.

"I don't care who you are, you'd better not provoke me, otherwise, you will definitely die miserably!"

"Hmph, you guys, even if I don't kill you, your master will never forgive you!"

"You people are just like dogs fighting against people's power!"

When these guards heard Hisoka's words, they all became angry and cursed angrily.

"Haha, you people are really stupid. Haven't you seen that your young master is already terminally ill? Even if your young master recovers, he is no match for me. He is just a waste." Hisoka said with a sneer.


"Our young master is the young master of Tianyuan Auction House. How can he be a waste?"

"You bastard, you're talking nonsense!"

"You bastard, let our young master go!"

The guards were all extremely surprised. Their young master was actually called useless by this guy?

Hisoka smiled and said, "What I said is the truth. He is terminally ill and there is no cure!"

"Nonsense, our young master will definitely recover. Just wait, I will inform the family and ask the family to send experts to destroy you, this monster!"

"Hmph, then go ahead!" Hisoka said disdainfully.

Chapter 495: The deacon of Tianyuan Pavilion can actually create a black hole!

At this time, the man stood up and shouted to the guards: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you go and notify the family?"

"Who is so presumptuous! How dare you fight in my Tianyuan Pavilion!" said a man in a black robe.

As soon as he finished speaking, several pairs of guards came running in and guarded the only two doors.

The unfamiliar voice attracted Hisoka's attention. When the people around him saw this man in a black robe, some bent down and some knelt down to salute, showing great respect for him.

"It seems that this is a big shot, either a strong man from Tianyuan Pavilion or an elder-level figure." Hisoka thought to himself.

Hisoka said disdainfully: "Who are you? Why do you need to pretend to be a ghost and wear a black robe?"

"You are looking for death!" The man in black robe said coldly. After saying this, he raised his right hand and struck Hisoka from a distance.

Hisoka saw this guy taking action, and he waved his palm to meet the guy's right palm not to be outdone.


When his palms collided, Hisoka felt as if he had hit a solid rock, and his body immediately flew backwards.

At this time, the guy in black robe also flew backwards.

Hisoka was not injured by this palm, but was only knocked back a few meters.

Hisoka could feel that the man in black robes in front of him had not used all of his strength, not even 50% of his strength. He had been pushed back several meters away.

"It just so happens that there are guards guarding both exits. The strength of the guards is unclear. Even if I forcefully break out, I may not be able to leave." Hisoka looked around and thought to himself.

"Are we really going to die here? I am not willing to accept it. I will never allow this to happen!" Hisoka stretched out his hand to summon a golden dragon and decided to fight against them.

"Young man, don't be impulsive. I'm not here to kill you, but if you start a fight in my Tianyuan Pavilion, you have broken the rules of my pavilion. I'm here to ask for an explanation." The man in black robe said.

Hearing the man in black robe say that he didn't come to kill him, Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "It seems that he didn't come to kill me, so why did he attack me?"

As Hisoka thought about it, he felt that something must be fishy.

"Since you didn't come to kill me, then why did you take action against me? Is it the rule of your Tianyuan Pavilion to take action against outsiders?" Hisoka asked coldly.

"Rules are rules, but your behavior has violated the bottom line of our Tianyuan Auction House. I just want you to stay, so I can only take action against you."

After the black-robed man finished speaking, he winked at the guards, who immediately understood what he meant and put away their weapons.

"Cultivator, for this reason, you can put down your guard and have a serious discussion with me." The man in black robe said slowly.

"That's very good. We can discuss it, but should you state your name first? I don't have the leisure and elegance to talk to unknown people."

Seeing that he was not in danger for the time being, Hisoka put away the golden dragon and kicked up the dust on his body. Seeing that he was not in danger for the time being, Hisoka put away the golden dragon and kicked up the dust on his body.

"My name is Mo Wenshan, and I am the chief deacon of Tianyuan Auction House. You can call me Deacon Mo."

Mo Wenshan, this name is like thunder to Xisuo's ears!

The Archdeacon of Tianyuan Auction House is a very powerful character. He is a strong man at the peak of the third level of Tianyuan Realm. He is ranked very high in Tianyuan City and is a very powerful master.

"It turns out to be Deacon Mo. I'm disrespectful." Hisoka raised his fists and saluted.

"Fighting is prohibited in Tianyuan Pavilion. If everyone violates the rules, then Tianyuan Pavilion will become a fighting arena! But I am a sensible person, and my traitor has also attacked you, so I will not The fault is all yours alone.”

"I don't care if I broke the rules of Tianyuan Pavilion, but I still have to settle the score with you for hurting my son!"

"How does Deacon Mo want to handle this matter?"

Hisoka is not a soft persimmon. He is not afraid of Mo Wenshan. If the other party dares to attack him, he will not mind killing him!

Hisoka is no longer afraid of any force, he just doesn't want to expose his true strength.

"How do you want me to handle it?"

Mo Wenshan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Hisoka.

Hisoka said calmly: "I don't want to say more about this matter. I hope you can let me leave here."

"Not only can I let you leave, I can also let you leave safely, but I have a condition." Mo Wenshan smiled, but it made people feel chilly.

Suddenly, Hisoka felt that the space around him began to distort. The people around him made no sound and no one moved, as if time had stopped.

He quickly gathered his consciousness to explore the surrounding energy, and found that a black hole in space appeared out of thin air between him and Morven Mountain.

"How terrible is this person's cultivation to be able to create a different time space out of thin air!!" Hisoka took a breath.

Chapter 496: Hisoka comes to Yaowang Valley through the black hole

However, although this space was a black hole, it did not make Hisoka feel oppressed or uncomfortable. On the contrary, Hisoka could still feel the boundlessness of the black hole, as if it was inviting Hisoka to enter its time and space.

An impulse surged in Hisoka's heart, wanting to rush into this time and space and merge with the time of that time and space, but in the end he held back.

Mo Wenshan smiled and said: "This is the first time I have seen someone who will not be affected by black hole transmission fluctuations. You are really unique! The black hole I created can transport you to other worlds, but it can only It can last for ten seconds, and after ten seconds, this different time and space will disappear."

Mo Wenshan added: "Although that traitor is my adopted son, he is still in my name. If you just hurt him, that's it. If you beat him to the point of death, of course I can use resources to save him, but After all, we have to consider the face of our Tianyuan Sect. You need to go to Yaowang Valley to defeat the Nine Poison Snakes and get his inner elixir back, so that no one will make things difficult for you again."

Hisoka understood that this Deacon Mo was helping him, or even saving him.

The price to be paid for hurting a noble child of the Tianyuan Sect is huge, not just in terms of life.

"Thank you, Deacon Mo!" Hisoka bowed his hand to Mo Wenshan.

"You may encounter some difficulties. You must remember not to meddle in other people's business. After you obtain the inner elixir, tell me with your spiritual consciousness and I will take you back." Mo Wenshan said while still maintaining the original smile, but This time the smile has lost its initial coldness.

"Okay." Hisoka responded.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hisoka felt that the scene in front of him changed, from the same place to another place. It was no longer the original venue, but entered a time and space tunnel.

Hisoka knew that this should be the passage leading to the Medicine King Valley. He did not waste time and entered the passage directly, heading towards the Medicine King Valley.

【Yaowang Valley】

Yaowang Valley is the venue for the medicinal materials competition. The main area of ​​Yaowang Valley is the medicine garden. In the main area of ​​Yaowang Valley, many medicinal materials grow. Many of them are even holy-level medicinal materials, but they cannot be transplanted.

There is a square next to the medicine garden. There are seats all around the square. In the center of the square, there is a high platform. In the center of the platform is a large disk. This large disk is used to test talents and potential. .

"It seems that Tianyuan Sect sent someone here."

At this moment, an old man came out and glanced at everyone.

There were so many disciples under his nose that they couldn't hide any secrets at all, and soon the old man knew what happened.

"Who are you? Why did you come to our Yaowang Valley?" the old man shouted in a deep voice.

Hisoka felt a little uneasy when he saw this. He knew that his actions had attracted the attention of Yaowang Valley, and this old man should be the deacon of Yaowang Valley.

"My name is Hisoka, and I came to Yaowang Valley to save someone's life." Hisoka said respectfully.

"Nine poisonous snakes? That is the top medicine beast in our Medicine King Valley. You actually want to take its inner elixir to save people?"

When the deacon of the Medicine King Valley heard what Hisoka said, his eyebrows suddenly stood up, with strong anger in his tone. This young man was so arrogant that he actually asked their Medicine King Valley disciples to use medicine beasts to save others.

Hisoka nodded and said, "I won't hide it from you. In fact, I came here just for the Nine Poisonous Snake Inner Pill."

"Hahaha, although the Nine Poisonous Snake Inner Elixir is cherished, it is not worth your life. You are so arrogant, I think you should go back quickly." The deacon of Medicine King Valley snorted coldly.

"It's not arrogance, it's just that I have a reason to do this." Hisoka explained.

The Yaowang Valley deacon looked at Hisoka's face and thought to himself that this was the first time he had seen such an arrogant young man. He really didn't know whether this kind of character was good or bad.

"It's absolutely impossible for you to ask for the Nine Poisonous Snake's inner elixir, because the Nine Poisonous Snake's inner elixir already belongs to me. Unless you defeat me, you can never get the Nine Poisonous Snake's inner elixir."

As he spoke, the deacon of Yaowang Valley waved his sleeves, and his sleeves instantly turned into powder all over the sky, drifting in the wind. The entire Yaowang Valley was filled with the smell of those powders.

"You..." Hisoka didn't expect that the Yaowang Valley deacon would be so domineering and even wanted to take away the Nine Poison Snake's inner elixir.

"Hmph! Although our Yaowang Valley is a remote small town, not everyone can bully us."

The deacon of Yaowang Valley snorted coldly: "This is Yaowang Valley, not your lofty Tianyuan Sect. You are not allowed to act recklessly here in Yaowang Valley."

Hisoka sneered and said: "I don't think I am doing anything wrong. Since you know that I am from Tianyuan Sect, you should know how powerful Tianyuan Sect is. I also said that I came here for the Nine Poison Snake Inner Pill. Tianyuan Sect There are hundreds of millions of disciples at the peak of the Holy Realm, but you, the Medicine King Valley, only have a few hundred people. I advise you not to provoke me, otherwise you will be the one to regret it."

Chapter 497: In order to obtain the inner elixir of the Nine Poison Snakes, Hisoka competes with the deacon of Yaowang Valley in poison techniques.

"I don't believe that the Tianyuan Sect would come to our Medicine King Valley to cause trouble because of you, a disciple who doesn't understand etiquette. If you don't accept it, we will have a competition. If you beat me, I will give you the inner elixir." The deacon of Yaowang Valley said.

"I don't dare to compete with you. I'm afraid that if I lose, I'll never be able to go back." Hisoka said with a smile.


When the deacon of Medicine King Valley saw that Xisuo was unable to get in, he could only sigh helplessly, and then shouted to some medicine boys in the square: "Go and catch the Nine Poisonous Snakes!"

The medicine boy from Yaowang Valley immediately rushed in all directions.

Soon, the group of medicine boys caught a giant python with red scales. Its body was dark purple, with two poisonous horns on its head. Its body was two meters long, and its tail was five or six meters long. It was covered with snakes all over its body. Full of terrifying toxins.

This poisonous snake is exactly the nine poisonous snakes Hisoka wants.

Hisoka glanced at the poisonous snake and said, "Let's compete. If I win, I will give you the inner elixir of the nine poisonous snakes to save people. How about it?"

The deacon of Yaowang Valley did not answer, but winked at the medicine boy next to him.

The medicine boy left quickly, and soon after, the medicine boy came back, holding a token in his hand, and handed it to the deacon of Yaowang Valley.

The deacon of Medicine King Valley took the token and walked up to the high platform. There were many tables placed on the high platform. There were teacups and pastries on the tables, and there were tea leaves in the teapot. Everything was extremely luxurious.

In Yaowang Valley, the deacons of Yaowang Valley do not need to eat or practice. Their bodies can absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. They can practice very quickly, and their practice speed is faster than that of ordinary disciples. Therefore, many people like to become apprentices. Art, I want to be taught by the disciples of Yaowang Valley and gain their inheritance.

The deacon from Yaowang Valley walked up to the high platform. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, tasting the tea slowly.

The Yaowang Valley deacon glanced at Xisuo and asked calmly: "I wonder what you want to compete with?"

"Compare to what? Of course it's a competition of poison techniques. How about this? I'll compete with poison techniques. If I win, the inner elixir of the Nine Poisonous Snakes will be mine. If you win, then you will hand over the inner elixir of the Nine Poisonous Snakes. Give it to me." Hisoka said with a smile, "How about, this is fair!"

"Haha, at your age, you are really quite arrogant. Our Medicine King Valley is not something you can challenge at will. I advise you not to show off your courage."

The deacon of Medicine King Valley snorted coldly: "No matter what kind of poison you use, you will fail completely."

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