His chest was punctured and his heart was failing rapidly.

Hisoka felt as if his body had been hollowed out by something. He was so weak that he couldn't stand up even if he wanted to.

This is the harbinger of death!

Hisoka looked at Yao Wangtian standing in front of him, his heart filled with reluctance. He shouted over and over in his heart: "I'm not willing to accept it! I haven't killed Yao Wangtian yet, I haven't eradicated it yet!"

"You died like this? How could I let you go so easily? I will torture you slowly, making you unable to live or die. Let you taste what despair and suffering are!" Yao Wangtian squatted down. Beside Hisoka, said.

As Yao Wangtian spoke, the black spear stirred on Xisuo's body.


Hisoka howled in pain.

Hisoka was in great pain, and the pain almost made him collapse.

At this moment, a vast force entered Hisoka's body and helped Hisoka restore the vitality in his body.

This vast power comes from the Purple Thunder Bead, which is the power Hisoka absorbed from taking the Purple Thunder Bead before.

"Purple Thunder Bead? You actually have Purple Thunder Bead!" Yao Wangtian looked at Hisoka and said in surprise, "You can actually get Purple Thunder Bead. It seems that you are lucky, but even Purple Thunder Bead can save you." If I can’t help you, you will still die!”

When Xisuo listened to Yao Wangtian's words, hope arose in his heart. He believed that he would be able to escape this disaster. He believed that he could defeat Yao Wangtian.

"Don't be too happy too early!"

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, the vitality in his body was running wildly, and the body that had been injured was restored to its original state at this moment.

Yao Wangtian couldn't help but frowned when he saw Hisoka in this state. He knew that he had underestimated Hisoka. Although this kid was very weak, he had a super baby to protect him. This baby could save Hisoka's life.

"You actually have such a heaven-defying treasure, it's really enviable!" Yao Wangtian said enviously, "If I also have such a treasure, then I don't have to be afraid of your Purple Thunder Bead, I can kill you easily !”

While speaking, Yao Wangtian waved his spear again. This time, his spear turned into hundreds of black snakes, covering the sky and flying toward Xisuo.

These long black snakes were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Hisoka. These long black snakes rushed towards Hisoka, opening their bloody mouths, trying to devour Hisoka.

When Hisoka saw so many long snakes coming towards him, his pupils shrank suddenly, his feet stamped on the ground, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

He dodged the attacks of these long black snakes and hid behind a tree.

This giant tree was dozens of feet tall. Hisoka was hiding in the tree crown. All these long black snakes hit the giant tree at once, making a rumbling sound.

"Hahaha... These long black snakes can wrap around you, and you can't even think of escaping!" Yao Wangtian laughed.

After hearing Yao Wangtian's words, Hisoka's unwillingness became stronger and stronger.

Chapter 504: Hisoka was seriously injured and healed on his own

But there was nothing he could do!

Yao Wangtian held a black spear and rushed toward Hisoka like lightning.

Yao Wangtian stabbed Xisuo with a spear, and the tip of the spear cut through the void, carrying the sound of howling wind, and stabbed at Xisuo.

Hisoka saw that he was in danger, he narrowed his eyes, a red light flashed, and a golden bird with golden light suddenly appeared behind him.

A pair of golden wings appeared behind Hisoka. As soon as the wings appeared, a huge pressure emanated from its wings, making Hisoka feel breathless.

Hisoka rolled to avoid Yao Wangtian's black spear stabbing him, and then he raised his right leg suddenly and kicked Yao Wangtian in the abdomen.

This heavy kick was extremely powerful, like a mountain peak hitting Yao Wangtian.

Yao Wangtian felt the overbearing power and knew that if he received this kick, his abdomen would definitely be shattered by Hisoka's heavy kick. He jumped back in a hurry to avoid this kick. One kick.

Hisoka took the opportunity to jump far away quickly.

"Hmph! This trick is useless against me. You'd better hand over the Purple Thunder Pearl to me obediently. Otherwise, I will make you unable to survive or die!" Yao Wangtian said viciously.

"Bah, you really think of yourself as nothing. I tell you, you will definitely die today!" Hisoka sneered.

Hisoka was also very angry. He didn't expect that his mission would turn out like this.

He knew that he was no longer Yao Wangtian's opponent, so he decided to use Purple Thunder Pearl to fight Yao Wangtian. Maybe he would win.

The Purple Thunder Bead was a treasure left to him by the Saint, and he could not use the Purple Thunder Bead easily.

"In that case, I'll give you a ride!" Yao Wangtian sneered.

The next moment, Yao Wangtian's body turned into a black mist and disappeared.

"What kind of skill is this? How could it disappear in an instant!" Xisuo was shocked. He didn't expect Yao Wangtian to be able to leave just like that with the skill of teleportation. This kind of teleportation, even if he is in the realm of the God King, Even a strong person may not be able to do it!

Just when Hisoka was shocked, Yao Wangtian appeared behind Hisoka.

"Suffer death!" Yao Wangtian raised his black spear and stabbed Xisuo fiercely.

This shot was extremely fast. Hisoka tried to dodge it, but was unable to do so and stabbed him in the back.


There was a muffled sound, and the black spear pierced into the flesh. Hisoka's back was directly pierced with a large hole, and a stream of blood flowed down the gun barrel and spread all over the soil.

"Ah!" Hisoka cried out in pain.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Hisoka's look, Yao Wangtian laughed, "How long can you last?"

Hisoka's eyes flashed with deep hatred, his face was pale, and he was covered in sweat. His face was very ugly. It was obvious that Yao Wangtian's shot just now had caused serious damage to him. If he continues, he will die sooner or later.

Hisoka's left palm suddenly slapped his abdomen, and his body suddenly spurted out a large amount of green juice. The green juice fell on his body and quickly healed the wounds on his body.

Hisoka's face was pale, but his eyes were still cold.

When Yao Wangtian saw this scene, he was shocked: "What's going on? The wounds on his body healed on their own?"

At this moment, Hisoka's mouth opened and a black ball spit out.

The black ball exudes a terrifying and destructive aura. This aura is very familiar to Yao Wangtian. This is the Purple Thunder Bead.

The Purple Thunder Bead flew to Yao Wangtian, and Yao Wangtian quickly stretched out his hand to hold it. He could sense the power of the Purple Thunder Bead, but he did not dare to touch the Purple Thunder Bead at will.

"As expected of the Purple Thunder Bead! This destructive aura, even if it is an ordinary stone, will turn into ashes if it is contaminated even a little bit. This aura can only be matched by the top immortal weapons in the immortal world. If you If you can refine an immortal weapon, you will have strength comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor! However, this good thing belongs to me now!" Yao Wangtian looked at the Purple Thunder Bead and said.

Hearing Yao Wangtian's words, Xisuo did not refute. He really did not expect that Yao Wangtian actually held an immortal weapon in his hand. It seemed that his guess was not wrong at all. If Yao Wangtian really got the Purple Thunder Bead , will have more terrifying power.

"I advise you to give me the Purple Thunder Pearl!" Yao Wangtian looked at Hisoka and said.

"If you want the Purple Thunder Bead in my hand, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Hisoka rolled and jumped ten meters, then he stamped his right foot on the ground, and his whole body rushed towards Yaowangtian like a cannonball.

Hisoka punched Yaowang Tian.

Yao Wangtian quickly raised his gun to block the blow, but Yao Wangtian did not expect that Hisoka's fist actually contained a power that could destroy the world. He quickly waved his black spear to resist Xisuo's blow. .

Yao Wangtian was punched and pushed back.

Chapter 505: Purple Thunder Bead regains its strength, Hisoka duels with Yao Wangtian

His wrist almost broke, and his eyes were full of shock and horror. He never expected that Hisoka's fist contained such tyrannical power.

Yao Wangtian was sent flying by Hisoka's punch, and he fell to the ground. His body was hit by Hisoka's fist and a deep ravine was created on his body, with bones visible.

"You...how could you be so powerful?!" Yao Wangtian looked at Hisoka and asked.

Yao Wangtian felt as if his internal organs had been displaced, and his face turned pale.

"I should be the one to ask you this! How can you be so powerful!" Hisoka was also extremely surprised.

He had doubted Yao Wangtian's cultivation before, because Xisuo knew that he was no match for Yao Wangtian.

But now that Yao Wangtian was injured by him, Hisoka was also a little surprised. He did not expect that his strength would increase so much. It seemed that his bloodline was really special and could produce such a powerful force.

"Your bloodline is very weird!" Yao Wangtian looked at Hisoka and said.

Hisoka snorted coldly: "So what if it's weird, haven't you lost?"

"Haha, you win! You are indeed very powerful, but I don't believe how long you can hold on. When you are exhausted, I will be able to kill you and take away everything you have!" Yao Wangtian said.

Hisoka sneered: "Do you think I will let you succeed?"

Yao Wangtian snorted coldly: "Do you think I'm scared? If I hadn't been careless, you would have died long ago."

While talking, Yao Wangtian took out three pills from the space ring and took them. The three pills immediately turned into strong medicinal power and melted into his body. His strength was restored to 70% to 80%, but he also knew that , Hisoka's attacks are so powerful that even in his prime, it would be difficult to defeat Hisoka.

"Do you have any trump cards? If you don't have any trump cards, just give me the Purple Thunder Pearl! Otherwise, I will be rude to you!" Yao Wangtian said with a sneer.

He looked aloof, as if he controlled Hisoka's life and death.

"I haven't used any special skills yet, you're not qualified enough to see it!" Hisoka looked at Medicine King Tian Leng and shouted.

"Arrogant! I will destroy your martial arts first and see how arrogant you are!"

Yao Wangtian shouted angrily, and then his figure disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already beside Hisoka, and his right leg swept towards Hisoka fiercely.

Hisoka's figure suddenly disappeared, he appeared behind Yao Wangtian, and struck towards Yao Wangtian with his right fist.


Yao Wangtian felt the dangerous aura coming from behind him and hurriedly retracted his attack, turning around and swinging his sword to block Hisoka's punch.

Hisoka's punch hit Yao Wangtian's black sword hard, causing Yao Wangtian to fly backwards. In mid-air, Yao Wangtian spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Is this your power?" Hisoka stood in the void, looking at Yao Wangtian with a mocking look on his face and said. The power he just used was not all of his power. He also had other hidden powers that he had not revealed.

Yao Wangtian's body stabilized. He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were fixed on Xisuo. He swore that if he didn't kill Xisuo today, he would not be named Yao!

"If that's the case, then I'll try this purple dragon claw again!"

Yao Wangtian's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Hisoka.

Hisoka frowned. He felt the danger behind him, but he did not panic. A golden light flashed on his body, and a faint protective shield covered his body.


Yao Wangtian's blow landed hard on Hisoka's golden armor. Hisoka felt the pain coming from his body. His figure instantly increased several times, and the golden armor on his body was broken open.


The golden armor shattered, and Hisoka fell directly to the ground. There were countless bloody scars on his body. The scars were very dense, almost all over his body, and blood kept flowing down.


Hisoka couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned extremely pale.

When Yao Wangtian saw this situation, a look of pride appeared on his face. He looked at Hisoka and said, "You are nothing more than that! If you have any other trump cards, you'd better use them. Otherwise, I will let you You failed completely!"

Hisoka looked at Yaowang Tian. There was a trace of anger on his face, but he did not show it. Instead, he took a deep breath and slowly mobilized the remaining vitality in his body to reduce the pain inside his body.

"I don't have any trump cards, but I have my own means. I don't believe you can defeat me!" Hisoka said looking at Yao Wangtian.

Yao Wangtian sneered and said: "Okay, if that's the case, then you go and die! I will let you taste life worse than death. I will torture you slowly, so that you can't live or die, let you know What will happen if you offend me, Yao Wangtian!"

"Okay! I'll wait. If you fail to kill me, I will send you on your way myself!" Hisoka said coldly.

Chapter 506: Yao Wangtian who doesn’t keep his promise

Yao Wangtian felt very happy when he saw Hisoka's appearance. He just liked to torture these powerful geniuses, especially when he saw these geniuses in great pain because of his torture. That feeling made him very happy.

The corner of Yao Wangtian's mouth twitched, he looked at Hisoka and sneered: "Although your strength is good, it is impossible to kill me, Yao Wangtian! I only need two moves to kill you, no matter you No matter what method you use, you can't escape my grasp!"

As soon as Yao Wangtian's voice fell, a huge energy burst out from his body. Then, his right arm suddenly stretched out, and then his right arm turned into two long whips, a long purple The long whip is a short, thick and long purple whip.

The two long whips swept toward Hisoka in an instant. The two long whips seemed to be alive, twisting and turning, looking very strange.

This long whip left a mark of varying depths wherever it passed, and Hisoka stood there, letting the two long whips fall, and he just stood there.

Two long whips fell on Hisoka's body, and Hisoka's clothes suddenly burst open, and the skin on his body was torn open, revealing white, tender and delicate skin.

But he did not suffer any damage from this, and a burst of pale golden light appeared on his body, which rebounded the power of the two long whips.

"Is this your strongest power? It seems that you still have some reservations, and your physical body is still somewhat good. But even so, I am enough to kill you! Your life belongs to me, Yaowang Tian, ​​and no one can I can’t snatch it away.” Yao Wangtian said with a sinister look on his face.

"Really? Then I'll let you know the consequences of offending me!"

The aura on Hisoka's body suddenly became violent, his eyes became red, and the skin on his body became extremely red, as if a fireball was burning.

In the next second, Hisoka's body became huge. His entire body seemed to be enlarged a lot, and it continued to grow.

"Your body is actually absorbing the power of the surrounding world, but I will help you to make your body stronger!" Yao Wangtian said as he rushed towards Hisoka.

"No matter how big you become, you are still no match for me!"

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