With a blink of an eye, Hisoka appeared in front of Yao Wangtian, and kicked his right foot towards Yao Wangtian.

Yao Wangtian punched Xisuo's right leg. He felt that his punch seemed to hit an iron plate. Hisoka's right leg was as hard as a solid iron plate.

"If your move doesn't work, look at my punch!" Hisoka snorted coldly, rounding his right fist again and hitting Yao Wangtian hard.

Yao Wangtian did not retreat, but rushed forward. He also rounded his fists to greet him. He also wanted to test how hard Xisuo's body was.


Hisoka's fist hit Yao Wangtian's fist hard. Yao Wangtian's fist was immediately defeated by Hisoka, and Hisoka's fist also hit Yao Wangtian's chest.

Hisoka felt the power in his fist, and his expression changed drastically. A powerful force came from Yao Wangtian's fist, causing all his internal organs to shift.


Hisoka kicked Yao Wangtian hard again, and Yao Wangtian's body flew out.


Yao Wangtian fell heavily on the distant mountain peak, his body hit the ground heavily, and a sunken hole appeared on his chest. Several obvious punch marks also appeared on Yao Wangtian's body. There was also a trace of blood on his face.

Yao Wangtian struggled to get up from the ground. He covered his injury. He saw Hisoka's fist, and there was a dent in his fist.

"How is this possible?" A thought flashed through Yao Wangtian's mind. He felt that his heart almost jumped out of his throat, and he felt a sense of despair rising in his heart.

At this moment, Yao Wangtian's body suddenly changed, and a huge shadow appeared above his head. The aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and his aura became more and more terrifying. Many disciples of the Yao Sect felt that At this scene, everyone retreated.

Yao Wangtian raised his head and roared, his body suddenly expanded, and he turned into a two-meter-tall humanoid monster.


The phoenix above Yao Wangtian's head let out a sharp cry, and then she waved her wings, and a wind blade flew out, hitting Hisoka in an instant. This wind blade was extremely fast and appeared in the blink of an eye. On Hisoka's chest.

The wind blade cut Hisoka's body apart, but his body was too tough, and his body was repairing slowly, but at a very slow speed.

Yao Wangtian has violated the original agreement with Hisoka to 'stop until the point is reached'. He has gone crazy and now he just wants to kill Hisoka!

After Yao Wangtian transformed into a human form, he immediately rushed towards Hisoka, his eyes full of hatred and a bloodthirsty look on his face.

He grabbed Hisoka's neck and pulled Hisoka down under him.

Chapter 507: Yao Wangtian summons the silver dragon, Xisuo immobilizes Yao Wangtian

Yao Wangtian grabbed Xisuo's neck with both hands and lifted Xisuo's body up.

Hisoka felt suffocated, and his breathing gradually became difficult.

He felt as if his lungs were being squeezed and breathing had become very difficult.

"Haha! Aren't you very powerful? Aren't you very arrogant? Come on! Come and kill me! You kill me instead! I'm right in front of you, but you can't do anything to me. Let me see how arrogant you can be. time. Aren't you able to destroy other people's Dantian? Just keep on! You keep on attacking!"

Yao Wangtian's eyes turned red, and he yelled crazily at Hisoka, just to arouse Hisoka's anger.

He just wants to see Hisoka's anger, he wants to stimulate Hisoka, and he just wants to make Hisoka even more powerful!

"Haha! You are a waste, you are no match for me!" Yao Wangtian laughed.

Yao Wangtian's voice floated in the air, his voice was like a bomb, exploding at the medicine door, shocking everyone who heard it.

Among the methods Yao Wangtian used just now, many of the attack techniques were extremely sharp.

These attack methods of Yao Wangtian were all developed by him in his daily life. These tricks are very powerful, but Yao Wangtian has never used them because he thinks that those methods are used by laymen and they are not too powerful. Strong, so he didn't use it.

But now that he truly understood Hisoka's strength, he became nervous. He didn't know how strong Hisoka's body was. If Hisoka didn't use spells and martial arts, he would be able to do it with his body. To be even with him, if Hisoka also uses spells and martial arts, Yao Wangtian may be in danger!

Yao Wangtian secretly prayed in his heart that Hisoka must never use spells again!

Yao Wangtian didn't know what happened to him. He saw that Hisoka's body was actually recovering, and he panicked. This young man was too evil. If he used spells or martial arts on Hisoka again, he would be in danger. .

When Yao Wangtian thought of this, he immediately activated the Nascent Soul in his Dantian, and he was ready to release the Nascent Soul in his body!


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in Yao Wangtian's dantian, and a ball of blazing flames rushed out from Yao Wangtian's dantian. The flame turned into a silver dragon and roared towards Xisuo.


The silver dragon opened its teeth and claws, opened its mouth and bit towards Hisoka, wanting to devour Hisoka in one bite.

Yao Wangtian's expression also changed drastically. He was very worried. If the silver dragon swallowed Xisuo, he might not be able to survive. After all, Yao Wangtian only had one pill in his body. Without the protection of Yuanying If so, Yao Wangtian will be eaten directly by the silver dragon.

Yao Wangtian had a look of despair on his face, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that the Yuanying in his Dantian began to move. The Yuanying in his Dantian actually opened his eyes at this moment, and looked towards The golden dragon spit out a golden flame, and the flames flew directly towards the silver dragon. The golden dragon's body immediately burned, giving off a burning smell.

"Ah! How dare you hurt my silver dragon!" When Yao Wangtian saw that his silver dragon was injured, he roared, hugged Hisoka's head with both arms, and then dragged Hisoka towards his arms. , he wants to drag Hisoka into his arms and tear Hisoka alive!

Yao Wangtian's attack was very brutal, but Xisuo had recovered by this time. He turned around, broke away from Yao Wangtian's arms, and escaped Yao Wangtian's attack.

When Yao Wangtian saw that he had failed, he didn't care about the pain on his body. He made fists with both hands and punched Hisoka hard. He wanted to smash Hisoka into pieces!

Hisoka's immobilization skill made Yao Wangtian imprisoned in place. He did not want to kill Yao Wangtian. Killing Yao Wangtian would do him no good. Not only would he become a wanted criminal in Yao Wang Valley, but he might also be unable to bring him back. Return to the inner elixir of the Nine Poisonous Snakes.

"It's a good thing that I still call you senior. You and I will fight to the death. When you return to Yaowang Valley, do you think you still have the strength to fight against the alien party? I'm afraid anyone can kill you, Yaowang." God." Hisoka walked up to Yao Wangtian and said.

"This medicine disciple is already dead. You can say whatever you want about what wrong thing he did." Hisoka looked at Yao Wangtian with a smile, his smile was extremely scary.

"I thought you, Xisuo, were some kind of gentleman, but I didn't expect that you are also a villain who seeks personal gain, hahahaha." Yao Wangtian raised his head and laughed.

"What? Do you want to continue fighting me and then we all die in your Medicine King Valley?" Hisoka said disdainfully.

"That's all, just take the inner elixir of the Nine Poisonous Snakes. It's time for me to go back and clean up those scourges!" Yao Wangtian cast a spell to release the restraints and stood up.

"Huh, that's pretty much it. It's time for you to leave, otherwise, I won't be polite!" Hisoka said lightly.

Chapter 508: Xisuo contacts Mo Wenshan to return to Tianyuan Sect

Xisuo knew that Yao Wangtian must have a backup plan, so he wanted to leave as soon as possible. He didn't want to waste time with Yao Wangtian here. This would not be good for anyone.

"Well, if that's the case, let's separate here. I hope we can have the opportunity to cooperate in the future." Yao Wangtian looked at Hisoka and said with a smile.

"Haha, I don't like working with you." Hisoka shook his head.

"Hahahaha." Yao Wangtian was delighted, then turned around and flew away.

After Hisoka's figure disappeared into the distance, a masked man in black fell from the nearby tree. His body flashed and appeared in front of Yao Wangtian.

Seeing the masked man in black clothes appearing, the expression on Yao Wangtian's face became frightened.

King Yao knew that he had an unavoidable tough battle to fight.

Hisoka didn't know anything about this. He took the box containing the Nine Poison Snake's inner elixir and came to a secluded cave, preparing to contact Morven Mountain with his spiritual consciousness.

"I've been staying here in Medicine King Valley for almost eight days. If I delay any longer, I'm afraid someone will really die." Hisoka thought to himself.

Xisuo cast a spell and tried to contact Mo Wenshan with his spiritual consciousness. For the first time, there was no response. The second time, still no response.

The third time, there was finally a reaction. This time the reaction was particularly violent. Mo Wenshan appeared directly within the range of Hisoka's consciousness.

"Deacon Mo!" Seeing Mo Wenshan appear within the range of his consciousness, Hisoka's face suddenly showed an expression of joy.

"Boy, you contacted me so quickly. Could it be that you got lost in Yaowang Valley?" Mo Wenshan was unusually slow.

"I can't help it. Something happened and I have to deal with it before going back." Hisoka said helplessly, holding his forehead.

"Wait! Why did you say it so quickly? I thought I had been in Yaowang Valley for eight days, and your son's life would not be saved if I delayed it any longer!" Only then did Xisuo realize what Mo Wenshan said and asked him in surprise. ask.

"Did you kid get poisoned in Yaowang Valley and become stupid? Eight days? It's only been eight minutes since you entered the black hole. Please be more awake." Mo Wenshan felt that Hisoka was talking nonsense and didn't pay attention to it at all. How important.

"Really?" Hisoka scratched his head. After a while, the familiar black hole of time and space appeared in front of his eyes. It was made by Mo Wenshan to take him back to Tianyuan Sect.

"Have you forgotten that a black hole can only exist for ten seconds? If you keep trying, you won't have to come back!" Mo Wenshan's voice was a little louder in order to urge Hisoka to come back.

"I know, why bother!" Hisoka picked up the box containing the Nine Poison Snakes' inner elixir and walked toward the black hole.

But this time the black hole gave Hisoka a different feeling than last time. This time the black hole gave people a sense of oppression and a strong attraction.

Hisoka stopped at the last step of preparing to enter. He didn't know whether he should enter this black hole, although this was the only way he could return to Tianyuan Sect.

"Let's go in!" After thinking for a long time, Hisoka finally gritted his teeth and decided to enter this black hole. This was the only way for him to return to Tianyuan Sect. If he missed this opportunity, he would never be able to go back. So he decided to take a risk. Even if he couldn't go back in the end, he would make this adventure worthwhile.

After thinking about this, Hisoka took a deep breath and walked towards the black hole.

Hisoka's first few steps into the black hole were particularly easy. The black hole was not as fierce as when it first appeared.

But not long after, Hisoka felt that something was wrong with the energy around him. The energy in one place increased sharply, while the energy in another place almost disappeared.

He understood that there was a change in the black hole of space and time.

The abnormal movement of the space-time black hole occurs in an instant. If there is no warning, the black hole will not behave abnormally. But if there is no warning, the black hole may have been destroyed long ago, but the current situation is so weird, The phenomenon of this black hole happened in an instant, and it was sudden. If Hisoka hadn't discovered it in time, Hisoka would probably have encountered something unexpected now.

Hisoka felt uncomfortable breathing, and this black hole seemed to tear him apart.

In the center of the black hole, Hisoka felt that all the bones in his body were creaking. This kind of pain was something Hisoka had never felt before, but Hisoka knew that he had to endure the pain. Not only was he physically uncomfortable now, he His soul was also severely damaged. If there was a monk by Hisoka's side now, he could kill Hisoka with one move.

Hisoka gritted his teeth and kept stimulating the spiritual power in his body. This was the only spiritual power he could use so far, but this kind of spiritual power was of no use at all. Hisoka found that the more his spiritual power improved, the more he The more unbearable his body became, it seemed as if his bones were being oppressed. This oppressive feeling was like being bitten by thousands of ants.

Blood was already flowing from the corners of Hisoka's mouth, and his entire face was twisted together, but he did not dare to give up because the black hole of space and time in front of him was so evil and ferocious.

Chapter 509 Hisoka loses consciousness in the black hole

If he had been a little negligent, he might have been shattered to pieces and never recovered.

"Ah!" Hisoka yelled, then poured all his spiritual power into the Nine-Poisonous Snake Inner Pill in his hand, and then threw the Nine-Poisonous Snake Inner Pill out.

After the Nine Poisonous Snake's inner elixir was thrown into the black hole, it disappeared from Hisoka's eyes.

But Hisoka was still struggling painfully in the black hole.

"Hisoka, Hisoka, can you hear me?!" Hisoka vaguely heard someone calling his name. When he heard it carefully, it was Mo Wenshan's voice.

"Listen... you can hear..." Hisoka's strength had been absorbed by the black hole for most of it, and he could only barely respond to Mo Wenshan.

"There is an abnormality in the energy of the black hole. I can no longer control this. But I have already got the box you just threw out. It is in the right direction. Get out of there before the black hole starts to be chaotic!" Mo Wenshan rushed to the black hole. shouted the other end, fearing that Hisoka wouldn't be able to hear him because of his weakness.

The black hole has begun to be chaotic. After Mo Wenshan's voice entered the black hole, the order of words was also confused, and the sound continued to repeat in the black hole.

Hisoka didn't know how many times he heard these words clearly, and it took him some time to understand what Mo Wenshan said.

"Okay..." Hisoka replied with difficulty.

His voice sounded hoarse.

After Hisoka said this, he felt a huge energy coming from the other end of the black hole, wrapping his body into that energy.

In that energy, he seemed to have turned into a tiny dust, drifting with the current.

Hisoka only felt his body spinning continuously, and there was a tearing pain in his body, as if his whole body was to be torn into pieces. This severe pain made him almost faint.

Hisoka felt that he was falling, but he knew that his consciousness had not been lost, and he was still trying to hold on.

"Hisoka, come on, you can't die here!" A thought suddenly appeared in Hisoka's mind, he couldn't die here.

Just when Hisoka was about to be pulled into powder, he felt dizzy, then completely lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

Hisoka's body slowly calmed down.

After an unknown amount of time, Hisoka woke up.

Opening his eyes, he saw himself lying on the bed. His limbs were still there and his body was still shaking. He knew it was caused by pain, but he could still endure the pain.

Hisoka looked around the room, wondering where he was.

"You finally woke up, you know? You almost couldn't come back. If I hadn't found you in the end and helped you out, otherwise, at best, you would never come back here, at worst, In this case, you will be swallowed by the black hole of time and space and completely reduced to ashes!" At this time, Mo Wenshan's voice sounded in Hisoka's mind again.

"Thank you...cough...Deacon Mo came to the rescue, otherwise I really don't know what to do." Hisoka was very excited. Mo Wenshan not only brought him life protection, but also provided him with cultivation. place, which shocked Hisoka extremely.

"You're welcome. You went to Yaowang Valley to get this medicine to save my traitorous son. Can I still make it impossible for you to survive when you come back?" Mo Wenshan said.

Hisoka smiled.

"Xisuo, you can rest here for a while. Your debt with the Tianyuan Sect has been settled. I have given orders and no one will cause trouble for you again." Mo Wenshan said again.

"Well, I understand, thank you." Hisoka said. He knew that Mo Wenshan had indeed paid a huge price to help him this time. After all, this matter was related to his future.

"Have a good rest!" Mo Wenshan said and left.

After Mo Wenshan left, Hisoka began to look at this place. This was a very ordinary room, but Hisoka knew that there was great danger in this room. Even Mo Wenshan might not be able to control the things here, so When Mo Wenshan left, he specially left a defensive shield to protect the room. Xisuo had never seen this kind of thing before, but since Mo Wenshan dared to set up such a defensive shield, it meant that Mo Wenshan had already prepared it. Made sufficient preparations.

"I hope I can have a good rest here." Hisoka murmured to himself.

There is a rich energy in this room. Hisoka's spiritual power is recovering rapidly. At the same time, he feels that his body is filled with infinite energy. He feels that he can destroy a star with just a punch. .

This is a huge change. This change makes Hisoka feel extremely excited. He knows that his level has improved again, and this time the improvement is not in strength, but in spirit and body. He knows His consciousness had been fully restored. After his consciousness was fully restored, he discovered something that made him ecstatic.

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