Hearing this, Hisoka was a little disappointed.

"Then what should I do?"

"I also have a healing elixir here. This elixir is from the Tianyuan Sect. It's called the Nine Turns Golden elixir. It can help people regain their strength. It's just that it's more expensive and not everyone can buy it. Moreover, this Once the elixir is eaten, it will cost a very high price to take it again, and even some rare medicinal materials are very rare. But for Tianyuan Sect, this is not a problem." Mo Wenshan finished speaking, Then he handed the jade bottle in his hand to Xisuo.

Xisuo quickly reached out to catch the jade bottle that Mo Wenshan gave him, and said: "Senior Mo, you are too polite. I really don't know how to repay your kindness. I, Xisuo, are so kind to this junior." I will never forget it in this life.”

"You don't have to be so polite. In fact, this is not a big deal." Mo Wenshan said with a smile.

"Maybe it's nothing to you, but it's a big deal to me. I will never forget this kindness. After my injury is completely healed, I will do my best to help senior." Hisoka told Mo Wenshan assured.

"Okay, I believe you."

Mo Wenshan also admired Xisuo's character.

He also admired Hisoka's behavior as a person.

"You should start retreating now. These things I brought this time can help you recover quickly from your injuries. Moreover, our Tianyuan Sect also has a secret base. You can go there to practice for a few days. When the time comes, I will Let me give you some help." Mo Wenshan said while searching for the elixir.

"Then I won't be able to participate in the Tianyuan Sect trial...I still want to defeat Li Mufeng." Hisoka lowered his head and said regretfully.

Mo Wenshan stopped what he was doing and looked at Hisoka, "Huh? Didn't I tell you? The trial has been postponed to a month later. You have a lot of time to cultivate."

"Are you telling the truth, Senior Mo?!"

Mo Wenshan nodded, "Yes, it's true. It's more real information than real gold. Besides, there's no need for me to lie to you..."

Hisoka couldn't hide the joy in his heart and jumped up and down happily. Before Mo Wenshan could finish speaking, he interrupted him, "Great! God is helping me! I must defeat Li Mu Feng!"

"Don't get too happy too soon, kid. If you want to beat Li Mu Feng, you still have to practice."

"Thank you, Senior Mo." Hisoka respectfully saluted Mo Wenshan.

"Haha, you and I don't need these hypocritical etiquettes anymore. If you really want to thank me, just take care of your good body." Mo Wenshan said.

After Mo Wenshan told Hisoka about his training place, he took Hisoka and flew towards their secret base.

Hisoka's current strength can also fly into the air, but Hisoka's flying speed is too slow, and there is no way to reach his own flying speed, so he can only sit in the flying magic weapon.

The flying magic weapon was very fast. From inside, Hisoka could also see the fleeting scene outside.

Soon, Hisoka saw the mountain in front of him. The mountain looked like a giant beast with its bloody mouth open, waiting for its prey to approach.

"Should we take a detour?" Hisoka asked Mo Wenshan.

"No, just follow me."

Hisoka said nothing and just followed Mo Wenshan obediently as he flew forward.

Hisoka followed behind Mowen Shan. Mowen Shan kept flying forward, and Hisoka kept flying beside Mowen Shan.

I don't know how long it took before Mo Wenshan brought Hisoka into a forest.

Entering the woods, Hisoka discovered that this place turned out to be a forest! Moreover, it was an area where flying in the air was prohibited, so Hisoka could only follow Mo Wenshan step by step into the depths.

"You find a place to rest now, and I'll collect some herbs to help you heal." Mo Wenshan said.

Chapter 521: Refining the Nine Turns Golden Pill

"Senior, I'll give this to you." Hisoka handed the jade bottle containing the Nine-turn Golden Elixir to Mo Wenshan.

"Well, I'll go then."

"Senior, walk slowly."

Hisoka stood there, waiting for Mo Wenshan to leave, then he sat down cross-legged and began to refine the erysipelas of the Nine Turns Golden Pill. He had to recover from his injuries so that he could have enough strength to fight.

Sitting here, Hisoka stayed for five or six days. During this period, Hisoka did not dare to neglect at all. While absorbing the spiritual energy around him, he worked hard to regulate his body. He wanted to restore his condition as soon as possible.

Mo Wenshan collected a lot of spiritual grass and came back, then opened the formation and placed the spiritual grass inside. These spiritual grasses are very rare spiritual grasses. Generally speaking, a spiritual grass is only two thousand years old, but one that is ten thousand years old is very rare. Generally speaking, these spiritual grasses will be used by people. The robbery is clean, but for a sect like Tianyuan Sect, these ten thousand years of spiritual grass are really nothing.

Mo Wenshan placed a 10,000-year-old spiritual grass in front of Xisuo and said to Sisuo: "This 10,000-year-old spiritual grass is enough. Don't waste it anymore. You just need to calm down and recover now. Wait for you." Your injury has healed, and it’s not too late to continue fighting. Don’t worry, I will find the most powerful alchemist to refine the elixir for you, trust me.”

"Then it's Senior Lao."

"You kid, why are you so polite to me?" Mo Wenshan shook his head.

After Mo Wenshan finished speaking, he took the 10,000-year-old spiritual grass and left, leaving Xisuo sitting alone, looking at the 10,000-year-old spiritual grass in front of him.

"Ten thousand years! I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. I wonder if I can break through the realm this time..." Hisoka was a little excited, but he soon calmed down and began to close his eyes. He rested his mind and began to adjust his state, preparing to receive the 10,000-year-old spiritual grass, striving to improve his cultivation level, so that he could have a chance to defeat Li Mu Feng.

A week later, Hisoka opened his eyes and left the secret base with the 10,000-year-old spiritual grass.

Xisuo's figure appeared in the middle of the valley. The environment in this valley was very beautiful, with mountain springs, peach blossom trees, and many rare medicinal materials. Xisuo found a secluded corner and collected the 10,000-year-old spiritual grass. He threw it into a small storage bag, then sat cross-legged on the ground and started doing exercises.

The 10,000-year-old spiritual grass melted into his mouth and turned into a strong energy that began to spin in Xisuo's dantian.

Under the influence of spiritual energy, Hisoka's body continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. At this moment, Hisoka finally understood why many monks would give up everything in exchange for a 10,000-year-old spiritual grass. Divine healing can also quickly improve one's cultivation level.

This 10,000-year-old spiritual grass is indeed a good thing. Not only is it very effective in healing wounds, it is also a rare treasure for repairing damaged Dantian. Although Hisoka's Dantian was seriously injured, after being washed with spiritual grass, it has recovered as before, and his cultivation is still increasing.

A 10,000-year-old spiritual grass is equivalent to a grade 20 elixir. If it weren't for the fact that Hisoka's Dantian had been shattered and he had lost too much blood, Hisoka might even have been able to break through to the peak level of the third level during his Qi training period. , at that time, his strength was definitely comparable to, or even slightly surpassed by, a warrior at the fourth level of Qi training.

After practicing for a few days, Hisoka's injuries were completely recovered. Hisoka slowly opened his eyes. He took out an elixir from his storage ring and drank it. The elixir melted in his mouth. , and then digestion begins.

This is the Nine-turn Golden Pill. The medicinal properties of this Nine-turn Golden Pill are extremely overbearing. It is worthy of being a 10,000-year-old elixir. Even the effect of taking the Nine-turn Golden Pill is extremely terrifying. After swallowing the power of the Nine-turn Golden Pill, Hisoka felt that the injuries in his body were 80% to 90% better, and he began to search in the valley.

Soon, Hisoka found a 1,020,000-year-old spiritual grass. This 1,020,000-year-old spiritual grass is also a spiritual grass. Although it is not as good as the 10,000-year-old spiritual grass, it is still a rare treasure. It was a great help to Hisoka.

While absorbing the power of the medicine, Hisoka looked for the spiritual herbs in the medicine garden. His face was a little pale, and his forehead was covered with sweat. It was obvious that the power of the Nine Turns Golden Pill was too strong, and he couldn't bear it all of a sudden. .

"Huh? There is actually a seven-leaf snow lotus. This snow lotus is also a ten thousand year old spiritual plant."

Xisuo picked the snow lotus, and then began to refine the Nine Turns Golden Pill. In front of him, countless flames appeared. Under Xisuo's control, the snow lotus melted, and then he threw the snow lotus into the medicine cauldron, and then, Then the refining started.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three days, Hisoka refined the Nine Turns Golden Pill into two furnaces.

Chapter 522: Spirit Fruit takes the initiative to attack Hisoka

Xisuo refined a total of three Nine-turn Golden Pills. The spiritual stones he used to refine these three pills were not refined by himself, but were given to him by Mo Wenshan. He was only responsible for refining them. He doesn't need to worry about anything.

After refining the Nine-turn Golden Pill, Hisoka took one and started refining it. This time, the spiritual energy he refined was stronger than before. Soon, he reached the third level of Qi training. He felt a lot thicker, and not only that, he also became stronger.

Hisoka was naturally happy to have reached the third level of Qi training.

"Haha, the third level of Qi training, I finally stepped into the third level of Qi training!" Hisoka shouted excitedly, and then took another Nine Turns Golden Pill.

It took Xisuo more than two hours to refine this Nine-turn Golden Pill before he successfully refined it.

"Haha, my cultivation has improved a lot. If this is the case, it shouldn't be a problem for me to defeat Li Mufeng, right?"

At this moment, a voice sounded in Hisoka's ears. Hisoka looked up and found a young man standing not far from him.

"Hey, it's you?"

"Haha, what a coincidence, I met you. We are really destined!" The young man said with a smile.

"Haha, it is indeed quite fate."

"I didn't expect that Father would bring you to the training forest. It seems that you are just recovering from an injury." The young man kept staring at Hisoka, looking at Hisoka's pale face and somewhat weak appearance. He asked speculatively, this young man was Mo Wenchuan.

Hisoka frowned slightly when he heard Mo Wenchuan's words. Isn't this young man's observation too keen?

"You look like you're fine. Are you really that good at reading the Nine Poisonous Snakes' inner elixir?" Hisoka asked in return.

"It's indeed good, but if I didn't have the Nine Poisonous Snake Inner Elixir, I could have tried more better and safer elixirs, and I wouldn't have been bitten by the Nine Poisonous Snake Inner Elixir until my father came to save me in the end." Mo Wenchuan touched his head. Said with a smile.

Hisoka snorted coldly and said, "That's easy to say. I almost risked my own life by taking this inner elixir."

"You're welcome. If it hadn't been for you this time, I would have died a long time ago."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Hisoka asked.

"If you kill me again, my father will never let you go!" Mo Wenchuan said solemnly.

"I know!" Hisoka said calmly.

"Then continue refining the medicine!" Mo Wenchuan turned and left.

Hisoka continued to refine the medicine. During this period of time, he had recovered to a great extent. At this time, he had recovered half of his strength.

On this day, Hisoka finally refined a Nine-turn Golden Pill. He eagerly took the Nine-turn Golden Pill. He felt that the aura in his body had surged a lot. At this time, his cultivation also increased from Qi Training Six to Six. The peak level of Qi training broke through to the peak of the sixth level of Qi training.

"This nine-turn golden elixir is really a good thing. If I can refine more nine-turn golden elixirs, then my strength will definitely improve a lot, and I can also break through to the eighth level of Qi training. If I break through to the Qi training level If I reach the eighth level of Qi, then I don’t need to be afraid of any immortal cultivators in the foundation-building stage.” Hisoka’s eyes were full of joy.

His eyes swept into the distance, where there was a mountain range.

He stood up and walked towards the mountain range, ready to explore it.

"Huh? There is a formation."

Hisoka looked at the fog in front of him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He didn't understand the formation here. This formation should be a defensive formation. As long as he entered it, he would be trapped. There was nothing he could do. Get out of this fog.

This formation should prevent monks from getting close to the mountains, so such a formation was formed.

Regardless, he decided to go in and take a look.

Hisoka's figure instantly penetrated this formation, and then walked into the mountains. After entering this mountain range, Hisoka found that this mountain range was very wide, and there were many trees in this mountain range. These trees They are all old trees, and the trees are more than a thousand years old. On the crowns of these trees, there are many spiritual fruits. Some of these spiritual fruits are as big as fists, and some are only as big as palms. The color of these spiritual fruits are all bright red. At a glance, you can't see the edge.

The spiritual power of these spiritual fruits was very strong. These spiritual fruits exuded bursts of fragrance, which penetrated into Hisoka's nostrils, making Hisoka feel refreshed and energetic.

"What kind of place is this? It's so rich in spiritual power! My current state has reached the peak of the sixth level of Qi training."

Hisoka walked towards these spiritual fruits while sniffing the spiritual energy. After walking for about half a quarter of an hour, he finally came to these spiritual fruits.

"What a rich spiritual energy. These spiritual fruits should have spiritual intelligence, but they actually actively attacked me." When Hisoka saw these spiritual fruits, he immediately became vigilant.

"Hmph, since you dare to attack me, don't blame me for being ruthless." Hisoka sneered, stretched out his hand, grabbed a black sword, and then slashed at the spiritual fruits.

Chapter 523: Hisoka Refines the Fire of the Soul

With a swish sound, the black sword flashed, directly cutting off several spiritual fruits, and then fell to the ground.

"What a powerful spiritual power, and there is such a spiritual beast!"

Looking at the spiritual fruit chopped off by the black sword on the ground, Hisoka's brows raised slightly, feeling a little surprised.

These spiritual fruits are all top-grade spiritual fruits, and they are also top-grade spiritual fruits with abundant spiritual energy. These spiritual fruits have a great tonic effect for cultivators. They are even good treasures for increasing cultivation. They can increase the speed of cultivation and are very helpful for cultivators. The person's physique is also a kind of strengthening. If he can eat these top-grade spiritual fruits, it can increase the strength of his body and allow his body to reach a higher state. However, he did not expect that these top-grade spiritual fruits would actually attack on his own initiative. He, this was a bit beyond his expectation.

"These top-quality spiritual fruits should not be the kind of spiritual beasts with low intelligence. The IQs of these spiritual fruits are much higher than ordinary spiritual beasts. They should have a certain degree of wisdom, but they did not expect that they would meet cultivators. , and he is also a cultivator with strong combat power."

Hisoka pondered for a while, thinking in his heart: "Although these spirit fruits are the best spirit fruits, they are not omnipotent. If it is other monks, they may not be able to get them, but I am different. I have the divine soul beads. As long as I have the divine soul, If the beads are there, I can control the aura in the Soul Beads to connect with these spirit fruits, thereby controlling the spirit fruits, and make them obey my orders. In this case, I can easily take their lives, and even seize their bodies. It’s just that I don’t know if these spiritual fruits can do this.”

Hisoka thought of this and took out the Soul Bead.

This spiritual bead is the one that Xisuo obtained from the relics of the Refining Sect. It was a fifth-level spiritual stone. It was only after Sisuo refined this spiritual stone that he obtained the Divine Soul Bead.

He planned to absorb the soul fire in the Divine Soul Bead and upgrade the Divine Soul Bead to a six-star soul bead.

Hisoka placed the soul fire of the divine soul bead in the palm of his hand, and then began to devour the soul fire of the divine soul bead.


After a loud noise, the soul fire of the Divine Soul Pearl burned.


At this time, an illusory soul body suddenly appeared in Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness. This soul body was the soul fire of the Divine Soul Pearl.

"This soul fire is my soul fire. I wonder if after swallowing it, I can be promoted to a six-star soul bead, or in other words, a seven-star soul bead?" Hisoka was a little excited.

This soul fire is a ball of soul fire. It is not a flame, but a soul fire. It is the purest and most essential soul fire in the soul. It can help Hisoka enhance the power of the soul and let him His cultivation has become higher and more powerful.

This soul fire burns in the sea of ​​consciousness, and its flame temperature is extremely high. In the flame, its soul fire seems to be constantly jumping, rolling, and boiling, as if it could happen at any time. Like an explosion.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on Hisoka's forehead. The Soul Fire was too terrifying. If he didn't have the Soul Bead, he would be dead by now.

He quickly used his skills to absorb the soul fire, and then began to refine the divine soul fire.

At the beginning, Hisoka's Divine Soul Fire was very weak, only the size of a fist. However, after refining for a day or two, his Divine Soul Fire became much larger. Soon after, his Divine Soul Fire became A blazing flame, the flames kept beating on his body, seeming to burn everything.

This flame is not fire, but essence.

This is the fire of the soul, this is the ultimate flame.

"Haha, great. I am now an eighth-level monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. Now when I refine this flame, my strength will be improved again and reach the level of a ninth-level monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. By then, , even if I meet a monk at the Golden Core stage, I am not afraid anymore, I have the Divine Soul Pearl, and even if I meet a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, I can compete with him."

"However, although this divine soul fire is powerful, it also requires a large amount of spiritual medicine. If it weren't for the abundant spiritual energy here and the spiritual grass everywhere, I might not be able to find so many precious spiritual herbs. Otherwise, I would have been able to refine it long ago. It turns into the fire of the soul."

"Now let's refine this flame first!"

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