Hisoka sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and then started to use his skills to slowly refine the divine soul fire. In the divine soul beads in his body, the divine soul fire was beating constantly, as if it was burning. It looked extremely spectacular, with wisps of soul fire released from his body and flying towards the flame.

While this ball of soul fire was refining this ball of soul fire, Hisoka was also devouring those elixirs.

Hisoka swallowed all the elixirs in his abdomen. Once those elixirs were swallowed, they were immediately devoured by the divine soul beads and then absorbed into his body.

A faint white light appeared on the skin on his body, which looked very strange.

Chapter 524 Death Threat from the Soul Bead

His body is constantly transforming, becoming stronger bit by bit, and the bones of his body are getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, the spiritual veins in Hisoka's body were almost full. At this time, a "clicking" sound came from his body, as if something was broken.

This was the sound of the tendons breaking. In other words, this ball of soul fire made his tendons stronger and his tendons became tougher.

Generally speaking, the muscles and veins are the foundation of a monk. If the muscles and veins are broken, the monk will be useless.

But now, Hisoka's body has become stronger, his skin has become harder, his bones have become stronger, and his meridians have become thicker. These are all benefits brought by the soul fire.


The Divine Soul Bead shook at this time. At this time, he swallowed a small part of Hisoka's Divine Soul Fire, and the remaining part was swallowed up by the Divine Soul Bead. The color of the Divine Soul Bead became darker, exuding a domineering and domineering energy. breath.

"Buzz buzz!"

The Soul Pearl kept trembling, as if it was very excited.

"Huh? Could it be that my Soul Fire has been promoted again?" Hisoka was shocked.


At this moment, a shocking voice came from Hisoka's mind, as if a huge mountain was hitting his sea of ​​consciousness.


Hisoka felt as if his sea of ​​consciousness had been hit. He was instantly confused and his head was buzzing. It took several seconds for his sea of ​​consciousness to return to normal.

He quickly checked his sea of ​​consciousness and found that there was a red flame in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was the fire of the soul that he had just swallowed.

This ball of soul fire turned into a crimson soul bead. Among the soul beads, the divine soul bead became many times larger, and the soul fire inside became several times stronger than before. It seemed that the soul bead Some are swollen and bulging.

The Divine Soul Bead is constantly rotating, emitting bursts of dazzling light, and bursts of energy fluctuations are released from the Divine Soul Bead. These soul fluctuations are so huge that they almost cover the entire space.


Suddenly, at this time, countless dark clouds appeared in the sky. The dark clouds kept rolling in the sky. Among the dark clouds, lightning kept falling and crackling, as if thunder was running between the sky and the earth.


The catastrophe is coming.


A huge lightning bolt struck down from the dark clouds and hit Hisoka's body hard. Suddenly, Hisoka screamed and his whole body was blown away. He felt the severe pain in his body and almost fainted. In the past, the soul beads in his sea of ​​consciousness were trembling and making buzzing sounds, as if they were about to break out of their shells.

"Is this... is this a heavenly tribulation?" Hisoka looked at the thunder and lightning in the sky and murmured to himself: "I actually caused a heavenly tribulation, which allowed me to refine the fire of the divine soul. I am so lucky! This divine soul's fire Fire can actually cause heavenly catastrophe, and it is also as powerful as thunder. It is really unbelievable."

"No matter what, let's refine this ball of divine soul fire first!"

Hisoka quickly ran his skills and began to absorb this ball of divine soul fire.

The fire of the soul was jumping crazily in his body, as if trying to break free.

This ball of divine soul fire kept swimming in his body, swallowing up Hisoka's divine soul as it traveled. Sisuo's divine soul kept trembling under the pressure of the divine soul fire, as if it was about to collapse. , may collapse at any time.

However, this situation did not happen. Instead, it became more and more intense. This soul fire was not only eating away at Hisoka's soul, but also devouring Hisoka's essence and body. of all organs.

The internal organs, blood, muscles and bones in Hisoka's body were severely eroded.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the Divine Soul Pearl was spinning, constantly absorbing the Divine Soul Fire.


From the Divine Soul Pearl, rays of divine light suddenly erupted. This ray of divine light quickly expanded and illuminated the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

"What...what's going on, what's going on with this divine light? Why does my sea of ​​consciousness become like this? Where is the fire of my soul?"

Seeing that the sea of ​​consciousness became pitch black, at this time, he finally felt the danger of death. This was a kind of distance between life and death, which made him feel a little suffocated.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the divine soul fire was constantly squirming, trying to escape, but under the pressure of the divine soul beads, it was impossible to escape.

At this moment, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the power of the Divine Soul Pearl was getting stronger and stronger, and the Divine Soul Fire was being suppressed lower and lower.

Finally, the divine soul fire disappeared.


At this time, under the pressure of the Divine Soul Pearl, the Divine Soul Pearl suddenly expanded. The Divine Soul Pearl became larger and larger, and finally turned into a huge sphere. I don’t know what is contained in this sphere. Things look very scary.

The size of the Soul Pearl became larger and larger, and finally formed a huge sphere.

Chapter 525: Dreams in the Mysterious Space

A huge mysterious energy wave emitted from this sphere.

This mysterious energy fluctuation is so powerful that ordinary monks cannot bear it. Even a powerful being like Hisoka cannot withstand the impact of this mysterious energy.


The Divine Soul Pearl exploded and turned into countless fragments.

These fragments flew in all directions like stars.

Flying constantly in the air, among these fragments, some fragments turned into ashes, some turned into energy, some turned into the power of stars, some turned into water flow, and some turned into magma……

Hisoka only felt dizzy, and his sea of ​​consciousness became extremely painful, as if it was being stirred by countless sharp knives.

Hisoka felt like his whole body was being torn apart.

His consciousness began to become blurred, and before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep. As he fell into a deep sleep, he had a dream.

This dream made his body become transparent again and again, and then slowly condense, over and over again.

This dream made him feel very wonderful and gave him a strange sense of beauty. In the dream, he saw many things and things.

This dream lasted for unknown duration. In the dream, he saw a deserted continent with rivers flowing through it. The water was very clear and looked like crystal. The rivers were refracted in the sunlight. A dazzling light emitted.

On the mainland, there are many tall buildings, and there are many people on the streets, which is very lively.

These high-rise buildings are made of special materials. These buildings are built by various spiritual animals, including dragons, tigers, elephants, snakes, foxes, leopards, wolves, etc. Lions, phoenixes, etc., these buildings all have one thing in common, that is, they have a strong body, and they are also extremely smart.

These buildings are made of various precious materials, and their value is no less than any treasure on Tianyuan Continent.

These buildings are used to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and make themselves stronger.

These buildings are also a kind of spiritual beast called "divine ape". This kind of divine ape has the blood of the divine ape clan. It is extremely talented and possesses super fighting power, but they have no thought and no intelligence, so They only know how to kill and fight. They don't think at all, let alone have wisdom.

However, in this environment, they are very adaptable, because there are no rules here, only one principle is followed here, whoever has a bigger fist is the boss. In this environment, whoever is the supreme being.

These divine apes can kill at will here, and their killing skills are also very powerful. Many people have died in the hands of these divine apes.

However, these divine apes also have weaknesses.

Although these divine apes are very powerful, their bodies are also very fragile. Their bodies cannot withstand the destruction of mysterious energy. As long as they are hit by some magical energy, they will directly turn into powder.

But there are too many divine apes here. The weakest of these divine apes have reached the Golden Immortal level, and the powerful ones are even comparable to the existence of Daluo Golden Immortal in the early stage. In this environment, these divine apes are almost It is an invincible existence.

Where Hisoka was, there were several divine apes. Hisoka saw that these divine apes were compressed into a huge divine soul bead.

The Divine Soul Bead contains endless mysterious energy, which fills this mysterious space.

After Hisoka felt this energy, a strong desire arose in his heart, wanting to absorb this mysterious energy into his mind.

He felt that his spiritual thoughts were being devoured crazily.

Hisoka quickly activated his spiritual consciousness defense, but it was of no use at all. He felt that his spiritual consciousness was being consumed crazily, and he felt that his spiritual consciousness was about to dry up.

At this time, he felt that a huge mysterious energy appeared in his Soul Bead.

After this huge energy appeared, it directly penetrated into his soul bead and merged into his soul.

This huge mysterious energy is a magical symbol, and a symbol is the mark of his soul.

This mysterious symbol represents this mysterious energy. Once this mysterious energy enters his soul, it directly enters his sea of ​​consciousness.

This mysterious energy entered his sea of ​​consciousness and turned directly into a huge palace. This palace was very majestic and very large. Its periphery was composed of circles of mysterious runes.

This mysterious palace exudes endless energy in his sea of ​​consciousness. In the center of this palace, there is a high platform. The height of the high platform has exceeded ten thousand feet. On the high platform, there is a stone tablet. On the stone tablet, there are written There are densely packed ancient characters, and every sentence of ancient characters contains an extremely mysterious divine pattern.

Chapter 526: In Wuyuan Continent, everything has spirit

The words on this stone tablet contain endless energy and a kind of destructive power. Once touched, even the powerful Golden Immortal will be instantly wiped out.

And those talismans are mysterious lines one after another. These lines are combined into a complex and magical energy line. In these lines, a faint voice can be heard coming from: "Wu Yuan Continent, Everything is animistic.”

The combination of these lines is the character "Yuan". This character "Yuan" is composed of countless lines. After these lines are combined, they form a complete seal script.

On top of this high platform, there is a huge table with many jade plates placed on it. On each jade plate, there is a text, and the content of the text is about the concept and meaning of Yuan.

After seeing these words, Hisoka felt that his spiritual thoughts seemed to have been improved in some way. His divine thoughts became more condensed and stronger. He felt that his divine thoughts could already condense magical powers, instead of being like before. The same, condensed into a divine sword.

The contents on these jade discs were very complicated. Hisoka's head felt dizzy as he watched them. However, in his eyes, these jade discs became extremely clear. These words seemed to be carved in his eyes. The same thing happened in his pupils.

The fonts on these jade plates seemed to be the gathering of infinite power, constantly flowing on the jade plates. Moreover, Hisoka also felt that these words seemed to have a magical power. His spiritual thoughts could Devoured by these words.

Divine thoughts are constantly being absorbed by these words.

Hisoka couldn't help but be filled with emotion. The words on these jade plates were really magical.

After watching here for a while, Hisoka felt a little tired. He sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

He is now only a first-level divine beast and has no way to practice. His divine mind can only feel some words that ordinary people cannot understand, but he can recognize these words. In his sea of ​​consciousness, divine Nian can concentrate spiritual thoughts to attack.

His divine will is constantly growing. At the rate at which his divine will is growing, Hisoka feels that his divine will has become more powerful, more condensed, and stronger. Hisoka's divine will It also gradually solidified.

The solidification of divine thoughts means that the attack power of divine thoughts becomes more and more powerful.

And now, the more powerful Hisoka's spiritual thoughts are condensed, the greater the power that his divine thoughts can exert. At this time, his divine thoughts can be condensed into a substantial divine mind sword, which can be easily chopped into pieces. The void cuts off all matter.

This kind of divine sword is extremely powerful.

This time, the power of his Divine Mind Sword has been raised to a new level, something he had never thought of before his breakthrough.

His divine mind has become so powerful, and his divine mind sword has become sharper and sharper.

The power of his Divine Sense Sword has also become more and more powerful. He is now a Divine Sense Master who has been promoted several levels, and his Divine Sense is more than twice as powerful as before.

Moreover, Hisoka discovered that in this place, he felt extremely rich life energy.

These life energies are very pure and very abundant.

He felt that his body had become much stronger, and he also felt that his soul had become stronger, and his soul seemed to have become more stable.

This change shocked Hisoka.

His spiritual thoughts could actually make his soul more stable and stronger, and his body and spiritual thoughts were also strengthened.

How is this going?

he does not know.

This weird thing made him feel extremely shocked.

However, he should not think too much now. Since these mysterious things can help him improve his cultivation and soul, let him study slowly. One day, he will understand this mysterious thing.

Thinking of this, he sat down cross-legged and began to meditate on these words.

He felt a powerful message rushing into his mind. Those words kept flashing in his mind. During the flashing process, they kept stimulating his spiritual thoughts. .

At this time, these stimulating words seemed to be an extremely powerful force, constantly stimulating his mind, stimulating his sea of ​​consciousness, and stimulating his soul. His sea of ​​​​consciousness became more and more painful, and the pain continued. The ground swept through his body, making him tremble with pain.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

Hisoka's body continued to tremble, his face turned pale, and sweat continued to form on his forehead.

In his sea of ​​​​consciousness, a black flame kept burning, and his mind was constantly struggling, trying to escape, but the black flame seemed to have a powerful binding force, binding his He was tightly bound by his spiritual thoughts, unable to leave this place at all, and could only be burned by this black flame.

Chapter 527: The altar that swallows the sea of ​​consciousness

"No, we can't continue like this, otherwise I will be burned to death." Hisoka gritted his teeth and thought to himself that his mind was constantly resisting the black flame, but the black flame was Constantly burning his spiritual thoughts.

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