Under the pain of his spiritual thoughts, Hisoka's soul was constantly trembling. At this time, some blurry pictures continued to appear in his mind. Those blurry pictures were of a huge altar. On top of the altar There are many people.

Those people were all wearing weird costumes. They were standing on the altar, holding various weapons in their hands. Everyone had a look of madness on their faces.

Above their heads, there were huge light balls floating. These light balls emitted an extremely intense light, as if they could explode at any time.

At the front of the altar, there is a sculpture.

This sculpture is almost exactly the same as the one Hisoka entered just now, and even the momentum is similar.

Those light balls are the spells cast by these people.

This place seemed to be an altar, and they were holding a ceremony.

Hisoka's spiritual thoughts were suppressed and trapped by the spells cast by these people. They were using some secret method to control Hisoka.

And in Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness, countless mysterious runes are constantly surging, swirling and rotating.

These runes are part of those mysterious words.

Those runes were spinning constantly, as if they were going to completely refine Hisoka.

However, although these runes are powerful, they cannot refine Hisoka and can only temporarily trap Hisoka.

Moreover, in Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness, his spiritual thoughts were also spinning rapidly. Pattern.

Those rotating runes, once touched by those rotating runes, were immediately strangled, and Hisoka's spiritual thoughts were also entangled by these rotating runes, unable to break free or get rid of them.

"No, I can't be trapped. I have to break free. I have to break free from this altar and escape from here."

"Damn it, what is going on? What is in this altar?"

Hisoka felt extremely angry. He was unwilling to be controlled by this altar. He didn't want to be controlled by others.

What is there in this place?

What is it and why can it trap his spiritual thoughts?

His spiritual thoughts cannot fly on this altar. He can only sit cross-legged and wait.

And his sea of ​​consciousness also became heavier and heavier at this time. At this time, his spiritual thoughts seemed to be pressed by a huge stone.

Hisoka endured the severe pain and began to think: "There must be something wrong with this altar. I have to find a way to escape from this altar and escape from here."

At this time, Hisoka felt that there was a strong attraction in this altar.

"No matter what, just try your best!"

Hisoka roared and slammed towards the altar.

At this time, his spiritual mind was already trapped on the altar. If he wanted to escape, he would have to break through the altar before he could escape from this place and escape.


Hisoka used all his strength and slammed towards the altar.


He hit it with all his strength, and this time, he felt a huge rebound force coming from the altar, shaking his sea of ​​consciousness.

Hisoka felt a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if something had penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"It hurts so much, I feel like the sea of ​​consciousness is being torn apart." Hisoka cried out in pain.

Just as he cried out in pain, those runes began to swallow up his sea of ​​consciousness.

These runes, like hungry tigers pouncing on food, rushed directly towards his sea of ​​consciousness, wrapping it up and devouring it.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, those runes began to condense quickly, spinning constantly at an extremely fast speed, like ropes, tightly entwining Xisuo's sea of ​​​​consciousness.

There was a sharp pain, and Hisoka's mind kept struggling, but to no avail, he couldn't escape at all, and there seemed to be a black hole in the altar, devouring his sea of ​​consciousness crazily.

This is a terrifying black hole. Once you fall into it, you will be swallowed by the black hole and never come out.

Under the devouring of those runes, Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness gradually became blurred and empty.

Hisoka's spiritual consciousness began to decrease.

At this time, those runes began to devour Hisoka's spiritual thoughts crazily.

The number of divine thoughts is decreasing, and the speed is also accelerating.

This reduction does not mean that the divine will has disappeared, but that Hisoka's divine will has been swallowed up by these mysterious forces. This kind of devouring is pervasive. Even in Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a powerful defensive force. , and cannot stop the encroachment of this mysterious force.

Chapter 528: The ancient mythical beast, the Golden Crow of the Sun appears in the world

The spiritual thoughts, one by one, slowly become less and less.

Hisoka's spiritual thoughts began to disappear.

"Ah, it hurts! It hurts!"

Hisoka's spiritual thoughts began to twist crazily, and in his sea of ​​consciousness, they began to twist and change shapes constantly.

At this moment, Hisoka's will began to collapse, his will began to gradually disintegrate, and his spiritual thoughts began to gradually become thinner, thinner, and lighter.

"My divine will is going to disappear. Will my divine will just disappear like this?"

Hisoka's eyes widened, and there was a trace of horror in his eyes. He felt helpless and desperate, and he felt the breath of death beginning to surround him.

As the shadow of death enveloped him, he finally began to feel fear.

"Am I really going to die in this place? It's impossible, no, I'm not willing to do it."

At this moment, Hisoka's head suddenly lit up, and two big characters suddenly appeared above his head.

These two words are - sun!

The sun began to rise slowly in the depths of Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness, and began to release a faint light, shining in this space.

"The sun, the sun really exists. Am I still alive? Can I regain consciousness again?"

At this moment, Hisoka's heart flashed with excitement.

The sun, also called the Sun Golden Crow, is a very weird mythical beast with infinite power.

The Sun Golden Crow is a very ancient mythical beast in the Western Regions. It is said that in a long time ago, it was an extremely powerful god. He has great power. He can burn everything. He can burn everything. He can burn everything.

His power is as powerful as destroying the heaven and the earth. His power is also the nemesis of all evil spirits and monsters. Any evil spirit will be afraid of the Golden Crow of the Sun.

However, later, for unknown reasons, the Sun Golden Crow fell. The fall of the Sun Golden Crow shocked the entire Western Region. They did not understand the reason for the fall of the Sun Golden Crow at this time. Maybe after the fall of the Sun Golden Crow, it really Fall, there will no longer be any miracles, there will no longer be any legends.

However, one thing can be confirmed, the power of the Sun Golden Crow is very powerful, and it is one of the most powerful existences in the Western Region.

Now, the Sun Golden Crow is within Xisuo's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although Hisoka's consciousness has become blurred, at this time, Hisoka has not forgotten the Sun Golden Crow.

He cannot let his spiritual thoughts completely disappear. He must live and continue to practice.

In this way, he still has hope. As long as he still has a glimmer of hope, he will not fall easily.

He still wants to become a god, and he still wants to attain enlightenment. These are his obsessions. He wants to continue fighting and attain enlightenment.

At this time, Hisoka's spiritual thoughts became stronger, and he began to struggle crazily in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hahahaha, I'm Hisoka, I'm Hisoka..."

At this moment, Hisoka's body suddenly burst out with powerful power, and a raging flame burned in his sea of ​​consciousness, and his body began to expand. A pair of wings, a pair of wings, actually grew out of his body.

This pair of wings actually has a flame-like color.

A fiery red flame appeared above Hisoka's head.

Hisoka's spiritual thoughts turned into a ball of flame at this moment.

A flame burned in Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Haha, great, hahaha, I finally became stronger again."

At this time, Hisoka let out a wild laugh. At this time, his consciousness began to become clear again.

His body also became human.

His hair turned fiery red. At this time, two red eyebrows appeared on his cheeks. There were also two red moles on his forehead. At this time, a third mole appeared on Hisoka's forehead. Only eyes.

The bridge of his nose is high and straight, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

At this time, his eyes opened, and a pair of fiery red eyes emitted a strong light.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, his palm actually grew an arm.

He actually regained consciousness at this time.

After he opened his eyes, a picture immediately appeared in his mind. These pictures were exactly what Hisoka encountered just now.

These images appeared in Hisoka's consciousness just now when Hisoka was attacked.

At that time, his spiritual thoughts had begun to blur. At this time, his body had completely turned into a bloody man. At this time, his sea of ​​​​consciousness was about to be broken, and his body had begun to Decaying, his soul was about to dissipate, and his body was beginning to fail.

But in his heart, he still retained a belief in survival, and in his mind, he kept recalling the scene just now.

Chapter 529: Hisoka swallows the soul power of the Golden Crow of the Sun

What he had just experienced was constantly being rehearsed in his mind.

These memories are the origin of his life, his consciousness, and his wisdom.

He doesn't want to die!

He wants to live!

At this time, his heart was filled with endless anger.

His consciousness began to pour out his spiritual thoughts crazily and began to sweep outside.

Hisoka's spiritual thoughts swept wildly.

A powerful force of attraction struck Hisoka's sea of ​​consciousness from the depths of this force of attraction. At this moment, Hisoka's body was independently sucked out by this powerful force of attraction. , his body, uncontrollably, flew into the sea of ​​consciousness where the Sun Golden Crow was. Within the sea of ​​consciousness of the Sun Golden Crow, his spiritual thoughts kept churning.

At this time, Hisoka's thoughts merged with those of the Sun Golden Crow. In this way, his divine thoughts became the Sun Golden Crow, and the thoughts of the Sun Golden Crow, at this time, turned into Hisoka.

Hisoka's thoughts and Sun Golden Crow's thoughts merged together at this moment.

Such a result was something Xisuo never imagined.

"I succeeded, hahahaha."

At this moment, Hisoka laughed crazily.

"I finally became stronger again."

Hisoka's thoughts kept roaring within his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Sun Golden Crow, now I am your host."

"Now, I will be your host."

"You have to listen to me and do whatever I ask you to do."

"You will do whatever I say, do you understand?"

"You must always follow me."

"You must obey my orders. If you disobey me, you will be wiped out by me."

"Now, are you willing?"

At this moment, Hisoka roared in the Sun Golden Crow's sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, the Sun Golden Crow seemed to be summoned by Hisoka, and at this moment, it actually flew out.

"Ah, how dare you blaspheme my glory? How dare you, a humble human being, insult me? You are simply looking for death." The voice of the Sun Golden Crow rang at this time, and the words of the Sun Golden Crow were full of anger and anger. Not willing to give in.

At this time, Hisoka didn't pay any attention to it. His eyes were scanning the body of Sun Golden Crow. His eyes were full of greed.

At this time, his eyes fell on the belly of Sun Golden Crow. There were many things hidden in his belly.

These things are the treasures hidden by the Sun Golden Crow.

"Haha, your treasures are all mine."

Hisoka's mind burst into laughter. He stretched out his right hand crazily and grabbed an eggshell on the belly of the Sun Golden Crow.

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