Seeing that no one wanted to challenge him, Hisoka took Li Yangguang's storage ring, turned around and walked towards the door of the next level of Tianyuan Sect's trial.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout from outside.

Hisoka turned around and saw a middle-aged man in white walking into the square.

This man is Li Yangguang’s senior brother.

His name is Liu Ming, and he is a ninth-level Xuandan master. His cultivation talent is extremely good, and he is already a third-level Xuandan master.

"Senior Brother Liu, you are here. This is Tianyuan City. You Tianyuan Sect people will be punished if you cause trouble here."

"That's right, and you, Li Yangguang, you dared to attack Senior Brother Li just now. Do you really think that Senior Brother Li can't do anything to you?"

Liu Ming's disciples immediately attacked Xisuo and asked him for Li Yangguang's storage ring.

"Liu Ming? If I remember correctly, you should also be from the Liu family in Tianyun City, right?" Hisoka smiled lightly.

Liu Ming nodded: "Yes, you actually know me? I am a direct disciple of the Liu family, and my status in the family is also very high. I advise you to hand over Li Yangguang's storage ring, otherwise our Liu family will not I will spare you lightly."

"Haha." Hisoka smiled: "Liu Ming, I have already told you that you are no match for me. No matter you are Liu Ming or Liu An, in my eyes, you are still just an ant and a jumper. Just a clown!"

Hisoka's attitude was extremely arrogant, but what he said was true. With Li Yangguang's strength, it was indeed impossible for him to be his opponent.

"You! How dare you insult me!"

"It doesn't matter if I insult you, I still advise you not to destroy yourself."

Hisoka glanced at Liu Ming lightly.

Liu Ming suddenly felt a pressure. This pressure made it difficult for him to breathe and his heart almost stopped beating. He quickly used his kung fu to resist Xisuo's momentum, but it had no effect at all. He could only feel the pressure on himself increasing. Heavier, heavier.

"Sisuo, I'll fight with you!" Liu Ming roared and rushed towards Sisuo.


Just as Liu Minggang took two steps forward, a huge fist suddenly fell on his chest.

Liu Ming's body immediately flew backwards.


Liu Ming spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. He couldn't get up for a long time. He struggled for a long time and couldn't get up. Finally, he passed out and was knocked unconscious.

"Hisoka, you are so cruel, you actually knocked Liu Ming unconscious!"

Hisoka looked at the person who spoke and said coldly: "So what, you want to avenge him?"

The man trembled, then quickly took a few steps back and ran away into the crowd.

"Boring." Hisoka walked towards the door and became the first person to enter the second level.

Chapter 537: The rules of the third level are approved by the examiner

"Qingyun Academy student, Xisuo, successfully advanced." The announcer at the door sounded, and the sound spread throughout Tianyuan City.

Hisoka successfully advanced to the second level, which was what he expected.

Everyone present was very shocked. They never expected that Hisoka was so powerful and could defeat a ninth-grade Xuandan master.

"This Hisoka is really a genius. Such geniuses are so rare. They are so enviable and jealous!"

"Yes, such a genius has appeared in our Tianyuan City, and he is also an outsider. Our Tianyuan City is really full of vitality!"

"Yes, I hope this Hisoka can continue to maintain such results, and he will definitely dominate the Eastern Region in the future!"

In Tianyuan City, everyone was talking a lot.

The way they looked at Hisoka changed. It was not like before, with contempt and disdain for Hisoka, but with respect and admiration!

There are many people with backgrounds in Tianyuan City, such as Li Yangguang, Liu Ming and others, and their status is unusual.

Hisoka's performance undoubtedly proved his potential.

Hisoka waited in the lounge for a long time. The talents who challenged the first level gradually entered the second level. The number of people was obviously much smaller than at the beginning.

"I just don't know if these missing people were killed or escaped." Hisoka sat on his seat, resting his hands on the table and looking out the window.

There seemed to be a layer of cloud floating outside the window, which was energy fluctuations that could be sensed by the divine consciousness.

Hisoka looked at the cloud and mist, and a strange thought arose in his heart. If ordinary people's consciousness could sense this cloud of mist, perhaps they would discover the secret within it.

But these have nothing to do with Hisoka, he just needs to wait peacefully for the second level to open.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

A burst of sound rang out from the sky above the square. Everyone looked up and saw six people appearing above the square. The leader was a middle-aged man. His face was gloomy and his eyes were like lightning.

On his left and right were four young men, all of whom were in the early stages of the seventh-grade Xuandan.

These four people are the geniuses of the four major colleges in the second round of assessment. Their identities are not simple. They are the top geniuses of the four major colleges.

The examiners of the four major colleges are a fifth-grade Xuandan Grandmaster, a sixth-grade Xuandan Grandmaster, a seventh-grade Xuandan Grandmaster, and a fifth-grade Xuandan Emperor.

The assessment content is not to compete with the examiner, but to get approval from more than half of the four examiners in the battle with other people.

Only after passing this second level can Hisoka go to the third level and fight other contestants.

Hisoka's target has always been Li Mu Feng, who was promoted to the highest position.

"You have to take this second level seriously. You can't pass it purely by fighting." Hisoka calmed down and looked at the five people opposite.

The cultivation levels of those five people are all in the Mysterious Core realm. Although Hisoka is at the peak of the Nine-Star Mysterious Pill, he still has to go all out when facing these five people. After all, his current strength is only at the peak of the Nine-Star Mysterious Pill. Compared with these geniuses , there is still a big gap.

"Hisoka, I have wanted to compete with you for a long time. I thought I would not face you until the third level. I didn't expect to meet you today."

The middle-aged man stared at Hisoka with excitement in his eyes.


Hisoka snorted coldly, not wanting to waste time with the other party. He directly attacked the middle-aged man.


The attacks of the two collided, and a huge energy spread in all directions, and those who were watching were knocked over.

Not far away, the middle-aged man who was observing the ring couldn't help but be surprised, because in this collision, Hisoka was at a disadvantage.

"How could this man be stronger than I thought? How far has he reached?" Hisoka thought in his mind.

Although he was surprised, he did not panic. Instead, he fought more crazily and bravely.

"Hahaha! Hisoka, you are truly a genius! This is the first time I have seen a genius like you! It seems that your strength must have been greatly improved during these years of training, otherwise , how could it reach this level in less than a year?"

The middle-aged man said with admiration, Hisoka's praise was very helpful to him.

"If that's the case, then you should take the attack!" Hisoka's voice was bone-chilling and murderous. He flashed and appeared in front of the middle-aged man, waving his palms and slapping the middle-aged man on the head.

Not to be outdone, the middle-aged man used both fists to attack Hisoka. The speed of both of them was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they exchanged hundreds of moves.

Although Hisoka's strength is good, compared with middle-aged people, he is still far behind.

Hisoka was beaten back and forth, his wounds became more and more numerous, and his breath became weaker and weaker, but his eyes were still sharp, as if they could penetrate everything.

"No, I can never give up! I can never give up, I want to become strong!" Hisoka clenched his fists and thought to himself.

Chapter 538: The strength of the competition field gathers, and the battle begins

"Hisoka, I admit that you are indeed very powerful. I may not be your opponent, but you can't even think of defeating me easily."

The fists of the two people collided continuously, huge explosions sounded, and air waves swept around, and those who were watching were swept away by the air waves.


Hisoka was finally beaten until he vomited blood and flew back.

He was thrown away too fast, like a cannonball, and instantly made a deep hole in the ground.

Hisoka lay in the pit, curled up, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of a bitter smile: "I didn't expect that I was no match for this middle-aged man. Although I can compete with this middle-aged man, attack, but it is not his opponent yet.”

"However, I will not admit defeat! I will continue to work hard and strive for more victories, and then at the third level, I will defeat those people and become the first."

Hisoka wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up again. His body became strong again.

When he was knocked away just now, he did not fall to the ground. His physical body had surpassed black iron steel and was harder than some ordinary immortal weapons. He knew this very well.

"I don't believe I'm no match for him." Hisoka roared angrily and attacked the middle-aged man again.

This time, the two clashed again, each time more intense than the last.

Beside the two of them, there were light shields that protected them from these air waves. Otherwise, those light shields would have disappeared long ago.

"Hisoka is indeed a genius among geniuses. My attacks are ineffective against him. However, he still cannot break through my defense. My defense is much stronger than those of the sect disciples. "

The middle-aged man thought secretly.


The two attacks collided hard again.


Another loud noise was heard, and the entire competition ground was shaken by the loud noise.


Hisoka spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

The middle-aged man did not pursue him. He stood there, watching Hisoka fall to the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Hisoka, I have already said that I am not your opponent, but don't think about it easily. Beat me and let’s move on!”

"No! I haven't used all my strength yet!" Hisoka struggled to get up and pounced on the middle-aged man again.

The two fought together again, punching and kicking each other, and the whole square was shaking violently, as if a doomsday catastrophe was going on.


Explosions kept ringing out.

The two of them were as fast as lightning, and their speed was so fast that they could hardly catch their shadows.

Hisoka is not only powerful, but also has extremely weird body skills. In terms of body skills, he also has many unique methods. Whether it is swordsmanship, knife skills, or boxing skills, there are many wonderful methods. His boxing skills are very special. It is so powerful that it can kill the average Xuandan King instantly. Even people at the level of Xuandan Saint may not be his opponent.

"I'm going to break through!"

Hisoka yelled in his heart, and his cultivation began to increase.


His momentum changed again, and his strength, unknowingly, increased again.


At this moment, the energy in the entire competition field was gathering crazily, forming a terrifying vortex.

Pieces of stone slabs were crushed into pieces.

"Hisoka! What's going on? How can your strength improve again?"

The middle-aged man couldn't help being surprised when he looked at the situation in front of him.

"Haha, Lin Feng! Do you think you are very powerful? Let me tell you, I, Hisoka, still have a lot of strength! I will definitely defeat you today and take away the honor that belongs to me!"

"I'm going to step you under my feet and show you what it means to be strong!"

Hisoka's eyes shone with anger and hatred.

"Hmph! I will let you die in my hands!" The middle-aged man sneered.


He attacked Hisoka so fast that it was almost as fast as teleporting.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Hisoka used his boxing skills again.

Hisoka kept attacking the middle-aged man, and the two kept attacking in the competition field. Those around him took a few steps back for fear of being affected.

"Bang bang bang..."

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