The two were fighting in mid-air, fighting inextricably. The strong energy, like a violent storm, blew crazily around the two people, tearing the space apart, and cracks spread out.

The two men's attacks left countless horrific traces on the arena floor.

Circles of air, like waves, spread out in circles.

"Bang bang!"

There was another fierce exchange of blows.

The two were knocked away by each other again, and this time, their figures retreated uncontrollably.

"You can't hold it anymore, can you? Let's see how you can resist my attack this time!" Hisoka laughed.

"Hisoka, use all your tricks! This is our first official competition."

Chapter 539 The showdown between Hisoka and the middle-aged man Lin Feng

"In that case, I won't be polite!"


A majestic pressure came down and enveloped the entire competition field.

Under this pressure, everything around him stopped moving, even the light masks stopped moving.

"Buzz buzz..."

Many small cracks began to appear on the competition ground, and the fine cracks kept spreading.

In the blink of an eye, the entire competition ground turned into a spider web.

"Crack, click, click..."


"Boom boom boom..."

The entire competition stage collapsed in an instant.


Seeing the collapse of the competition arena, everyone around them screamed in fear and ran around. Only the practitioners with lower strength were left. Before they could run too far, they were involved in the terrifying power. Was torn into pieces in an instant.


At this moment, the entire competition stage was enveloped by the power of Hisoka and the middle-aged man. Their bodies were rolling in the air.


In the end, both of them were thrown away by the opponent's power, and fell heavily on the competition ground, one by one hitting the competition ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hisoka coughed, and strands of blood continued to flow.

The middle-aged man was not much better. He spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and there were many scars on his body. He looked very embarrassed.

His eyes were full of surprise, and he looked at Hisoka and said, "Hisoka, your strength has actually improved again. How can you be so strong? How on earth did you do it?"

This thing is incredible, Hisoka's strength has actually improved again.

"Hahaha, why should I tell you?"

Hisoka laughed loudly, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "This time, none of us can escape! I will defeat you with my fists!"


"Is it just you? I haven't lost yet!"

Lin Feng laughed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Hisoka's strength has improved, which means that he can also improve, and he has the hope of being promoted to the true realm of God!

"Lin Feng! I will never let you go this time!" Hisoka gritted his teeth, wishing to cut Lin Feng into pieces with a thousand knives.

"You are indeed a genius. It's a pity that the person you met today is me, Lin Feng!" Lin Feng laughed loudly, and when he looked at Xisuo, his eyes were full of disdain.

Although Hisoka is also a genius, compared with him, he is not worth mentioning at all. He has the talent and is very strong, but unfortunately he is not suitable for fighting.

"Lin Feng, I won't let you leave alive!" Hisoka shouted coldly and rushed towards Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng was faster and caught up with Hisoka in the blink of an eye.

Hisoka was shocked and quickly changed direction, but he was still a step too slow and Lin Feng grabbed his shoulder.

He slapped Lin Feng with his palm, but Lin Feng did not dodge and allowed Hisoka to hit him.

"Bang bang!"

All of Hisoka's attacks hit Lin Feng's chest.

Hisoka's palm contained all his power and could penetrate even a wall. However, when it hit Lin Feng's chest, it only left a trace.

"Ah! Impossible..." Hisoka looked at Lin Feng in disbelief, and was extremely shocked. He knew how powerful his palm was. Lin Feng's physical defense was obviously much worse than his.

However, even so, Lin Feng remained unscathed.

"This Lin Feng's defense is really terrifying. His body can actually resist my attack?" Hisoka was shocked.

"Hisoka, now it's my turn! Your death is coming soon!"

Lin Feng sneered and suddenly grabbed Hisoka's arm.


Hisoka yelled and resisted with all his strength.

However, in front of Lin Feng's huge power, he was completely vulnerable and was instantly knocked out and hit the ground not far away.

Hisoka vomited out a few mouthfuls of blood and struggled to stand up.

"No, my strength is still weaker than Lin Feng. If I continue, I will definitely not be Lin Feng's opponent!"

"No matter! We must find a way to get rid of Lin Feng first, and then find an opportunity to attack. Once he takes advantage, I will be in danger!"

"call out!"

At this time, Hisoka's figure flashed and disappeared.

Lin Feng frowned slightly: "Why did he disappear?"

"Hmph! I don't believe that you can hide for the rest of your life. You will definitely be caught by me!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and blew up the sand on the competition ground, blocking his sight.

He closed his eyes and meditated, sensing everything around him.

Suddenly, his ears twitched slightly and he heard footsteps coming from a distance.

"call out!"

As soon as his figure moved, he galloped forward and rushed to the front in a moment.

"call out!"

His figure flashed in the air and caught up with Hisoka.

"Hey, Hisoka, stop pretending, you can't escape now, so just surrender and capture him!" Lin Feng sneered and grabbed Hisoka's shoulder again.

Chapter 540: Lin Feng was led by Hisoka to fight

Hisoka's body trembled and his expression changed: "I can't escape!"

Lin Feng nodded, he knew Hisoka would not lie to him.

"Then what do you want? Kill if you want, don't wait!"

"Hey, I don't need to do anything to kill you!"


Hisoka's figure flashed and disappeared from where he was.

Lin Feng was shocked and quickly searched everywhere, not letting go of Xisuo.

However, at this time, Hisoka's figure suddenly appeared again.

"How could you be so powerful? How did you do it?"

"Hey, I won't hide it from you. I have practiced a special secret technique that can hide my body. This secret technique does not require any energy fluctuations and will not be harmed. This is my great strength. I'll let you try it now!"


Hisoka's mouth made a slight sound.

"Bang bang!"


Lin Feng felt that Hisoka was hit twice in the chest. His face immediately turned pale and he spurted out two mouthfuls of blood.

Lin Feng covered his chest and looked at Hisoka in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

"Hey, Lin Feng, your body is stronger than I imagined. Your body is actually stronger than my defense. You are indeed a genius!"

"I admit, I fell into your hands this time!"

"However, you won't be happy for long. My master is not a simple man. He can send just one disciple and it will be enough to deal with you. Just wait!"

"Haha! Lin Feng, so what if you kill me, you will never be able to kill me! Your body is very strong, but in the face of absolute strength, you are still very fragile, haha!"

Hisoka laughed maniacally.

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, his figure turned into nothingness again.

"Huh? Disappeared again!"

Lin Feng frowned. He didn't feel anything when he saw Hisoka disappear just now, but now, he felt danger. This was an intuition. He believed that his senses would not go wrong.

"Damn it, this kid Hisoka actually dares to lie to me!"

Lin Feng cursed and turned around quickly, preparing to continue the pursuit. However, before he could move, he saw a black afterimage shooting rapidly from a distance. The speed was extremely fast, and it brought up a gust of wind, which hit him fiercely. It hit Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng stumbled and was knocked out.


Fell to the ground.

Lin Feng felt a burning pain in his chest. This pain was even more intense than before.

He even suspected that his ribs were broken.

He reluctantly got up and saw Hisoka squatting next to him, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing Lin Feng stand up, Hisoka laughed loudly and said: "Lin Feng, you have finally woken up. Your strength is still not as good as mine. You still dare to chase me at this time. You are really stupid!"

"I am stupid, I will catch up with you and make you pay the price!"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and his figure once again erupted with terrifying power. He turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Hisoka. He was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared beside Hisoka.

Lin Feng held a dagger in his hand and stabbed Hisoka like lightning.

Hisoka snorted coldly, shook his right hand, and threw the dagger in his hand.

This short sword is his weapon. Although it is not a magic weapon, it is still very sharp.

The tip of the dagger, with a cold light, struck Lin Feng's throat.

Lin Feng had a mocking smile on his face.

This Hisoka wants to sneak attack him, this is simply asking for death!


The dagger was only three centimeters away from Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned his wrist and flicked it, and the dagger flew away.


A bloodstain appeared on Hisoka's arm, and a deep wound suddenly appeared on Hisoka's palm, with bright red blood flowing gurglingly.


Hisoka took a breath. He looked down and saw that the blood on his arm had solidified and was dripping.

His wounds are gone.

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